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  • New Affordable Shimano ESSA, Short Reach Levers, and Cross Compatibility
  • grumpysculler
    Free Member

    As this thread shows, middle east isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. Our parent company used to have significant presence in Saudi (then we got sold) but you couldn’t get me there for love nor money.

    How old are the kids? Doing it for a few years means two upheavals for them and their education. Either do it or don’t do it, don’t pick both.

    There’s a good chance a lot of the extra salary will get spent while you are there. Then you get stuck there because you can’t find something comparable back home.

    If you really need it, can you do 6 weeks on 6 weeks off? Or just keep it as a back up plan for if your current role goes?

    Free Member

    Unless Mick puts his map through a Euro 5 (or 6, or whatever) compliance test then his options aren’t really a fair comparison. They are options to take a legal car and make it illegal (C&U breach).

    They were talking about changing the MoT in 2018 to test for NOx and others. Don’t know where that got to, but it would make remaps less attractive (unless you change the map back for the MoT but then you really are a knob).

    Free Member

    Milenco mirrors work for me. They aren’t as cheap as some, but they also aren’t crap.

    Free Member

    Don’t want her new husband getting my money rather than the kids.

    Which comes down more to her will than yours usually, unless you want to seriously restrict her freedom from beyond the grave.

    Why the Trust ? Can be good for IHT planning.

    Not so much these days (since the advent of the transferable nil rate band). Unless you are in to super fancy tax dodging trusts based in some tax haven.

    Free Member

    You have to take reasonable care of them under tort law. That’s basically the section of English law that says “don’t be a dick”. The seller also has to collect in a reasonable time…

    Collection within 7 days or you will sell them and pay the money back to the supplier after a reasonable deduction for storage costs (which could be 100%) should be OK.

    Free Member

    The will is OK, maybe a bit expensive depending where you are.

    What’s the trust for? Seems quite expensive unless it is something exotic. If all you need to do is place assets in trust until children are old enough (for example) then a line in the will is enough. This sounds like an upsell.

    Free Member

    If parked on the road, they must be lit overnight. Highway Code Rule 250, which is a “MUST NOT” and backed by law. Police and/or council can enforce.

    They are also quite possibly in breach of their O licence, where they have to say where they are keeping stuff overnight. This needs to be so as to not cause a nuisance and they wouldn’t accept on the road. DVSA would enforce.

    Free Member

    And now we have people claiming it was a false flag attack organised by the Tories. After seeing this thread, I wondered if that idea would come up. SNP supporters on twitter do not disappoint.

    Free Member

    So JTAC recommend a higher threat level and the police (who probably don’t like May very much) request Operation Temperer, then you conclude that these two independent organisations are part of the Tory political campaign?

    Chuck your bias in the bin and top trying to make political capital out of the deaths. I don’t see how anyone could read the reports of the dead (and 8 year old FFS) and say that “It’s all working out perfectly”

    Free Member

    She’s definitely a threat to the hundreds of thousands of disabled people who regularly get judged to be fit to work, or those who are recalled for assessments on the off-chance that missing limbs have grown back.

    And you ask a Tory and you’ll get the line that Labour are a threat to everyone because they’ll trash the economy.

    The SNP campaign on the basis that they are anti-Tory. The Conservatives campaign on the basis they are anti-SNP. Everyone campaigns on the basis that they are better than Labour.

    “They are worse than we are” isn’t exactly the sort of message that energises people. But modern politics seems to have degraded into soundbites and nonsense statements (build a wall, 350m for the NHS, etc, etc) rather than any intellectual discourse.

    Of course, politicians only come out with what they see having an effect on the electorate. If we didn’t collectively respond to this crap then they wouldn’t build their campaigns on it.

    Free Member

    Volvo’s move is about meeting requirements for NOx emissions and CO2 emissions. The only way that is realistically going to happen is if we move away from the idea of burning stuff to get around. Moving towards EVs seems to be the preferred solution to this.

    And then you need to move away from lithium and similar for energy storage because there really aren’t enough of them. Rare earth minerals in the motors are even more of an issue.

    Free Member

    My bet is it’ll only be a couple of hundred quid, unless that breaks the bank I’d just pay it and forget it.

    And this is how money is made…

    Many of these indemnity policies are useless because the risk they insure against can’t happen (but others are not and really are useful). Taking out an indemnity policy has become an easy route to dealing with many non-standard issues.

