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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Gweilo
    Free Member

    You might want to take a look at:

    2nd hand kit to be had there

    Free Member

    I believe that youtube, twitter facebook et al, and probably these forums all count as self publishing so we could all fall foul of the defamation and libel laws….

    Free Member

    I just want to back up the Celestron suggestion. Refractors are better in small apertures than reflectors and are also less likely to suffer from optical issues after small boys ruffing them up a bit! With a reflector you may have to worry about collimation (mirror alignment) if it gets banged about a bit.

    I have a 6 inch Celestron refractor and a 9.25 inch reflector so I have already put my money where my mouth is.

    Free Member

    And therein lays the problem with press regulation, even if some of the journalists are scumbags that behave appallingly everyone gets tarred with the same brush and legislated against.

    Free Member

    There does seem to be a something for nothing culture in this country, a contract is a contract. A bit extra now and then is ok as long as there’s quid pro quo. Which fortunately is how it works where I am currently.

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like your beaver’s got a pOltERgEIst issue rather than a simple haunting. House not built on an old graveyard is it?

    Free Member

    I feel you should ignore the beer snobbery and drink whatever you fancy, though the wine looks like a good call to me. Quality not quantity…. Whiskey then, single malt preferably, if you have any

    Free Member

    lol Thanks I’d forgotten it was snowing, I’ll remember it when I go to the pub :-)

    Free Member

    bearnecessities almost as bad …. Thailand FFS

    Free Member

    It does however boil my piss when people compare the police to the fire service and ambulance crews.

    That is quite simply arrogant, you’re a public servant same as they are, no better and no worse, though I suspect a paramedic requires formal qualification. I’m in IT I earn 16% less than I did this time last year but I still do my job, I drive a crappy old car not an Audi and most of my salary goes to pay the mortgage and feed my wife and kids.

    Self pitying sh!te such as that you wrote “boils my piss”. Whats next you want us to “respect your authority”

    IMHO your doing alright for somebody with “no formal qualifications” your pensions gold plated and you get to retire in 21 years. My suggestion is that you do your job and stop whining about it, or take your experience and go work in the private sector…. you have a choice

    Free Member

    Mate of mine is an utter control freak, but please bear in mind he’s 53 years old so should know better as yob read this.

    Tells his GF when she can go to bed and when she can get up. Sulks if she doesn’t follow these instructions
    Sulks appallingly if she speaks to her kids, she has 4 from her married days
    Sulks even more if she wants to spend time with her 16 year old daughter
    Sulks and twitches if, when we’re out for dinner I set next to his GF, bear in mind that means he’s sitting with my wife
    Doesn’t let his GF eat coriander in a curry as he “doesn’t like it” and it makes him feel ill. Hasn’t actually got a clue if there’s any in food as I delight in feeding him curry loaded with it and have told the local curry shop to ignore him.
    She has to have a stealth facebook account as he’ll sulk
    also has a stealth twitter account as that would cause sulking
    Wants his GF to abandon her kids and emigrate with him, she’ll have no job, no money and be utterly dependant on him….

    Then tells everyone how well he treats her…. she isn’t emigrating but he hasn’t been told yet

    Free Member

    +1 Good Post

    Lost my dad to cancer 26 years ago in April… he was 54 phone donation done

    Free Member

    My wife fed me Tesco burgers this evening, mmmmmmmm 29% Horse Meat lmao

    My daughter looks appalled, which is even funnier :D

    Free Member

    I would pay to be allowed to execute Roy Chubby Brown

    Least Fav: Michael Macintyre, John Bishop, Miranda Hart -I’ve seen a funnier stone than her

    Favs: Rich Hall, Rhod Gilbert, Reginald D Hunter

    Free Member

    totalshell – Member
    must be very comfortable retiring at 53 on two thirds of final salary and a lump sum of four times final salary and i can understand why they object to being called plebs when they are clearly toffs..

