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  • gusamc
    Free Member

    sorry bout delays, but mum is 84 and non internet …

    Co bhiogh ag iarraidh mar beo gu brath
    which is “who would be wanting to remain alive forever”, which apparently according to the Gaelic class and teacher combined is more how it would actually be said

    Free Member

    Couple of nice (*IMHO) routes around Corfe Castle/Purbecks
    , off road family stuff on heath between Swanage/Wareham, can ferry across and do Bmouth Poole )(can cycle along prom to Christchurch but summer restrictions on bikes)
    I *LOVED* (mainly for bright sun and scenery reasons) lapping Portland (follow the coast and don’t look down)

    Swanage ? (FYI Studland is naturist beach in places *or maybe more)

    not ridden S Coast futher west

    Free Member

    my mum might

    what’s the phrase ?

    Free Member

    Pug 306 2.0 HDI, I got 55mpg and it did 186,000 with few problems and then sadly died (*fuel problem, I decided uneconomical to repair)

    , not sure how home mechanic friendly though

    Free Member

    done, I already do cheeky sensibly, in the real world there seem to be few who actually know the rules, you either get pros or antis and they are pro or anti irrespective of the ROW classification.

    Free Member

    some facts


    Figures for England
    Total public righs of way (kilometeres) – 188,700 kilometres
    BOATs – 3,700 km

    Chris E, you’re not really prepared to share are you ?

    Regarding maintenance –
    “County Council responsibilities
    Ensure the Definitive Map and Statement are kept up to date
    Signposting all rights of way where they leave a metalled road and providing additional signs and waymarks where necessary
    Keeping the surface of rights of way in good repair and managing natural surface growth, including field headlands
    Ensuring that farmers comply with the law that paths over cultivated land are properly restored after they have been disturbed and remain apparent on the ground thereafter
    Prevent the closure or obstruction of any highway
    Ensure maintenance of existing bridges and culverts and installation of new ones
    Provide a 25% grant to landowners for repair or improvement of structures
    Administer the Parish Paths Partnership scheme”

    it looks to me as if the landowner does not maintain BOATS (they do stiles and gates).

    Regarding the Yorkshire Dales national park:
    Total ROW length(km) = 2178 + 1879 = 4047, BOATS (total) = 46km, so it must cost a bleeding fortune to keep that open.

    Free Member

    where where you ?

    I had a bleeding stream on a normally dry trail, some crispy bits but if it was in the forest or horsed it was claggy/muddy, mind you it was awesome, bimbling through the frost along the Roman wall with the rising sun just beginning to blast away, and then into woods, where it was squirrel frenzy, and home (as gfs feet had given up as it was really parky)

    Free Member

    get a tie down or rope and put it round the middle of the tyre and compress the middle of the tyre into the rim well, whilst simultaneously encouraging the tyre outer outwards onto the bead on both sides (then lock off rope/tiedown wilst you inflate), this should decrease the volume needed to pop the bead

    Free Member

    I sincerely hope the reason for the split is not money, as that (*in forum terms) would make all the Scots Thatcherites/Tories now wouldn’t it …..

    I think it’s a mistake (as I think big will rule in the modern world, so making yourself smaller isn’t a great plan, and I’m not sure how ‘big’ ‘Europe’ will be and how we would fit into it), however I’d prefer it (for both Scotland and Wales) to the the absolute bollox of 1 man, 1 tax system, slightly different returns carry on we have now.

    Can I also remind everybody of the difference between bankers and politicians – when bankers (*and it was a LOT LOT more people than them who are responsible for overspending mess we’re in) cock it up they get culled, when politicians cock it up they get replaced (*ie there is NO saving…)

    Free Member

    Don’t agree with OP,

    please see link, I’m afraid it is a US document but it’s the only thing I can find with what I think is relevant factual data and it agrees with all the UK statments I can find (tried – dft and ons – sites, both of which I found unhelpful and difficult to search)

    In a nutshell (*my possibly incorrect interpretion) is that it’s a U curve with young to left, age 35-64 at the bottom, old to the right, however the right U leg is a LOT lower than the left……….

