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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • Gweilo
    Free Member

    Leave immediately and go to Montenegro.

    Go to a town called Perast and have a look, its stunning. Then go a further 15km or so and visit Kotor, medevil walled city with no cars, world heritidge site. Like Durovnik only nicer IMHO. If you do get to Kotor you can see the mountain I rode up shortly before knocking my front teeth out on the ridge at the top lol or indeed ride up it yourself!

    If you do neither of the things above please do this…Go into a bar and say “Dva Veliki tocino pivot molim” and enjoy the result 🙂

    phonetic spelling would be “ve-lik-ee t-o-chino pea-voh mo-limb”

    I promise you i doesn’t mean your mother is a donkey and i slept with your sister.

    Free Member

    Eric Pickles ate it…

    Free Member

    Circulon come with a lifetime guarantee, and Le Cruset as was said above they last forever. They both get hot if you put them in the oven though so mit required.

    Free Member

    Grum – I find it bizarre that you condone benefit fraud yet you abhor tax avoidance.

    Another one for you Grum – In your years in business, which I assume is on your own account, have you ever made a personal call on your mobile phone or work phone, and then submitted your bill without deducting that call from the bill? Or maybe sent personal emails from an email account you claim as a business expense and still claimed the full cost without a deduction… If so that’s tax evasion.

    Just as a point of interest who, posting in this thread about the horrors of tax avoidance has an ISA, or a TESSA or any other tax efficient savings?

    If you have please go to the mirror and shout “you tax avoiding scum” at your reflection, you tax avoiding scum!

    I have none by the way, I’m skint!

    Free Member

    GrahamS thanks for the link I laughed until I cried.

    What a lovely little man the “Star in the Hood” was. There’s an argument for putting him in a bag with some bricks and throwing him in the nearest canal. And we get to pay for him and his assorted progeny lol makes me gald to be alive…

    Free Member

    Of my two pedals my fav is an MXR analogue Carbon Copy. I also use a Boss OC-3 octave pedal. Thats it for me, a simple soul really

    Free Member

    and that was the worst post i’ve ever made lol

    Free Member

    Has to be full PR based on Multi-Member Areas and Party lists. Not this alternative vote load of cock favored by the Lib Dems.

    Sadly my preferred version of PR seems to be in use in 80% of democracies using PR systems in the world are based. Those up for election based on party lists in multi member areas. Apparently…. so the google machine said

    Free Member

    Tossers have bottled it cuz of a little bit of wind!

    Right I’m off to leap off the bottom stair….. its at least as dangerous as what they’ve just done

    Free Member

    They said it would be 20 seconds out of synch on Radio 4 this morning, as “they don’t want to broadcast a tragedy live”.

    And is it me or is there no dialogue on this live feed?

    Free Member

    I wonder if he’s wearing a nappy….. seems like required equipment and I’d need one just about when i jumped 😳

    Free Member

    Druidh, What sort of PR are you advocating, there are a number of choices I believe?

    Not sure about compulsory voting its a bit “Nanny knows best”, and Australian.

    How would you allocate tax money to the parties, based on seats after an election under some form of PR?

    Free Member

    Will Mr Baumgartner be using a drogue or is this a straight freefall?

    Free Member

    As the saying goes MrNutt A real friend will help you dispose of a body!

    But now you don’t have to bother if they were burgling you at the time you killed them 8)

    Free Member

    My personal view of how we should change things, political leaning excluded:

    Must be over the age of 35 to stand for election to parliament
    Must be able to demonstrate at least 10, verifiable, years work experience outside politics
    Fully elected Upper House or second house
    Fixed Term 4 or 5 (undecided on which) year Parliaments
    Devolution for England (i don’t think asymetric devolution works)
    Smaller Federal Parliament for the UK

    Free Member

    patriotpro – Member

    Either way victims of burglary have been doing it and getting away with it already – this is just rubber-stamping it imo.

    And DC would have had the final say on the matter btw.

    They weren’t getting anyway with anything they were using “the force they deemed reasonable” at the time which is still perfectly legal in all other instances. This just means the level that plod and the law will deem reasonable when they assess it will be much greater, i.e. lethal.

    You know DC rubber stamped it as you work in the Cabinet Office patriotpro? If so leak the papers on STW….. but make sure Franics Maude doesn’t catch you, he gets very cross 👿

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    “Force against burglars” has been ‘allowed’ for a while now – DC has just officialised it.”

    No, it’s been in the law and todays announcement changes nothing, Call me Dave has just jumped on a bandwagon

    I think you’ll find it was the Secretary of State for Justice that changed the rules on burglar bashing today rather than David Cameron. And whilst the use of reasonable force has been the law to defend yourself, contrary to what Thisisnotaspoon says, the rules will be revised allow you to use a level of force that would otherwise be viewed as Grossly Disproportionate.

    Basically if you crack nice Mr Burglar round the skull with a bat and kill him you now wont be charged, previously you would have been. If you stave poor, under privileged, junkie Burglar twunt’s skull in then stab him while he’s on the floor unconscious you will be charged.

    I’ll leak you the official guidance if you like 🙂

    Free Member

    Strong, mature cheddar and onion in a crusty roll.

    Free Member

    Linemen working on live high tension cables do exactly what that twunt’s doing day in and day out. No massive payday for them, and yes I believe it is basically a Faraday cage.

    Free Member

    Might have been said earlier but why would a man who describes the UK as a toilet be so desperate to stay here I wonder??

    Free Member

    petrieboy – Member
    In true STW fashion, I can’t help with what you’ve asked for but would reccomend OpenOffice as a free alternative

    Totally agree with the post I quote above, I’ve been using it for years and I get paid to do IT.

