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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • Hadge
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    I’ll say my bit – and agree how can a band from Bury be classed as “middleclass”???? Take the time to listen to the words and understand what they mean. Their songwriting is brilliant and they say things most people go “hey that’s right” but have no idea how to say it. Seldom Seen Kid was THE album of 2008 and I was so looking forward to Build A Rocket Boys and must admit when I first heard it I thought “Oh”
    But it’s honestly honestly just got better and better and I love it. I did at first think it had about 3 stand-out tracks but no way, not anymore, it’s getting up to SSK standards with Open Arms, Lippy Kids, With Love, Neat Little Rows, The Night Will Always Win and Dear Friends – it’s a brilliant album.

    Free Member

    Best smell – Castrol R – speedway bikes, 2-strokes running it – absolutely fabulous smell.

    Worst smell – a guy I once worked with – you could see flowers wilting when he walked past!

    Free Member

    That Green Bottle Blue is stunning Pete and I see why they are sought after. I love those Baboons you have – I do hope one day to maybe get a couple more but we shall see.
    Tarantula’s are fine if you careful and know what your doing but I undestand other peoples fears. I mean this little baby with it’s baby teeth wouldn’t hurt at all I’m sure – not.

    Free Member

    There’s one guy who does proper spider tattoo’s if that’s what you mean by artwork.
    Your not on your own about having a fear of them – it’s all those legs and the speed at which they can move. I, with a lot of spider owners have lots of respect for them as we know what they’re capable of whether it’s the venom or their urticating hairs. Spiders from the Old World – as in Africa, the Far East & Australia have very potent venom and so should never be handled although some people do. New World which is South America for instance have urticating – or stinging hairs which they flick at you or any animal that threatens them as a defence and some spiders have worse hairs than others. If they get in your eye it is exceptionally painful and they can and do cause long term problems. They are also free-floating and so they can be in your room where you keep the spiders so you have to be careful with any spider that does like to flick a lot. I have a Brachypelma boehmei or Mexican Fireleg as it’s called that loves to flick it’s hairs – even at it’s own shadow so I have to be careful when working in it’s enclosure. Here’s a picture of him – “Flick” as he’s known lol

    Free Member

    Here’s my female Euthalus “Blue Femur” and I’ve got a male being loaned to me so hopefully we can get some babies off her. In the right light she’s absolutely stunning and the blue on her is just ace. It’ll be the first spiders I’ve bred so I’m hoping she behaves and doesn’t dine for one as she is a little skittish. If I’m succesful I’ll definitely save you some Pete and post them to you when they’re big enough

    Free Member

    That’s one superb commune you have Pete and I had to laugh at the comment about the photo from a safe distance haha. Yeah mine have webbed up well and made a nice little burrow and they soon retreat when disturbed. The speed they move at is incredible and today was the first day my daughther saw them out and she was taken back by how quick they moved. I can’t wait until I have to re-house them 😕
    Love the scorpion and I take it that’s one that is a DWA species here in the UK? Not sure I’ll ever have one but we aren’t as lucky you by having them on our doorstep! Besides I’ve got to get some Baboons one day lol. I have a commune (well 2) of Pterinochilus murinus too and I’ll post some pics up as soon as I can – they’ve webbed up so much it’s amazing. Hope they stay as a pair and don’t end up as one. I’ve already got a small juvenile male so maybe a breeding programme at a later date.

    Free Member

    Mine are just slings Jamie at the moment but it’s brilliant to watch them together. I do hope I end up with a nice commune and not just one fat spider lol

    Free Member

    I’ll give you my two penneth worth for now as Pete might be busy. I’ve just set a commue of these little babies – they’re called Poecilotheria striat and are one of the few tarantula’s that can be kept together altthough it doesn’t always work and they can turn cannabilistic. I’ve got 7 of them together in a small little enclosure shown below the spider picture

    My other recent addition is this called Poecilotheria metallica and these are incredibly expensive and a tiny 2cm baby sells for £70 and an adult female can sell for anything over £300! They are stunning when adult, with bright blues and yellows but are difficult to breed so hence the high price. Mine is a girl but I doubt I’ll have the skill to get them breed but who knows and I may gove it a go. Only problem is getting a male as sometimes she ends up eating him even before they get to mate so most owners are reluctant to part with them so I may have to get my own. Here’s mine munching on a cricket – sorry for the poor photot but shes incredibly photosensitive and almost impossible get any pictures of

    This is waht she will look like when she’s an adult

    I’ve just orderd 4 more of the Poecilotheria species but here’s my first I bought – it’s called an ornata and it shows just how good it’s camoflague is against some cork bark. They have a very potent venom and they are definitely not to be handled.

