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  • Do I Need Bike Insurance? Your Bicycle Insurance Questions Answered
  • gusamc
    Free Member

    get OS:50000 173. Swindon S towards Marlborough, See also Barbery (poss spelling) Castle (hillforty with cafe)just S of Swindon as a start (can also ride up hill to there from Swindon via mway footbridges (find lake in S Swindon nr J15 and L a bit follow paths S from there

    (or can head E (maybe ENEish)and get to Ridgeway along to to Reading ann back on train – not technical nice views, most expensive railway line in uk per mile of travel i believe check ticket price)

    (*sorry lunch – so terse reply)

    Free Member

    floorball (indoor non ice – ice hockey, fast furious, check out tinternet – a lot of unis have clubs))

    Free Member

    sorry also google symonds yat, river wye, forest of dean

    Free Member

    do some googling on Corfe Castle, Dorset (and Swanage) – various sites, nice pubs, ferry to bmouth for shopping, cafes, prom walk, beaches, old harry rocks, beaches etc, couple of nice toutes and I'm sure some poster on here could advise.

    for a family a team bimble along bmouth prom might work (can cycle along prom from nearly Poole (via chain ferry) to hengistbury head, cafe, beach huts etc, small boat ferry to Christchurch)

    Free Member

    have you tried ??

    Free Member

    The Rising Sun pub in Burghfield Common advertises rooms for 20.
    *all female friends refuse to go there and it's not pretty…..

    Free Member
    Free Member

    does that mean that a bike with badly dinged rims, loose steerer and shot bearings ridden on ice is god ?

    Free Member

    check out ex windsurfer ones, quite a few had 'false' floor storage layers underneath to stash boards/masts/sales

    Free Member

    caravan can be left, you have to pack a campervan to drive away (*without breaking stuff).
    towing has lower speed limit, and most caravan owners don't appear to be able to reverse

    But I just joined YHA, laterooms and do ebay for accom, and I've got Berlingo and a popup tent/quality tent/……..

    Free Member


    part of army cutbacks, SAS are going to be on bikes, lots of them near me too, just practising like….

    The smarter ones appear to have learned that even if some pirrock puts and red led on your rear seatpost if you wear a cycling cut top the tail will cover it…………..

    Free Member

    05 black 16" pro hope – std
    mail in profile

    Free Member

    start barking at her – honest, smile like Jack in The Shining and bark….

    Free Member

    can I add trig points and maps – very early 'engineering' that I still use

    Free Member

    having viewed it, change clothes, put on skimpy undies, stupidly tight trousers, bra and makeup (as you can't possibly view a house without it) and walk with immense strain on the foot, you will notice that the garage appears considerably bigger than before and that the kitchen, toilets and bedrooms, which seemed fine before are in desperate need of a full and expensive makeover …….

    Free Member

    agree with W of Scotland and Isles (really, really worth it)
    drive Applecross/Torridon
    Old Man of Hoy from ferry
    cycle across Barmouth estuary
    Portmeirion,drink in the hotel
    Somerset levels @6am on a (sunny and unwindy) summer morning
    red cliffs of Devon from a train
    land on Barra airport
    Norfolk Broads
    Severn bore
    Minack theatre
    Jack Fullers pyramid
    Northen Lights
    Glen Trool
    drive to Woody Bay
    Ring of Brogar

    Free Member

    buy a tarp or a decent sheet of plastic but a better tent may be more practical esp if windy

    – looking like a **** is more fun than being wet, remember plastic bags to keep stuff inside tent dry …………….

    Free Member

    visit a peak hours (and pub kicking out ..)
    understand who own what (fences etc, walls, roofs) and likely maintenance costs/hassle (ie anything joint willmay be a pita)
    understand parking vs your needs
    check out neighbours who will be near enough to impact your life (rubbish in garden scrap cars etc)
    if any paths/shared drives etc get absolute clarity on ownership, costs and access rights
    – yeah second visit – test EVERYTHING, heating, taps, flush loos, anything built in, water, leccy, gas.. cooker, fires, extractors, …… make sure all doors open fully in all rooms and close)
    pp for extensions
    do your own personal local survey
    noise test – if semi etc, so you know how much noise carries and if you can cope with the neighbours ……
    somewhere to put ze wheelybin /rubbish etc in line with ze local regulations yahowll
    look for asbestos (corrugated roofs, drain pipes ..) etc
    – gas boiler placement – bedrooms are NOT good places for them

    Free Member

    I think it's all part of the cash cow milking of motorists – regno = owner = bill = very hard to contest = easy money.

    I'd be interested to see the impact on antisocial etc behaviour if it was a quick no messing £100 fine and if it wasn't paid then you were impounded, without reports, without investigations, without ….. ie treated like a motorist ……………

    Free Member

    Find the definitive map for the area (OS maps are not legal it is) and get a copy, there will possibly be history on the changes to it (there is for me west berks) – . Google Rights of way <your county> etc.

    Must admit that I agree a complaint is required, ingorance of people in positions of authority is worth nipping in the bud.

    Free Member

    Pug 306 2.0 HDI
    cam belt @96

    Free Member

    possibly because they find that a loo seat/floor/carpet etc with urine all over it unpleasant ?

