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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • Gweilo
    Free Member

    Cheers Chaps, I’ve never done this before and thought a torque wrench might be a bit OTT. So with the locktite;

    first question loctite as in superglue?
    Second question put it around the bolts after I’ve tightened them up, or before I tighten them?

    Apologies if I’m being dim.

    Free Member

    Be safe, good luck and as others have said thank you.

    Free Member

    Right I’m off to Aston Hill this weekend on my 2005 Marin all mountain bike to see if I can get into one of those videos lol

    Free Member

    Trail_Rat thanks for the info, I might be forced to look into getting one of these I’m in need of a new boiler. Details greatly appreciated

    Free Member

    trail_rat – Member
    We have oil , gone from a piece of crap 20 year old vented tank system to a grant vortex combi and new twin panel convectior rads with trvs and judging by how quick it can heat the house up when i turn it on now it should cut our oil consumption by a mile compared to the time it used to take.

    If i give you an email address can you let me have the details on the system you’ve gone for? I’m on oil as well and the boiler is in danger of getting a preservation order slapped on it by National Heritage…

    And yes the heating’s on in Water End Herts

    Free Member

    Jammy, I just want to say I’m happy that you do it anyway you like, if you have kids get one of them to shout a number between 1 and 100 random and sorted, cant see that anyone will have anything to complain about.

    Free Member

    By the time these examinations come on line school leaving age will have been raised to 18, from the 17 it was raised to but almost nobody noticed a while age.

    That begs the question what the hell is the point of a S**t or bust exams at 16 anyway? The Canadians abandoned the formal exam at 16 in favour of an assessment prior to doing the formal exam at 18 some time ago. Have to say I’m noit a fan of the exam treadmill anyway.

    Druidh apparently Uni’s already look at the percentage score of the As exams we force 17 year olds to take now. Apparently top 20 uni’s are looking for 80%+ before they make a provisional offer. Or so I was told by the principal as my 17 y/o started her A levels.

    Free Member

    Thanks Tom,

    I just had it serviced and was told chain was ok, and hopefully they torqued the bolts….

    I guess its time for eliminating one thing at a time. I’ll try peddling it up a decent hill without cleats and see if its still noisy. May even give me an excuse for a new seatpost as well 🙂

    Free Member

    tazzymtb – Member
    can I also add “people who ride trails with slow mates”

    Shame we cant all be be a svelt and nimble as you, based on your post, clearly are. I like to descend fast, very fast, and trust me gravity and physics are on my side. When I get to the top of a hill I have far more gravitiational energy stored than you skinny bitches. On a steep hill time slows as I approach lightspeed on the decent 😉

    Maybe I’ll meet you coming up a trial one day while I’m coming down, 120 kgs of me and my MTB have an awful lot of inertia, best avoided. I doubt you’d live if I hit you let alone have the will to shout at anyone 😆

    On a serious note loose untrained dogs are a pain in the arse on trial, but not as distressing as your skinny mates climbing much faster than you…. i shall eat some of Tazzy’s cake (I stole it earlier) now to make me feel better

    Free Member

    In Ashridge Forrest (Herts) the anti MTB lobby, mostly dog walkers, like to drag fallen trees, or bits of tree across the well used trails.

    Free Member

    +1 on the Gaggia, I’ve had a Gaggia for years totally reliable. In fact when my sister in law’s coffee machine broke in her bakers shop we lent her it to use, I’ve still to get it back 🙁

    Free Member

    The worst problem with the lefties, is the holier than thou attitude some adopt. I find nothing funnier than a champagne socialist defending their huge house, shiny New Mercedes Benz, manipulation of the education system and tax avoiding tendencies. All because they can’t admit they’re really as greedy and grasping as their rightie equivalent and just want to feel better about themselves 😉

    The red tops play to lowest common denominator and as Woody said the truth is somewhere in the middle, whats concerning is how many people take them as gospel.

    Junkyard – I agree with you serious racism and homophobia can’t be allowed to pass and anyone with those views can go boil their head, I want nothing whatsoever to do with anyone with those views. my wife has been on the receiving end of casual racism for years – including from a***holes that claimed to be friends.

    That said casual racism toward eastern Europeans seems to be acceptable at the moment. how long before we get a re-working if “Love Thy Neighbor” (That dates me) I wonder?

