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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • Hadge
    Free Member

    Creaks can come from a multitude of places, for instance is it an old chainset you've fitted – are the crank bolts greased slightly? The seatpost fit – always a good place to look first. It's a matter of eliminating them all one by one and you'll get to the bottom of it. If it's still there after you've checked all the parts you've fitted then that's the time take it back to the shop. Nice bike too.

    Free Member

    Very nice bike indeed. As for the 575 being the best I'm afraid that's not quite true. Having owned the 575, Intense 5.5 and 5 Spot (HL) and having ridden an Ibis Mojo SL for a while I'd stick by the Turner anyday – that's why I've had two. I sold my first for the 575 and bought another when I wanted a 5"+ travel bike. I've not ridden the 5 but I will one day but hope you enjoy yours.

    Free Member

    It's not an isolated case and it's something us at BETD have found with lots of the Hope Pro 2's. Call us on Monday and we will sort you out no problem.

    Free Member

    Shooting – U21 European Air-Pistol Champion many many moons ago. I found pistol shooting just came natural to me. Won quite a few competitions over the years and really enjoyed it. First time I walked into my local club I posted a 92ex100 card and it just got better and better. Also Staffs champ at air-rifle and shot for GB in Practical Pistol. But as many will say – it's debatable if shooting is a sport but I always will say it is hehe

    Nothing else I've ever competed in at a higher level but I was captain of school cricket team, scrum half for the school team at Rugby Union and competed for Staffs at athletics (100m & 200m plus relay).
    I've no desire to compete in any bike riding events as I enjoy it purely as a hobby. Had enough of the serious side of competing with shooting and don't want that ever again thank you.

    Free Member

    I understand both sides – yes he/she is entitled to be out with their dogs but on my local trails I had a row with some dog-owners who pointed out I wasn't supposed to be riding on a particular trail. I was with friends who ignored them but I pointed out that I was wrong to do so but they were also walking their dogs in an area where signs show that dogs should be on a lead and non of theirs were – my point being both of us were wrong. The week prior to this my next door neighbours young girl had her teeth smashed in when some huge dog ran at her in this particular place and the owner ran off because he knew that the girl and her parents would have got the police involved but alas it didn't happen. We are allowed to use the countryside – repsonsibly!

    Free Member

    And you can sleep easy tonight in the knowledge that they are :wink:

    Free Member

    I'm sorry but if your really bothered about the weight difference between these two "non top of the range" disc brakes sets then your barking up the wrong tree. There are far far lighter brake sets about but they will cost you a lot more but that's part of their selling point. The two you've mentioned are just good medium priced sets so if your looking for a decent weight saving then try your tyres or some other parts because these aren't part of that group. That said you'll be happy with either set ok.

    Free Member

    Shot a gun!!! Jesus I owned 2 S&W 44 Magnums, 2 .357 Colt Pythons, 3 .45ACP Colt auto's, various .22LR, .22 Short pistols, 7mm Rem Magnum Long Range handgun, .32 Britarms, 9mm Browning pistol plus a few more handguns, 7.62 H&K SLR, .223 Colt AR16 (M16 to you) 9mm Sterling and UZI, .243 Win Parker Hale deer stalking rifle and lot and lots of airweapons.

    Free Member

    Check out the mtbr site as they are massive 5 Spot fans on there plus there's plenty of info and tips too. I would have thought it wasn't the travel that's the problem but maybe your stem/handlebar combo. If I remember right though there are a few people who've fitted 160 forks to their 5 Sots even without the longer travel plates.

    Free Member

    My mums sunday roasts were amazing and I've never had anything ever like them after all these years! Her grazy was so so good you could almost bottle it.

    Free Member

    His new bike that is lol.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Totally agree with the bit about the bike though – it's "another bike" and would have been much better if it was something that could be fitted to existing bikes.

    Free Member

    Music and how it is replayed is purely subjective, just like art, food, wine and different mtb's – so if you enjoy it on a £200 hi-fi that's perfectly acceptable – just as riding a £500 mtb and still smiling after a good ride.
    I'm keeping my CDs as I've changed my player a few times and I've made the sound better each time (IMHO) so who knows where technology will take us and as high-end players get cheaper second-hand. I've bought all my hi-fi second-hand and saved a massive amount against new and it's all decent stuff.I also enjoy the flat earth stuff and much prefer vinyl and all the things that go with that too :-)

    Free Member

    Check here[/url] for any info. I've used this forum site and posted on it and you'll find some very useful help. I did think about getting some a while ago and I would have done some research on this site first. Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    Elf, I use Canon D1's Mk3's which ARE pro cameras and are built like tanks and are proper cast metal bodies, in other words they are very very robust! Just like F5's. I used to use EOS1vHS when shooting film and those too are built like brick-shit houses. The CF cards are perfectly fine and I've never ever suffered any problems with them , just like the vast majority of pro's too.

    Free Member

    That crap that lots and lots and lots of pro's use Canons with crap in them lol.

    Free Member

    Sensor sizes do affect depth of field – hence why I use a full-frame Canon 1Ds . Certainly your lens does too but the sensor issue is something that is now apparent with DSLR's. What the aperture does on your lens is allows you to control it.

    Free Member

    A chemists

    Free Member

    One thing you can't buy Justa is an eye for a good picture – you will learn that in a class and for some it is something they naturally have. The G11 is a very very good camera and will certainly take excellent pictures and is easy to take with you when you go riding. If you get bitten by the bug then progress to the next level and get a DSLR.