    I seriously doubt they were called plebs at all. They probably made that up along with the crowd of shocked witnesses outside 10 Downing street, and the letter from appalled of Ruislip they fabricated. How hard of thinking do you have to be to do that knowing the CC TV recording will prove you a liar.

    And as for Hogan-Howe he needs to be sacked for his unequivocal backing of the idiots before he’d checked the evidence. He still didn’t have a basic grasp of the facts when he went in front of the Parliamentary Select Committee. Incompetent twonk.

    Also good money to be made flogging info to tabloids, like the corrupt anti-terrorism officer convicted last week. All in all my confidence in the police force is being eroded piece by piece even though I know its a thankless job!

    Free Member

    Tyger this 54 Strat you have is it a 1954 strat or a pawn/custom shop series or something else with 54 pickups in it?

    Apologies if I’m being thick.

    I currently have a Clapton Strat with vintage noiseless pickups, ash body, maple neck soft v profile (tele like in its feel) mid tone boost and gain on circuits, which I’m not sure I like

    Free Member

    RichPenny – Member
    I don’t have a problem with anyone reading the mail, as long as they don’t have a problem with me kicking the shit out of next person who treats my family badly because of their origins.

    As has been said earlier most of those likely to attack your family are unlikely to have the intellect to read the Mail, much more likely to be The Sun, Star or the Sport…

    The view of an immigrant, my wife, on the Mail is as follows: “You have to realise its the opinion of the journalist that wrote the piece and if you cant get beyond that you should shut up as you can’t form your own opinions and have nothing to say”

    I’m not sure she’s a libertarian….

    Free Member

    a 2ndaxis oh bugger lol

    I just completed the test and apparently I’m libertarian left….. which must be why I hate the interventionist approach :?

    I’ve passed the link to my daughter who is studying politics at A2 I’m sure her cohort will enjoy it tomorrow

    Free Member

    Hi Cougar it does indeed answer my question, it was meant in jest and no offence was intended and I hope I didn’t cause you any if I did please accept my apology.

    As an elderly techie, having been at this lark for 25 years now, I felt obliged to defend the Mac, especially as I’m typing this on one. I also agree wholly with your point re O/S evangelists, I get to deal with them on a daily basis touting their preferred platforms as the only possible O/S for an enterprise grade solution regardless of the functionality it needs to deliver. Holistic

    Free Member

    Cougar would you describe yourself as Wintel Nazi :wink:

    (I’d take a wager on “no LINUX, Windows is crap” response)

    Free Member

    This Parot Doctrine seems to me to be a little odd, and recalling him after he’s been released, presumably not released on license as lifers are in the UK, is harsh. But then he did murder 12 people and thats going to get you a whole life tariff in the UK…..

    Free Member

    Having not visited the forum or posted for a while I’m pleased to see the leftwing bigotry, and yes you can be bigoted its not an exclusively rightwing position, is going strong. Do you not think that assuming you have the right to tell anyone what they can/cannot, should/shouldn’t read is just a little bit oppressive? Some might even say fascist……. I’m sure the Nazis burned books and banned newspapers

    The DM is available everyday in my house, its crap but then so are most of the tabloids including the mirror, but its worth buying to listen to the stream of outrage from my 17 year old daughter when she reads it :D

    As for the OP FunkyDunc hit the nail on the head

    Free Member

    OP its not about what you like, its about allowing a child to believe something magical happens once a year. The time to let it go is when she decides its rubbish, and I’m sure she’ll tell you. Think of it this way until she was 2, she probably had no concept of Father Christmas and therefore didn’t believe, by three she probably did and now after a year you want ti take that away.

    Your other option I suppose is to tell her its a Roman, pre-christian festival called Satrunalia during which the populace would feast and exchange presents, and the slave took on the role of master for a day., overlaying a christian festival and that the date was decided at the conference of Nicosia in 601 AD by the Emperor Constantine. Might not be such a fun thought for a 4 y/o

    I’m off to cry in a corner at the thought of somebody telling a four year old Father Christmas is Bollox :cry:

    Free Member

    SCAM – Delete Now, do not open any links, Delete with extreme prejudice!!!

