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  • gusamc
    Free Member

    both rather processional.

    The following is also processional but more more exciting, a truly great combination of mechanical power and ambition:

    Free Member

    break into a lighthouse, climb to top, drill hole in lightbase.

    well it would have worked years ago …………

    Free Member

    recommended, best brekkie for ages, gf loved it (I though it was nearly worth it and I'm a £20 a night bloke…..), cracking little village, nice predinner stroll, walk up town to bridge, l, down beside river, along beach, along golf course, up town din dins …, various nice pubs and small bistro (standing outside, facing away, turn R on lhs of road, not far – booking recommended)

    Free Member

    Check out comet auctions.

    I'd buy as cheap as poss (taking into account energy ratings), also try cash offer on demo models at showrooms.

    Personally don't think extended warranty a good idea.

    *Based on a rather cynical expectation that we live in diposable world and most stuff is explicitly designed to not be repairable (and taking into acccount UK callout and labour charges) plus parts availability and cost.

    Free Member

    I'd say you want a 16
    I'm 5 5 and am fine on a 16(old 04), apart from when I drop off back of seat I can sometimes 'catch' on the way back up as its ABSOLUTE full stretch for me.

    I tried a blokes 18 and it felt too stretched for me (inside leg 28ish)

    I actually want a 14" as (spaeking to Orange 5 5 is the cusp height between 14-16)

    ps re 3" clearance – do you ride in platforms ??? – honest I get caressed by my tube and we seem to be the same height ??????????

    Sounds like too much money to not get a test first.

    Free Member

    Can you make a reservoir (plastic bag, zippy plasticine etc) and leave it to soak in plus gas for a week, giving it a few taps each morning and night.

    I had a stuck bolt on a DT175 monoshock, that was the garage advice, it eneded in the garage and a bloke heated it with a welding torch and used a BIG hammer in then end. Don't consider a mountain bike would be able to stand this treatment though.

    I don't know the design, so apologies if this is a dumb suggestion, – but could you cut the head off and drift it through, or can you get something (like a punch) on the other end and ry drifting it out ?

    Free Member

    poss not entirely related.

    Anyway, parents bungalow – damp on inside walls at bottom, investigation revealed that the previous owner used plastic as weed proofer under the gravel that surrounds the house, this was funnelling water off the side of the plastic – or against the house wall, me and dad cut the pastic back and dug a 18" trench round the area and hardcore filled and topped with gravel, a lot better.

    Also fixed a similar issue on gfs semidet outside washhouse, damp on inner wall, issue is gutter draining straight into ground outside (on neighbours side), I've dug a huge soakaway (encouraging water away from wall and hardccored) and again noticeable improvements.

    Free Member

    mtb polo
    protected keeper area
    not allowed to hit whilst not feet up
    not allowed to tackle head on (from side in same direction)
    (I have played motoball – same rules)

    Free Member

    Suggest finding friendly local with working setup and seeing which bit of yours is broken – ie does the cable definitely work ??

    Why not use a serial cable – they seem to work ??

    Free Member


    ??? you're using USB aren't you so shouldn't you use a USB port and set Mode to USB ??

    Mine works as above with serial cable on com port 1.

    Free Member

    sorry see cheesefoot head, second link

    Free Member

    Some nice stuff between Basingstoke/Winchester

    The actual forest tracks are family friendly, nice for a leisurely bimble.

    Free Member


    my settings are
    Manufacturer: Garmin
    Mode: Serial
    Port: COM1 (presumably you would use 4 but why not try 1)

    Wapoint Name Length: 8, Points per track: 500, waypoints per rout: 100

    Free Member

    Take a shower curtain with you, under bike wheels and between handlebars and wall (probably in bath in travelogde, get disabled room if empty – it'll be bigger), well the nice lady in Scotland didn't whinge when she popped in to see if we were allright, in her luxury bungalow ….

    Free Member

    Mum used to do haddock, poached in milk, dad used to do mackerel, cleaned in the sea, primus, pan butter, on brown bread.

    Free Member

    BIC, NSP, Southpoint – great beg/int makes. My mates (are just standing up for short periods, about 11-13st, average/average+ fitness, 40ish yrs old) love the Southpoint 8f6, they find NSP 7ft6 is just a bit narrow/wobbly/harder to catch small (1ft-5ft) mush waves on and they no longer like the soft Swell boards that they started on.