    Free Member

    And for those that posted earlier HP is made in The Netherlands not Belgium. Production was rudely moved by the nasty yankie fellows Heinz after they procured Gartons in 2005

    Free Member

    HP Sauce used to be made by Gartons, which is of course an anagram of SnotRag…

    Just a thought

    Free Member

    According to my 17 y/o on Monday daughter (christ I’m old) Denise Van Outen and Tess Daly hate the sight of each other…. Live sequined fight potential I think

    Free Member

    Also worth noting that if your payment terms state 30 days you are legally entitled to add 8% above base rate if payment is late.

    Free Member

    I’ve been a freelancer for almost 20 years. Seems to me that they’re trying to pass the hit they’ve taken on, what I assume was, a fixed price contract onto you.

    There’s also the question of what the T’a & C’s in your contract with them say. However if you delivered what was required, and to the necessary level of quality they have no reason not to pay you or to offer a reduced rate. Unless there’s provision for that in the contract.

    Being the t****r I am, I’d be inclined to get somebody to run an insolvency report on them right now just to make sure they have the ability to pay me, and so i know who I need to go after if they don’t.

    Free Member

    emsz – I posted, or tried to post, the pic purely as guitar porn 😀

    I’m torn between saving my pennies for a shiny new Nukeproof or a Knaggs Kenai tier 2. The guitar I think is more expensive than the bike and the wife will be cross either way lol

    Free Member

    Whats the general opinion on Worcester Bosch boilers? I’m thinking of replacing my current boiler to one towards the end of this month.

    Free Member

    If you’ve got £2 1/2 grand to spare these are beautiful

    hopefully this works I’ve never tried to post an image before and the url i posted didnt work earlier lol

    Free Member

    A humbucker is pickup with 2 coils. The 2 coils are connected in series and cancel noise you can get in a single coil. Hence the buck the hum.

    Think Gibson Les Paul pickups.

    Free Member

    No model making for me, i indulge in Astronomy. Just getting into astrophotography as well.

    Though I do like night riding as well, good excuse to go to the pub on the way home.

    Free Member

    It sounds like dubious research to me. Whats the adage add 3 to any number a woman gives and take 3 from anything a man says. So Buzz is on -2…

    Probably paid for by a political party seeking to tax that particular activity to help pay off the national debt in this time of austerity, like a stamp duty type thing. After all its about the only bloody thing that isn’t taxed!!

    Free Member

    Kenny Senior – Member

    I had a thing with a woman who appeared as a character in the Dear Deidre picture case book in the Sun.

    Those birds are all off babestation. Ringing babestation doesn’t count as proper sex [/quote]

    I Just had to google babestation, and trust me, she wouldn’t make it onto that site site now unless they have a cougars section. She’s 48 for christ sake. And as I’m only 47 I was clearly led astray by an okder woman…. lol

    Free Member

    Have to agree the Japanese strats for that money were a real bargin. Whoever was selling them didn’t know what they had I suspect.

    Also agree that is well worth a visit, many visits actually.

    Free Member

    listen out for any crackles, [hisses and hums are fine on singlecoils]).

    Unless thy’re noiseless single coils….. But now we probably need to explain the difference between single coils, hunbuckers and P90’s

    Yamaha are bloody good guitars for the money. 6 guitars in the house and 2 of them are Yamaha, 1 Semi Acoustic and 1 Bass

    Free Member

    I had a thing with a woman who appeared as a character in the Dear Deidre picture case book in the Sun.

    Not really famous though…..

    Free Member

    One of the things that struck me was that almost all of the people featured were at least bilingual. A guy sleeping on the street, fluent in english. Shows how lazy we are. As my daughter of 16 pointed out English is quite likely to be their 3rd language.

    And the guy in the shack on the beach, his boy was scrubbed, shiny and happy to be going to school. Maybe our kinds should be made to watch it, they might appreciate what opportunity they have a little more.

    Free Member

    Worked on a project at BAA some years ago. On ome occasion I flew to a meeting at Edinburgh airport, whereupon BAA couldn’t supply any steps to get us off the plane. Rolled into the meeting 25 minutes late to be moaned at by BAA technical manager.

    I took great delight in pointing out it was their fault I was late :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Meetings, the practical alternative to work!

    I’m TDA (technical design authority) and SI (System integrator) on a large system development. I have spent days in planning meetings where my only purpose was “too keep the supplier honest” on technical issues. In 7 hours I spoke twice. I refuse to attend these now.

    Pointeless meetings I won’t add value to I decline politely, usually having questioned what value I might add.

    Meetings i always attend, those organised by the a deouty project manager, who thinks he’s a techie but in fact is a technical as a turnip, just in case he makes anymore stupid decisions. I think he did technical sales once lol

    And yes I play with my smartphone in meetings when I’m bored, must be a techie thing.

    Free Member

    You can get a second hand, Indonesian built Fender strat for around £250. Though the squire range is a good place to start if you don’t want to spend that kind of money. Might be worth talking to the poster above.

    Advice above is all good as well, straight neck stays, in tune, get a decent tutor etc. The acoustic will force the discipline of correct posture, which will make you a better in the long term. If you want a recommendation on an acoustic, buy a Sigma. Used to be the Martin equivalent of Squire, a really good Sigma will be somewhere in the £2-300 range, but the £99 guitars have a good sound and tone. Top end Sigmas play like a Martin you’d pay £6-700 for!

    If you’re anywhere near Berkhamstead in Herts I can recommend a tutor (not me but the one I use) and a decent guitar shop.

    Played live for the first time on Saturday in front of about 100 people at my mates 50th, lordy I was scared lol

    Last bit of advice, don’t get hung up on the names Fender and Gibson (says the man with 2 Strats) There are better guitars out there for less money than a mass produced Les Paul. Not as Iconic though…. 😕

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