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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • growinglad
    Free Member

    3 choices, vote em out, don’t earn so much, or leave the country.

    Number 3 worked out quite well for me!

    Free Member

    All the best Dibbs.

    Get plenty of rest, look after yourself and get your butt back on the bike soon!!!

    Free Member

    Also sound to me like you need a couple of new bikes.

    Where are you riding exactly? Are you riding with others or solo?

    I think that if you buy an “in between” bike you could limit yourself. A friend of mine, could not make up his mind what type of bike he wanted and bout a hybrid type city bike, with the aim of doing more commuting. He now feels a little bit left out when people go mountain biking, but also cant really keep up with guys on road bikes.

    I need something that’s okay on the road, but can handle a little bit of rough cycle path. I’ve got the MTB side of things covered.

    Plan will be to commute from time to time, but as it’s 60km’s I need something pretty efficient.

    I get a few road rides in, but they are mostly solo so not too worried about keeping up in a pack ride.

    I reckon a cyclo cross bike would suit my needs with a two sets of wheels one with a heavy duty set of tyres for exploration rides and some road tyres for the days I fancy just sticking to the tarmac.

    Best bit is wife has found a road bike for herself from a work colleague, hardly used, running Ultergra…..

    Do you think she’d notice if I swap my 105 over with her Ulterga….I think not :lol:

    Although I should imagine the crank arms will be a different length…darn it!!!

    Free Member

    If it’s a Trek 1200 it must be a good few years old, I’d not bother spending all the money on it.

    Yep, 2005, but up until recently I was living in Greece, so what with the good weather and some fettling from me, it’s in pretty good nick.
    Plus I bought some new rims wheels end of 2012.

    Maybe I’ll look at the price for a compact crank, chain, new gear/brake cable and some new brake calipers and decide.

    Problem I have is trying to find a bike that does exactly what I want. Plenty of cross bikes, some with disks and then to top it off, I’d like the possibility of fitting a rack from time to time and I don’t want to go down the P-bracket route.

    Choices choices.

    Free Member

    I did think of just keeping the Trek, then getting a cross bike with disk’s for the winter….but I’ve already got four bikes in the basement and the wife is probably getting a road bike next week.

    Yep, I think the disks would be nice on new bike, but converting might be a pain in the butt and the result would be a bit cack. I’ll give the pads you mention a try.

    What’s the score with a compact. Is the inner ring smaller than the standard, I take it still requires a new crank, can’t fit a smaller ring on the existing crank?


    Free Member

    Hi am selling my kona stab downhill bike is in good condition but the brake don work. The bike have two chain but is only one single chain work like normal bike chain system

    I’m glad the seller cleared that up, I was confused.

    Yep, I noticed that.

    I really feel the need to post on the add.

    “You one cwazy muffa fl$()cker”

    If that’s a downhill bike think I’ll stick to my J-boy x-country!

    Free Member

    If it was your sister I’d say beat the carp out of him….

    …In this case, it’s up to the wife to confront him. It’s her husband, she tells him to sling his hook….or puts up with it!

    Free Member

    Many congratulations to you and the family.

    Our first of the tribe is a little girl…complete and utter daddies girl.

    Just take loads of photos and videos, they change so quickly and it really is lovely to look back and see how they have changed.

    Regarding dust in the eye….I sometimes wonder if I’m living in the Sahara!!

    Enjoy the beer….one of the best tasting ones ever.

    Free Member

    You left your GF’s at 4’30 am …was her husband working nights and due back ?? ;)

    Free Member

    Who said two years for a banana skin?? Where was that figure pulled from?

    It’s about 3-4 weeks, crickey, they only last 4-6 days in my fruit bowl.

    I won’t just drop em on a path, if I can lob it in a bush where it can break down in peace and not be an eye sore, I don’t see the problem.

    Fag butts were a pet hate of mine, even when I smoked, I always took them with me, or put them in a proper bin (once soaked with water).

    Free Member

    I read something the other day that struck a chord with me.

    We hear a lot about cycling, because cycling actually tries to clean things up (how hard they try is up for discussion)….we don’t hear about other sports, but that’s probably not to do with the fact there aren’t drugs being used, rather, the governing bodies aren’t interested in clearing up the sport.

    Although I would really welcome the day when you can watch a bike race and know that all the competitors are clean.

