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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • growinglad
    Free Member

    First ones were given to me by the GP (Prosta-Urgenin), so not really snake oil, but not quite as “strong” as the ones I’m now on.

    Actually, camera wasn’t my biggest concern, possible operation and what might happen if it didn’t go to plan was more concerning :o

    Free Member

    tamsulosin ?

    Yep, that’s the stuff, Pradif T Tamsulosin HCI 400 ug

    I’ve been taking them for a couple of days now, funnily enough after sitting on the couch last night I felt a bit light headed when I got up.

    Free Member

    Cheers, funnily enough I’ve not stressed that much, after the PSA results came back normal I was cool.

    Main thing for me is for it not to continue, thankfully things are a lot better now. When things were first noticed I was driving to a meeting with a couple of colleagues and had to stop three times on a 45 minute journey, had to keep faking that I thought I was going to throw up.

    We have 3 small kids and my peeing habits were worse than theirs.

    Although I wonder if I take the pills now, will I need to keep taking them and will they still be working okay in 10-15 years time.

    Free Member

    Stayed in Edale years ago, good riding and campsite was pretty good from what I remember….I don’t know if that’s Yorkshire or not….I’m from the South, so it’s all Up North ;)

    Free Member

    Had to change a couple of biggish power supplies on a network switch a few years back. Bit too heavy to carry two plus my laptop on the tube….

    …Luckily it was close to where the Mrs worked so got her to carry one of them…She’s a keeper!

    Free Member

    Just remembered the times we worked night shifts and used to go down the pub in Smithfields….

    Pint or two with an egg banjo….Puts hairs on yer chest!

    Free Member

    Anyone mentioned Prostate??

    I thought a PSA would suffice….no says my female Dr with long fingers….I’d like to do a physical exam….Christ, I spent the morning sitting very quietly at my desk feeling violated!

    Thankfully a little pill daily has sorted me reet out!

    Free Member

    Sun over the yard arm isn’t??

    Father always used to say pubs opened at 11:00….I’ve always followed his wise words…

    Free Member

    It’s information…some of it true, some of it not.

    I receive lots of things that I don’t agree with and I’m pretty sure aren’t true. I will maybe research some of them if I think they may be of interest to see if it’s rubbish or true…if I’m bored….I may learn something

    They’ll be other stuff that I’m pretty sure is true and of interest, I research, learn something new and gain a bit of knowledge.

    I think social media has led to civilization being able to share thoughts and ideas very quickly…I think the good out weighs the bad.

    And lets face it….it’s pretty similar to this place….although thankfully here I don’t have to see pictures of your kids on their first day of school ;)

    Free Member

    So people shouldn’t discuss or post things that they may agree with?

    Everybody, go back to your boxes and ignore anything that is going on…carry on proles.

    Free Member

    who’s wives like me best.

    You’re welcome to her mate….I’ll even throw in a pair of roller skates too!

    Free Member

    Not while swimming.

    You Sir win the internet today! :)

    As your brother gave it to you, as others have mentioned, if it was at a formal Army thing, then I would say probably not.

    In other occasions why not, if someone mentioned it, you can get chatting to them about how’s it’s from your brother…Never no, perhaps they might even know your brother.

    Free Member

    Yep, it’s pretty good, go with places with plenty of reviews, you won’t be surprised.

    As with most places, treat it as if it’s your own, then you won’t have any dodgy feed back left about you.

    Free Member

    I always have a bit of tape over my tablet camera….nobody needs to see my facial expressions when I’m “surfing the net“…

    Free Member

    G Wagon surely Shirley

    Free Member

    Forgot about this one… Years ago coming back from the cinema with my then girlfriend. She complains that her contact is giving her grief and asks me to pull over in a layby.

    Whilst she’s taking a look at her eye in the mirror, I thought I’d jump out and have a ciggy (never liked to smoke in the car).

    Anyways, just as I was about to jump out of the car, she moaned a bit and asked if I could wait until I’d dropped her off. She never liked me smoking.

    At the point I took my hand off the door handle a drunk in a MG midget, just missed by inches the side of my car and drove straight into a lorry trailer that was parked in front.

    Proper mess, the car was bent in the middle so all the wheels wear off the floor and spinning around.

    I reckon if I had of got out when I was going to there would be a pretty good chance he would have wiped me out.

    Free Member

    I left house at 6:30am testerday, got home at 9:10pm.
    I do tjis. It’s called work.
    I don’t get overtime. I get some time in lieu, when I can fit it in.
    I get paid bobbins, working for a charity.

    Man up.

    Then you are silly, a one off, meet a deadline and can take the time off later, then okay, if it’s a regular thing…..I go to work to be paid, it’s not a hobby.