    Free Member

    KT1973 – nice one – keeper, engineer, helicopter ??? what were you doing

    Free Member

    Possibly not unknown, but dad was a lightkeeper

    Free Member

    specialist software developer
    getting better – jobs for my skillset up about 30-40% from last year
    had to go abroad for some of the time, and had to take 12.5% pay cut to keep a job in UK

    Free Member

    hor air ballooning is the only sport I know where you set out to commit an offence.

    I believe that there is an agrement between NUF (or whaever the National Famers Union or National Union of Farmers) or whatever it is that determines compensation.
    "Several years ago the BGA and the National Farmers Union agreed a code of conduct for glider pilots landing in fields, I have reproduced that code below, it still holds good and recently the NFU have stated that they do not wish to change it. At the same time they set a maximum landing fee for both balloons and gliders of £3:50. Balloons have since exceed this figure many times over because of commercialisation, the figure was set many years ago and personally I feel £10.00 is about right now.

    If your farmer demands more, refer him to his local NFU representative, you will not know who it is but he most certainly will.

    If anyone threatens you personally, or you feel threatened then call the police immediately. They will not wish to get involved in a case of Trespass as this is a civil case, but in cases where you have been personally threatened then it is a criminal case and they have to.

    Legally the farmer is not allowed to prevent you from leaving his property or from taking your glider with you. He may expel you by force, but no more than is reasonably necessary and not before asking you to leave. He may not confiscate or impound your aircraft, if he does he is guilty of a form of theft.

    A recent case in 1998 demonstrated this fact when a court injunction was issued to prevent a landowner from detaining a pilot's aircraft.

    Once the landowner has prevented you from retrieving your aircraft he has effectively taken charge of the safe keeping of that glider. It is a amazing how quickly he will agree to your removing it if you explain this to him and point out to him the value of the equipment he has just impounded.

    Regardless of your reception, be polite, do not loose your temper and always return after your retrieve to thank, even the most belligerent farmer for his trouble. Make sure you take a note of his name and address and enter this in the land-out section of the cross-country book, he will be invited to the next farmers evening and you never know he might just come along. In addition, I always like to send a gift voucher for a trial lesson. If you have landed out along way from Lasham then get the nearest club to do it for you, obviously you will have to pay them but I think it is worth it. A little extra thank you for what is really a bit of an imposition for a very busy farmer.

    sofatester ?, apparently some people spend 3 grand on a bike as well, – lots of hire companies. I did from Bath Great Crescent – a truly memorable experience – you get such an view of what the landscape used to be (lines, marks etc etc) and from a new perspective.

    Free Member

    hi CG,
    sounds good, should be there, if you're doing any scouting happy to come along, email is <profilename>@<notcold>


    Free Member

    Collar bone – 6
    Arm – 0
    Leg – 0
    Jaw – 0
    Rib – 0
    Finger – 0
    Skull – 0
    Ass – 0
    wrist – 1

    Free Member

    what is the position with 'landowner or an appointed factor thereof' (or whatever it is) -ie anybody can say this when challenging you – but can you argue that without some form of identication etc that you could ignore them ?

    As far as I can see the crank/brooks case was 1980, it would have to be a council that took it further as the legal system costs are beyond the individual people who fund it – mind you if another case reversed that decision that would be pretty serious ………

    Free Member

    Can't help but feel that increased public access should be tied into the conditions relating to farm/land EU subsidies.

    Free Member

    nike typhoon world time – strangely I have an unused one for sale …

    Free Member

    oldgit – no, not pushing hard enough

    track = row = footpath, bridleway, RUPP, BOAT, Restricted Byway, Byway (and whatever else they're called now).

    ramblers have 100%+ (yes 100%plus) all tracks PLUS right 2 roam, plus coast path when it turns up, national paparks, nat trust etc etc etc.

    bicycles/horses – 21%ish (*mtb trail parks a nice bonus)

    vehicles 3%ish (down from 5%)

    I consider the Sheffield Council thing truly worrying as councils tend to flock like sheep in the same direction (and I like making up cicular off road routes). IMHO they should upgrade all footpaths except certain honey pot etc ones (ie create restricted footpaths, disallow bikes on them, allow bikes on footpaths – most footpaths not being restricted).

    Write to your MP ( and local council.

    Free Member

    I *think* diggers are out, 2ft 4 is probably about width of passage, however (cemented over)gas pipes run along floor and go up sides to kitchens etc on each side of passage and it's a 90' left turn at the end…………….

    Free Member

    So, I watched three bike riders there this afternoon (one of which was actually quite talented the other two were basically pap).

    Then one decided to go down a tricky descent at speed that I had painfully gone up not so long before. It starts with a trials-like rock obstacle then curves round on itself.

    Crackers. Utterly so. Thing is – there is **** all one can do isn't there? Thats a serious accident waiting to happen with no way of identifying the bike rider.

    I dont want to bash mountain bike riders- I actually think it looks fun but not on country trails used by walkers. Thats a recipe for disaster.

    Maybe if tke mxers got free, custom built areas to play at it would be less of a problem.

    Free Member

    50mm on 16" frame – which is right at the min size for my height, however now have 14" so will probably try 60/70

    Free Member

    2 stunning MTB loops (scenery, one is a great ride as well – sometimes makes top 10 in magazine UK lists)

    beaches – awesome, do a day beach exploring – well worth it, not sure about surf – but there should be some, do a safety check as next stop is USA

    visit standing stones, callanish.

    hang you washing out early Sunday and await local religious riots ….

    May, Sept are possibly best for Scotland

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