    Free Member

    after asking reception for a pair, then safety pins on the inside of the cuffs.

    Anyone else at the hotel that you know who may have a spare set?

    Free Member


    Glad to hear they are sorting the frame…must have been an open jawed moment receiving that box.

    Quick question, did you pay CHF?

    Something I’ve noticed with CRC, the Prices in CHF for delivery here should be minus VAT, but it seems as though they say, it’s a VAT free price, but then when you change the settings to Swiss delivery in CHF, the price is the UK price, VAT included converted to CHF.

    Or am I missing something?

    Free Member

    I couldn’t help a fixie rider…I just couldn’t

    Oi don’t paint us all with the same brush…I ride a fix from time to time….although I don’t wear messenger bags or my roady cap if that helps.

    Free Member

    I’m in Switzerland and have wooden floors so have absolutely no need for

    Tel: 0118 907 8799 ?

    Well unless I need someone to try and knock me off my bike….

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 1.9 Turbo diesel Opel Astra. the 150BHP model, six speed.

    It’s a pure get me to work car as I have a fair old commute.

    Good on fuel, comfortable, large enough, got the extras you’d want.

    Nice enough car to drive. Maybe not as “impressive” as the VW’s and Audi’s, but if you want something that will get you from A to B in comfort, cheap enough to run and just gets on and does the job, you could do worse. They seem to have many “extras” as standard.

    Free Member


    Combination of -6 temps, unkempt beard and a camera phone

    If you’re happy with that excuse I’m not gonna argue :D

    Free Member


    Blimey, that top photo is like looking in a mirror….29 you say….I’m 38…..have you had a tough life ;)

    Cute kiddy BTW!

    Free Member


    You are FLECKED


    Look on the bright side….bang em out, you’ll get your life back in 20 years!!!

    Shouldn’t worry, first is something special and one kid is a piece of pee, two isn’t too tricky.

    I’ve got 3 all under the age of 4…..

    Don’t worry, go for a good ride and clear your head….you’re gonna be a dad…

    Quick go for a ride…..whilst you still can HHAHAHHAHHAHAH


    Free Member

    Aye, you are either not telling the whole story and you have really given her some carp…..or she’ll never be happy.

    I think with kids it’s always worth being 200% sure before you split.

    Maybe let things cool down and talk about it some more.

    If it helps, the wife and I have had some mega bust ups…threatened to call it a day a few times….but we let things cool down and they soon sort emselves out.

    It is difficult, I think for blokes we sometimes get so besotted with the kids that we neglect the wives.

    Have a good few chats before you really call it a day.

    Free Member

    If it’s a one way ticket…sounds like a good idea to me!

    Free Member

    Hi Dave,

    Ahhh, okay, yep, already joined up via meetup.

    Actually got chatting to another chap in the Zurich area and hopefully we’ll meet up with him soon for a night ride.

    I’m out of action for a couple of weeks, had a nasty off on my road bike, bashed my back up a bit, but hopefully will be back on the bike soon.

    It’s a fine line between getting on the bike at the right time and a bit too early where your ears start to ache having to listen to the wife telling you off for getting on the bike too early!! :)

    Hopefully we’ll get to say hello in person soon.


    Free Member

    sorry for slight high jack..

    ir12daveor, how could I get in touch?

    I moved here (Bonstetten, Zurich) last July and have started to feel a bit more settled in.

    Anyways, I’m trying to get in touch with fellow cyclists, to hopefully try and meet up and if nothing else, get some good tips on areas to head to.

    Wifes parents are coming over in a few months, which means she’ll have back up for our 3 little’uns….which means I can get a few days cycling in.

    Haven’t decided to go for Road or and MTB trip yet…

    Just trying to plan it now.

    Sorry for hijack.

    Free Member

    You are not alone white101.

    I had a big off on Thursday morning on black ice.

    I’ve broken the spiky bits of four Vertebrae. Kind of know how you are feeling, although I should imagine loosing your mum is going to take a good while to get over….and not being able to get out on your bike and clear your head doesn’t help.

    Keep your chin up mate, give it a few weeks and things will start to improve.

    Remember, there are always others in crappy situations too.

    I can’t poop or sneeze without tears forming in my eyes ;)

    Free Member

    Sorry cant do a link as the site goes funny from my phone.

    I bought a cube for my wife. Lot of bike for the money. Fits my wife really well.

