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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • gusamc
    Free Member


    for that sort of size(aka weight) the straps could possibly be a bit thin (padding/width) (I’ve gone from an old Berghaus to a Deuter Speedlite in a sale) and as I carry a fair weight probably wouldn’t get a Speedlite again – very light, well made etc but the price of weight is thin straps and occasionally it digs in… I’d also make sure you can get the hip strap to take the weight. Another thing I’ve noticed is the thiness of the backpad – ie on the Berghaus nothing ever dug into my back – on the Speedlite I occasionally have to adjust contents you might want to consider that for awkward objects.

    I’d shop around (ebay etc) as you might get a quality bargain… (is there a Decathalon near you )

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    Free Member

    if you get a bright sunny evening do a loop of Portland (round the edge – up hill path direct S Portland castle, past prison, clockwise), not the most technical ride but the scenery was awesome… and you can detour into the sculpture park/quarry (Tout), did it with the bird on brilliant sunny day – we loved it, can then follow cycle track back into Weymouth centre (or go coffpath expooring) and have a beer at the harbour, also jolly pleasant,

    Free Member

    Canal, and use the coff fxxtpxths, that emanate, you can go road bridge (on Sish of Theale, cross railway heading Sish), turn R onto canal, along, canal out and back fpaff marked Depot/Gravel Cottages is doable, can also cycle into middle of Reading on canal (L at bridge and back, good surface) (*can get train back either way) (can go right round Reading and back (Theale – canal Reading, over to E of Reading, NWish on Thames path, climb stairs at Tilehurst station, sort of S(roads/town) and over footpath to Theale)

    Otherwise you have to move a few miles to hookup with trails

    Free Member

    keep your head open, this may not fit your location, but,
    ie pub near me is struggling, building site open up nearby to do a row of newbuilds, barwoman nips round, introduces herself and persuades them to come for a 8.00am fry up and then combined that with taking the sandwich order which she delivers at midday, no wasted stock, sure it’s short term but it helped them

    Free Member


    Sunday 20th (early am, 4* max is 5)

    thanks guys, probably on east – looks like an kess road cycle, trying to google earth the footpath to see if that looks ok

    Epney/Stonebeach looks ok
    ? what about Hock Cliff (S of Fretherne), the N to Framilode then follow to fpath Epney over roads to Stonebench and then brekkie somewhee to recover……

    Free Member

    don’t know where you live but I got my topsoil free after I drove past a house with a pile of topsoil on the drive and a sign saying Free Topsoil, help yourself.

    Free Member


    whilst on bike I’ve been charged into by a full wings out irate goose (mating season) and although I won I can’t say I enjoyed it – I did (I think) actually go over it but it was still running around when I left the area.

    Free Member


    right as no-one else for a Berlingo CAR

    1 – with the 1 person rear seat down two bikes, with front wheels out down side – easy
    2 – rear seats out, two bikes (Orange 5 16 and Myka 13″ diagonal) easy
    (*not sure how van will be be as it has a seperator presumably) fixing – car has good stap points – so I put a cushion between bikes and pull across other bike from side so bikes are pulled together

    Free Member

    Hi all

    I’m doing Aviemore in Sept, any chance that I could be added to the gpx/route info mails, it’d be much appreciated


    Free Member

    I’d have to disagree, but to be fair there are *duffers* everywhere. From my perspective the Scots (*and French) [usually older people] appear to be among the last people on earth to understand that if somebody blips the left indicator a few times and slows on a straight that it’s an invitation to overtake, rather than an inviation to get closer and closer and slower and slower …….. it’s also a real shame that so,so,so few people will repay me the courtesy when I’m trying to crack on.

    Free Member

    as a 10 year old I got a stoved wood 10ft rowing boat (and dad knew an old codger boat builder) since then done canoe, punt, topper, topaz, lazer, dart 16 and 18, but really was a windsurfer, mind you 7 days of blazing sun round Crinan, Firth of Clyde, Sound of Bute on this bring back some damn good memories

    Free Member

    as an alternative , see and lots of similar sites – might help with cheapish

    Turned up at flat, phoned agent, agent dropped us key in about 30 mins (so we had a beer) and told us to lock it inside when we left

    Free Member


    they’re highly recommended

    Free Member

    (*Also have Memory Map sw on pc)
    I’ve just gone from basic Etrex (which gives Grid Pos, tracking and direction pointer on a preloaded route, to a Satmap (rolling OS50,000, tracking, routes, dancing, singing etc etc). I found the Etrex sometimes not quite accurate enough (in areas of busy tracks/multi junctions) etc etc you could go wrong blindly following the arrow,however in combination with OS Map and grid ref you can sort it out. I really thought I’d love the rolling OS but I don’t, possibly as the area size displayed is very limited and possibly after about 40 years of reading OS50,000 full size I might be ‘habitualised’ or something (and poss as the map can be twisted, moved, etc etc very quickly) and you can see distant reference points and line the ‘world’ and the map up.