    Can somebody graph this ?

    Free Member

    define nationality

    I’m English – I live, work and pay tax there, I was born in Fair Isle (*Shetlands)

    Free Member

    re the money

    “The basic facts are that Scotland accounts for 8.4% of the UK population, 8.3% of the UK’s total output and 8.3% of the UK’s non-oil tax revenues – but 9.2% of total UK public spending.

    Scottish Executive figures for 2009-10 show that spending per capita in Scotland was £11,370, versus £10,320 for the UK. In other words, spending in Scotland was £1,030 – or 10% higher – per head of population than the UK average.

    What about revenues? The same source shows Scottish total non-oil tax revenues coming in at £42.7bn in 2009-10, or £8,221 per head, which compares with total public expenditure attributable to Scotland of £59.2bn, or £11,370 per head. “

    (*OIL Tax bit.) If you add in a proportion of those revenues, in line with Scotland’s share of the UK population, it makes very little difference to the overall story. But if you say that more than 90% of the oil revenues are Scottish, as Mr Salmond would consider geographically appropriate, then you get Scotland ‘putting in’ £48.1bn in tax revenues in 2009-10, not £42.7bn. ”

    So I think the ‘who pays’ will depend on how oil gets divvied up.

    Anyway – what are you going to do with all the public sector workers
    “What is striking from this table is that 85% of the growth of 212.9
    thousand jobs in Scotland between 1995 and 2008 can be attributed to
    three sectors – Health and Social Work, Education and Administration,
    Defence and Social Security. Most of these jobs are in the public sector.
    If such jobs are debt-financed, whether the debt is incurred in London or
    Edinburgh, this is clearly not a sustainable long-run growth path for the
    Scottish economy. The difficulty is that the recent changes in industrial
    structure and employment described above have become embedded in the
    Scottish labour market and will have to overcome some formidable barriers
    if they are to be reversed.”

    Free Member

    who will get the Falklands, and their costs and possible assets.

    I’m asking as didn’t most of Scotland panic back when the Argies invaded and they hadn’t read the atlas

    Free Member

    shop around and haggle on the phone, also if you have house etc insurance with DL you should get discount for that.

    Free Member

    2 routes,900363&st=4&ar=y&mapp=idld.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=764&ax=117818&ay=900363&lm=0

    if that doesn’t work, Tarbert, E, N beside loch, yellow rd E then S, track W on coast – a true classic – called Rhenigidale loop

    and start here,911508&st=4&ar=y&mapp=idld.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=764&ax=118733&ay=911508&lm=0

    W, S on track, big house/castle at sea sold a cuppa when I was there I think

    don’t hang your washing out on Sunday (*honest)

    Free Member

    tj – can we get how the ‘common’ (as in shared) royals are paid for added to ze SNP Questions list, presumably 50/50 as they’ll be split between us ?

    I know it’s complex, but I’d happen to like to be told the truth (by both sets of excrement involved in the argument) and I’d like the facts established before the deal rather than paying lawyers to resolve them after.

    I fail to see how Scotland can vote without knowing the facts, and I don’t want them to vote without a clear understanding of Englands liabilties and I want all tossers involved to be accountable for any lies and ball ups.

    e.g say I was a politician and I gave you a wish, and you said I’d like my cock to reach the ground, and I said no problem, so you said ok, I suspect you’d be less than pleased if I chopped your legs off

    Free Member

    my parents were at a very wet, very dour, very northern Scottish funeral, and there was a distinct splash as the coffin went in, the bloke in front of them said ‘well if she’s no deid noo she will be soon’

    Free Member

    gf uses layers and has zip tops

    I **think** there is a diet that may help – **EDIT Changed diet link and I’d suggest a healthy dose of disbelief and further research re diets, anyway

    Free Member

    I want to see a 100% complete and accurate list of what will be divvied up and how it will be divided up and what money is going where

    e.g. Foreign Embassies and staff, fishing rights, everything the (current )country owns, all future purchases and PFI type deals that cvnt politicians of all parties have made and we are committed to, what happens about existing EU/Commowealth etc agreements and commitments, relocation of ‘Govmt’ institutions based in the ‘countries’ etc etc etc etc.