    On the entry models the forks are a bit heavy. But nicely put together bikes.

    Plus it you are going to Germany you can pick one up there :)

    Free Member

    Having just spent the most I have ever spent on a watch last week:
    I am quite astounded that people think that £400 is reasonable for the service of a watch.
    That’s just like the rant earlier this week about 4×4 cars. It is the same thing, people have cash, and like to show off, watches or cars, or diamonds, its the same thing.

    When a watch is 4 to 6 grand 400 quid every now and again for service ( including parts) isn’t really that expensive.

    One of my cars isn’t worth much more than one of my watches buts just cost me 2 grand in service and repairs. The car definitely won’t go up in value and won’t be handed down to my kids.

    It’s all relative.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    15 mins on a pogo stick 4 times an hour

    You absolute fecker

    I’m laying in a hospital bed with four fractured vertebrae. It’s the day after my off so everything else is starting to hurt.

    My pain killers have worn off and I can’t stop giggling at that comment.

    Oh man I’m in so much pain but still laughing.

    Free Member

    Can’t argue with that scottyjon!

    Shame to flog your watch but kids come above everything else.

    Best of luck!

    Free Member

    What a cracking thread. Remember so many of theses old bikes. At the time I thought they were the dogs dooh dahs!

    Started off with something that weighted about 40 kilos. Built from cast iron and had horse shoe brakes that didn’t work in anything damper than the Sahara. Used to bend the forks doing jumps and then ram it into a wall to straighten them up again!

    Then got hold of a carriera frame. Found some old parts and built something that I could actually ride up hills and stop in the wet.

    Then I saved like a bar steward and bought a rockhopper comp 1990 in red. Loved that bike.

    Then a stump jumper A1 fs. Had that as a fun bike up until a few years back when some srote nicked it.

    In the mean time I had a stump FSR pro. Lovely bike but too many things to go wrong
    Although sold that to guy who had a small bike shop and wanted it as a project. Hope it’s gone to a good home.

    Bought my HT 26 inch Cube last autumn and love it. Back to my roots and a good solid bike!

    Free Member

    If you are getting married that’s the watch you want on your arm. That’s the watch that gets handed down the family.

    DON’T SELL IT!!!

    Free Member

    SELL IT!!!!!!!

    You’ve had it how long and you want to sell it!!!!

    Don’t be daft man, you’ll regret it!

    Sell a kidney… You have two of them!!!!

    Free Member

    Last summer but it feels like a life time ago… Took a 3 year old to tell I was being a dick.

    It’s super addictive and bloody hard to crack. But once you do. What a feeling.

    Don’t ever miss it and find myself looking at people out in the cold and thinking, I looked like that knob once. Glad I don’t now.

    Free Member

    Indeed. That could sting a bit!

    Free Member

    first world problems

    I didn’t ask to be born….. With a Rolex on my arm! :wink:

    Actually mines a family heirloom….. My dad kept that watch up his a……

    Well you get the point!

    Free Member

    Seems about right. Remember that watch is worth a few sheckles.

    400 isn’t a massive amount compared to its value.

    At least they let you know up front.

    Free Member

    spoon – Member
    That’s going to cost a bit, you should see my med bills for a broken thumb !

    My companies and my insurance should cover it.

    I’m just happy I’ve got use of my arms and legs, really did come down hard right on my back.

    Did a proper super bike slide into the verge too.

    Amazing how quick your mind races as you fly through the air.
    Even remember cringing as my bike bounced down the road.

    On the up side ( I can only window shop being a married family man) but the Swiss nurses are Loooovverrrllly

    Free Member

    franksinatra – Member
    X-rays / blood photos or it didn’t happen

    Hopefully I’ll get a look at the scan tomorrow!!

    I don’t really bruise. But if it helps its pretty swollen. Feels like I’m laying on a pillow 8O

    I haven’t had any pain killers since this morning as the ones they gave me were proper rocket fuel!! I was a bit high.

    Anyways about to get another dose of the “good stuff” should knock me out for the night!

    Free Member

    I’m right next door to one of the cracking mtb areas of Zurich. Think it may be a few weeks before I’m on two wheels again. It’s when you need them that you realise how great police, paramedics, drs, nurses and joe public who all chip in and help sort out a fellow human being.

    Restores your faith in mankind

    Free Member

    Bloody great news. Well happy for you!

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