    Unless it was vitally important that you attend OP, and you are getting paid, or time off in lieu, then I’d be busy that evening. The unpaid extra hours culture has gone too far, people are acting like mugs.


    Work/life balance is the most important thing.

    I work for a big multinational, Devil of a company, even they call the meetings late in the afternoon and will normally offer a few beers afterwards for people to have a bit of a social get together.

    Free Member

    Same here.

    As many people have mentioned, this guy has stolen the car, have the police been involved?

    Also, I think we need to make this thread come up in Google when anyone searches his or the business name/details.

    Free Member

    Hows that blur? Am I missing something? Or was my joke too subtle.

    Thought he looked familiar

    Free Member

    Are you sure the egr valve was the problem and not a sensor?

    I had a few issues, even after changing egr valve. Fitted a new sensor, has been as good as gold for the last two years.

    Free Member

    Bump – So what happened? I’m really hoping the OP managed to get things sorted.

    Free Member

    My enthusiasm for work every Monday morning…..

    ….Less than drinking a cup of coffee.

    Free Member

    Bet he didn’t see it coming:

    Which death is preferably to every other?
    ‘The unexpected’.

    Julius Caesar

    Free Member

    First day (in fact it was evening, I worked shifts then) of my first job working in IT.

    Boss, “I’ve sent you an email with all the details you’ll need”.

    Me, “Email, how does that work”?

    Email and the internet…I like it.

    Few weeks later I was working the night shift, some fella phones up and asks me to reboot his machine on the floor below. Afterwards I watched him “PC Duo” into his machine from Singapore and take control of the machine….blown away…

    I should add a few weeks before I was working on building sites as a Sparks….Didn’t have much use for Puters in those days.

    A good few years later I even have a certificate to say I’m an “expert”, one of the best decisions I ever made jumping into the IT game….and I can still wire a plug if I have to.

    Free Member

    Greece is fine, the Islands that are next to Turkey are probably the ones to show the current sad events.

    I’d say Crete.

    Great beaches, great food, some interesting Cities (Big towns), have the mountains to explore if you fancy a couple of cooler days.

    Don’t worry about water parks, bucket, spade, sand sea and a lie-low and you’ll struggle to tear them away from the beach.

    Free Member

    Amaze balls, I’m on top of my game…. We had one for dinner last night and I finished if off for lunch today.

    Reet neece it was too.

    Free Member

    Don’t thing anybody has mentioned what happens when they have broken down trains…..

    ….pray this never happens…..

    ….twice I’ve been caught out by this….hell on Earth….and I wasn’t even on a train.

    Free Member

    Is he cuming from Finland?

    Free Member

    Mr Cutmore (Real Name)

    Woodwork teacher with fingers missing from one hand.

    Last part of nickname was “more fingers off”.

    We were horrible really. Looking back, he was a pretty descent bloke.

    Free Member

    Bloke at work phoned in sick the other day.

    How sick was he??

    Found in bed with his sister.

    Free Member

    Logitech K800

    I really liked mine until I poured a cup of coffee over it, now it doesn’t work….but it does smell quite nice.

    Free Member

    Back to the orifice after a week’s holiday after the conference

    you cn thank me for all the woodwork in Hall 2.1….

    Like your work Alpin ;)

    Christ that place was big, kept getting lost.

    Back there again next year?

    Free Member

    1:30….One day…that thing will flip out and I for one won’t be surprised!!

    Free Member

    Sounds great.


    Free Member

    Sorry, haven’t visited this post for a few days.

    Cheers for the tips.

    I wondered if there was anyone else in the Networking game.

    My email is in profile so if anyone fancies meeting up for a beer (and hopefully talking about other stuff rather than networking :) ) drop me a line.

    Free Member

    Doubt the Greeks are a bunch of collective autistics like the Swiss…

    I couldn’t possibly comment…. :)

    I always try and be polite to my hosts… in all walks of life, there are good and bad.

    Free Member

    Thought the piece with the refugees summed up the situation very well…

    Even I, a hard-nosed unsympathetic git, was moved by Simon with the family.

    However I was frankly shocked by the reaction of the male relatives of the mum,daughter and son he stopped to help… Where were they when the mum was struggling to carry her son in the heat? It was at that point I thought “no”…

    Oh, and “look… Another swimming pool… And another!”

    (Julian…. You’ve a name that ranks alongside Stefan.)

    Think I’ll leave it a good few years until I visit the country (even without my German plated motor).

