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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • Hadge
    Free Member

    Jack Dee is superb! Really funny show.

    Free Member

    The Chile Rose is the ONLY adult one I’ve handled and I don’t hold her anymore as being totally honest there’s no need to. They don’t gain anything from it and invariably will try to escape and that could injure them if they fall from a height. If she bit you it would be like a bee sting but she could flick hairs at you. She is quite docile but to me I treat them as I would fish – nice to look at no need to touch.

    Free Member

    deluded – I’ve always liked wildlife and animals and obviously insects are all around us and spiders have never bothered me, as in picking them up. Tarantula’s are just “bigger” than our native spiders and because there’s such a diverstiy and they are relatively easy to keep and also some are cheap it’s an easy hoby to get in to. I had one spider 2 years ago and now I have nearly 40 but they vary in price from £5 for a tiny baby (“sling” which is short for spiderling) to over £300 for a female of the P metallica in my pictures. I generally buy juveniles which are about £15-30 each and these are for me, easier to keep and feed. They are dangerous and some have very very nasty venom so you must be very careful but it’s just a matter of common sense really. Some have hairs which they can flick at you which irritate your skin and are nasty if you get them in your eyes too.
    Here’s my oldest girl – she’s a Chile Rose called Julie lol

    Free Member

    Here is the said “orange bitey thing” – Pterinochilus murinus or Orange Baboon Tarantula as it’s known. They can live socially in groups too which isn’t normal with most T’s as they are very cannibalistic. I have a commune of these and also some of the pokies which I haven’t shown yet.

    Free Member

    They are fascinating and there’s an incredible diversity of types and each with their own temperament

    and also they vary in size too, some being huge 😉

    Free Member

    This is one of my latest spiders – a juvenile male P metallica which I hope to breed with the other “blue” lady up above

    All the “pokies” I have pictured are in enclosures that measure either 10x10x14 or 8x8x14 as they require more height as they are Arboreal which means they are tree dwellers and they can climb – very very fast too. They are also what are known as “Old World” which means from Asia and they have very potent venom too and you do not want to get tagged by one. Here is a picture of some of my set-ups for the spiders above

    Free Member

    Nice ones Pete – any news on the M balfouri? Here’s a few of my “pokies” or Poecilotheria as we know them

    P formosa

    P metallica

    P rufilata

    And last but not least my Horned Baboon – C darlingi

    Don’t you just love them 😀

    Free Member

    Grrr – total anticlimax now. Never mind 🙁

    Free Member

    Does anyone think or believe when Liverpool played in ANY European Cup finals that Manure Utd fans would be cheering for them instead of the foreign opposition? Club or country – er no, club rivalry will always exist and hence lots and lots of Man Utd haters will be smiling tonight 😀

    Free Member

    Never mind Manure Utd 🙂

    Free Member

    There is no need at all move away – staying put and facing up to things is all part of the healing process and you will get over it. For once I do agree with TJ (hehe) and take one step at a time and it WILL get better.

    Free Member

    That’s so funny, not my favourite but nearly.

    Free Member

    Don’t confuse pity with love. Don’t confuse love with thinking your stuck either! I did that and it doesn’t work! From what you’ve written she doesn’t sound too good a mother and it’s a crying shame that kids are there and they are being brought up in that enviroment. You must must put yourself first and you’ve got to try see what’s best for you. Please don’t think that her violence can’t reach another level because it can and it does! There’s been many many a bloke who’s been stabbed by his wife/girlfriend and there’s been plenty who have said nothing because when you admit it’s happened you think other blokes will think your weak! Abuse in the home IS NOT just against woman!

    Free Member

    My ex also attacked me when she was drunk and smashed a metal money box over my head in full view of my kids. I’d walked away when she started hitting me but she did the deed at the bottom of the stairs and my kids saw it. I went to the bathroom clean myself up and calm the kids and she rang the police which I wasn’t aware of until they knocked at my door. I was very shocked but they took statements and they carted her off to the cells. I muct confess I didn’t press charges and I had my reasons but we split up soon after anyway. Oh and the kids live with me too so I think that says how much of a mother they saw in her.
    I hope you sort your problem out too and I know full well it’s not an easy thing to live with and live through.

    Free Member

    That’s not exactly a “true” fish eye but it looks ok. They are very much a novelty lens and you’ll no doubt go round using it for everything for a few weeks to come and then resign it back to the bottom of your camera bag where it will gather dust.

    Free Member

    I had some Swift Audubon years ago until some theiving git took them!!! They are superb glasses and pin sharp too so check them out on fleabay – the 8.5×44 are well recommended and you can get them for a £100 or so.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a Harrier and no not the RAF GR9 type either! Harriers are quite common and are Buzzard sized but without pictures it’s impossible to say.

