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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • gusamc
    Free Member

    a very difficult situation, my mum died this year and my dad is failing (they’re about 7 hours drive away), even as mum was dying she made it clear I had to live my life and there is nothing I could really do, sitting by the bed of someone who was unconcious/incoherent was a waste of time, her words (*my mum was a nurse). I call my dad every week and go up about 5 times a year – he has also made it clear that it’s not my job to look after him, so I certainly think talking to your mum will be helpful – well talking to mine certainly helped me. I’m very lucky* as dad is on nurse administered pills (*so 4 visits a day) and has mums friends keep dropping in (* and he still works cutting grass/gardening etc when he can…….)

    In terms of ‘acheiving change’ with dad (*he has alzheimers and always was very change resistant), both my gf and I have found it’s best to talk infront of him about what is a good idea(or bad idea) BUT NOT make him do it or force the point and then let him have the idea himself if you see what I mean and then we help him implement it after hes decided it a good idea he’s had(ie throwing out the chip pan)

    Some ideas below, really sorry if you’re offended or consider them inappropriate, but it’s from my learnings – and from talks with my parents, *I’m an only child so the below might be a lot more tricky for you.
    Regarding meals – see meals and wheels, dad is charged 2.85 for a two course hot meal per day – IMHO well worth it – visit and food.
    Get power of attorney signed (you don’t need to use it but doing it when it can be signed by your mum will make it cheaper and easier, *Scotland/solicitor advice.
    Get your name on all bank accounts as joint – I can make sure my dads current account is ok and therefore all standing orders etc etc are ok
    Make sure there is a will, sorry but it will be a pain if there isn’t.
    Check things like house etc insurance haven’t been with the same co for years, my parents were getting rooked – 100% more than competitors.
    Understand your parents financial position – penisons etc, my dad has lost all confidence etc so I deal with most money stuff).
    Try to find out where all papers are (birth/marriage etc certificates as they’ll probably be needed down the line).
    My parents had funeral plans (prepaid funerals) and that meant that somebody did it all the funeral planning/organising for me and dad. It still pisses me right off that my mum is on the east lawn at Ayr crem, but we did talk, several times, and that was her wish, dad goes same place – all clearly documented.

    edit – decided to end on a more humourous note, my dad always had his hair cut by mum, so has now gone a bit hippy, lots of people telling him to get his haircut, after the point got pushed a bit much he remarked – if you think my heid is bad, you should see my arse..’, so now it’s off topic, gf and I will take clippers up at Xmas.

    Free Member

    no, she’s had it for years, so 26″, the frame size (about the only bike she could have) + curved downtube were the clinchers (and we found one in a sale – yahoooooo).

    Free Member

    capers, this forum gets a lot of Spec Myka recommendations for shorts, (mrs gus 4ft 10, Myka 13)

    Free Member

    Sorry – really manflued up just now so this is a brain dump of bunkhouses etc
    Have a look at –
    *middle of nowhere, CRAP parking (poss 4 small cars *sorry a while ago now, owners v helpful though and if you have a powerful telescope you can eat a bacon and egg sandwich on the porch in blazing 7am sunshine whilst viewing Glastonbury Tor).

    Try YHA Camping Barns or bunkhouses – (used Dulverton, walk/bike to pub lots of parking)

    also FYI

    Free Member

    could try Cycling without Traffic <Region> range, we use them to get building block tracks


    we loved Somerset,,127395&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=582&ax=334990&ay=127395&lm=0 cycled pretty much anything we wanted (paths, white tracks), could combine with taunton canal

    pub – recommended

    Free Member

    as a complete alternative see Spice UK, a multi activity group. (Can be a bit expensive and I’d say ages will average 40+sih… – so maybe ask depending on your age, – however lots of singles and you get to try new things if that’s your bag – weekends away are better for meeting, a lot of the sport events are sport and home – not so much chat.)

    otherwise TooTall and “If her picture has her pet in it, leave well alone.” etc etc etc sounds about right, however can I suggest that you also include women who collect garden gnomes in that list.

    *edit – re OP, Yes.

    Free Member

    I’d buy individually and as required – fixings etc change (proud owner of mint condition old style headset and bottom bracket tools….. ho hum).

    Free Member
    Free Member

    as Muke, even nurse, caring, sharing, giving gf had a go this afternoon – ‘ why can’t they just leave a bit to the side for others’ (40 ft wide path and they’d horsed the lot …..

