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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • Gweilo
    Free Member

    Seth Lakeman’s worth a listen.

    Free Member

    That proposal seems remarkably odd, especially given the level of paranoia that pervades government when it comes to the security of personal information. I strongly suspect it’ll get shot down by the security people at GCHQ who regulate and accredit this stuff.

    That said I suppose it depends what the additional verification requirements are, where and how they are stored etc…

    Free Member

    Fretz of Hemel is good but their not big on Gibson.

    Free Member

    I think the Quince is grossly underrated and unfairly neglected.

    Trendy fruit, but probably not for a novice, is a Medlar not ripe yet they need another month or so and some frost….

    Free Member

    I believe its written by the dude that plays the main character.

    Free Member

    Ahh we were supposed to do all of it ….. in which case

    Luxury – Fender Stratocaster Master Build with a maple fret board and a soft v neck profile

    Book – The Worst Journey in the World, Apsley Cherry-Garrard


    Wish you were Here – Pink Floyd
    Wonderwall – Oasis
    Mama We’re all crazy now – Slade
    Lucky Man – The verve
    Oh Mio Babbino Caro – Puccini
    Lady of the Sea – Seth Lakeman
    Tocatta and Fuge in D Minor – J. S. Bach
    Babylons Burning – The Ruts

    Free Member

    Book = The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard

    Free Member

    Forgot to say he’s still an utter twunt, and totally odious and is clearly only right on this occasion by luck…. etc etc

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    I was starting to think there were only lefties on STW !

    You think so :mrgreen:

    He’s right on the need for infrastructure spending and even as a raw meat eating rightie I have to admit that. Even if he stole the idea off the tories, who incidentally don’t have the balls (excuse the pun) to carry it through in case they upset the shires e.g. HS2

    Free Member

    Good speech from Ed Tescticles today. I think he basically said “we’re skint, we’re £trillion’s in debt and the solution is…. Yes comrades…. lets borrow some money to get out of debt”….. Not really surprising coming from the failure Brown’s right hand man.

    And while we’re at it why don’t we rename the country Greece?

    I do however agree that we need to spend some money on infrastructure projects to get the economy moving. Makes a change to hear something sensible from captain odious.

    Free Member

    ononeorange – Member
    We don’t live that far from Dagnall and there’s a heck of a lot of mini golfballs around us

    The RAF base at Dagnall was a transmitter station apparently. I’ve been digging. It was used for amongst other things home fleet communication which would, I guess, explain why it would have been a target for a nuke.

    Sounds like we’re nearly neighbors. I;m in Water End. I spend a fair bit of time ragging around Ashridge Forrest on the bike. If you fancy a spin one evening/weekend I wouldn’t mind getting a look at those golfballs.

    Free Member

    The Golden Rule, pub in Dagnall Buckinghamshire had an ominous grey box on the wall with a speaker.The landlord showed me the accompanying information papers detailing what the communications would be, at a given number of minutes before the expected strike, in the event of a nuclear attack.

    It was very creepy indeed.

    There was a field of ariels a mile or two up the road, some with exceptionally long dipoles, witha designation as an RAF base. A small block house on the surface with no windows was the only building.

    And worst of all mobile phones lost all signal withint about a mile of the place.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    You are new here aren’t you

    Was that question/statement to me? If so the answers no. I used to post on this site back when there were 2 forums, one on Coffee and the other for all hings bike related, off-topic or not 😕

    What worries me that you as a self confessed raging leftie (previous posts on poll leads I thnk) talk an awful lot of sense, and I find myself agreeing with your last post as well. God forbid I’m a closet Grauniad reader 😉

    Free Member

    You know what Junkyard, I don’t disagree with you. As I said above the Palenstinians deserve a fair and equitable settlement, and whilst the extremists in Israel continue building illegal settlements, and oppressing the Palestinians then peace remains a whole hell of a long way off.

    I also agree with you, without a link to wikipedia, that Israel assassinate what they view as terrorists, they have followed a well defined policy of “terrorize the terrorist” since 1972. And I suspect will continue to do so.

