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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • gusamc
    Free Member

    I use a windsurfer lock cable for in the car etc

    I’d say maybe too thin for a static job, but appreciate plastic coating,I’ve used mine for years now, so qualitywise is good and it bends fairly easily for weaving through frames and wheels

    Free Member

    I was getting calf pulls and sore back, mainly through floorball (*hockey with youngsters), sometimes biking and initially did physio – the advice was worth it – warm up for longer(till you sweat, always stretch down at end), I certainly noticed the differences in mobility after the sessions – it **presumably** speeded up recovery and reduced likelihood of same problem again.

    Bit difficult to be totally factual as to what worked – but the folllowing deffo helps me – longer warm up, proper stretch down routine and for floorball I wear a neoprene calf aid.

    Free Member

    probably unhelpful but on my 1980 Michell Focus One you leave the turntable and unbolt motor cover, try ebay – trio kd 1033 (* tick include description)

    Free Member

    if you have a socket set check that, I found that 1 socket was an exact fit for driving out (then put a very large socket on the bush ‘out’ side and then use a vice to drive it out, pushing the bush into the ‘hole’ on the big socket

    Free Member

    did yoga for a while (hams and back were my issues), I enjoyed it and found it helpful – but I didn’t regard it as exercise – more suppleness improvment/assistance/enforced stretching – I stopped as the particular course I joined got more and more into chanting and that was (for me) a bit too much.

    I’m ‘developing’ a post exercise stretching habit and routine, and that is really helping me.

    Re “grannies in leggings in a church hall,” – at least they’re doing something to keep fit and exercise, do you know how destructive and expensive to the NHS the current trend for gross overeating and underexercising is, I await with distinctly unbated breath to see some of todays bloaters as grannies in lycra – they look like sh!t as youngsters so give it a bit of skin sag, joint immobility, continued overeating etc it’ll be like looking at a jellyfish on a mobility scooter

    Free Member

    before, I’d have said pay off the mortgage (or towards it [*and depending on circumstances]), however this year mum has died (82 so ok really) and dad has alzheimers, so a lot more of me is saying do it while you can…..

    I certainly wouldn’t ‘piss it’ (*well I did until I was about 25 but that was a while ago), so maybe a few years of epic trips, or maybe use it (*edit as part of a bigger early retirement plan and hope health lets you enjoy it

    Free Member

    have a look at the Millook Haven zig zag cliffs (stand on beach facing in from sea), or try Crackington Haven for a small beach (but there is a nearby pub), if you want bleak, desolate and ominous rocks and a beer/ice cream try Hartland Quay/Point

    Free Member

    via this –

    we stayed at Grantown on Spey, thoroughly successful – so you could have a browse and see if somewhere takes your fancy

    Free Member

    from another time

    Mountain, Twin Peaks or Nantucket Sleighride

    Free Member

    not sure about Giant Hogweed, I **think** I got done by it a while ago, in my case about a 4″x 4″ part of my leg went like it was burnt – lots and lots of little bubble blisters (say from 2 to 5 mm across and high, some of which then joined up), with yellow seeping fluid, took over a week to clear, including medical help.

    gf leg had two small puncture wounds, and was a very pronounced single blister so more inclined to think a bite …, she thought it was a horsefly – as she saw one on her leg, the two on her bum were ‘normal’ bites (*IMHO) about 1/1.5″ circle of red/hard flesh with a small middle raise.

    “Nettles have been really potent this year.”/”immunity” – agreed. My normal immunuty didn’t work this year, I think that if you get nettled when they’re growing the sting isn’t as bad, and you build up tolerance as the nettles grow, as I can usually just pedal through not too bothered, this year as I didn’t really get out in spring and I’ve found it a bit ‘wincy’ and my legs have actually scabbed and bled (*not helped by me scratching)

    Free Member

    H+L seconded, beaches, and rides, (we stayed Tarbert – done it twice) – you can ferry from there

    I also did Tiree, well small, but a beach for every condition

    treat yourself – land on Barra beach

    if you do the Uists (and I plan to) bung up some photos

    *edit – if you’ve not done the N coast of Scotland, give that a look, some stunning beaches (and cliffs)

    Free Member

    you won’t like this but if you pissed yourself it would help

    and you’re lucky, something bit the gf in deepest Surrey last weekend, about a 4 inch diameter circle of slightly raised, red, hardened leg flesh capped with a 1″ wide and 1″ high (*honest) burn blister of fluid (which took several days of draining via a sharp), a week later it looks like a burn – very weird

    *edit -get your own back, take some home and do soup

    Free Member

    we watched it at primary school, truly part of history

    I like his wifes comment about the reason for his reclusive style – he felt embarrased about the fact that 10,000 people put him there and he got all the glory

    Free Member

    if you and your mates are close mates with the bride and groom and know them really well, and the tradition is that all the mates moon the bride, make sure that the brides maiden auntie isn’t about ………

    Free Member

    avid juicy 3 brakes
    the strange need for every twosser to design a new rear mech hanger
    reinventing the wheel, BB,…..