    Free Member

    I did a double mattress a cavalier roof, rope harness on mattress, used the front and rear towing eyes, and tied it through the doors.

    Free Member

    I believe you can’t earn anything – including bank account interest, why not start it up when needed?

    Free Member

    camping, real fire, spuds in foil in embers, sausages pierced on sticks, beans in can sitting on embers

    wet day, steep grass hill, SAI fertiliser bag slide

    counting shooting stars

    grass houses (well woven sticks and weave grass to make a roof with mud walls)

    disposing of out of date RNLI flares in a 50 gallon drum …..

    collecting wood(and other things) for 5th Nov fire

    ? do kids have pram wheel soap box go carts now – presumably not…

    Free Member

    or M6 then M5 then A417(to Swindon) M4 to J10, A322 M to Bracknell and through to M3 and straight across

    Free Member

    do what the freehold owner (spelt w a n k e r ) had done in my first flat – connect his electricity supply to my meter …… luckily I did a test with everything off and started investigating

    Free Member

    Well I’ve ownly owned the old shape 1.6HDI 92, so:

    – I’d avoid the 75hp diesels – unless you like going slowly, as even the 92 isn’t that fast(* not that good at overtaking, esp fast A overtaking)

    – ‘apparently’ the new shape is quicker and has a 200kg higher towing weight

    45k, no issues

    Free Member


    no, *slightly strugging as work access screens out a lot, it’s on my to do list, so if you do it an email of conditions etc would be dead handy. (You could try and get phone no off internet and phone – that’s worked for me in other parts of Scotland)

    I’ve done the North half of this, from road at N down to here,930625&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=576&ax=265747&ay=930625&lm=0 and it was a sandy landrover/car track. I’ve also scoped out the other end – field (it was 40mph headwind/rain so I abandoned), looked like it could be potentially boggy, but have read a tinternet post by some bloke who has done it – so it’s on my MUST do list.

    As an aside have you seen these:,944880&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=576&ax=300224&ay=944880&lm=0 as the station might make it loopable

    Free Member

    was windsurfing along one day and a goose came splash/flying alongside – I thought it was attacking but the bleeding thing jumped on the bow and stayed there for about 5 minutes as I sailed around this lake

    have been forced into the shrubbery by a deer, singletrack, about 4 of us in a line, big deer, at a fair speed coming towards us, it just wasn’t stopping so we all had to bale into the shrubbery

    Free Member

    I’ve found

    (direct gov – search on EAPC)

    Pedal cycles covered by EAPC regulations
    The EAPC regulations are in place for certain bicycles, tandem bicycles and tricycles that have pedals and an electric motor that provides assistance to the vehicle.

    The following requirements must apply:

    •the electric motor must not be able to propel the pedal cycle when it’s travelling more than 15 miles per hour
    •the maximum authorised mass of the pedal cycle, including battery but without rider, isn’t heavier than 40 kilograms (kg) for bicycle and 60kg for tandem bicycles and tricycles
    •the maximum power output of the motor isn’t higher than 200 watts for bicycles and 250 watts for tandem bicycle and tricycles
    •the bicycle must have a plate showing the manufacturer, the nominal voltage of the battery, and the power output of the motor
    If the pedal cycle meets these requirements it won’t need to be registered, taxed or insured and you won’t need a driving licence. You’ll need to be over 14 years old to be able to ride an EAPC.

    So that is pretty clear but nothing about passengers etc. (however given a tandem is ok that is sort of like a passenger ..)

    Free Member

    try your local papers website :+)

    Free Member

    look at cagtops, and note that a lot of wetsuits aren’t designed for arm movement (*that’s a bit black/white/untrue but I’m try to say you don’t want any chafing/resistance on arms, also there is a massive warmth difference between a well fitting, seam sealed, dry zip wetsuit and one that isn’t any of those- but poss not so much of an issue when you’re mainly out of the water….. and not getting flushed)

    I used a Tank top wetsuit (no arms atall) and a cag top for canoeing, I’ve also got a drysuit but I don’t like that as I’m used to a good wetsuit (I surf) however mates have worn fleeces etc under drysuits and they’ve been fine, I also use wetsuit boots (suggesting side zipped ones as the sock fit are an absolute aarse when you’re frozen)

    not being funny but marigolds can help (remembers 10 windsurfers mobbing a Cornwall corner shop – what you’ve no blue left!!!) they’re thin enough that your hands work properly.