    Free Member

    Soho Japan, Dean Street – scarily authentic Japanese right down to the Japanese clientele

    Further North is the Gilbert Scott at St Pancras, it in the renovated Great Eastern Hotel, worth it for the building alone.

    Free Member

    Just did the math the 12 voters by 16:00 at the polling station equates to a turnout of 2.9%

    Free Member

    I voted this afternoon, I was voter number 11 at my local polling station and my wife was number 12. Piss poor turnout = no mandate in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Somebodies got to say it……..

    MAYAN END OF THE WORLD 21/12/2012 ….. oh no……. I’m off to hide under a table for the next 36 days!

    And don’t tell me the Mayan’s didn’t allow for leap years either, I know that but it spoils the fun :D

    Free Member

    Done. Hope it helps and good luck to her.

    Free Member

    I shall be going to the Plough in Potten End this evening, in fact very very shortly to escape Mrs Gweilo who’s having a bout of nagging! Not a bad pub once described as “A Youth Club for Adults”. The other local I frequent is The Alford Arms in Frithsden, excellent food and good beer, but not a youth club for adults, more of a civilised establishment. Both of these are in Herts and make a good stop after a night ride in Ashridge Forrest.

    Free Member

    Pleased to hear their TV’s are good. Their fridge freezers are bloody awful! Good customer service though, that said it needs to be if your £800 appliance fails every 8 months!

    Free Member

    Theres still a picture, well map of sorts, on the door to the utility room that my 4 year old daughter produced. She’s 17 now lol

    If anyones going to Perast in Montenegro I can let you have a copy of the map. Usefully it tells you where her Granddads House is and where the slippery rock in the swimming area is. :-)

    Free Member

    Piemonster tThese are awesome knives lovely knives

    If I’ve made the url thing work….

    Free Member

    The Worst Journey In The World – Cherry Apsley Garrad

    Man hauling sledges across the antarctic in 1912. A real eye opener, well written and a bloody read.

    Free Member

    Kaesae, Last three posts of yours I’ve read can be summarised like this – Iran’s a nice place with a reasonable regime being bullied by the west with associated anti-semmitic garbage included.

    911 was a fake set up by the jews and/or the CIA and was nothing to do with islamic extremism

    and now we have Bashar Al Aassad’s a nice bloke why does he have to go…. the west are sponsoring terrorists in Syria. He’s killing people in the country he dictates to in an attempt to hang on to power if you hadn’t noticed.

    What’s your view of the Taliban shooting a little girl in the head because she wanted an education? Unless I missed it you’ve been pretty quiet on that one…..

    Free Member

    I are mostly a subscriber and one of the fat kanckers described earlier. You skinny bitches may be fast uphill but lordy you’ll never keep up with me downhill, gravity is on my side and a continuously curved body is aerodynamically efficient.

    I do however bemoan the loss of the Coffee forum and want to see the return of the Bike Porn feature. Agree with the points made earlier re crappy writing style of certain other publications. I tried to read them and they made my eyes bleed with their rad claptrap

    Free Member

    Re Network One you’ll keep about 82% of what you earn avoid Giant like the plague they are utterly useless

    Free Member

    All the above advice is good, especially the month being bored sh1tless reading documentation lol The other option not mention is using an umbrella company. Network One are pretty good and painless to deal with. As somebody said above if you do go with your own limited company don’t ever ever **** the VAT man about!!!

    Oh and the other bit of advice prepare to be vilified as tax avoiding scum! :D

    Free Member

    ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ??????? ? ??????. ??? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ???????? ????? ?? ???????? ?? ????????

    Free Member

    I stopped for 9 years, went to Cuba and was given an excellent cigar -Cohiba Esplendido – so I smoked it. Later given a box of 25 to take home by the same person. Took me 18 months to smoke them… now I’m back on the nicotine addiction.

    Bin your baccy…. says the hypocrite!

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