    Any advice?

    You are paying a legally qualified individual with full knowledge of the title deeds, wordings and local conditions. So lets ask a bike forum for advice…

    Sounds like the seller should provide evidence of the local authorities consent to me!

    Free Member

    Hah, I just had a look at that on Electoral Calculus, wonder what they’ve been drinking. The numbers only add up if essentially every swing vote from every party goes Tory, including the Greens and SNP.

    We are meant to be a safe seat, but the same was true last time.

    Looking at the voting patterns, there is likely to be a big swing to the Conservatives but whether it will be big enough…

    SNP seem to be treating it as a safe seat, Tories are treating it as a target seat. That’s dangerous for the SNP. So it may well happen, but I’m not putting money on it. My vote will be counted though!

    Free Member

    I always use PF Jones. Great.

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without pictures.

    Free Member

    Lets face it we live in a world where in a controlled environment like a school or hospital DRB checked members of staff are not permitted to take personal phones just in case this sort of thing might happen.

    Although far more controlled, the children there are far more vulnerable to exploitation. The same is true in other scenarios like schools and sports coaching, although perhaps to a lesser extent.

    Checks are a very crude gateway, they tell you little of value in over 90% of cases. The only thing a check flags up is really if you have known history. Managing risk and having rules around conduct in particular situations is at the core of child protection.

    Where does your ‘moral compass’ put your limit on what should be reasonable? Would you want to be able to go to a local park (without a child of your own present) and take photos of kids enjoying themselves. What about the same at a beech or local open air pool?

    So no photos anywhere children might be? No photos of your own kids anywhere like the above because you might capture another child in the same image?

    Free Member

    Yeah because I’m a bloke it’s less of a prolem and you’re OK with it.

    Assaults, including rape, are always about power. This situation was no different. Why does my gender mean your reaction is ‘mtfu’?

    Sexism, innit.

    Free Member

    The majority of any abuse, including sexual, is carried out by someone known to the child. Mostly family members.

    Statistically, there is more chance of those mums being child abusers than a single man with a camera in a theme park in the UK…

    Legal authority or not there is absolutely not a cat in hells chance of them leaving with photo’s of my kids on their camera.
    And if I did confront someone and if they did have photo’s of my kids on their camera which they refused to delete to my satisfaction, that would only serve to confirm my concerns/worries/suspicions and things would escalate from there

    And what would you do if they refuse? You would break the law to stop someone else doing something perfectly legal?

    Refusing to do something that they have no obligation to do doesn’t confirm any suspicions. Some people simply like their freedoms and won’t pander to this paranoia. By your own admission, you wouldn’t be sure they actually had photos of your kids.

    Free Member

    We only moved on from Windows XP because it was reaching end of extended support. We will only move on from Windows 7 when the same approaches. Anything that has to run XP for legacy reasons had to be removed from the network.

    But then we have 7500 employees in the UK, not 1.4 million like the NHS.

    You pays your money, you makes your choices. Running with known vulnerabilities carries a risk that has now materialised.

    Free Member

    If both parents are English then regardless of where they are in the world she is English. (Vice versa for Scottish)

    In which case we must all be African.

    Free Member

    We’re separate countries and we want control of ours.

    That’s a matter of opinion. I don’t think we are – it depends how you define a country.

    Seems to me a very successful campaign has been run to do this in our southern neighbour…

    A state breaking away from international treaties is somewhat different to a devolved region wanting to set up as a state. I don’t agree with either.

    Free Member

    centrist, social democratic

    While that is what they badge themselves, it isn’t a description I recognise. They are more populist than anything else. They do less that is truly centrist and instead pick from both left and right to try and appeal across the spectrum. Left and right wing policies don’t combine to make a centrist party.

    civic nationalism not blood and soil

    For the party in their current incarnation, yes. For many of their followers, the opposite seems to be the case. If sectarianism is rearing its ugly head again, its because the SNP and the associated movement have sown the seeds of division and hatred.

    It’s not where we came from that’s important, it’s where we’re going together

    Rather ironic for a party that has division as its primary objective.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    At no point be an arse

    Pretty sound advice all round…

    Free Member

    Nothing to add other my condolences.

    You sound like a pretty awesome friend.