    Free Member

    try your local papers, *well the ones in my area show trips with local pickup points etc

    Free Member

    I’d strongly suggest going and to the do afterwards if there is one, you can choose who you talk to and where you stand (without making a scene or personal point), and be social – at my mums funeral I tried to speak to all the people I didn’t recognise, so met people I’d never heard of and found out more about my mum and her life – I found it thoroughly helpful.

    Free Member

    OS 50 are my main route finding tool, buy, highlight all Byways/Bridleways etc, scope suitable loooking loops, find parking/pubs and fill in with coughpaths, I also use MM and have a satmap but always have a map and compass as well.

    Part of any holiday – new maps and dreams of great routes

    Free Member

    Charge what the market will bear -ie as much as you can get.

    Use jobserve/various other job sites to see what daily rate for your skillset is. (*short term/infrequent rates are usually higher than longer term fixed period contacts)

    You could offer them a deal for X days a year minimum at Y per day. (and Z more for each day over ) – security of income is a nice thing……

    Read up on Limited Company vs Umbrella Company (*I’d suggest ltd is better in your case – limited liability – but yoi’ll still need prof etc indemnity etc etc insurance).

    (IMHO) It’s difficult do do a straight comparison, as the world of employee is significantly different to Ltd (ltd has much more tax flexibility). As a VERY VERY VERY VERY rough guide in IT((*well certain parts) 400pdish (over 3 month contract) is **about 35-55k salary…… so call 45 as a ready reckoner.

    **EDIT – I’d suggest getting a SIGNED, contract before you leave if possible….

    Free Member

    see lucien above, can’t really argue with layers BUT will put in a great word for the Buffalo pile pertex cycling jacket (spin dry by swinging around head does work). I vary between it and layering, black goretex socks form ebay (bout 10), now using waterproof shorts, make sure the glove inner finger tips are fixed to the glove tips (to stop finger inners coming out, mainly as I had to fix a puncture and was so cold I couldn’t get glove fingers back in to the glove or gloves on properly – VERY displeased), I usually carry spare gloves and a thermal inner etc so I can change on way home (wrap in a placcy bag inside rucksack), from motorbike days we used to carry thick black bin liners – if you punch head/arm holes in them they are surprisingly effective under a non waterproof top, I’m also thinking about reusing my trail motorbike handguards – you can get mitts/covers so your hands stay dry, your extremeties fail – my feet were stuck to spds, which was fine, however there were quite a few days when I didn’t really have fingers that worked – I was down to moving the entire hand,

    Free Member

    My mum was a nurse, and obviously got to hear some interesting stories.

    Policeman, in hysterics(laughter) during tea break at hospital, they’d been touring and seen a flash car parked with somebody in it, tints, motor running, revving really highly, so a quick lap, still there,getting revved up really highly, then idling, another lap, same again, another lap, same again, so they stop a bit back, sneak up behind and yank the doors open – inside is a middle aged bloke with his knob out, tied to the gear lever with a bit of string

    Free Member

    on the grounds of doing cheap things first
    it’s not airlocking is it (leave tank open)
    or fuel filter blocked type stuff

    Free Member

    you possibly want a Spec Myka (13, 15, curved top tube gf = 4ft10 on 13)

    if you’re near Faringdon can prob offer you a go

    Free Member

    just fixed a creak on mine
    turned out bb had worked loose on both sides, so retightened, and all ok now
    other creaks discovered – seatpost clamp, rear QR not tight enough, and a gem – saddle working loose on saddle rails …..

    Free Member

    as a complete alternative – is it ‘annexabale’ – ie using the rent a room scheme you can potentially do about 4k a year tax free, so do that and wait for a property recovery (and save buying/selling fees)

    Free Member

    mmm – you might not want to try this … as it can go VERY WRONG and it might not work, mmm – you might not want to try this … as it can go VERY WRONG and it might not work,mmm – you might not want to try this … as it can go VERY WRONG and it might not work

    ** edit ie this is a last resort
    good advice in above post

    get a tiny drill and drill a hole in DEAD repeat DEAD middle of stuck bolt, repeat with slightly larger drill, repeat till drill almost size of bolt (check drill against other arm hole) and you might be able to unpick the thread of the bolt and pull it out – have seen it done on a motorbike

    Free Member

    by ‘tradition’ gf and I brekkie in Lockerbie (in on S junction when heading N) head town centre, park on LHS just after lights and use ‘blue’ coloured cafe also used the pub there and that was ok (*these are functional/ok food as opposed to ‘nice’)

    There is a big hotel/pub nearer the S Lockerbie junction – no idea about food there though.

