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  • is a scam website
  • Grimy
    Free Member

    510's are very good, insnaely gripy, I dont have any issues with the card getting wet despite a 3 hour bike hike through 2ft of snow at inerleithan last october, they stayed dry and toasty all day. They are awkward to adjust on the pedels, and a little warm in the summer, if not complete overkill for my local pub crawl ride.

    I also have a pair of Animal Herston skate shoes which are more apropriate for less agressive riding. If I didnt own a pair of 510's id use them quite happily for everything. They come with some hideous bright yellow laces too, if I should ever feel the need to look like even more of fashon disaster! lol

    Free Member

    If you know somebody in the trade and can get into Stax trade centers, then they are worth a look. The sell the same sort of kitchens as B&Q and homebase etc, but incredibaly cheap. Strictly trade only though.

    Free Member

    No idea, but you could probably save a few quid and get the SS ones and pretend you have some niche german manufactured wheels? 😀

    Free Member

    Spot the difference?

    made in germany eh…HMMmm, Or just another mass produced hub with a different branding, who knows?

    Free Member

    Most FS threads……unfortunatly the winner probably wont visit this part of the forum to collect their prize.

    Free Member

    A freind has an old rocky mountain slayer, looks like the more modern element. 140mm travel but the wheelbase seems quite short, making it very nimble. He gave me the stripped down frame to take to work and replace the bearings and it felt incredibily light. Theres a few frames on ebay I notice. Might be worth a try if your after something diffrent. not like you cant sell it on with minimal expence if you decide against it.

    Free Member

    Thats pretty amazing, the speed through some of those sections was scary. Make me realise how rubbish I am though 😥

    Free Member

    So the way I understand it, is, that the effective top tube length is the horizontal distance from the centerline of the head tube, to the center line of the seatpost. Thats the important measurment when comparing frames, and the actuall length dosent matter. Two bikes with the same actual length top tubes could have completely different effective lengths because of the angles, making one in reality much smaller than the other.

    If your trying to compare your 456 frame to one your buying, your better off measuring the effective length of the 456 as reference.

    But thats not all! unless you sit at the same hight as the top of your head tube, your seatpost is going to be raised quite a bit higher, and as the seat tubes arnt vertical, but angled back, the higher you go, the further your seat moves back. So you need to look at the seat tube angles too when comparing frames!

    If you find a bike with the same effective top tube length as your 456, but with a slacker seat tube than the 456, and you run the seatpost quite high, your going to be more stretched out than your current bike.

    I hope than made more sence than my free stroke screw adjustment explination? lol 😆

    Free Member

    Ah, But I'd also miss the 11 hours of my life traveling there and back, and the £100 worth of fuel to do it. So I'll not be too upset about it! 😛

    Free Member

    😆 Brilliant, ever thought of a carrer creating the newspaper comic strips. 8)

    Free Member

    There a brilliant idea! + they can carry their own poop out! 8)

    Free Member

    Proper beer

    You live in Germany then? 😉

    Free Member

    Have to agree with coffeeking.

    Free Member

    As Psychie and Charlie have already said, you should be able to get the tv repaired or replaced by the retailer. My brother had a 37" toshiba from Commet which broke after about two and a half years. Called commet customer support, quated the sale of goods act 1979, provided an engineers report that cost him £20, and got 80% of the original cost of the TV back.

    Gave the same advice to a work collegue, 18month tv broke, used the same legislation and had it replaced free of charge.

    If A cant be bothered to pursue this course first, then B and C shouldnt feel any guilt in walking away.

    just for referance: –

    Your legal rights

    Many people assume there is only a legal warranty for one year. Further confusion was caused in recent years following reports on EU law, which offers a two-year warranty.

    However, the UK Sale of Goods Act (1979) state actually gives you greater rights and therefore takes precedence – a warranty of up to six years in England & Wales. If an item fails within six months, the obligation is on the retailer – not the manufacturer – to repair or offer a partial refund. Beyond that, the onus is on the consumer to prove the goods had an inherent fault at manufacture which has caused them to fail.

    But consumers can also turn to the EU law for cover up to two years. The European rule does not require the buyer to show the fault is inherent in the product.

    Free Member

    😆 Mamils, like it.