    Free Member

    Go to court.

    Tell the truth.

    Get on with life.

    Free Member

    The only thing new about this is really the big data aspect.

    Politicians have always targeted the demographics or marginal seats that they believe they need to swing to win and they use the message most likely to appeal. Internet ads are targeted based on your browsing preferences (including political ones).

    This simply takes the tailoring of messages to a new level.

    Then throw in some “fake news” and “alternative facts”

    Free Member

    Check the date…

    We had the Scottish National Liberation Army raising its head around then too (and don’t forget the 55 group if you want to dig up history).

    **** on both sides. Don’t let them define your side of the argument and don’t assume that they define the other.

    Free Member

    The point to make is that kids are very resilient, that is true, but also they don’t do grief in the same way as adults

    And don’t assume that apparent resilience means they don’t need support. It’s just that the support is different to what an adult needs.

    Free Member

    As an employer, you have to be careful. Ultimately, excessive sick leave can warrant disciplinary action under the capability process (you can’t carry out your work if you are off sick). Excessive is in the eye of the beholder – some employers are really tight and others are more generous.

    If the migraine:

    has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities

    then the individual is protected by the Equality Act 2010 and you are required to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate them.

    Migraines aren’t fun. I have never suffered, but my Father-in-law used to and I had someone on my team who had them. My wife gets periodic cluster headaches which are related. Compassion is important, but you also have a commercial decision to make.

    Free Member

    Backdoors are accessible by anyone, not just the good guys. Here be dragons.

    End to end encryption has been around for years, just not as prolific. PGP plugins to Mozilla are getting on 20 years old.

    All this will do is alienate the innocent while not making a dent in the bad guys. We already know terrorists don’t use end to end encryption in many cases – burn phones are just as effective a lot of the time.

    Free Member

    Though for statistical optimism you really have to admire the Labour person who claimed that Labour did well in Glasgow because their percentage vote share was up on 2015

    I heard Dianne Abbott claimed they won 20,000 seats in Scotland.

    On the other hand there may actually be some momentum for the tories

    Scotland has generally been conservative (little c) and votes only changed after Thatcher (whether she deserved the blame or not is another debate, which could last another 100 pages).

    With Labour in disarray and the Conservatives not being as toxic as they once were, it isn’t entirely surprising that the Tory vote is up. That it appears, on the face of it, to be Labour votes they are picking up is curious (unless Labour are going to the SNP and SNP voters are going to the Tories).

    Free Member

    I see the BBC has given up on trying to put a spin on stories and has now resorted to just flat out lying.

    431 – 425 does not equal -7

    Boundary changes.

    SNP have more councillors than last time, but if the two elections were with the same rules then the SNP would have lost seats.

    It’s hardly flat out lying when they clearly state this at the top of the table

    Boundary changes have occurred in many councils in Scotland. Seat change is based on notional 2012 results, which estimate what the results would have been then if the new boundaries had been in place.

    Free Member

    If it still had the DEM would it be strong and therefore make it’s exports more expensive?


    Meanwhile some countries suffer because they need to devalue their currency but can’t as Germany (and others) pull it up.

    Free Member

    What happens when the next doping scandal emerges? Will they be re-setting the records every few years or so?

    And perhaps they should hold the medal ceremony some time after the race (say 25 years) so they can be sure nobody doped.

    Free Member

    After a trip up the A9 at Easter, I’d put forward cars with boot mounted bike racks and no lighting bar (goes for flame proof suit). Covering your brake lights isn’t cool. Also cars towing caravans without extension mirrors. Illegal and makes rear visibility worse than it already is.

    Free Member

    MP Natalie McGarry.

    May or may not have been doing some creative accounting with a charity she ran.

    <father ted> But the money was just resting in my account</father ted>

    I’m not sure that SNP Glasgow Regional Association and Women for Independence count as charities…

    My MP is a QC so should be pretty straight…

    Free Member

    Introduce her to Mumsnet


    Free Member

    Go and check the council order closing the road and see what it says.

    They have to have a TRO and can only enforce what it says.

    edit:Bah. Beaten like a the proverbial red headed offspring of a second spouse.

    Free Member

    No, don’t bother.

    Not legal and may cause damage or handling problems.

    Nose weight limits are there for a reason, if you want more then buy a different car.

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