    Free Member

    sorry to hear that, been there 4 times myself, and IME it requires some change and effort.

    See points above about absolute discretion and only believe what is in (legally bound)writing and is signed…..

    For me:
    – stopped all ‘unecessary spending’ immediately – takeaways, excess beer etc etc, buying stuff, shopped from supermarket bargain bins, my cooking skills improved no end…. (*cooking burns up time as well) – years on I still don’t do takeaways much

    – socially, I tried to find free/local stuff, during the day I used the library a lot, free papers, reference materials (*maps in my case and stuff on rights of way/definitive map), free internet access, there were (one time) free computer courses for unemployed, went there every morning and then bargain bin for lunch. I still went out with mates but explained my situation and did my own round and didn’t do the meals etc and not every time. Have a look at ‘local’ stuff (papers/library/notice boards/internet) as I was single at the time and 24 hours a day (IMHO) in the house is incredibly depressing/destructive. There will be things like ramblers etc doing free walks, talks etc etc – yes it may sound like shoooite to you but I’d suggest it’s less shoooite than being housebound on your own 24/7.

    – jobwise, cv ban up to date, happy to doctor it for a specific job, internet check every day, emails/calls where appropriate, can you use friend/contacts/Linked-in etc to try to get work

    – mistakes I think I made/things I maybe should have done:
    – took me a while to get over sitting next to the phone moping/waiting for it to ring…. **tawtt…… and should have ridden/ etc more but I was fairly ‘negative’ mentally – so try to stay positive and motivated.
    – maybe should have looked at short term temping jobs (some money and contact etc)
    – maybe should have looked at volunteering (as my biggest pain was boredom – ie no mates during day, desire to not spend much when mates available ..)

    Overall it was good for me as it made me go self employed where I did fine.

    Free Member

    just found yet another Maidenhead gem (*well IMand GFHO), Knowl Hill, N, Thames path W all the way to Henley (studiously ignoring the no cycling signs and explaining the law to 4 oldsters who we saw contemplating the signs – who then followed us) – amazing houses and boats (and not the slighest problem), coffee and bun on the waterfront at Henely, then Crazies Hill, looping down to Twyford (where we had a picnic under a tree in a cut hay field watching trains and planes and automobiles) and loop back, all in blazing blue with wispy clound, only 200 yds on a busy road (and that was pavement), home now, and just fixed the creak that was driving me wild – curry to follow – yahoooooooo

    Free Member

    OP, apologies, slight blag – if you’re near Faringdon or Reading I’ve got an uneeded Tadpole

    Free Member

    I don’t think we’re best served by a 5 year term system and I’d prefer a (much smaller)management committee as opposed to the current system which I feel encourages mindless point scoring arguing, short termism and even malicious management(e.g PFI – it looked good on the headlines, shiny new hospital, a bit later – how f**king much for how long, long term non all party agreed contracts where it cost more to cancel than complete etc)

    As I don’t see that happening at the very least I’d like to see a long term link between MPs and their benefits, esp pension, such that instead of being guaranteed it was linked to overall country wellbeing, you could aurgue that loosing you seat is the performance link, but I’d suggest too many seats were predetermined to stop this being a true control.

    Free Member

    cheers xiphon – haven’t seen that page for a while

    I’ll assume that 100-120 are ok, 100 on Pro, 120 on base 5 as sold by Orange.

    Having said that ole trusty is still running well, but did scratch stanchions in mega leave/grass/mudfest couple of weekends ago.

    Free Member

    if you’re near Reading/Basingrad/Swindon I’m about to lob quite a few Oracle 7 (*now quite old version) courses/manuals that I no longer need

    Free Member

    as a blag (apologies OP) does anybody know ditto for 2004 model – which I think came with 100s – can you put 120s on – as Orange do seem to have thinned down their website

    Free Member


    Very basic personal dets
    Qualifications, and skills (*in keyword list style for engine searches)
    Job history, latest first and more detailed

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