    I'm a one board man using a McTavish surftech[see also tuflite] (much lighter to carry, but more expensive to buy), 8ft 6, (50 yrs old, 13st, average\average+ fitness for age), can stand and turn (ish). (* I actually have 2 other boards but the 7ft 6 requires such effort to get going (and stay on)that I can't be bothered). (Poss for sale mint 7ft 10, berks, McTavish suits me better)

    There's probably an equation somewhere, IMHO, the lighter, fitter and more skilled you are the shorter you can go and get the same end result.

    Certainly try some and get a feel before purchase. Just ask other surfers, I managed to do that with quite a few.

    Free Member

    I thought you were ment to use the brakes – not being funny but that way you are indicating to other drivers your actions via brakelights.

    Teach her to lock/unlock – deal with abs chatter, slide etc.Might not pass her test but handy.

    Free Member

    Try bothies and bunkhouses with a tent for good weather also YHA

    On the people side, National Front do working holiday breaks (sorry National Trust) but personally I think they're similar organisations.

    Personally (and I will be doing it when gf and I get time, maybe in 5 yaers when I retire, maybe before if redundant) – camp Applecross beach for a while, Applecross to Torridon road in blazing sun, whilst stunned with awe at the view (again), Harris & Lewis (again), drive west coast (mostly again), Dunnet Head and the long trails in Caithness, stacks of Duncansbay, Whaligoe steps (ps women could carry a BIG basket of fish up there, try jogging with a rucksack – you'll be fked), Orkney – ring of Brogar (ignoring the signs and lying in the middle early in the morning – also Skara Brae, Maes Howe), Skye (Quirang – again), Garvault Hotel (*apparently most remote in Scotland plus the bike route that leads to it – as I didn't manage it last trip), surfboard with me along the N coast of Scotland, couple of awesome bays MUST have swell, Sandwood Bay (again), lie in the grass on Tiree listening to birds in the amazing evening light(again), stand at Crinan in the blazing sunshine at 7am watching the mist clear(again), the list is endless and up to you

    Free Member

    I'm IT, realsitic choice of umbrella (Parasol) used to be good. Fixed monthly fee. Limited control (can get REAL expenses and do pension) over money.

    Ltd Co, use accountant (say 800ish per year for doing all books etc etc).
    More conrol over money, slightly more hassle. You get pretty good stuff from HMRC. (Eithet buy off shelf or register own name – off shelf is a fait bit cheaper – own name is about £200 ???) possibly))

    The most powerful person in the world is the VAT man, don't take the piss.
    (They have right of entry etc etc)

    Free Member

    Glad to hear you're ok, and that you had a good witness.

    On my 17th birthday, and first legal day on the road, I performed a T bone forward roll over the roof of a Fiat 124 coming out of the local hospital. Unable to walk (shock mainly) I crawled to front of car and got number (which I still remember 33 years later) and then (as my mum worked at the hospital) I very politely refused to leave the scene till either the police or my dad arrived. When dad arrived I had my arms locked around the hospital gate and 3 nurses were trying to drag me into the hospital.
    When I have a bath I can still see the tiny knee scars, which we think is where my knees clipped the car roof.

    No action taken sadly, cars parked all over place, vision obscured, and I left no skid marks, I'd been riding a motorbike since 10 but that appeared to have little legal importance.

    Anyway take care, eye contact tips good, also watch driver orientation, car orientation, head movements, is he speaking to his passenger/watching road etc etc, hand placement on wheel etc etc, don't go on indicator, go on indicator plus confirmation. Your observation will likely improve with experience and the actul bike control will become motor function, allowing more time for observation etc etc.

    Free Member

    The rumour is to build the base marginally smaller than the shed base, then run off runs down side of shed and doesn't settle on concrete base.
    However do you actually need to concrete the whole base (as it sounds like a lot), footings, sleepers ..?????????
    I'd check with planning as 27ft isn't really a shed 6×7=shed 27×7 = garage…..
    I wouldn't recommend mesh – mainly as I've actually had to remove quite a lot of concrete…so may be biased

    We piped my drive but that was next to the road, very easy (and quick) make sure sidings absolutely correct, level, well secured etc etc. I'd measure then phone and see what piping facilities are. I'm sure the STW massif will correct but my limited understanding is that a single batch will be stronger.

    Free Member

    split skin at top
    – slice nana
    – add rum in split
    – add chocolate in split
    – etc
    siver foil

    Free Member

    Could you use picture wire to tie into loops.

    Free Member

    Did you get his car number ? In which case you could folow up with local ROW officer after checking definitive maps on the actual route.