    And lastly for now is one of my spiders who hides away so much that to get this picture was an achivement – it’s a Nhandu chromatus and is one of the “birdeaters” but they don’t eat birds. He’s about 5 inches at the moment so not that big yet.

    Your turn now Pete 😀

    Free Member

    Yeah time to dust it down 😉

    Free Member

    It’s been a long bloody wait but thank god it’s back! I think Casey can take the title this season IF he keeps it rubber side up but I believe his front-end issues won’t haunt him like last season. Dani though is going be the one to watch as he’s on the same machinery, needs show his number 1 status and he’s definitely going push all season for sure. The Honda’s are definitely the machine to have this season with their trick gearbox but don’t discount Jorge or Spies just yet.
    I think Vali has his work cut out getting the best from the Duke but can you honestly count him out? The big problem he has though is that shoulder injury as it finished Foggy’s career and also Hodgson’s as well as it’s one that takes so so so long to heal properly. Maybe just maybe it’s one injury too far for the great Rossi though but lets hope not hey.
    Bring it on boys and let those engines roar!

    PS big shout for Scotty in Moto2 as well who will be right up there I believe.

    Free Member

    10 metre Airpistol shooting with a Morini EA162 pistol. I started in 82 and did everything from airweapons to small-bore/full bore pisotl and rifle but did loads of Practical Pistol and Rifle shooting. I did pretty well and enjoyed a lot of success in different disciplines but marriage, kids and job soon had me moving on to other things – that and some dork going round shooting other people making it impossible to own guns too. My favourite handguns were my Colt Python 6″ barrel and a very highly modified 45ACP Colt 1911 Gold Cup. My favourite rifle was my Heckler & Koch 7.62 SLR which I used for PR – fabulous gun and really accurate for a semi-auto. Those were the days……..

    Free Member

    That Guzzi is awesome. An old girlfriend of mine had the Le Mans 850 – proper respect!

    Free Member

    Sedlom Seen Kid is a fantastic album and the new one has at least 3 standout tracks and the rest are growing on me too. If anyones interested I’ve 2 tickets going in the classifieds for the NIA as I can’t get now. I saw them in Sheffield supporting U2 and they were superb there. I’m gutted I can’t go 😥

    Free Member

    This a scan taken from a very old slide of mine which I took at Mildenhall. I’ve seen the SR-71 fly loads of times and each time it did a display it was actually taking off for an offical flight. Seeing it close up too was amazing as the fuel used to just leak out of it as the tanks would open up when they were cool but would seal up again in flight. Truly an incredible airplane and one I will never forget seeing

    Close up at Fairford

    Free Member

    Sir Stanley Matthews IMO and I’m a Liverpool fan. He played at the very top level until he was 50 and his last competitive game at the age of 70! He did also achieve success as a player and as for longevity Mr Giggs still has some way go to match Sir Stan.

    Free Member

    Hasn’t the point sunk in that the bag the popcorn was supplied in cost more than the popcorn in it yet you get charged £4 a bag for it? I’d hazard a guess the bags got more nutrition which is the point Mr HB is trying to make and for that he gets flamed by some STW’ers lol.
    The other point is when he checks his bank balance at the end of the week do you really really really think he gives a toss what you think? Indeed not – so switch over next time.

    Free Member

    A friend of mine has a Harris Hawk, a Goshawk and a Lanner Falcon. Now they are proper birds!

    Free Member

    So glad the best team won and if it hadn’t been for the injuries to their secondary it wouldn’t have been so close. GB certainly missed Woodson in the second half but they got their in the end – superb :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I’d definitely recommend the Audiolab 8000a but you must ensure all the connectors are ok as they are go fragile with age. I’m pretty sure you can get the amps serviced too but this will add to your cost so remember that. Buying second-hand Naim stuff is also not without it’s problems – if at all possible get one that’s been serviced by Naim, Avondale or Class A as they will be much much better than a non-serviced one. Go to the Pinkfish forum site and put a wanted ad on and I’m sure you’ll get something there ok. I had the original chrome bumper stuff – 42/110, 32/HICAP/250 and also a Nait Mk1 which was a fabulous little amp. I’m now running the a NAC282/Supercap/300 set up and it’s fantastic with vinyl and cd source.

    Free Member

    Freddie Mercury for his range but also his amazing stage presence.
    Steve Perry from Journey and also Graham Bonnet from his Rainbow days.