    Free Member

    re carrying, they’re not a lot lighter than real bikes, esp a modern trials etc, e.g I got an ST70 and 2 mtb in Berlingo, I also managed a Beta Alp 200 (*bars revolved/rear light undone) and 2 mtb in the berlingo, check weights esp if you want to tail load, it might be a real sized bike ‘mates’ easier with other stuff for carrying, 10 miles on a monkey can be quite wearing and I wouldn’t use a mway/dual carrieage as you haven’t the speed…..

    Free Member

    used a Chaly for years a while back (Honda 3sp auto 70), as a town bike, fantastic, park side on etc, cheap to run, beware potholes, change oil every 1000, only donwside is that its maybe not quite enough to keep up with traffic in acceleration and 40 limit. (spares on fleabay)

    for a learner, they have the advantage of being low and light, but a are bit less stable…

    *tip, buy carefully, as you can interchange up to about a 160cc engine with some of them, so you might be able to buy a 50 then up it as reqd…….by just swoppping engine/carb

    Free Member

    simple game (*edit but with some aspects that some will never master – like marking and position .. ho hum)€, cheap/accessible/readily available facilities, accessible to nearly any age (I used to play with local village group 14 – 65 year old players, all playing appropriately), can pick your standard (*well within limits) and commitment level, has social aspects (pub afterwards), (IMHO) body size/shape is a bit less important than n some other sports, massive existing infrastructure etc

    a truly great sport

    Free Member

    check with other tenants that the ‘management/freeholder’ is atually contactable and honours their terms and the terms are fair/sensible etc and if there have been any shonikess/contract changes recently or they can sell the conract on with a change of terms – e.g bulb change in hall £250 …. out of the ‘pot’so the pot must be increased

    check leasehold – I’ve seen some flats where the leaseholder paid for the roof repairs, so I’d be very clear on who pays for what and how it’s allocated – e,g – roof leak – top floor will want it fixed NOW, ground floor possibly won’t give a damn or any money …………… if it’s not clearly legally documented ………….

    what are ongoing charges for stuff and are there any buying selling rstrictions etc – 73 years is a short lease (IMHO), also check for ‘clauses/covennts’ – it might be illegal to keep bikes etc etc etc………..

    “The guy who owns the freehold wants owner tenants and no buy to let’s. ” – that doesn’t matter (*apart from potentially very messy politics and unpleasnt issues …) – but what does the lease say in legal terms

    Free Member

    you have a potential potential business opportunity

    Free Member

    sorry double post … ? browser didn’t refresh

    Free Member

    put the grain down on plastic/weed inhibitor mesh etc surface etc so you can clean it up quickly

    re flapping in a box, what would you do if you winged/injured one – leave it to die slowly and painfully ?

    sorry for this but if you’re not prepared to wring necks as required then I’d suggest you should get someone else to do it for you

    Free Member

    can you not lure them to the ground (grain etc) and shoot down to the bottom of the fence, in todays climate I’d probably not want to be seen leaning out of an upstairs window with a gun

    alternatively why not get creative and use the good ole RSPB/twitcher/ringer – ground decoy, net and explosives carry on (*well some washing line props, over centre cammed and a rope as a trigger or something similar to deploy the net quickly) or even a box balanced on a stick, some grain under,with a rope attached

    have you tried painting some eyes/hawk silhouettes on the garden or even a bird kite shaped thing hanging free etc

    edit – make a crow trap (baited mesh box with hole in roof[bit bigger than bird and wingspan) they seem be able to fly in but can’t get up and out (well was used to kill crows on sheep farms)

    or could you make a sort of lobster pot type baited box with a one way entry

    edit *apparently grain soaked in alcohol limits their flying ability

    Free Member

    Elm Tree, Beech Hill
    (*not been for a while, but used to be good)

    you SHOULD do the Gorge Cafe, Reading as it’s an institution, however may be more suitable

