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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • Hadge
    Free Member

    Yes – a small will be too small. I rode one for a while and I usually ride medium bikes (Turner 5 Spot is my current bike but had Intense 5.5 too) and although I could ride it ok I did feel a little “squashed” in sort of. I rode a medium a while later and felt much more at home on it.

    Free Member

    No – get the Heckler :-)

    Free Member

    Oasis – What’s The Story(Morning Glory)
    Fleetwood Mac – Rumours
    Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On
    REM – Out Of Time
    U2 – The Joshua Tree
    Dire Straits – Love Over Gold
    Bruce Springsteen – Born In The USA
    Killers – Hot Fuss
    Elbow – Seldom Seen Kid
    The Verve – Urban Hymns

    In no particular order either.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine has one of these – the proper Audi Quattro Sport

    Built for homologation for Group B racing it’s an incredible car. Wheelbase shorter than a Mini Metro and a fabulous rocket ship. His is kept in a heated garage along with a few other nice “boys toys”

    Free Member

    Laughing at someone is funny ffs!!!!!! If some footballer completely misses a ball, or a rider falls off his bike in a funny way – how is not laughing at “them” not funny????? If someone on the tv screws up their lines – isn’t laughing at “them” funny??? Some of you need to chill a bit and get a life.

    Free Member

    Because he’s thick, insular, intellectually retarded and a xenophobic twunt! Because he’s saying things that most people daren’t say in case they “offend” the politically correct turd! He’s a living Homer Simpson – as in funny.

    Free Member

    It’s brilliant!!!! Karl is an absolute legend and so so funny.

    Free Member

    When the US began it’s campaign to re-take the islands along the path to Japan so they could build runways to bomb mainland Japan, the loss of life was incredible – on both sides. The Japanesse soldiers just woudln’t surrender and every square inch of ground was fought for at a terrible loss to human lives. When the Americans considered what would happen if they landed on mainland Japan and calculated the loss of American soldiers it was then decided to drop the bomb and then “save” lives in doing so. I know it sounds very bad and unusual but many many war critics, personel and polictical leaders all agree today that many many thousands of people would have died by invading Japan, way way more than what were lost due to the 2 bombs so maybe, just maybe they died to save a lot more. One of the many many reasons why ANY conflict is not good and innocent people do die unfortunately.

    Free Member

    There’s very little to choose with any of the boutique brands and it will come down to which floats your boat more I guess. I had a 5.5 Intense and 5 Spot at the same time and both are superb bikes. But living with them long term I found the 5.5 needed constant maintenance on it’s bearings to keep it running sweet – nothing bad but compared to the Turner it was more work. Both rode very well, climbed well and descended well but I sold both and bought a Yeti 575 – the 08 model in the hope it had the best bits of both of the fore-mentioned bikes. But it didn’t, even though it was a good bike in it’s own right. I sold it due to an injury which thankfully has got better and so when I looked for a decent full-susser again I went for the one I liked the best – the Turner.
    If I was buying the Epiphany I’d go down the light XC build – nice light wheels etc and I know it would be round the 25lb mark and would make a superb fast XC bike. I’m not saying the 5 Spot couldn’t be built like that but I remember having a lot of fun on mine when it had a nice coil shock and coil forks – plush as hell and very very sure footed.

    Free Member

    I own a 5 Spot and I nearly bought an Epiphany but having already owned a Spot previously I went for what I knew and what I liked. The Spot can be built up a bit more beffier than the Epiphany, which is known to suffer from a bit of flex and so most people build them up on the light side – XC’ish. My mates got one so I’ll see if I can beg a go on his to see how it goes (hey up Tony!). To me I’d see the Epiphany being a real fast XC mile muncher, along with the newer Yeti 575 whereas the 5 Spot is one that can handle some of the more “all-mountain” stuff. Just my opinion though ok.

    Free Member

    We had a customer bring in a carbon rear stay off his 575 and that was replaced no problem at all. I’ve no idea as to why some shops get dealt with immediately and some take for ages – maybe you should ask them or even try speak to the rep as he may know. I know our Yeti rep and he’s always very very helpful so maybe that’s why.

    Free Member

    I’ve spoke about the “damage” aspect of a full carbon frame to my friends and it is something you must consider, especially when you come to sell it later on. I rode my 575 like a prat at first as I was so scared of doing any damage but they are there to be enjoyed so if shit happens it happens. The Ibis is amazingly quiet and sounds like a normal alloy bike plus they can be built up in to quite a light build as well although my 575 came in just under 25lb with no OTT stuff on it. I guess the Intense Tracer is another to consider but I’d definitely try ride them all and see what you think. There’s not a lot to choose between any of them being honest as they will all perform very very well. Maybe long-term performance is something to be considered in which caase the Turners have always done well – hence why I’m on my second 5 Spot.

    Free Member

    but am looking for something which isn’t seen all the time at the trail centres etc.

    I’m sorry but you will see an awful lot of these at trail centres as they are popular bikes with the trail centre crowd. I had an 08 575 and really liked it although they do measure up big for their size and I had a medium but could have easily got away with a small. I’ve only had a very brief ride on a DW Link Turner as I own a HL 5 Spot but I was impressed with the ride from what I could tell and how the suspension action worked. For that sort of money I’d definitely consider the Ibis Mojo SL which is a very nice ride indeed and I liked a lot. Our shop has shipped shed loads of SL’s out this year and not many 575’s as for pound for pound there’s a lot going on with the Ibis compared to both the Yeti and Turner. If your in the Midlands (Staffordshire) come over to our shop and try a demo bike.

