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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • gusamc
    Free Member

    as above
    can you punch it round, ie get a very sharp punch (or screwdiver or chisel etc as a lot of other people call it), then make a 'dot/indent' on the edge of the bolt by hammering the punch straight down, then angle punch in indent so that when you hammer it's driving in the undo direction,
    (*also seen people using an impact driver and battering it but thta was motorbikes with a fair bit more metal)
    if that fails then google on easyout

    Free Member

    Use old kitchen worktop and some 4x4ish for legs – or fit on top of old kitcenen units so you have a storage base

    Re drawers – can you use linn bins (and make/buy hangers for them) or get an old kitchen cabinet/bookcase/chest of drawers without legs etc from junkyard etc – go down local dump and haggle

    Free Member

    did it with a trail motorbike to Spanish Picos.

    as Eric, in our case we had to strap bikes to railings (*how about old toeclip straps, or zippies and make sure a pair of snippers to hand on way off), and something easily available to go between bike and railing etc to stop scrapes etc(ps sea can get VERY rough so secure well), try to pick a location away from walking to/from stairs routes and thta it looks like staff use, and I guess I'd make sure anything left on bike was hidden and secured, we didn't have issues and car deck should be out of bounds to passengers during travel – so pack appropriately.

    Free Member

    my mate was an AA inspector, not keen on renault at all (fashion over function and king expensive to repair), Pug ok if you don't mind small bits failing – radio, etc but it'll keep going, if you're a revvy driver you'll probably prefer petrol, I prefer driving diesel – lower end better (do a full costing – initial cost, mpg, service cost/interval etc but 10 sounds a bit low for a diesel profit ), Nissan note seems to get good reviews (Ren engine)

    Free Member

    have you tried putting a rope/strap round middle of tyre, slowly tighten (forcing tyre middle into rim well) and encouraging tyre edges/bead towards rim. This should increase fit and reduce air volume required to seat -ie you might manage with a pump.

    Free Member

    Can you presell
    ie ticket = £X
    ticket plus tshirt to collect at event = £Y
    at least you can reduce your risk as you know that Z tshirts are paid.

    Free Member

    about 6-7 for me
    11 – till naturally awake at about 5ish, I sleep later in winter – ie thin curtains and light ……

    Free Member


    r6ymy any chance of mailing me the gpx files (I'm vaguely local), bit more Readingish side


    Free Member

    Been in redundancy situations 4 times and gone three, it does toughen you up.

    As goog plus keep an eye on the market re your skill set and try to align with future trends so that you're always remployable.

    I went self employed (due to no other real options) and it's worked for me, again, this has got easier with time (ie not panicing when nothing on and also I will take pretty much any work to keep earning)

    Free Member

    towel, toileteries (*as there won't be any there), dressing gown – as it may not be ensuite

    beware – some of them aren't open 24hrs and can only be checked into at certain times

    it may or may not do brekkie/meals, check at reception, see point above about opening hours

    Free Member

    may not be of help but on my 5/XT my (very good)RR suddenly became crap, traced to the end ferrule on cable being bent and stopping inner cable moving smoothly and easily. Try talkng inner off mech and ensuring that if moves easily when gear changing up and down, could also try lubricating it.

    Free Member

    I'd reccomend this lot, easy and straight to deal with, poss lower spec than reqd,en.html?trk=1

    I was working so was after cheap accom -it's an aparthotel by the way, so has some catering facilities in my case

    Free Member

    I used them happily, car was a 150,000 miler and scrubbed the outsides, so the outside was bald and the inside had about 8/10 mm left .. they used to let me look at the pile in stock and choose, I'd wait if nothing good was there

    Free Member

    isn't there a theory that picking a scab makes it heal more quickly but is more likely to leaver a bigger/more distinct scar…

    *girls may like scars, however apparently the prefer fast ones ……….

    Free Member

    I used a Hollywood for ages on a cavalier hatch – was fine. (2 bikes up to 90mph)
    1- winsurfing pads on rack/car, bits as the top bar was across the hatch glass
    2 – tape over metal clips to stop scrathing
    3 – motorbike 1" straps overs rack bars (that bikes frames top tubes were sat on( through to the rear seatbelt mounts done up tight to take some load
    4 – lightbar that was hung across back on bungees scotchloched into rear light clusters
    you can put a 'safety' drag to the rear towbar loop.

    Free Member

    wow Hergest Ridge
    2 outstanding memories
    painting my first flat
    trail riding(motorbikes) in Wales, completely off piste, on Hergest Ridge with a copper called Lee,

    Free Member

    A souless place, given the amount pissed up on the wall on repeated (and useless) enquiries, consultations and strategic future plans I'm hoping that some pissed up bulldozer driver and a mate with a grab lorry save us all a fortune one evening.

    Try Callanish or Brogar and Hadrians Wall – actually worth a visit,

    Free Member

    get OS 50000 size, 174 map
    higlight with coloured marker stablo rupp (Road Used as Public Path), boat (Byway Open to All Traffic), bridleway [see key on RHS of map) also green dots then work the 'coloured' areas
    SE Kingsclere/ Ecchinswell/Wayfarers walk
    SW Inkpen, wayfarers walk
    NW Wodspeen, Boxford,Beedon all thw way N to Wantage and over to E Ilsley and Lambourn
    NE Hermitage/Upple Bucklebury

    also re footpaths, smile and be polite, 99% of people don't appear to know the law.

    Free Member

    just riding along, saw a saddle bouncing past, and luckily recognized it before I sat down, it was mine. Sharded, unstressed total failure, I won't be buying carbon again.