    Free Member

    sighs happily as he remembers his uni days on a Computer Science degree whilst using a Commodore Pet…………… as well as Algol68, George3, pipe, slippers,

    Free Member

    master the art of wrapping in silver foil and putting in the ashes, generally worked for me and my parents

    Free Member

    look up SIPP, understand what a SIPP is, if you decide to go for it (*you MUST be prepared to look after it on an annual review basis minimum) then lookup ‘Hargreaves and Lansdown’ (*other SIPP providers are available)

    edit – IFA get paid commission on investment amount or for advice, try asking the following ‘if your investment does less than market average what penalities do you incur ?”

    Free Member

    could you take a lightweight, non see through plastic sheet with you and a mobile phone. (wheels out, wrap frame and bike up then call taxi and check it’s a decent sized car) – worked in Orkney

    Free Member

    *a lot of (*English/Welsh)councils now have on an online ROW ‘Definitive map’ (OS it not legally binding, neither are signposts[look at all old byway etc ones] – Definitive Map is), so I’d try that as a starter.

    Some councils have a ‘report a row problem’ issue button on above facility (*which did actually work for me)

    Free Member

    I used a company from ebay (search on surfboard courier), twice, both times ok (*board in padded board bag and then looped with carboard box bits/masking tape)

    matt – are they CHEAP, are you near Swindon or M6

    Free Member

    ? who legally owns the wall – it isn’t shared is it ????????

    also if it’s a new build what do the documents etc say about this sort of stuff

    certainly need to see how planter interacts with the dampcourse

    Free Member

    buy in bulk – as thta makes most stuff cheaper

    I’m now trying Stihl chainsaw oil (bout 7 a litre ebay) and so far ok (well slighly mixed with Fenwicks as I’m using it via a smaller Fenwicks bottle) but it does seem to attract more dirt than bike specific lubes (*also conditions worse than usual ..)

    might try thinning tip offered above

    Free Member

    zippy, I know someone who paints on glyphosate 360 with a 1/2″ paintbrush, to do very selective weedkilling, I’d do a tester first though

    Free Member

    jaffa cake, turn upside down, apply butter and strawberry jam

    *edit – also make sure you try bbqing a pringle

    Free Member

    ? do you need a pension that big (*and as a complete aside I’m already failing to see why VERY large Private/Public pensions aren’t getting supertaxed as they’ve done a bit to well on the ‘tax relief’ front imho), what are your plans for the money on your demise.
    ISA’s offer more flexibilty (with no initial tax relief).
    Paying off mortgage seems sensible.
    Search on Equitable Life regarding all eggs in one basket.

    Free Member

    I had a lecturer call Cecil Pitt, wasn’t keen on it being shortened.

    Free Member

    I use a Camping gas double with grill via/reg/bottle – but am a car camper mainly now.

    Take a spare portable BBQ – as they don’t all work.

    You could introduce your children to the joys of my youth – tins of London Grill or HP Beans and sausages with buttered bread – yumm, however planning a menu where everything goes in the same number of pots as you have rings is quite sensible (or one pot and kettle for brekkie)

    Points about cooking outside tent well made, and I’m sure you won’t be changing cylinders etc inside either.

    Free Member

    *check what providing company suggest/provide

    suncream, sunglasses, hat(preferably one that doesn’t blow off[*or string + crocodile clip] and can simultaneously stop sun in your eyes and water running down your neck), various clothing -your options probably range from trainers/shorts/T to wellies(sailing)+full waterproofs(what do company provide), shoes(leather don’t do salt water) with grippy non marking soles, waterproof(aka bin liners) bag to put spare clothes/shoes etc etc in chunks as water can get everywhere (there can be 1 small soft bag only luggage limits so I’d check what you’re allowed), pulling gear for nightly pub stop, cravat, striped T, remember to take hat off…..

    if you don’t do manual labour/have toughened hands you might want gloves if you have to haul/hold ropes
    glasses strap if you wear specs/sunglasses

    Free Member

    yeah sorry spooky, tail lift, but have sack trolley and can get planks

    Free Member

    it’s heavy garden stuff I’m afraid (stones, troughs, big wood) – ie what my gf wants

    do you want to drop me an email, I’m looking at one way hire (as it’s such a drive), and probably a transit with a tailgate – due to weights – but a man with a van might be an alternative


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