    Free Member

    One guy had all his bushings replaced with normal bearings at our place. The whole lot was machined and then bearings fitted. No idea how successful the conversion was but I’ll see if I can get any info when I go back into work tomorrow.

    Free Member

    My old 5 Spot

    and my “new” 5 Spot

    I’ve fitted some Pushed travel plates to my latest Spot as I do prefer them with the 140mm forks. I had the DHX coil on my older one which was fantastic and I’m looking find one with a Ti spring again. I’ve yet to try the DW Link one for a long ride after having a very very brief test on one but I did like the initial feel so can’t wait try it properly and see.

    Free Member

    They’ve changed the type required for first generation and second generation frames. Best thing do is take a picture of your hanger – even if it’s broke and email and we will try help you ok.

    Free Member

    Simple KINGTUT, it looked like I was going to have to stop riding altogether! So why have an expensive bike like that just to look at? Doh.

    Free Member

    The SLX chainset is a really nice piece of kit and well worth the extra over the Deore model. I’d definitely go the whole hog and stump up the extra for the SLX stuff as I believe it’s possibly the best value for money stuff oput there for performance/functionality and finish/looks.

    Free Member

    I definitely agree on whether they are worth double or triple an equivalent steel frame which was why I couldn’t resist my Merlin for £600 :D

    Free Member

    I no longer own this as I had to sell due to an injury but this has always been my favourite build of any bike I’ve ever done and one of the best riding too. Fabulous build quality from a proper US Merlin made Oreas with nice bling bits like Tune hubs, XTR, X0, Avid Ultimates, Easton EC90 etc etc. So wish I still had it but guess it was just one of those things. Always gets lots of complimentary comments too which is always pleasing :-)

    Free Member

    Realman you have to understand sometimes we are at the mercy of someone else too! Not everyone has service like CRC and with the best will in the world, suppliers sometimes let shops down with spares. It’s frustrating for the shops just as much as the punters I assure you.

    Free Member

    If a shop takes a job on that needs parts and they’ve got non then obviously they have to get them from their supplier and they will have to wait. Maybe that’s why they took so long. If they already knew they had non and declined to take your job on would you have been happy with that service from them – even if they were being honest?

    Free Member

    It is pathetic and a very very sad reflection on our society today.

    Free Member

    Sky HD boxes are shitte – I’m on my fourth HD box! Yesterday a glitch on the “Anytime” red button meant when you pressed it, the box just turned off! I rang Sky and there was an automated reply telling you how to rectify it so obviously lots and lots of people were affected. Sky like new customers and treat their long standing ones very very poorly.

    Free Member

    As stated above. It should bend back ok just like the ones on steel frames do and you can’t on very cheap alloy frames – hence replaceable gear hangers.

    Free Member

    I make nice shiny bits for you riders and some one-offs for those who are stuck requiring certain bits and pieces. Help my mates selling stuf for them too plus a bit of local trail building.

    Free Member

    My favourite feature is the EF400mm f2.8L IS lens on the front of it :D The full frame sensor is superb too.

    Free Member

    That's brilliant, really enjoyed that.

    Free Member

    It's shitte because you don't like it! There's an enormous anount of people that do and it brings lot of money in – it's a business.

    Free Member

    Cracking film and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Free Member

    Mine was a joke – I couldn't afford a tent for the mistress let alone a house! She did wave my willy though, or was that another word that starts with a "w" pmsl

    Free Member

    There was a post on another forum saying what music should be played to him when he arrives. Some of the answers were brilliant – then the thread got stopped. I never got to say "Don't let your son go down on me" I was gutted!
    By the way I'm a Catholic, non practicing now but I think the churches blind ignorance and blatant cover-up of these abuse cases is beyond dispicable and the guilty ones should be flogged!

    Free Member

    A house – for the mistress :wink:

    Free Member

    Went to Texas watch a game – amazing time. I'd love to go to the new Stadium as it looks very very impressive. Have you seen how big that screen is!!!!! It's huuuuuuuuuuggggggggggeeeeeeeee!!

    Free Member

    We've got 2 games on Sky, 1 on Ch4 and I think ESPN are doing Monday night games – a proper fest of NFL. Cowboys are on again next week too :D but being honest I watch all of them as I like any good matches.

    Free Member

    Great full-back but can you compare him to Emmitt Smith? He was awesome – if it wasn't for the salary cap the Cowboys with Smith, Aikman, Irvin, Sanders etc etc would have dominated for a few more years I believe. Great team and some great Superbowl wins too.

    Free Member

    Can't believe McNabb left Philly! I doubt any QB or player put more heart and soul into that team than him. Hope you loose though hehe. I must have started about 82 because I was listening to the Armed Forces Network so I could hear the Dallas games. I won one of the competitions on the show and still have it on tape pmsl.

    Free Member

    I'll be watching and trying stay awake as I'm a Cowboy fan and have been since 83 when I started listening to it on the radio lol. Really would be great to play in the Superbowl this year at the home stadium – doubt it though somehow.

    Free Member

    If you had seen the damage on the packaging you should have contacted Wiggle first and took a picture to prove how they arrived. They could probably claim off the Royal Mail then for the damage.

    Free Member

    Like the guy gives a toss over your comments lol.

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