    Free Member

    Yes lol

    Free Member

    Pmsl. The “guy” came up to me when we worked together and started talking to me about the counciling he was receiving for beating some bloke up. I had no idea why he started the converstion and just thought he was “chatting”. I told my boss as he knew this guy and he said think about it as the girl he was seeing worked on the desk in front of me and he was “warning me off” as I was getting on very well with his “bit of stuff”
    Sorry no pictures either!

    Free Member

    It was a very close call on who to blame and in reality if they’d both backed off then no one would have fallen off but it’s racing and racing incidents happen. Simo has got form for being over-aggressive and he had many a run in with Bautista in the 250 class. I think he does need to temper his aggression a bit or else he could end up struggling to get full factory support as Honda HRC are going to be non to happy now that the Golden Child is injured – again!
    It’s a very intruging season so far – Spies doesn’t seem to have taken the step forward everyone was expecting, Rossi’s shoulders getting better and the Dukes getting better and Cal is riding superb in his debut season. Bring it on!

    Free Member

    The EF70-200L f2.8IS USM is the best lens Canon have ever made and is razor sharp even wide open. I’d recommend one to anyone who can afford one and it is better than the f4L versions. It’s basically my “standard” lens as it’s rarely off the camera. The IS facilty allows you to use slower shutter speeds whether subjects are static or moving and I can go very slow with very low ISO with my EF400mmL f2.8 when using it’s IS option.

    Free Member

    Ibis Tranny – will definitely take 120mm forks and is also light and very verstaile too.

    Free Member

    I wear a Seiko Sportura or TAG F1 for work and I’ve also a collection of other TAG’s I wear for everything else.

    Free Member

    Tell her find a bloke and then knock the scab off that thing between her legs and get some excitment in her life – seems polite enough for me!

    Free Member

    I’ve had marine tanks – fish only once and then a reef set-up that looked stunning. The bigger the tank the better as your basically looking after the water and when that’s spot on then th fish/corals/sponges etc will thrive. But costs are high with a marine tank and not just live-stock but also running costs. Now trust me on this but if you want a tank of very colourful fish, lots of them and great characters then set a Rift Lake tank up – Malawis cichlids. They are very very colourful, you have to over-stock them to reduce aggresion and because they’re mouth-brooders they will easily breed and they’re amazing to watch. In a 4 foot tank you can have loads of fish and in a bigger tank it’s a huge amount of numbers. I’ve kept all types offish, from discus to marines and specimen fish and Malawi’s are by far and away the best and easiset to keep. And they don’t cost the earth and running costs are cheap too.

    Free Member

    Hey hey – we’ll have less of that thank you! Stokes up there with the very best of shitholes that the UK as to offer! It’s not all potbanks and rundown houses you know! All the potbanks have closed and the rundown houses have been knocked down hehe.

    Free Member

    Pete those pictures are amazing! I’ve saved all my old moults so I’ll have to get a scope and do some looking. Absolutely brilliant 😀

    Free Member

    I had some original Puma Mostro’s and they were so so so comfy. Not exactly for any kind of sport but as a shoe/trainer I loved them. They’ve just split at the front now but I still wear them when dossing lol.

    Free Member

    Well it’s not a scam! I actually spoke to a Mr Benjamin Winston Kodogo last week while he was on the beach drinking cocktails sitting by his luxury yacht and he assured me 1,000% it was real so I immediately sent him my money and I’m waiting for the card arrive any day now. Now stop being so negative 🙄

    Free Member

    I’m so glad Torres went to a bigger club when he left Liverpool. Next time he goes Anfield he should have a look in the museum at the 5 European Cup trophies in there as he’ll never ever get his hands on one, especially while playing at Chelski.

    Free Member

    That was a very very good team performance and Carroll was superb. Both goals were very well taken and City were never in the game.

    Free Member

    Carrolls scored 2 belting goals as well – playing City off the park!

    Free Member

    I hope he doesn’t as he’s played so well for 3 days.

    Free Member

    No. I’ve ridden an Ibis Mojo SL for a while and I was amazed at just how quiet it was, even with stones and stuff being pinged at the downtube.

    Free Member

    It’s not on the HD channel! Shitte

    Free Member

    The carbon FTM looks very very tempting indeed.

    Free Member

    21.2lbs including pedals – my Merlin Oreas – sadly no longer with me 🙁

    Free Member

    Go to the Bimmerforum and look on there.

    Free Member

    Stoke as a city isn’t that nice and I live near in Newcastle. But devoid of charatcter isn’t true as there’s lots of heritage in the area and it’s no worse than a lot of other areas where the standard of living isn’t brilliant. If you want atmosphere visit the Britannia when Stoke are playing – the loudest crowd in the Premiership by far. Also round the area there are some real gems of off-road riding and I don’t mean Cannock but actually local to Stoke.

    Free Member

    Yeah it does but I’m sure the one they used on the show did other languages. Guess I’ll have to learn German lol

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