    Free Member

    gf is 4 10, so a real struggle, anyway got a Specialized Myka pro 13" with curved down tube, they also do full suss range so that must be worth a look. I'm 5 5 and am on an Orange 5 16, so I reckon you'd be ok on a smaller Orange.

    We tried Pauls Cycles, Edinburgh Bicycle Company web sites, there were sales off 'small sizes' last year – myka listed 650 we got for 450 in an Edingburgh Bikes special offer.

    Free Member

    With my very first flat I got fully intact white/yellow/blue metal keep left bollard, now serving as a garden ornament.

    Free Member

    This was mentioned on an R4 discussion as being possibly related,

    The original verdict looks iffy to me

    Free Member

    we run our own keep fit class

    £2 per hour, £15 for 10 weeks. (Hire a badders court and 50p per person, std leisure centre charges.)
    We've accumulated – skipping ropes, stretch bands, boxing gloves/pads, music box….

    Free Member

    Possibly narrower if they don't hang all same way
    outers – by front
    inner – by rear
    adjust hook heights/locations so they don't interfere

    Free Member

    gf has done my plums …..
    Had compote (?? – well stewed with nectarines and cinammon sticks) at a BBQ, jam in cupboard and last 3kg is being turned into chutney.
    Also planning to leave left overs in demi-jon with vodka (other recipies/ideas welcome).

    Tip – sloe gin with Ben + Jerrys cherry garcia works well.

    Currently quite up on bramble patches so looking at plans for that, ditto sloes…

    Free Member

    maybe consider doing the route with parking 'in the middle', ie so you're never MILES from the car, so that disasters can be catered for with shortcuts and splitting the group etc.

    Free Member

    Down the pub for roast pork and lager/greek chicek and spritzer, back home for fruit salad, gf making jam as plum tree has gone into overload, I'm actually 'listening' to the 'Python eats cats thread' as it's a corker, then Hotel Babylon.

    Free Member


    read the packet – as tablet strength varies

    Free Member
    Free Member

    ditch him.

    Re the money, I don't think it's the amount I think it's the love of that causes problems.

    Free Member

    *Check campsite facilities, as some don't have showers/toilets.

    Anyway, find Brockenhurst, New Milton and Lyndhurst – there's an ex railway between with various paths leading off, I've done BH to RW. *Note that this no longer legal and frankly speaking the forest for qwits have gone off one one with restrictive access. (Cycle shops will have current maps).
    For family cycle Brockenhurst is a good strat – you can nearly get to Beauliue off road. They have cunningly created several unjoined sets of cycle trails Linwood, Burley Lodge, Brockenhusrt LHS A337, Brockenhurst RHS A337 – biggest concentration of ty is RHS A337 toards BEALiue. (Rhinefield Ornamental Drive and Bolderwood Arbortereum Drive nearly join the areas.

    If you're an early bird (6/7 am and check seasonal restrictions as you're banned in mid summer and possibly certain hours) you can ride the prom (along sea front at beach level) from Hengishtbury head (RHS of BMOUTH when facing map) to Poole – great kiddie cycle, BUT gets VERY busy after 9ish with dogs, pillocks, pensoiners, people who should no longer be wearing lycra etc etc but cafes are open etc..

    If you want a quiteish but stoney beach (little bits of sand) for a walk anbd a cafe overlooking IOW – Bbarton on Sea – lhsish

    Free Member

    this is ice cream, mellow road, pub, beach, windmills, rivers

    Sea Palling, coast S on green dots, West Somerton, Martham, up to water at Martham Ferry, follow water Eish, cross A149, onto N side of water, Wish along fp above Repps Level, S on FP to water, follow water to Womak water, N to Ludham, Catfield, Hickling Heath, , Sea Palling.

    Good pub at Sutton Staithes (Hotel at Sutton)

    Hire a boat at Wroxham

    Free Member

    shower curtain – about £4 B&Q etc etc etc

    Free Member

    Pick area I want to visit
    buy OS:50,000 Series paper map and yellow (etc) highlighter ALL marked tracks.(This allows me to tagrget areas and find likely loops of right size for me)
    plot on Memory Map (allows much quicker picking uphill road, downhill offroad, start points etc, evaulating hills/effort)
    once happy with route move to GPs

    I also look for posted routes on t'internet.

    Free Member

    I'm a 'bike behind' shouter, most responses are positive, either way it seems reasonable to slowup and alert people that you're coming.

    I find either (bike or bell) seems to genuinely startle some people and I know from my 82 year old mum (stick and new hip) that she gets really upset by people flashing past a few inches away.

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