    Ultimately I will always have a map and compass anyway, the Etrex sometimes helped out (ie New Forest, where no decent reference points, NW Highlands – so many bleeding peaks it was impossible to be definite) and the Satmap was bought for Scotland as I am doing all new routes and don’t want any disasters, but to be honest I don’t think I need it.

    Both can be uploaded (via .gpx etc files) routes from the tinternet, which is a definite advantage.

    I actually find memory Map the most useful thing, you can get the route distance and profile immediately so you can easily size it for you (*track conditions excepted)

    Given your points I’d certainly try before buying esp satmap as they’re jolly expensive…

    Free Member

    can try, placing a strap/rope etc round centre of tyre and use it to both force the middle of the tyre into rim well and simultaneously encourage bead out to side of rim, then pump like billy-oh

    Free Member

    apparently Cromwell (Oliver), left parliament with less money than when he entered, I’d say it was likely he was the last one to do so….

    The following is pretty much exact fact:
    – doorbell, dring, dring
    – me, hallo
    – him, I’m canvassing on behalf of the Liberal Democrats and I’d like
    – me, sorry, can I stop you there, in a nutshell I think the one thing this country needs is less self serving politicians
    – him (*and this is EXACT, so sorry Mods but this really is what he said) Piss off you f***k..g c..t and walked away.
    me – went, got a pair of shoes and waited for him to finish talking to next door, accosted hime (politely and without violence) and pointed out that I felt his language was inappropriate and that with an attitude lke that towards people I failed to see how he could expect anybody to respect politicians.
    – him – apologised for the langauge but he worked (something like) damn hard for lots of ungrateful people like me and he didn’t value my opionion – I really don’t think he understood the offensiveness of what he was saying (and it’s not the wearing that offended me), I think his attitude of not hearing what he was being told was truly and indicator of the relationship of politics to reality.

    My suggestion is don’t vote atall, it’s gong to be truly squirmworthy if the turnout drops to the small numbers……

    Free Member

    jonb +1
    (and offset comments)

    Free Member

    gf is 4ft 10 and Spec Myka 13″ is about all I could find to fit, helped by the down curved top tube. (She now loves it but to be fair has ridden nothing else)

    other tips – they do womens grips – which are thinner (smaller hands, makes gripping bars more comfy/less tiring) and check brake lever span range(ditto issue) *also check left hand/3sp change span, up is a real issue for my gf)

    keep you eye on ebay – they do come up every so often

    Free Member

    Hi Nobeer, on Arran in May/June, any chance of some dets


    Free Member

    I was told that if you book two tickets (using a non main station as the start/end) it can work out cheaper as they load the main station to station prices.

    Free Member

    put your VERY practical head on
    – car parking (is it needed, is there any)
    – review street/area at various time (ie pub kicking out, rush hour, nearby international football stadium game time.. etc etc), especially directly connected bits – what are neighbours like, …. etc etc
    – flooding history …(look at house condition, garden condition, paintwork, roof condition etc etc etc – it’s an indicator nothing else), you cold even try knocking on nearby doors Hallo, I’m doing a study for a thesis on the local area on what it’s like to live here ……..
    (*I once bought a flat where the neighbour complained about the noise I was making when I was moving in ……….. guess if I enjoyed living there …)
    – re mortage (I’d understand the options properly, e.g fixed rate vs variable etc etc, mainly as IMHO (and get other advice on this) there is probably/likely/???who knows to be a rise in rates over time 5% is payable is 9% (and FYI I’ve paid interest at 14%……..)

    if it’s leasehold(probbaly not with a house) review lease carefully, be clear of costs and speak to other leaseholders about how well it’s all working

    edit – phone up and get building/contents quotes (and for similar properties in slightly different areas), as a high premium may indicate potential problems
    – re cellar, I’d deffo door knock and ask about damp with nearish neighbours

    Free Member

    why not get her a lifetime membership of the BNP, or membership of another minority group that she may not want to belong to when she is old enough to choose herself, at least she’ll be able to cancel the BNP part ……..

    Free Member

    mmm, it was really the rideability I was after, I’ve been looking at OS and Memory Map, will be loading Satmap up, but wanted some good rideable routes, with views etc, also wanted routes for gf who is fit but not that technical minded

    Free Member

    We stayed just off the square with the big cat, MUCH quieter, good mix of stuff, and ate very locally a few times.

    If you find the local beer/lemon mix go for it, surprisingly tasty.

    Free Member

    yes, over 2 days (Reading, train to Bath, cycling back), couple of years back

    you may get bored (we did – look canal, look towpath…. ) but there is usually a nearbyish station (which we took advantage of)

    we went on a fishing match day and the number of twunts who blocked the path (about 9ft after the previous blockage) was truly AMAZING (with an F) and they got the hump as we wanted to use the path .. anchors, a real progress killer…………

    phone up and confirn and book B&B if stopping over. ie we knocked on the door of a place with vacancies (and were turned down the minute he saw two wet and muddy people), saved by a little old lady whose husband had not long died, bikes locked in garage with all his clothes etc, and she laid a trail of newspaper to the room – lovely old girl God bless..

