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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • Hadge
    Free Member

    You have to laugh. The problem with the posting thing is nothing at all to do with ebay. If your new to it you really should have sent it by recorded post – it’s still cheap to do so especially if the item has little value. Then you’ve proff of postage and a point of call if something happens. Remember for next time ok.

    Free Member

    Yanks – don’t you just love them – not! Please don’t get me started!!!! 😈

    Free Member

    There’s nothing wrong with Elfin, he’s going bed tonight and cuddle up with his Alonso cabbage patch doll 😉

    Free Member

    Alonso was told exactly what to say at the press conference – he has to be “seen” to be a good sport when after all the goings on at Renault and their cheating ways and all the crap at Mclaren when he found out he had a driver in the next pit to him that was capable of beating him and did! There’s no doubting Alonso has talent – that’s never been disputed – but he’s a very sore loser and his tantrum on the closing down lap showed that – just as Shoemaker did with Coulthard all those years ago and Schuey said him and david were good mates after – yeah right!

    Free Member

    So glad the cheating Spaniard didn’t get it!!! See him try hit Petrov at the end!!!! Pmsl

    Free Member

    I’m sorry but to say you live in a country that doesn’t have to go to war misses the point. What an ideal world if every singel human being thought so and we could all live in peace but sadly that isn’t possible. Human nature as it is will always have someone who thinks they are right and thier way should be the way of everyone else – it’s been like this I guess from the very first cavemen! Animals will fight over territory or a mate so it’s something we humans do over other things too – oppression, religion etc etc. Don’t even start to tell me we are of an higher intelligence than animals because I know that but has that ever stopped a Hitler, or god knows who from stopping and thinking “hey up, this isn’t right” – er no!! Elfin this world is far far far from perfect and it’s a shame anyone has to put their life on the line to defend their rights, their beliefs, their homes and families – BUT IT HAPPENS!

    Free Member

    I would do so if I had to. Wars are a terrible terrible thing and the death of ANY human being isn’t good. With any conflict those in charge will give reasons why they had to do it with endless counter arguements as to why it shouldn’t happen in the first place. Then there are reasons we will never understand why, never ever know the truth about and never ever put right if it was for the wrong reasons. When you watch the drama’s like “The Pacific” and see how brutal war can be, even if it’s “done for tv” they now put those involved, those who’s story it was written about and then you see just how it’s affected them, how they cry, how you see tears well up in their eyes at them thinking about fallen commrades and even about the enemy too – it’s deeply depply upsetting and not good. No war is good. End of.

    Free Member

    I think Hayes made even more money from outside the fight by betting on a third round knock-out. Now to me if he’s said that isn’t that illegal to do? As for useless Harrison he has never ever been able to box and always has been a total waste of time. Haye I believe had to fight to keep the belt and useless Harrison was the only option to take.

    Free Member

    It is a bit of marketing but if you rode your xc lightweight wheels down some very steep rocky stuff very hard they might not last too long. So manufacturers didn’t probably want to put “heavy duty” on their parts as you may have then thought – heavy – er not what I want. So “All Mountain” is basically a bit more beefy than xc but not quite downhill stuff. What it sort of does is point people in the right direction for stuff they “may” need 🙂

    Free Member

    Englands performance today was one of grit and determination. The Aussies were dangerous but England definitely wanted it more today. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction and with better things to come.

    Free Member

    I’d do a Google search for an independant but remember this Omega will guarantee any work done. Near me I had what people said was a repectable watchmaker-repair guy – been in business years and he almost fecked one of my TAG’s up so to me it was a lesson learned. Do Chealwatches only do TAG’s? I use them now but can’t remember if they do any other watches but for anyone who owns a TAG they are superb.

    Free Member

    It’s another case of big brother watching you and the way they can use whatever you say or do to get and end result. I know of someone who had a car that broke down big time – big money bill and went on a rant about it on various forums and of course Facebook. Suggestions were made to “have the car disappear” and then claim on the insurance. Needless to say that’s what happened and the car got “stolen” When he came to claim for it he thought he would be ok but after a few weeks of digging by them, the insurance company came back and laid out clear what they thought and they said he was trying to defraud them. I believe that the police got involved too and then it came down to checking phone records and in the end he had to admit what happened. End result no money payout and no car either – remember – say nothing!