    My question was aimed at kaesae, having read his bizarre accusations of Nazism and generally offensive tone when referring to Israel and the Jewish people I was interested in his view.

    Free Member

    I thought this discussion was about Iranian nukes,or at least their attempts to get them, rather than Israel and the Palestinians. I have to say I find you views, extremely biased. The way you use the word Zionist in your posts comes across like a term of abuse. I’m not even going to get into your dubious extrapolations or the religious clap -trap.

    IMHO I think it would be very bad news for the region if the fundamentalist state of Iran acquired nuclear weapons.

    Are the Israelis like the NAZI’s ….. no, not really, in fact the comparison is ridiculous.

    Have they treated the Palestinians fairly or reasonably…. no, not at all.

    Should the Palestinians receive a fair and equitable settlement … yes

    So what is your view on the state of Israel, should it be allowed to exist in peace?

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    You need to read up on SAVAK mate,

    They sound like a perfectly lovely bunch…. not sure where it says the CIA ordered them to do it, but thanks for the pointer and I’ll read some more.

    That said the behavior of the previous regime does not in any way excuse the behavior of the current one.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, which I might be be, but Didn’t Iran ban the last 2 official parties of opposition in 2010?

    Free Member

    kaesae – Member
    bencooper thank you for clearing that up for us. How exactly is what the Israeli’s are doing any different to the Nazi’s.

    They haven’t built death camps and systematically gassed millions of people maybe….. I could be wrong of course

    Free Member

    A few thoughts on the peace loving and reasonable government of Iran:

    They are Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic and Anti Western, linked with rabid homophobia and the systematic oppression of women and any political opposition, show what a peaceful and peace loving state led by reasonable, humble, pious men Iran is.

    Anyone can google Iran’s own media outlets for examples of the vitriol they spout. I believe the humble and pious Ahmadinejad is tolerant that he described Christianity as a “reeking corpse” on Iranian state tv recently. Then last week at the U.N. he stated that Israel had “no roots in the middle east” and would be eliminated…

    And we’re expected to believe the nuclear ambition is peaceful….. Oooh look there’s a Rhino nibbling the ceiling in my living room

    Free Member

    Take out a contract hit….. gotta be worth it for £7, its the principal!

    Free Member

    What we need is understated sarcasm from English supporters… Yank yells “YOU THE MAN” response should be “apparently not old boy” when he gets out driven!

    Or some plain old golf hooliganism…..

    Free Member

    That’s spooky…..

    Free Member

    Maybe the FA, as such clearly skilled criminal investigators, should bid to run policing in England? Lord alone knows they can’t run football!

    As for the Terry, Ferdinand and Ferdinand affair One of them is a womanizing halfwit, Ferdinand the elder is a banned dope cheat too old and too slow and equally retarded. Neither of them are the kind of person you want kids looking up to as England Captain.

    I suspect Ferdinand the younger was stirring trouble on behalf of his big brother, who suddenly wants to play for England again. They should all crawl back under their diamond encrusted stones.

    Free Member

    Take it up with your MP as well if plod are doing nothing.

    Free Member

    The big bang didn’t create all the matter in the universe, it all existed already in a point that was infinitely small, infinitely dense and very very hot. The big bang was the explosion of the space, rather than the explosion of matter into a space (Which is where the earlier nail bomb analogy to explain expansion of the universe breaks down).

    Thereafter the universe started to cool and after about a millionth of a second the fundamental particles, and their anti-particles, started to form in pairs out of what was probably a plasma soup. These are Quarks, Neutrinos, electrons and photons and are basically what everything else is made of. They then tear about annihilating with gay abandon in flashes of radiation.

    More expansion of the space and more cooling and the protons and neutrons start to form at around a minute when the universe has cooled to about 300 billion Kelvin. This new lower temperature allows the formation of light atomic nuclei, but because the temperature and radiation energy is still to high stable atoms can’t form.

    Expansion and cooling continues for about another 300,000 years before stable atoms start to form. This is also the point in the universe at which radiation and matter are decoupled. The radiation is whats now called the CMBR – Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation.