    The Bath half is (IMHO) much nicer scenery, but look at the bridges as you go under, some nice stonework etc.

    I’d maybe get the train a bit futher than Reading (Newbury/Hungeford, but as I remember it all pretty straightforward, mainly path, some field, some stiles but we did take OS50 maps with us. Might be worth taking a map as you do need to be on the correct side and somtimes the path goes down both sides (for a while if you see what I mean).

    Free Member

    Doing Scotland with gf in May

    drive Coast road Applecross to Torridon
    visit Plockton (seal/otter trips at Kyle of Lochash – Skye)
    Skye – visit Quiraing (easy walk)

    Free Member

    hugs and thoughts cg

    Free Member

    Unionised workplace no matter what the sector have better terms and conditions.

    Gosh – I didn’t realise that the heads of the banking industry were union members

    Free Member

    for those who wish to be educated in automotive history (*or who are bored) append ferguson to the jensen interceptor search

    Free Member

    why not build a hydraulic ram pump
    utterly pointless but in my case I always wanted to do it
    I was fascinated by the fact that with a head/drop of 3ft of water I could pump to above the eaves of a 2 storey house,

    Free Member


    I’d say its ok on the roadd but you certainly won’t be burning moths or melting tarmac

    Fitting (IMHO) is quick on and off – ie light and battery detach)

    Free Member

    I would have thought the ‘Creative’ types shouldn’t need to ask others

    Free Member

    done it quite a lot, Manchester, Leeds, Paris, US (ok that was different) etc

    see, as a Mon-Fri lodger you are desirable ….

    Paris was the hardest, longest travel, only English speaker, period of strikes, smoking still legal in French bars, ended up coming home once a month and pretty bored – lasted 3 months (ie contract duration).

    What appears to work for me:
    – being able to leave stuff I use(sports etc at ‘work’ home – so less crap to carry) and ability to do hobbies during week
    – joining local clubs etc for some social contact/getting out of house etc
    – you get some helpful employers (ie in some cases I could start midady mon, shove off Midday Fri abd do 3 long days to cover – less ‘bored’ time’.
    – internet access
    – this is a biggie, others in same boat, ie in Manchester I had 1 night at cinema and 1 meal out with a similary ‘mobile’ work colleague, that was 2 out of the 4 nights sorted…
    – sorry/edit – making sure accom situation works for you

    Free Member

    ditto, floorball(*sort of indoor hockey) and biking with odd surf when I can, which between them have stopped me playing x-a-side footie as my hamstrings are too short and can go on a full power kick …………

    currently looking for a ‘stretching’ type sport

    Free Member

    depends what you want – check out Arran, very scenic, some mtb, 50 mile road loop, much much nearer

    see Islay on wstern Isles

    could do Arran/Tarbert/Isla as a round trip

    Free Member

    do road legal check before buying (ie get a accurate trail of who owns and what it’s legal status is), be aware that only some ins ‘write off’ levels can be made re-legal (C/D)
    I’d also look on ebay, local papers, etc

    reregistered – well I had to register an import and DVLA refused until I got from the ‘trade’ an age certificate – ie they wouldn’t believe me but a bit of paper signed by a bike dealer was obviously truthful ….

    I’d probably do a spares search (ie check several breakers have parts of bike about to buy and at what cost) before buying as well coz if you have to buy much at list price it’ll be cripplingly expensive. Also check availability of any critical parts as if you have a 99.5% runner it ain’t that good.
    (but I did get an old dt175 to use for motoball for 50 and about 4 fisinhing boxes of spares for a tenner ….)

    Free Member

    Is there something putting you off?

    Mainly as I’m in it for the explore, scenery etc and to be honest I’ve had various offroad bikes with built in uplift and 12″ suspension and I’ve done my mindless tearing about on them (and REALLY enjoyed it), although I’m quite happy to get gf to drop me at the high end of a good one wayer.

    Oh, being self employed, uninsured, over 50 and not that skilled are contributory factors.

    Free Member

    tattie picker
    tractor driver (as a 5 yr old – meant a man was free to lift bales)
    farm labourer (several incarnations and experiences)
    butlitz bluecoat (*was nearly pleased when broke wrist in motorbike accident)
    car park attendant

    Free Member

    check out evening classes – they did welding in my area

    clean petrol tank thoroughly ;+) the inside ….and tap

    my experience of ally welding (I managed a working enduro bike stand and a long handled bike lift, unattactive but lasted over 10 years), my experience of ally welding – black, dark green, lighter green, light green, nothingness…. as all the metal had scampered off (luckily it was a test), paid some bloke, could hardly see marks… anybody can use welding gear, some people can use it to weld

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