    OP was it you that was bitten by the rabid spider yesterday or are you the just leftie equivalent of a Daily Mail reader?

    Free Member

    So that’s what I used to buy light and larger as teenager in a bottle, fabulous lol I might have to get some!

    and whatever happened to Top Deck Lager Shandy, with its whole 0.2% ABV…..

    Free Member

    If you’re using a lot of data, wait for the other networks to roll out 4G and see what the offers, and phones, are then.

    I could upgrade to the iphone 5 on my contract now but its not 4G capable. Wait is my advice

    Free Member

    what would he do with a France when it surrenders?

    To quote Heney V we would only be “reclaiming our just inheritances” as most of it belongs to us anyway….

    Free Member

    So the spider was dead, then you gassed it – to make sure it was dead, chucked it out the door to get rid of it, whereupon it rose from the dead and legged it…..

    I think you encountered Bwyan the Spider Messiah

    Free Member

    oldest current coin I have in my pocket is a remarkably shiny 2001 2p

    Cougar – re the roman coin

    Er, is that the date it has on it?

    oddly enough no, dating’s based on the pictures on the coin. I checked to make sure she wasn’t ripped off with a dude I went to school with, who is an ultra nerdy coin dealer.

    Not in my personal coin storage area so I avoid the nerdy tag 😕

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 245BC Roman Republic Coin my wife bought me for Christmas, does that make me nerdy, and of the basis of

    (nerdy coin collectors need not apply)

    mean I’m not allowed to play 😥

    Free Member

    But you havent GTFM. Lazy

    Agreed… lazy

    Free Member

    I thought it had been Autumn since March….

    Astronomically the autumn equinox happens on September 22nd at 14:48:55.4 UTC

    I’ve gone for a compromise flip-flops and jeans and am more worried about which tyres to use this weekend….

    Free Member

    I think what we need is a government that bans trolls like me and ernie from public forums 😀

    Free Member

    That’s an opinion, based on what I’ve read, I’m afraid I don’t share with you Junkyard.

    Ed Milliband is a liar and, as i have stated before, deliberately misled parliament when he was energy secretary in respect of carbon scrubbing technologies in new coal fired power stations. That as far as I’m concerned makes him a liar and as such its not a jibe its a statement of fact. Go and read Hansard and you’ll find out what I’m talking about.

    I don’t generally indulge in personal attacks but if somebody chooses to attack me they can expect a response. I wasn’t offended, by the way, I just found his sarcasm puerile.

    Free Member

    Ernie_the Troll_Lynch

    Do you talk in such an amusing way in real life ?

    So it would appear, does it require your approval, and if so how do I apply?

    A question for you. Do you, as other people who post in this forum seem to think, “troll” on every thread in which you become involved?

    Free Member

    Did see that Ed “The Liar” Milliband announced that him and St Vincent of Cable have been having textual intercourse…. St Vince appears to be doing some early sucking up to NuLab2 as he knows he’s screwed in 2015 (if they get there)

    And WTF is this easier to sack people nonsense announced this morning, massive swing from the employee to the employer in terms of rights. Its a worrying move in my opinion and I’m no unionista by any stretch of anyone’s imagination

    Free Member

    Do the parents seem the type that would look after a case? (Or would they scoff it?

    I’d scoff it 😀

    My meager collection of en primeur is in a bonded store and cared for by the wine society. The only toy of mine in the kitchen, the wine fridge, is getting worryingly empty….

    Free Member

    Poor levels of state education is a funding problem, isn’t it?

    Some of its funding, some of its assorted forms of selection be that 11+ or by parents playing the system and thereby taking resources away form schools they would otherwise have got. And the worst of it is political interference and meaningless league tables.

    Yes I know I’m guilty of playing the system, but wouldn’t you?

    Free Member

    project – Member

    What happens if you lose that job……….

    Back to the general schooling most of us had for them i suppose.

    that is exactly the case and to use an old phrase “there but for the grace of god go i”

    and for the record I’m from a working class background and grew up in a flat on a council estate in West London. No silver spoons and old money here. And bugger all money after the fees lol

    Free Member

    You could get her a bottle of 2011 red, I’d suggest a Bordeaux or Burgundy of some description, problem is you’ll have to buy a case in an en primeur offer as the stuff that will last until she’s 18, and will be an awesome drink when its that old isn’t even in bottles yet….