    I’d also like a restriction in place so that once the vote is made there is a 100 year ban on the vote again.

    Free Member

    tell her to have a look at Spice (Activity group company – it does holidays), I **think** the average age has gone up to about 50ish – as members have stayed with the club

    Free Member

    see Parkdean

    I can recommend Ruda, Devon (been there last lots years for surfing -*see beachside apts as they have private (small DEEP pool **EDIT min depth I think is 3ft so it might not allow children ..) with (small)jacquzzi, and (small sauna) and are ON beach, 2 good pubs (inc food) in walking, accom is officially gf suitable.

    *on site facilities (and chav count change – in season LOTS of facilities and peple, out of season main park facilities closed – prices cheaper, less people, also as appts are seperated from park that gives you some privacy…)

    check for sepcial offers and if you pay up front with debit it’s cheaper.

    kidi facilitues nearby – Big Sheep etc etc…… good scenery (Exmoor, Porlock etc)

    Free Member


    did windsurfing on Kos and at Vassiliki and Nidri and Porto Heli. On no wind days hired a dirt motorbike (also did guided motobike holiday on Crete) and had a fab time – mainly cart trails, some sheperd paths, but near Vassiliki on coast there was some tighter stuff. Locals attitude was great, (I always slowed down and tried to talk), lots of help given , directions etc, places to visit, some great scenery and history too.

    Maps are unobtainable or CRAP.

    Beware power and water cables strung at chest/head height across roads near farms/fruit trees/olive groves etc. Also had a run in with a pack of wild dogs on one desolate road.

    Do NOT photograph or go near military installations (Kos is near Turkey) as they get upset about that a lot quickly.

    I used follow my nose and head away from areas of population and it alwsy worked – but to be fair a bit easier on a motorbike ( I was doing 200 miles some days)

    Free Member

    went with to Biarritz – waves, local facilities etc. and Rapture Surf to Morocco – again great company but I’d say for a total beginner not right as they weren’t 1:1 tuition.

    Start swimming or pushups now.

    With a decent wetsuit everywhere is warm (*IMHO)

    If you have a localish ‘place’ I suggest starting there with local surf shop etc. You do need tuition to get basics right but after that it’s practice, practice, practice.

    Saunton is a nice break.

    edit (after ‘pure’ beach hol) if you want a watersports beginner holiday Sunsail/Neilson do windsurfing/dinghy (and mtb) etc and I’m pretty sure you can holiday and book a course so maybe if you google trawl there’ll be a surf company doing ditto. Also think can have a non participating partner and they have a few hot locations.

    Free Member

    *sort of OT, but if you want cheap

    we stayed here, local facilities 10 mins walk to Grantown (pubs, indian, chipshop, cafs, much quieter than Aviemore

    (*wigwam does 2 fine, fridge, heater, kettle, take sleeping bag/bedding and we used a camoing gas cooker)

    Free Member

    I fixed exactly that by hacksawing strip at middle of bulge (Dremmel/power saw would be so much better), lifting strip a little each way, raking out below strip, filling with plaster below and above and skimming top/side with a wet flat butter knife and then fixed it in position by leaning a stepladder with bricks on against the ‘bulge’ for about a day then skim/sand that ‘into’ rest next day

    Free Member

    look at Spice (*activities club, average age maybe a bit older though)

    Free Member

    fig rolls please

    How did we ever get into this mess? – because we’ve had about 30 to 40 years where public service has migrated from life experienced people who wanted to make change for the better to a shower of self serving ‘professional’ (w)anchor politicians who are busy staying in power – even if that means giving people what they shouldn’t have.