    Free Member

    People buy expensive cameras as the top DSLR's are like tanks and will take virtually any abuse thrown at them or by them! My D1s Mk3 weighs a ton but is sealed against the elements and will take being dropped, soaked with rain, works in freezing conditions etc and it allows you to control it on so many ways.
    I totally agree with you Elfin as my daughter has a very good "eye" as they say and when she uses my compact the results are very very good as she definitely has an artistic eye so it proves she certainly doesn't need money thrown at her get a very good picture.

    Free Member

    Have Canon D1s Mk3's so no worries whatsoever. Having said that I don't take them out unless I wanted do a photo shoot as I've a Canon G9 which will be more than sufficent for 95% of my needs. As long as your DSLR is packed away sensibly it should be fine but remember to guard against moisture

    Free Member

    HCB took pictures that are "art" which is purely subjective. He certainly couldn't take pictures of F1 cars zooming round a circuit and who says they aren't good?
    Photography is about getting things right subjectively and technically and so remember that and enjoy the hobby.

    Free Member

    Happens to me every now and then but I get the missus kiss it better

    I'll get my coat……..

    Free Member

    You will if she's reading this :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    No it's basically people with nothing else better to get on with than trying brainwash their ethics onto other like minded "sheep"

    If it tastes nice – eat it – end of.

    Free Member

    Tim, would that be a full-sus woman then? Mines FS but I think her shocks need a bit more air in them pmsl

    Free Member

    It's a bit unfair compare the 2 side by side as really the Nomad is a competitor to the 6.6 being honest and the Blur LT is a better side-by-side bike to compare against the 5.5
    I've had a 5.5 and as long as you look after the bearings then it will be fine. The VPP system works really well, climbs well and tracks small bumps superbly and as for going downhill the 5.5 is a blast. Yes it's a bit steeper than the LT but as an all day bike it's a very very fine bike and builds up quite light if you want. I got mine down to 25.5lb without too much spent on it

    I also had a Blur too and the 5.5 was a much better all-round bike being honest but if it was a pick between the Nomad and 5.5 I'd still go for the 5.5 as an all-day ride. Hope that helps a bit.

    Free Member

    That Klein is stunning. Always wanted one of those frames as the paint jobs and looks are to die for.

    Free Member

    Endura Stealth jacket and merino base layer = sorted. I do use bib-tights as my legs get very cold and I'm looking get something a bit warmer for this winter and I'd like some decent winter boots as I've only really got race shoes and my pinkies get a bit chilly in them.

    Free Member

    Id go with the Floats as like I said earlier they are very good performers and a bit more user friendly in setting weight/sag for the days ride. You'd definitely be happy with either pair that's for sure and the 15mm axle is ace.

    Free Member

    I'm using the 09 140mm Floats with the 15mm axle and having also owned the 08 140 Vanilla's I can definitely say the Floats are better. I loved the Vans as I really liked the buttery smooth coil action and their extra weight never bothered me one bit. I had the Floats as they were at a bargain price and the performance has been superb and they've never let me down. They don't suffer the stiction that my Talas RLC's always seemed to suffer and being air are easier to adjust than a coil fork. Not sure which models your looking at but I'd recommend them any day.

    Free Member

    This was in my opinion the prettiest bike I ever owned, my Merlin Oreas. It's a fabulous frame, superbly made and had kit fitted on it that not only was bling but also all of it worked really well

    Free Member

    The blue is really really nice in the flesh though.

    Free Member

    Grrrrr! I'm waiting for my demo DW Link 5 Spot to arrive but I've got an old HL Spot and have ridden the Mojo SL. The SL is a very nice bike, quiet for a carbon bike and rides really well. Climbing is impresive and it goes downhill fine and as can be found they can be built up very light indeed. What I always say though is that ANY of the top brand bikes, Intense Tracer, Yeti 575, Ibis Mojo blah blah blah ALL peform very well and you really need to test ride them to find which suits you and your needs best as I guarantee you, non of them will disappoint you.
    I had an SL over a short period of time and it never suffered chainsuck whatsover but that's something that can affect any bike so bear that in mind.

    Free Member

    The vast majority of snakes sold in the UK are captive bred so are not taken from the wild. It's the usual "hatred/dislike" of snakes but I guess you'll go all gooey eyed when you see a nice marine tank with lovely "Dory" Regal Tangs in them yet it's virtually impossible to breed marine fish and 99% are imported, travelling many many hundreds of miles and some of those die in transit but nothings said about them as they look so stunning.

    Free Member

    Yes it does work well, yes it DOES degrease your bearings so make sure you wash it all off! It doesn't dull your paintwork and so is much much better than washing-up liquid so get some but watch those bearings!

    Free Member

    You'd definitely be fine on a medium. I'm more "small" than "medium" on most bikes but the Turner and Intense are fine as a medium.

    Free Member

    The picture quality in HD is shocking too!

    Free Member

    Heard a small "thunk" on my kitchen window last week and went outside to find a swallow on the floor. It was just stunned so I gently picked it up and held it for a few minutes before releasing to watch it carry on chasing flies above my house. I usually get pigeon "crucifiction" outlines on my bedroom window where they've flown into it and one a while ago was being chased by a Sparrowhawk lol.

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