    Back when I was living there, we had a lot of Pakistani immigrants, washing windscreens or selling bananas/water at the traffic lights. That was pretty bad and they had a tough life back then….when times were okay, now days the Syrians and others will have it much worse. You think it’s bad there, wait till you get to Patra where they are trying to get Ferries to Italy…when I left in 2012 the place was bloody scary. Lorries driving down the wrong side of the road so they didn’t get stuck in traffic and immigrants trying to jump on the lorry. They were running down the road, coming out of everywhere trying to catch up with these lorries, scary stuff!

    I’m not sure whether we got the whole story about the “men” not liking it that the women took a lift….must admit, had me ranting a bit. I’ve been giving it some thought since, maybe they were more worried that the woman would be taken in by the authorities and not allowed to just pass through…who knows. At the end of the day they should have been taking more care of the kids and woman, or they could be just stuck in the dark ages with their backward views….who knows.

    I used to live and still have an apartment just below Kiffisia, even back in 2003 I used to say “How the F” do people afford these properties, I’m no fan of the Tax man, but seeing the other side of the coin with Lax authorities you wish they were more ruthless….still, half of them are probably bent, rather taking a 20-30 Grand bonus than chasing someone for 100 Grand and knowing that they personally wouldn’t see anything in their pocket if they did their job properly.

    As for visiting. Apart from the Islands closest to Turkey, you won’t see anything different. The tourist places have always done okay and not wanting to paint them all with the same brush, most of the stuff they do is with cash and no receipts, so measures or no measures, they will still do well.

    As for the German plates, get a Greek sticker for the back of your car, they will just think you are a Greek living in Germany :)

    Bit that got me was the “Anarchists”. I know this area too, granted is way lefty, but I was surprised with the guy going on about shooting the camera man. Going out on a limb here, but considering when he spoke bad English, it wasn’t really with a Greek accent (if his English was that bad he’d also have a pretty strong accent with it), so again, maybe we didn’t see the full story. Maybe a Drugy, or dealer not liking cameras on his “turf”…who knows.
    Most of these left kids come from “good” backgrounds, just knob heads who think communism is a great thing….I had the misfortune of listing to their crap on more than one occasion.

    Interesting stuff, but having lived there from 2003-2012 and visiting a few places, I’ve actually witnessed most of it first hand. Including walking back from the hospital after our boys were born and walking through the middle of the burning rubbish bins because the metro was shut down. Also nearly getting a smack from a riot police because I was a bit drunk after a night in the pub and walked around a corner and straight into a line of police…had to do a quick bit of talking there.

    Ah the good ol days! Don’t think I could be further from those experiences now days living in Switzerland….although the way the right wing are gaining support here, I might be feeling just like the Syrians soon!! ;)

    Free Member

    Well remember that Schauble’s demand was that they be sold and the funds put in a Luxembourg bank controlled by … Schauble.

    We’ll probably never know….but the amount of dirty games played behind the scenes would probably make Satan blush.

    Free Member

    Anyway – I will be watching the programme this evening

    Me too now. I didn’t realise who the guy was, but I’ve just checked him out now on the web. Seen a few things of his before that were interesting, looks like it could be pretty interesting in more ways than one.

    That’s the one thing I’ve just never understood. Greece is at an all time low, although the national companies need to have a good kick up their arses, to sell them now would be suicide, the vultures are out to pay the very very minimum…and you can bet any income wouldn’t go to the people, but dodgy politicians and “business” men.

    It’s all really one big cluster *****

    Free Member

    Err .. right. The Troika insist on screwing the little guys while protecting the big guys (e.g. TV stations and their patrons). They are part of the problem, not the solution

    Do you really think so? Of course the Greeks would never accept that, as good as occupation, but their politicians have made a right pigs ear of it.

    I’m no great fan of the Germans, but I will say they would have probably got on with things, even if the consequences aren’t to everyone’s taste.(Christ there’s some dodgy undertones there).

    Greek government after Greek government have dragged their feet and not really implemented anything, or made the necessary reforms. Playing political games. The Greek political guys are all in the pockets of the ship owners and wealthy business bods. At least we could hope that foreign influence may break that hold of the wealthy over the Governments.

    I have to honest, I lived in Athens from 2003 until 2012 so I lived through and actually left because of all this mess. I’m back there every year and have Greek family so keep up with what’s what….as far as I can see, nothings really changed since 2009 apart from going downhill.

    Funnily enough, with the conservatives in power just before the current government, people started to mention that things were starting to look better and they were confident things were turning around…..In fact, weren’t they the one that closed down ERT, which lets face it, was costing the tax payer way too much money.

    Then Tsiparas (sp?) the savior got in and we all know how that one’s turning out. Including bringing back ERT.

    Greece has been screwed since the Ottomans and I reckon it will be for the rest of my life….too many difference in peoples attitudes and political beliefs.

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