    Star and Galaxy formation gets going when the universe is around 100 million years old, driven by an uneven distribution of matter caused by clumping of matter through gravitiational attraction in the early, hot, universe

    So there you have the first 100 million years in 4 paragraphs….. there’s obviously a lot of the theory missing there but in a nutshell that’s the chronology

    Free Member

    +1 upthedowns an excellent read

    Cosmos by Carl Sagan is also worth a read though its a bit dated now

    Free Member

    Halfway through an OU Physics degree, just started the level 3 modules, with a bent towards astrophysics and Quantum Mechanicas

    transapp – Member
    I still don’t get it. So is the general theory that all all galaxies in the visible part of the universe expanding away from each other, or from a point?

    Its the space that’s expanding so everything is moving away from everything else but not from a specific point, as has been said before its like dots on the surface of a balloon or fruit in a cake (I love cake). The velocity of the recession of a galaxy, from our reference frame cam be measured by the red shift of its spectrum, which is proportional to its distance from Earth, and some magic maths giving you a value of (Km/s)/Mpc

    This holds true when observing distant galaxies in isolation. The view changes when you look at gravitationaly bound structures such as galaxy clusters, in which case you can see colliding galaxies which clearly aren’t moving apart.

    Not to worry anyone but Andromeda (M31) will hit us in about 4 billion years …. and if its clear tonight you will be able to see M31 though a pair of binoculars…

    Free Member

    Well, not quite. That is a 2d analogy of a 3d system. So in effect the galaxies are also spread out inside the balloon.

    It’s a bit like.. ooh I dunno, a nail bomb.

    Personally I was going to use the analogy of fruit in a cake, but a nail bomb works for me lol

    I was also beaten to quantum fluctuations and collisions between membranes in higher dimensional space. I’m just wading through Cycles of Time by Roger Penrose, one of the original exponents of the big bang theory, which is his current view of the evolution(s) of the universe based on the laws of thermodynamics…. I think….

    Free Member

    So is the forum ride mentioned earlier in this thread going to happen? I’m up for it an will be the slowest and most unfit…. so you’ll all have somebody ti abuse 😆

    Free Member


    The google machine tells me they were built by the same company and were mixed traffic loco’s. Class 27 and 33 were apparently higher powered.

    Free Member

    Was it the class 27 locomotives that used ti run from Glasgow on the West Highland line?

    Free Member

    As long as you have O2 coverage it looks ok. Tesco network is shared with O2.

    Free Member

    Jammy I reckon you had people sitting up for hours waiting for the results 🙂

    Free Member

    Hurrah – non gloating victory message.

    Thanks for running the raffle Jammy – very happy I won

    Free Member

    I only repeat what the BBC was saying on its website at lunchtime

    Free Member

    Maybe, just maybe the old Bill are lying, wouldn’t be the first time now would it….. or are they a paragon of virtue like PC Simon harwood, the one that attacked Ian Tomlinson for no good reason.

    And what are they doing leaking thier notebooks to the press….. and why did they tell him to “learn is place” as the BBC reported today

    Personally I think both sides in this are arogant liars, cage fight on whitehall to settle it i think

    Free Member

    That could almost be the Island of Sodor after a hostile take over by Diesels… wheres the Fat Controller?

    Free Member

    As a slight aside, I live close to the site of The Great train Robbery, the bridge plate (why the hell do they have those) with its number keeps getting nicked lol

    Free Member

    Essexgruntfuttock I agree it has to be the Deltic, I think I saw something on tv a while ago bemoaning their lack of reliability.I also think they said the engines, as opposed to the locomotives, were called Deltic, built by Napier and were originally built for use in minesweepers. I could of course be wrong 😯

    The HST engines I believe are V12 Paxman-Valenta

    Free Member

    Crikey is it one of these?


    Free Member

    cirrus cloud (natural or man-made) makes global warming worse (I think it reflects back in more than than it blocks)

    Whilst there is a very slight increase in albedo from contrails its not the reflectivity that make the difference.

    Water, in this case in the form of vapour, is an asymmetric molecule and stores both short wave (from the sun) and long wave (from the earth) radiative energy in the molecular bonds and warms the atmosphere. The current impact of contrails on global means surface temperature is something like 0.5 watts per square meter.

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