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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 2: FUNN Mamba S Pedals
  • gusamc
    Free Member

    Speaking as a producer of software that never has any bugs you can try the std ones I use ;+)

    I have a c.v. on LinkedIn – and have had quite a few punts from that (*but I suspect that’s down to the fact I have some very niche skills)
    however it’s free.

    Free Member

    As I’m doing a will pack now any chance of specific issues that I should watch for.

    I’ve done a word.doc – which lists all my details (houses, car, possesions, financial crap etc etc). So it can be attached etc.

    I’ve got two executors
    I know my witnesses (*can’t be left anything if they sign)
    and I’m doing thw will as %s for everything
    (two %s – one if my parents are alive, one if they are dead)

    Free Member

    “If you were in their position, would you do what they did? Be honest now.” and “Pretty standard for most people who are entitled to expenses.”

    We’re not in their position, stick some of their claims on your tax form and see how generous HMRC are with the phrase ‘wholly, exclusively and necessarily’. Try getting a lanmower past your boss.

    I’ve worked in US, Canada, France and various UK cities. I got hotels, travel and some meals. Note that HMRC allows me £5 per day unreceipted in UK and £10 per day abroad. I thought it was a bit tight but I certainly didn’t find it to hard to understand.

    Best I ever got was US, company paid hotel, hire car and flights, I got 20USD per day (Mon Fri) unreceipted, not allowed to claim anything else, I was there for 3 months – 1 flight – ie out + back.

    Quite how they can justify and ‘independent committee’ begars belief, we already have one – HMRC.

    Free Member

    I suspect it’s ‘access for all’.

    However in Berks it seemed to be as a bunch of tossers on horses overused some tracks that connected to local villages and turned them into an unpassable foot deep quagmire/paddy field.

    (*Interestingly enough when vehicles did they same thing they just TRO’d [banned] them, nice to see equality ….)

    Free Member

    As this is on my todo list does anybody have a route (GPS/Memory Map) that I could blag.


    Free Member

    Sounds like air, so – full bleed + replace fluid.

    The std ‘air in system test’ is, leave for a while
    – test lever (ie pulllback)
    – pump lever backwards and forwards for 30 secs and test
    compare pullback. If after pumping lever is less back/harder indicates air.

    Fluid is also hyrdroscopic (or something like that), it absorbs moisture over time, this means it becomes less ‘hard’ with age.

    Old motorbike tip is to tap caliper when bleeding, it’s supposed to shock any air bubbles free so they go with the flow.

    Free Member

    Apologies. I saw one in my local Indian, my fault, I asked for it to be a little hotter ……

    Free Member

    compass and gps may be handy as well….

    Free Member

    Yep, lots of times – I’m a scottish country boy (*well sometime ago).

    Best one was after a meal at a restaurant in Orkney with some friends, we had drinks on the lawn, in the blazing sun, watching an otter lying on kelp, on his back, tucking in, only about 50ft away – luxury…

    Free Member

    not much, gammy leg, neck and shoulder.

    However – sun is shining and I rather like this:

    add some cider and a takeaway – going down rather well ……..

    Free Member

    I’d also try google and MSDN

    Ok, you have to sift a bit, however it’s free and there are some real gems knocking about.

    Free Member

    Not being funny
    try ebay – stuff on there now.

    Landmark Trust – interesting properties, **** me cost.

    If she wants cheap –

    Free Member

    Go off at junction, head N on A34 and take 1st (very immediate) L to Chievely.

    L at T at top of slip.
    Follow into Chievely village, pass pub on LHS(Red Lion), narrow bit and then take L down road (possibly School Road) , follow round, couple of hundred yards, there are two rights you could use – posh housing area.

    Free Member


    Wallingford has a nice loop (to E + S)

    Free Member

    Surfing, North Devon, Parkdean/Ruda is one accom place, lots of other. (Will be busy). Good coastal walks.

    Walking, canadian opens, camping down Wye,

    Coasteering, St Davids, surfing, camping Newgale beach, bitches rib ride, walking in Pembroke

    Hampshire does walking leaflets – Wayfarers Walk etc, Test valley Way, so possibly do other areas.

    Free Member

    dagnabbit – out razzling on Sat night, next time

    Free Member

    bleach, toothbrush, rubber gloves, attractive assistant, uniform,

    well maby just first three, experiment in hidden area

    Free Member


    Free Member


    I wandered lonely as a biker,
    Having just been pushed off by a hiker
    Oi you – ‘orf my land’ and then a crash
    Certainly won’t happen at the Big Bike Bash
    Go along you might just like her.

    Free Member

    I have an orange hiz viz plastic bag and a goretex bivvy (ex MOD, 20 ebay).

    Regrading space blankets, having used one I nearly sweated to death, so won’t be using one again (*but better than nothing, and so small/light)

    Free Member

    Just wanted to post a quick thanks to the local guides and everybody else, excellent route, damn those hills …… really enjoyed it.

    Did find the bluebells with gf, as well.

    Thnks for a geat day out.


    Free Member

    I’d agree with RichP, infact 13mph is faster than I ever go…….

    Is there likely to be a codgers group and is the route figure of 8 etc (ie to allow people who want to drop out the ability to cut it short if it takes longer than anticipated)

    Free Member

    I’d do a cost of hiring vs owning evaluation – especially until you’ve really found your feet.

    I’d also learn about the costs of a sailing club. Mine used to be 120 a year AND you had to do a days free work.