    Free Member

    jaffa cakes, used to be allowed to turn them upside down, butter and add raspberry jam

    also carnation milk in cogffee, tea and everywhere else – we lived in the Scottish sticks so never had fresh

    Free Member

    is it a boil or an abcess, (*having been proud owner of perineal abcess). My symptons were a lump (below skin)in cheek just to side and belowish crack, seemed to be getting larger, didn't go away, so fater a while.
    Wed pm – doctor
    Thu pm – surgery
    next month not on bike

    Free Member

    sorry how long is leasehold (*as it will devalue below certain suprisingly high %s more then pro rata) and see if you can enforce that when you sell the leasehold is reset to 999 etc years –

    Free Member

    *having had a bad flat experience
    1 Go round block, pick some random flats and ask about freehold owner/management company/annual costs …. and whether they are meeting their side of the contract, if there is a residents committee etc try and speak to them
    2 as I understand it (and I'm probably wrong) the owner has to insure the building, so check that buildings insurance exists – ie we found out the the freehold owner was saving money, by not insuring the building ….
    3 – find out what you are expected to contribute to/for – I have never understood why a leaseholder should pay for structure – so if you pay for the roof I'd suggest you consider that (who pays painting/gardening/maintenance etc etc etc) and are there any big costs in the future and how are they divided across the flats – e.g owner had a flat that, surprise, surprise was excluded from the contribution mechanism
    4 – I'd ask about noise, and problem tenants,

    Free Member

    just done one

    my 'local' loop usual start, stopped of at an archeological dig had a chat and look at the stuff they were digging up, then onwards to the pub on the green and decided to go random, all gravel, forest, heather, following nose and any defined bath, sun filtering through trees and ferns, now down to a 6 in wide trail with encroching shrubbery, and then recognised a main road, viewed a listed chapel, then straight back into the shrubbery, back towads home, recognised a path and back home – what a great bimble ..

    Free Member

    top tip, understand the (compulsory and unavoidable) Dutch laws on contracting and once you understand them, your rate, your expenses and your tax liabilities make a decision

    Free Member

    I duck taped mine, silver went quite well with blue, but to be fair cool is a temerature

    I suspect glue might damage it and that helmets are easier and cheaper to get hold of than heads,m except of course if you head is rotating ……

    Free Member

    I suspect it'll make her standout and **probably/possibly** ???? improve her interaction with non cyclists – if only from an awh sweet perspective, however, please, please, please make sure that she does life savers/rear obs and understands about eye contact,body language and road/pavement positioning – both hers and theirs.
    Also, and please take this well, '9/10 step into her path' – IMHO in any shared area it's everybodys path and sharing cuts both ways, most people don't (and never will – barring an even larger rise in obesity and petrol costs than my Frazer doomed like suspicions are predicting) understand bikes.

    Free Member

    metal plate on the back sound good

    could you use 4 of the door security tab things (long narrow circular key that winds out a lock) as they wouldn't show obviously

    Free Member

    strangely just been doing banking for tax return

    A + L – tossers

    Intelligent Finance – done very well, e,g interest certificate awol – IF – certainly sir, hang on a mo, right X, Y, Z. A+L, we can't do that right now, you can request one via the website for £10….

    been with IF about 10 years, no probs ever

    Free Member

    I'm at work – and pics don't display

    1 – mount gutter on wooden/etc posts to take weight and fix to frame
    2 – can you hang gutter off wire etc across roof so load is on ally
    3 – can you put something under the glasspanes like a thin flat metal S or U hook that you could sit gutter on
    4 – can you use stainless wire from bolts on mount channels to make a hanger – maybe from end glass stop bolt – ditto with any other hanger shapes

    Free Member

    google on your skills and learn to visual filter the tons of cack

    Free Member

    rapture camps, agadir, morocco – ace, maybe not totally learner friendly though

    see surf south west trips ( I did France), good hol, they do quite a few places

    why not try UK, Croyde, Gower, etc – plenty of UK companies.
    if I were you I'd try local – try some natives and hire a few times, learn a bit about wetsuits and boards and take it from there.

    Free Member

    try sunsail and neilson holiday sites, check offers sections
    watersports orientated with bikes on the go

    Free Member

    Fair Isle, Dunnet Head, Isle of Arran, Stranraer, Girvan (dad = lighthousekeeper), Glasgow (Uni), North London (job), Christchurch, Addlestone, Maidenhead, Reading, Faringdon part time, ??retirement TBD

    Free Member

    not had it work with summer layers but still am impressed by my Buffalo cycle pertex in winter, it does appear to keep me sweat free, full zips to allow heat control and if it gets wet spin it round vigorously and it's not wet any more.

    Free Member

    given that the legal rights of way enjoyed (E and W) break down more or less as:
    motors approx 3% of total
    bikes/horses approx 22% of total
    walkers >100% of total, yes > (ie 100% + R2R + tbd coast path etc etc )

    IMHO seems fair enough, I think walkers have done very well (R2R, tbd Coastal path), mtbers well* (free custom centres, lot of) and motors shagged (from 5% to about 3%).

    *Given the massive increase in 'mtbing' (*admittedly this appears to be mainly at centres and cheeky jumps) I'd suggest we should be looking at upping the 22ish% of bridleways to about 60-70%, I do think motors should be limited but in my experience there aren't many people about to complain (honeypots excluded) once you're further than a mile from a car park…. so I'd up their access – on SUITABLE trials to say 10%

    (*yes I was a TRF trailrider for about 20 years)

    Free Member

    I truly wonder if it will be open on a Sunday …

    Free Member

    Presumably somebody is working on the St Kilda downhill course …..

    Free Member

    Captain, what group are you

    re "This quango has a project manager dedicated to assisting with very questions you pose. Visit Scotland,FCS,SE,HE,Cycling Scotland, Scottish Cycling, CTC and IMBA are all partners."

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