    Cant tell if the article is trying to take the micky, or celebrate the fact that its about the healthiest form of midlife crisis ever? 😕

    Free Member

    Assuming the latest versions are fundamentally the same as the two sets of 2007 revelations I serviced the other week, (one u-turn and one dual air by pure coincidence) then No, you cant do it. This is because the left hand stanchion on the dual air version has a circlip grove at the bottom to retain the dual air seal and washer. The U-turn stanchions had no circlip grove as they don’t need one. This alone will stop you changing to dual-air.

    Free Member

    Hora, as pinches says, undo the screw so it looks to be coming out of the lever. Try it about 2 turns and see how you get on. To answer your question though, If your sat on the bike the screw head facing away from you, turn clockeise to undo.

    Free Member

    iainc, I dont recall a stop, I think the screw will just keep going? If you look at whats happening on the underside of the lever as you unscrew it, you will see when it fails to have any further effect, just short of three full turns on mine. I have mine adjusted to two full turns ac, feels pretty good there whilst retaining good modulation.

    Free Member

    Ah I see sorry! But yea, Thats exactly how I understand and experiance them.

    Free Member

    Trail_rat, when you you say it makes em come too far back, you know you can then just fettle the reach adjuster to bring them back to where they need be, the increased servo effect will remain sharper.

    edit…Sorry missread "in" for "it". ignore above

    Free Member

    Philistienes! 😆

    Screwed all the way home your reducing the servo effect, effectivly increasing the lever travel.

    Screwed out about 3 full turns is the max opposite setting, allowing the master cylinder to extend further on release of the lever and the little cam to move across the wave slot machined into the lever. This setting allows for a more instant bite, and a sharper lever feel.

    The difference really is like night and day for mine? Perhaps I'm special?

    Free Member

    I act as the Deputy FOC for the Union chapel we have at work so I am fairly qualified to say that there is some bloody ignorance on this thread!

    Wage award is about 1% of the things we have to deal with as an elected official. Protecting our members rights are an often occurance when employers chance there luck and bear down with completely unreasonable demands with all the time and resources at their fingertips. I've seen people fall geniunly very ill and close to suicide when on the reciving end of bully managment, and who do you turn to if not the union when its one employee v's the weight of an organisation and the threat of your job.
    If you dont belive it happens, and that all employes are fair and honest then you need to pull your bloody head out of the sand.

    Just leave and find another job? Are you for real? really?

    On the up side, we have a very good relationship with the managment. We hold a joint standing consultaion once a month and discuss any issues within the buisness. Working together we have by and far bettered working practice, efficiancy, reduced waste to almost zero, and this year so far have a sickness record of 0.2% an absolutly outstanding achivment for such a large workforce.

    Our chappel arnt stupid, we know that profitability secures us all a job, and that you cant resist technology as it moves forward, sometimes putting people out of work, progress cannot be stoped and fighting it will just ensure a quick end to the buisness. What we do is ensure everyone is treated fairly and gets a fair deal.

    Free Member

    Bigyinn, Your absolutly right 😀 The freestroke screw actually pushes on the end on the master cylinder, limiting its return travel when you let go of the brake. If screwed all the way in, the piston cant travel far enough out to allow the cam to move right across the wave slot. Although the screw dosent act directly on the cam, that is indeed what is being adjusted. Changing the chamber size of the master cylinder has no direct affect on the brake operation, its just a means to an end.

    Free Member

    😆 no worries

    Free Member

    I cant say I truely belive in a God, but an afterlife is a nice thought, and if I was honest, the fear of god has stopped me doing bad things to nasty people. Somewhere in the middle sounds about right.

    Free Member

    Hora – Come and have a go of mine and make your own conclusions. Personally, for £26, hell yea. (I'm in all day today)

    Free Member

    There's religion, and there's "ha ha look at all those poor stupid losers, aren't they thick and pathetic!"

    On the other side of the coin, theres "Non belivers will rot in hell" or "Die Infidel" both a little more agressive than "ha ha look at all those poor stupid losers, aren't they thick and pathetic" I know which camp I'll be stopping in.

    Free Member

    Oh, and the free stroke screw as far as I can tell does nothing.

    Turning the freestroke ajuster screw anticlockwise allows the cam roller attached to the end of the master cylinder to travel further into the wave slot machined into the lever. This ensures more fluid is displaced per degree of lever travel until the cam moves back across the wave slot to the power side, effectivly increasing leverage once the pads are in contact. It absolutly does work and has a marked effect thats like night and day. Trouble is, the instructions are flakey, the grafix can be percived to be backwards, and not everybody understands how to adjust them correctly. Take a couple of minutes to look at the cam mechanism and how the screw limits the cam travel, and youll soon realise whats going on, and that the reach adjuster may also need tweaking to make the most of it. If you still cant percive a stark differance, then perhaps something else is wrong, air perhaps?