    Free Member

    Now that’s interesting. Get him to see an employment solicitor and see what they say and then if he manages keep his job then make sure he sticks it out until the very end. There might be more to this than meets the eye as it doesn’t surprise me the lengths some companies go to to get out of paying people redundancy pay.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do in life that could have legal implications then it’s imperative you never ever post it on any site never mind Facebook. Countless numbers of people have been caught out by a quick Google search and Facebook is a prime site for getting info – especially for insurance companies checking fraudulent claims. I once got a telling off where I worked because my relative went for an interview for an engineering apprenticeship and I told him engineerings a dead-end job – as a laugh. But this twonk repeated what I said when he was asked did he know anyone who worked at the company that was doing the interview. Yes you can guess he said me and then repeated what I’d said to MY BOSS!!!!! I was hauled into the office and told keep my opinions to myself so I guess the current Facebook thing that’s happened is vey valid. Even if he doesn’t loose his job the problems back at work will not go away and they will find it very difficult to carry on. Hope it gets sorted out though.

    Free Member

    People sell TAG boxes on eBay so a box isn’t a guarantee it’s genuine. I wouldn’t touch one without papers and original receipt. I know a few genuine sellers on there and know a top top service shop who they both use. Take it to a dealer and if it’s a fake them as you’ve paid by PayPal just get in touch with them and eBay. If his listing says it’s genuine then you’ve got them – if it doesn’t say anytihng you could be on dodgy ground.

    Free Member

    Gerrard does not elbow someone in the face most weekends as I guarantee the tv judges would show it everytime! All these football shows be it on Sky or the Beeb DO pick up on what goes on as there are cameras all over the place and these days play like that doesn’t go un-noticed so please make statements that are fact! As for the Essien tackle it has made the news, I missed it – haven’t seen it yet but I hope if it was as bad as people say then he gets his just rewards – as does any player who commits such bad fouls.

    Free Member

    Glad it seems to be sorted bt what buyers have to understand is that private sellers aren’t CRC or Merlin and we do live normal lives and somethimes things happen. We all can’t post immediately and sometimes work or family commitments come first. When I sell I do my best get it away as quick as possible but it just isn’t always possible. Hope you like it when it arrives too.

    I’m just waiting hear about what’s happened at work now and see just what’s been taken. I work at BETD Goldtec and it’s our shop that’s been raided. Scum bags.

    Free Member

    Pmsl GG – ok your excused this time :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    So if Gary Glitter attended sessions for whatever he gets up to and donated money or bought mini-buses to Childline we would all think he’s changed his ways??? Yeah right.

    Free Member

    Check other posts by him on the site – it may be a genuine case of him not being able to reply as he may be away or something. I’ve sold something last week, been paid for and I’ve sent emails to the buyer about things relating to it and he’s not answered once! Here’s me all concerned about carriage, making sure he’s in etc and I’m left in the dark.
    Worst of all just lately though is people paying by “gift” to save on fees (not sure who gets charged on that – sender or receiver) but you’ve got no cover so always always pay by the normal PayPal method adn then there’s at least some comeback. If your a seller then add that onto whatever it is your selling and let them know why.
    I’ve just called work to make arrangements for someone pick a frame up I’ve sold and been told we’ve been broken into and that’s one of the things that’s been taken!!! Thieving scum. I think they’ve got one of the lads and they may have the frame but not sure if it’s damaged so will have to wait and see – not good.

    Free Member

    attends regualy anger management

    Well after Wednesdays performance they look like they’re working perfectly! Exucse me but there is a referee on the pitch who is SUPPOSED to be in charge – not some punch throwing jail bird!

    Free Member

    What is apparent is that Barton has very very little respect from any other Premiership players for the things he’s done and what he says. We have seen the likes of Steven Gerrard hit that guy but what we don’t understand and have to put up with is the constant endless abuse from the public when they’re off the pitch and even knowing how much my local Premiership players get I guess he isn’t the first player to flip or will he be the last – some dorks just see them as an easy target and want make a name for themselves by having a go at the big names to look good for their mates.

    Free Member

    Hour markers ARE luminous and depends on the watch model how much too. For instance the F1 watch has little dots that are luminous where as Links have small strips of luminous markings on the hour markers. Hope that helps 🙂

    Free Member

    Pissing in the night and never hitting the bowl – and leaving the seat down while doing it 😀

    Free Member

    Depends if you can get the chip (shouldn’t be that hard – try Farnells etc) and then you need someone who can remove the faulty one and fit the new one. It’s one of those pain in the arse repairs I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    This was taken over 25 years ago with my first camera lol

    Free Member

    I’ve been using HT2 stuff for years now but I still love the old UN71/72 bb’s for their total fit and forget durability. I’m very tempted to back to some Middleburn stuff but as you say, the newer HT2 cranks are a bit stiffer. Some HT2 bb’s do last a while but some, especially RaceFace stuff last weeks never mind months! Sorry it doesn’t quite answer your question but I think it’s one that many many HT2 users have asked themselves for ages.