    I found (speaking as a windsurfer) that as my skill increased that I only went on windier days, in then end I owned a windsurfer and went out about 4 days a year …….

    I’d also recommend trying windsurfing – much more exilerating, mind you hulling a cat and that was awesome (but also limited to Greek holidays)

    I’d recommend non wood, using UV free storage facilities, bricks to keep trailer tyres from flattening (lift load), and treat the trailer to a greasing once a year, esp if immersed/salt.

    Free Member

    My mum took me offroading (and salmon poaching and shooting) in the early 60s, I was on a tricycle, she was on a raleigh shopper….

    singlespeeding on t farm in the 70s

    rejoined mtbing after motorbike trail riding got a bit to political in the very late 80s.

    Free Member

    yellow, slightly curved ones ?, very cheap in bumches…

    Free Member

    Having been redundant 3 times my discovery was that you can only really save money on personal spendnon essentials – ie takeaways, holidays, treats ….

    Stuff like mortgage, insurances, gas, lecyyy etc etc is pretty much non negotiable. You can shop ‘cheaper’ – ie cheaper food items etc but you can’t actually not buy it.

    Certainly taught me to save for a rainy day…………… and I lost weight …..

    Free Member

    As I understand it you get
    – dot trail ones
    – garmin map ones
    – os map ones

    I have a Garmin etrex, which is a dot trail (crap map, balck and whites- majors stuff only, does speed, direction, turn distance etc OS POsition.

    Garmin do ones with rolling real maps but they aren’t OS.

    – OS map ones, display a rolling OS Map

    I would choose an OS map one (if money were unlimited), as directions without context are useless (esp once you’ve gone wrong). I get by with my Etrex, great if there is a distinct turn (but when options etc etc you need the map to really confirm)

    Free Member

    How does that chart interact with salary ????

    ie tax freedom day for someone on 20k, and 35k and 50 and 100k

    Free Member

    I destest them all but must admit to destesting Cable a lot less than most others.

    Generally agree with his logic, mind you, he’s not been corrupted by power yet. Cameron should be sweeping to victory but ……..

    Free Member

    ezeefix or ezee fix

    helps if you can google on <model> door seal, uk only search

    Free Member

    I’ve heard that thermal shock can work.

    Get the engine hotter than hell, then douse with lots and lots of cold water.

    Bikie/engineering types said it worked on transits …….

    Mind you araldite (two tube) is bloody amazing as well – it DID seal motorbike crankcases.

    Free Member

    Hi uplink, sorry to hear that…..

    I’ve experienced similar with bullocks (ie bovine teenagers) but they fold if you stand and wave/shout (*but with a kid and a dog, I’d do a runner as well, to be honest I’d ditch the dog as well…, as I suspect thta it may be the issue, maybe not though)

    I’ve also seen food stampedes, ie get fed by people, therefore people = food, charge ….

    I’ve had significantly more problems with dogs, horse riders and ramblers than I have with cows (and I’ve more or less had a head on collision with a full sized bull), however I also remember number 39, a cow on the farm I worked on, it would come for 1/2 a mile to have a go – it really had some problems.

    I guess it’s a bit like people, some you do have to watch out for, the more experienced with animals you are the better your judgement is likely to be.

    Free Member

    uplink – if some twatting dog ran around after you child barking aggressively what would you do (*and take into account you now are fairly large, have 4 legs, very limited vocabularly)

    Also worked on a farm, the bulls tended to not be violent, but more unaware of their strength (ie I fancy a scratch, right I’ll jut use this handy person – ever wonder why telegraph poles in fields were skewed…) and determined (ie I fancy a shag – right I’m off, gate, what gate ?, what was that cracking sound, sorry – she’s a looker I’m off)

    Free Member

    Someone I know a problem with some carpet fitters a while ago.

    To cut a long story short they had a problem with their shop, some rsole apparently filled all the door looks with wood filler …….

    Free Member

    can you cycle on autobahns then ?

    Free Member

    quite common, I do ‘made up’ rides in Berks, Hants, Wilts etc plus a few forays to Wales, Scotland etc etc.

    You need to factor in:
    – time of day, earlier = less people (*FAO teenagers and students, an early start = 6am)
    – car park proximity, further away = less people (say over 1 mile as BIG step)
    – honeypot value, not famous or been on tv recently = not a honeypot

    I’ll always do group rides and I’ll always do the odd solo, variety rules.

    Free Member


    couldn’t have put it better

    Free Member

    Me and a mates missus did m2m/cpr on this old codger at the Hardy Monument car park.

    Not good, old woman asked us to help her husband to the car as he was feeling a bit unwell, so we did then a couple of minutes later she asked for help again, he was actually turning blue.

    We started cpr and our mates called ambulance, asked around etc, amazingly, in a small car park the woman running the snack bar wagon was an ex senior nurse, she left the snack bar to help, so some bloke in the snack bar queue then manned the snack bar, 2 passers by were nurses and they came and took over, and once nurse 1 was in charge of the phones some other bloke moved all the cars so they could get the helicopter down in the car park.

    Free Member

    Quite why you’re allowed to call it Employer NI is beyond me. It’s a tax on the individual. The employer might pay it but it’s most certainly a tax down to that employee.

    Top Tip to any company owners etc on here. Pay staff a min type wage and then make it up with attendance money, sorry expenses. (you will save employer NI, employee NI, employee Tax) – sounds efficient to me. Lets face it from an HMRC position they’d hardly be in a position to say it was illegak – would they ?.

    Free Member

    loft ?

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