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  • grittyshaker
    Free Member

    Ernie and Repack – please could you take this somewhere else? I am seriously trying to get some answers to an issue which will chime with a lot of people on here.

    @ Simon – I've also used that footpath since I started biking in the late 80s. I'll admit that I've sometimes ridden along it, but sometimes it's been nice to walk it (you can see Pen y Ghent from there). Since the signs have gone up though, I've always walked it so as not to annoy anyone. It's only 200 metres or so. The path is definitively a footpath. It's got "squeeze stiles" at each end.

    @ hamishthecat – Landowners can use "reasonable force" to eject trespassers. If I was trespassing he probably used reasonable (though unpleasant) force. In pushing or carrying my bike on a footpath am I a trespasser? It's this I'm trying to resolve before taking it further.

    I have contacted the RoW Officer to ask:

    Are the signs yours?
    What specific law prohibits "pushing and carrying"?
    If this is a local interpretation of the law (in absence of statute or established case law) why is it such a mean one?

    I'll let you know how I get on. A mass trespass could well be on the cards. Any locals fancy meeting to discuss a sensible approach? Please PM me.

    Free Member

    The brave boy was a good 2 stone heavier than me and some inches taller.

    Was seriously rattled at the time.

    I'm afraid I ended up calling him a tosser.

    Free Member

    All these are interesting issues Peter but I'm specifically interested in the case of bikes.

    I'm considering doing something about what happened to me if at all possible.

    Would be keen to meet local bikers and see if we can get something moving to resolve this rediculous state of affairs.

    Free Member

    You got it John.

    It was never my intention to cycle across the land which I know to be a footpath and note the new signs (which appear official) referencing various acts and giving the contact details of the local RoW officer. Later I noticed that they claim that carrying and pushing is also prohibited. It's only a couple of hundred yards. So we decided to push.

    Was physically confronted and pushed in the chest when I attempted to cross the stile part way across. I offered to carry my bike, even asked if it'd be OK if I took the wheels out. No. Apparently.

    Free Member

    zeicke, under what model of legislation would you imprison a potential criminal?

    Free Member

    This thread appears to be approaching a sense of proportion.

    Someone mention the Nazis.

    Ooops. I just did.

    Free Member

    There are people who are afraid of dogs who might find it useful to have some sort of familiarisation training. On assessment it might be deemed that some of these people have a phobia or other illness.

    I don't think it's right to say that people who are afraid of out-of-control dogs are part of the problem any more than it's right to say that people who are afraid of burglars somehow contribute to burglary. Children who are afraid of "playful" dogs are not part of the problem either. It's irresponsible dog owners.

    Dog owners should have the awareness that not everyone likes to be in close proximity to their animals and keep them under control. That means walking to heel or on a lead. It's not acceptable to believe that people should tolerate someone's dog running round their feet, trying to sniff their testicles, licking their hands, putting their paws on their chest (just playing) or biting them.

    Free Member

    I was in a very similar position some years ago.

    Although I was first to suggest it, it came as a great relief to both of us to make the decision to split, though I felt guilty for having wasted so much of her time. We both went our seperate ways but remained in contact and still do with no hard feelings. 2 years down the line, we're both in new relationships and meet for a drink from time to time.

    No regrets.

    Free Member

    By all means become a teacher. Aspects of my job are incredibly rewarding and, of course, the terms and conditions are good.

    It's by no stretch "the hardest job in the world" but it is demanding in ways that the current TDA adverts don't portray. I work in Further Education, teaching IT to youngsters with "bugger all qualification, except time in education, and who hate people as a rule". :wink:

    I'm in the process of diversifying into primary outdoor and environmental education to try to bring a bit more creativity into my work.

    Free Member

    I stand corrected – "Animal cruelty and property issues aside…". Thanks rkk01

    My point is that a chastising kick would not be an unreasonable response to being bitten.

    And that a dogs's behaviour is the responsibility of the owner.

    Free Member

    Bottom line is that dogs should be under control in public places.

    It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that they are under control – on a lead, or come to heel when called.

    Owners should also exercise awareness of how their dogs' behaviour may be interpreted by people who have not made the time in their lives to research the niceties of canine behaviour. It is not other people's responsibility to do so. Though it mightn't be a bad idea. Children in particular may struggle to recall how adopting a calm and authoratative demeanour may help them when someone's dog is bounding around them at head height, "just playing". In keeping their dogs under control owners should anticipate problems and bring their dogs under control before they cause nuisance, distress or danger to others.

    Animal cruelty issues aside, people are under no obligation to show any consideration for others people's dogs. Though under some circumstances it may be sensible to do so. Nevertheless, if a dog bites it's down to the owner.

    Free Member

    Since no serious damage done, just a stern talking to (the owner) would seem to be the proportionate response.

    Maybe kick the dog.

    Free Member

    My brother, Sturmey, posted this question on my behalf and the problem is now sorted.

    Turned out that I was running my tyres at too low pressure (@ 20psi) and this was insufficient, under heavy braking, to keep the tyre still on the rim, carrying the tube round with it and ripping the valve.

    And there was I just about to shell out for a new tyre.

    Seems that this may have been Daniel's problem too.

    Free Member

    Chain slipping on sprockets or "ghost shifting"?

    I had a spectral gear changing experience some time ago which was proving intensely irritating. Turned out I'd passed the cable round the wrong side of the clamping bolt on the rear mech the last time I'd fitted a new one.

    The few mm (if that) of extra "pull" generated caused the missed shifts.

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