    Berry Brothers & Rudd web site might be worth looking at.

    Whisk(e)y idea is good as well and a dated port is another option

    Free Member

    My neighbour claims to be an expert in medieval drains after a degree in History gained in Manchester. He’s doing OK so I suggest drains…..

    Disclaimer – I may be totally wrong about the beneficial properties of a dissertation on drains to your degree 😯

    Free Member

    El-Bent I think its utterly wrong that any kids get a sub-standard education in poorly equipped schools in this day and age. They all deserve a decent education, in decent schools, without political interference a la Gove and the GCSE results

    Like I said I’m lucky I can just about afford private education, and they’re not at a Harrow or Eton or even Rugby girls, as they are both girls. I choose to educate them that way as its my duty as a parent to give them the best start in life I can. And you’re right its not a fair fight but what in the real world is?

    Free Member

    This might come as a shock to you but trade unions are actually legal organisations in this country, it’s not the IRA that’s funding Labour you know

    And do you know how the election for labour leader worked Ernie?? I assume you don’t so I’ll enlighten you.

    If your a member of the labour party you get a vote
    If your a member of an organization affiliated with the labour party you get another vote, or votes if your in more than one organization
    If your a member of a union, they get to block vote for you

    A friend of mine got 4 votes in the labour leadership election… One man 4 votes seems somehow wrong to me.

    I won’t even respond to your pathetic IRA comment as it seems to be your usual trolling

    Free Member

    Just but a merc SLR and be done with it!

    Free Member

    Ones who didnt go to a fee paying school

    Why the bigoted attitude to fee paying schools? The state schools are utterly useless where I live. I go without to send my kids to a fee paying school and I’m lucky that I can just about afford to. So now they should be discriminated against for having a decent education? Sounds like the politics of envy to me!

    I agree totally with the point about having experience of “real life” in a “real job” and not having only ever worked in the Westminister bubble. Ed Milliband, apart from being a bare faced liar, he misled parliament when he was energy secretary re carbon scrubbing technology in new coal fired power stations, has never had a “real job” outside politics.

    If you look into whose done what in both the cabinet and the shadow cabinet you may be very surprised to find how many on both sides are from “privileged” backgrounds, fee paying and grammar school boys and girls mostly. And lets not forget the Oxford University educated Elite that dominates the shadow cabinet

    There is one current Minister of State who was a squadie, then a builder, then a fireman before going to uni and getting a degree at 35.
    And guess what he’s a Tory. I don’t believe nu-labour has one of those in its shadow cabinet.

    Will they get re-elected in 2015? Not a cat in hell’s chance unless the economy turns round and quickly…. which leaves us with the Union Elected and union funded Ed Silliband and his miserable shower.

    Free Member

    The fly it in Davey Lamps (Miners Safety Lamps, or at least they did to the UK.

    So if the Olympic flame is lit in Greecem surely the paralympic flame should always be lit a Stoke Mandeveille where the paralympics were born… oh and my daughter almost 14 years ago 🙂

    Free Member

    My personal fav pirate juice is River’s 151 from Grenada. Which I was led to believe was the oldest rum distillery still operating in the Caribbean It’s an unforgiving beverage… 🙂

    Also a fan of the Cuban offerings

    Free Member

    They won’t publish my comment with the link to her earlier article…

    That’s a surprise….

    I couldn’t be arsed to give them my details to post a comment however the whole lot sounds made up to me. That or her mothers too stupid to look at the road before she steps out in which case she’s lucky it wasn’t a car or a bus, and probably needs supervision when she’s out on her own!!!

    Free Member

    It seems this might be a re-hash, albeit slightly edited, of an article first penned by Ms Wyatt and previously published in 2010.

    Must be a slow news day, or just bollox

    Free Member

    Jammy111 mail sent

    Free Member

    Lets widen the debate. Should convicted criminals serving a sentence in a prison be allowed to vote, assuming they pass the IQ test that is?

    Free Member

    Harriet Harperson surely?? But I agree well deserving of a slap

    I saw the pic of Odious Ed Balls in his Nazi uniform online yesterday, it summed him up for me …. Hypocrite

    The other one who needs a slap is Yvette Cooper or Mrs Ed Balls as she is for marrying him in the first place

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