    Free Member

    For ANYONE who wants a Linn LP12, call Cymbiosis and have them service it and set it up – after that it will travel very well. There’s too much bull about Linn’s and their inability to travel well but basically once it’s done well by someone like them there’s no problems at all and I’d recommend them to any Linn owner too. It isn’t rocket science to do either and is just like setting the suspension up on your bike, take a bit of care and time and you’ll manage it no problem. I’ve owned 3 Linns and I really like the sound but for your needs and a smallish lp collection a s/h Rega Planar 3 would be perfect and even if you didn’t enjoy the vinyl experience, when you sell it you’ll still get most of your money back.

    Free Member

    You’ll need a phono stage for one so if your amp hasn’t got one then that’s the first point of call. As for the turntable a Rega 3 will be ideal. I know there’s the Linn LP12 and I even own one but most second-hand ones are bodged ones, especially those on ebay and they do need careful setting up to work well. New they are ridiculously expensive so don’t even go there as there are better for the money. The Rega as a fabulous arm in the RB300 and you won’t break the bank buying one.

    Free Member




    Incy Wincy


    and Bad Ass

    I have a few more T’s but no pics of those as yet 😀

    Free Member

    Excuse me while I just wipe the drool from off my keyboard. Jammy git 😉

    Free Member

    If you enjoy B&W then do yourself a favour and try get some infra-red film and try that out – absolutely stunning. You’ll need a bag to load the film into the camera and you’ll need specialist developers and printers now but they will be so worth it. Even the simplest landscape becomes a thing of beauty especially if there’s lots of cloud detail to be had. I ran a camera club many years ago and we had a guy do a talk who took nothing but these and developed and printed his own stuff and his prints were incredible. Just an old guy, basic camera and lots of skill.

    Free Member

    There are clearly two wrongs here – the second though is the result from the first action. The second war and invasion of Iraq was totally and utterly wrong and for all the wrong reasons. It’s clearly been proved the WMD’s did not exist. The subsequent stationing of the troops was wrong, the whole saga of what happened was so wrong and the US especially should be made to face justice for their actiosn as should those from our government especially those who buried their heads in the sands when they clearly knew all those attrocities were going on and the Iraqi’s were killing themselves. As a total outsider to all thsi, the programmes the BBC showed made me feel sick that a country like ours could allow this to happen and worse still, lives of our soldiers were lost for such actions. I understand that there are times when wars unfortunately have to be fought for freedom and against oppression but the second war against Iraq was NEVER that and countless lives of totally innocent children, civilians and soldiers have been lost for nothing!
    The leaks by those has endangered the lives of some and is wrong but it’s a wrong action for something that never should have happened in the first place.

    Free Member

    Last week or so the BBC showed 2 films about what was going on in Irag, one about the insurgents and one about all things in general and it was shown on there that the US knew all about the torture by the Iraqi police etc and just let it happen! It really was mind boggling to watch. If you get chance use BBC iplayer to watch them.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure we do 29er wheelbuilds at BETD Goldtec. We certainly have lots of rims in especially the Stans ZTR stuff as we do loads of those builds

    Free Member

    Oh dear pmsl. Doesn’t Gomez realize what a red card means! He’s had two now lol

    Free Member

    I’m not a Man Utd fan but remember forms temporary and class is permanent and Rooney if he leaves Utd he will come back and haunt them big time with which ever club he plays for. I agree with Fergie, no player is bigger than the club – as Keane, Beckhan, Veron and Stam found out. No one can deny how good Fergie has been for that club, especially his man-management skills. I think Rooney will go and will go to one of the Spanish giants. That way he will leave all the latest tabloid stuff about his personal stuff behind – that and about £200k per week wages.

    Free Member

    Watched it as soon as I woke up. I’m afraid Stoner owns that track and he is just unbeatable there. Even Rossi said all he wanted do was beat Casey – which meant if he did then he would win. Great ride by Casey too and even Jorges second place was a great result.

    Lorrenzo must be looking forward to the next race as he’s always done well there (Estoril) but I’m glad that Dani Pedrosa saw some sense and didn’t race today but it’s still not good that he travelled all that distance to find out he couldn’t ride with the injury he has. Bad call Dani and the team I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    I’ve been a Liverpool fan all my life, been going since 79 and I’ve never in all those years seen a team with so little fight, spirit, belief, confidence and passion in all my life! Hodgson is doing himself no favours whatsover with his useless tactics and the whole stink and smell of failure is reeking through-out the whole set up. They won’t go down but I doubt they will get above mid-table and then god only knows where it will end up.

    Free Member

    By the way I had a Blur – it was a medium too. The medium Ibis I rode had an inline post and 70mm stem (I think) where as the small had a lay-back post and 70mm stem. I’m about 5ft 8ins and I would definitely go for the medium. If you want nip down to BETD Goldtec we have a small you could try and plenty of mediums being built up all the time too.

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