    Free Member

    USE YOUR EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At the end of the day it’s about how much YOU enjoy listening to the music and it’s all about how it’s presneted to you and how it makes you feel! Naim amps really do throw the music at you, a very forward sound that doesn’t suit some people and I’d definitely say it’s not accurate but it’s exceptionally enjoyable. And some cables have an effect on the sound – just don’t take in Russ Andrews utter utter crap that he spouts and just use your ears, demo in your own room and see what best suits you – as I’ve always done! If a dealer wants me spend money in his/her shop then I will always always listen to the stuff in the room it’s going be used in – just like when you buy a bike and you demo it over the stuff your going use it on day in day out. Simples.

    Free Member

    The trouble is people like Russ Andrews have spouted huge claims about his wares but he does sell on a basis that if you don’t like it return it and get a full refund. Unfortunately many a poor sap has been drawn in by him and then then whole bullshit just snowballs and is very very sad. Cables do change the sound of a system and so really should be auditioned to see what suits you but I honestly don’t believe in paying huge amounts of money for them even though I run a very high end Naim amp set up. There’s too much bullshit snobbery in hifi just as there is in bloody mountain bikes so find what you like and enjoy – always works for me.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t agree more Kuco – the blokes a total muppet.

    Free Member

    Go Cheeseheads – hate Pittsburgh as I’m a Dallas fan so I’ll stick with my NFC side of the coin.

    Free Member

    Breaking transfer news – Alex Ferguson says Howard Webb is not available for any amount of money! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Breaking news – the Torres deal is off!!!!!!

    Apparently John Terry couldn’t agree personal terms with the Spaniards wife!

    Free Member

    Like – Elbow
    Dislike – Smiths

    Free Member

    This – “Julie”

    but on my other arm is a TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre 16 😀

    Free Member

    Fleetwood Mac Rumours on vinyl.
    Paul Simon’s Graceland on CD but it MUST be the 1986 version.
    Dire Straits Love Over Gold on either vinyl(180gr) or CD
    Police Syncronicity on vinyl (180gr)
    Ry Cooder Bop Till You Drop on CD

    Free Member

    I’m sorry I missed your post Pete and very good reading it was too, very impressed indeed but also sad to read of your loss too. I’m dreading my first casualty and it appears I’ve lots of nice males so it’ll be one of those fellas I guess.
    My metallica’s doing really well and would like to move her so I can take some decent pictures for you but as it’s thriving I’m reluctant to move her so I’ll try spy my chance take some pictures for you. The chromatus is always out and about now and was shwoing some impressive fangs when it was feeding time the other day so again I’ll try get the kids help me out with some pictures.

    Free Member

    2012. End of thread.

    Free Member

    Can’t be arsed read all the posts but the title says it all – TJ you must be gay :mrgreen:

    1/10 for a very poor troll too 😉

    Free Member

    Yip – this is what that little spiderling grows into – a nice adult terror on eight legs 😈

    Free Member

    That’s ace Pete and I can see why you like the Baboon’s. My lad keeps on telling me get the big Baboons species all the bloody time lol. But if you want a real spider it has to be one of these –

    Pete knows what it is as he very kindly got it for me and so it’s called “Pete” – my Heteroscodra maculata or Togo Starburst. How cute is that! :mrgreen:
    Hope you got my picture of the pokie too – I’m sure it’s a male as it’s legs are sooooooooooo long and by looking underneath but I’m no expert so I’ll hopefully tell more when it sheds next time.

    Free Member

    He had one of those voices you could listen to all day. Great shame and very sad loss.

    Free Member

    I love this clip. Just superb 😀

    Free Member

    I know he’s had a bit of stick on here for his “anti-cyclist” stance but James Martin has a book that does sort of basic very popular stuff and they are simple and nice to do too.

    Free Member

    Goldfish are very messy fish and do require a lot of cleaning out. If you mean Rift Lake cichlids then I’m afraid they really do require weekly large water changes to thrive but apart from that they great. If you have a combi boiler that makes water changes very easy as there’s no need boil the water to a similar temperature when changing it. I love Malawi’s – nice 4ft or bigger tank, over-stock them to reduce bullying and their behaviour is fantastic

    Free Member

    I have the 85mm f1.2L and don’t get a Mk1 version as it’s not good. Fuzzy at max ap and hunts too much compared to my Mk2 which also produces better colours. I would recommend the 50mm f1.4 for any non-full frame users and even the 85mm f1.8 as they are very very good lenses.
    I would definitely recommend a 70-200 f4L as they are superb lenses even second-hand. My all-time favourite lens is my 70-200 f2.28L IS which is just incredibly sharp, super fast and esy to carry as well – more so than my 400 f2.8L IS which knackers me out 😕

    Free Member

    It’s where the Borrowers live so leave them alone! 😈

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