    Free Member

    down the local (old fogey armchair pub with a pub dog), nipped out for a curry, then back for bells, found that the pub tradition is everybody into the street, big circle and a quick Auld Lang Syne. Best bit was the jukebox – a electic mix of 60s crooner ballads, Stones, Queen rock etc and seeing the ‘crinklie’ reactions (I’m 52 by the way) – two old girls, in their posh frocks – maybe 70 and when Gimme Shelter came on the were both headbanging and singing along – brilliant.

    Enjoy the beach, we alays used to do Ballantrae beach when my parents were younger, quick wander, grab any good fire or driftwood and a coffee from the flask as we looked out through the telescope.

    Free Member

    buffao pertex fleece cycling shirt (they do spin dry if you whirl them)
    waterproof shorts
    goretex etc knee socks

    why can’t you take spare clothing
    can you take a cheapie orange survial bag to keep wind off if you stop

    Free Member

    5ft5ish, 28ish insie leg male

    I use old 16 and newer 14, I prefer the 16 for my riding (map based random path codger pace XC), both with 65 stems and layback posts, but the 14 is probably more manouverable.

    You should really testride (I bought 16 blind and 14 after a brief test ride and have evolved to where I am) – there is (IMHO) a level of room for ‘persona preference’ adjustment, stem length, post/or layback and saddle position on post

    The 17 does sound ok however – based on you being taller than me and wanting the short stem. Presumably you’ve compared the specs on the Orange site

    Free Member

    can you get one of these *in correct size

    hammer tabs flat and mount on the chainside wth the ‘tube’ thru the existing hole

    Free Member

    wash it on a non waterproof object (sheet, opened up double duvet case etc) then take sheet round front and shake it out to get rid of muck (*assumming you’ve got a patio/stone garden) – and there must be some form of drainage/soakaway to deal with rain

    Where does the nearest gutter downpipe go/ where do bog/kitchen/tap outlets go ?

    Free Member

    seems to be going down the last of the summer wine route

    Free Member

    cheapie version
    kitchen worktop mounted on 2×2
    lots of old chests of drawers and kitchen cabinets, you’ll probably be able to get some linnbins to fit
    old carpet on floor
    set up an clamp mounted inspection lamp
    a mate has a huge sheet of plyboard with bits of wire and small wood offcuts etc to hang tools on
    *puts flat cap on – if you get jam jars etc you can use them to hold bits – as being see through it’s handy, you can gti this by fixing the lids to the bottom of a shelf to double capacity
    I find a paper towel roll handy as wel

    Free Member

    5ft 5 bloke, 28 inside leg

    I have an old 16 and a newer 14 – both are fine but I can probably manouvere the 14 a bit better (*it is newer), if she’s near Readingish and wants a quick play. From what I can recall 5ft 5 is a cusp height for both sizes.

    * I run 65 stems and layback post on both bikes but I did fiddle around before coming to this arrangement and on 16 seat is further along post (to front) *edit, sorry I ride the 16 most – for bridleway/path XC map based type work – I suspect if I was a ‘stunt’ type rider the 14 might win

    Free Member

    just done a shortened local loop, not as muddy as expected till the Thames path(wattle and daub mode – mixed grass/leaves/twigs sticking all over the lace and powersiding at 2mph… ho hum) , after that shortening applied, not too windy and missed the rain, quite few walkers, few deers and birds, and now a cosy glow of satisfacion – or alchohol as you call it ….

    Free Member

    I’ve just taken a gander and it dosn’t seem that bad

    Free Member

    cheers Trailmonkey

    ? do you know how bad from Hagley Rd (on the RHS of the B4129 – B169RA Birmingham) to canal would be – ie is it pavement/hideous road etc (from internet I’d get to B4129 then up that and get onto Edgbaston Res track as it looks ok from there)


    Free Member

    do a comparison site check

    then phone up and negotiate

    I got £30 off at directline (who I am already with and don’t do comparison sites) which is >10% discount for haggling

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