    On a side note, you should have the freestroke adjuster screw turned quite a way anti-clockwise when bleading the brakes, as this will push the most amount of fluid per pump, helping to flush that air out.

    Free Member

    Most of the schemes Ive read into for my freinds and family, and indeed the scheme offered by my employer, are all based on a period longer than one year, ranging from 18months to three years, all be it with the rental payments lasting only 12 months. If the value plumits to 25% after just one year, then its reasonable to argue that after 18months or two years, it would be worth bugger all. So i'd argue that on the contary, these figures might boost the scheme!

    Free Member

    I have the XT versions and I have to tell you, the freestroke adjustment isn't pointless. When you establish how to adjust them correctly they make for a lovely sharp and incredibly powerfull brake. The SLX work fine, but they just dont feel quite as nice to me as the xt with an agressive cam adjustment.

    Youll still be happy with the SLX i'm sure.

    Free Member

    Nikwax works for me but I tend to do the proofing in the sink rather than the machine. Perhaps getting a longer soak in less diluted solution yeilds better results. Ive even given a couple of softshell jackets that wernt perticually designed to be waterproof a good dunk and been very impressed with the results.

    Free Member

    Sticky Toffee pudding and chips! Sounds so wrong, but tasted so good! 8)

    Free Member

    The Clue is in the name. They tend to call non u-turn forks "Dual Air" as opposed to "Revelation 426 Air U-Turn". On this basis they are fixed length, well, unless you change the spacers yourself of course.

    External compression damping can be achived on any revelation fork as long as it dosent have a poplock. On the SL models, you have a blue adjuster that increases the compresion dampening all the way to locked. On race and team models, you get On or Off…which is less adjustable obviously.

    Free Member

    Let me know what they taste like will you, I've dispached a few this week, would be good to serve a few guests a squiral burger….they'll never belive what they are until theyve eaten them anyway.. 😆

    Free Member

    Its the Future! 😀

    Free Member

    😆 nice one Ian.

    As woody posted though….If its a regular route and its doing your head in, take a trenching spade and fill the dip in! 8)

    Free Member

    If you can't compress your springs with whatever body weight you have then you have the wrong spring/air pressure.

    Its not that straight forward. Yes you can increase the pressure or change the spring to better suit the riders weight, but this stiffens the fork considerably and makes it less complient. In situations where the riders weight is out back over the rear, with little on the front, the stiffer spring wont track the ground as well as a softer one, which the lighter rider can get away with.

    Its hard to explain what I mean but, The forks on the bike of a heavy rider will experiance a greater transition in weight as the rider shifts around, than that of the forks on the bike of a lighter rider. If both have the same travel, then the shortfall of increasing the pressure is less compliance in all situations. Its a trade off. One way of getting around that is to increase the length, alowing you to run the forks a little softer and still have enough travel, and spring ramp up, to prevent bottoming. You see what i mean?

    Free Member

    Mehh, its subjective like cynic-al said. I dont "need" 6" travel forks on my bike, In fact they've been wound down to 5" since I fitted them, but It certainly never feels like too much, especially when my weight pounds down on them.

    Intrestingly, nobody ever seems to factor in rider weight. If I was a couple of stone lighter, I could get the same level of plushness and compliance from a much shorter fork, and never get near the travel limmit that I would just blow through now. Perhaps think about that one on top of the type of terain you perceve somebody to be riding. Just because your skinny little mincy arse cant compress a 4" spring dosent mean mine wont! lol

    Free Member

    Like singlespeedstu I have a decathelon bag, although I have a forclaz 30air, and it really suits me well. Its on the larger side, and perhaps slighty heavier than a camelback mule, but I really do like it! Its designed more for an all day hike, but the upshot is its incredibaly comfortable, the weight is nice and low around my hips, and it has huge foam pads to hold it off you back allowing lots of air to circulate, whilst providing great back protection in the old tuck and roll dismount. The straps and nicely padded, and the waist band has two side pockets that you can reach whilst riding, usefull for your phone, or in my case, my inhalour should I want to take a cheeky puff without stopping and looking like a demic. The bag has a huge 30 litre capacitly, but pull the load straps up and its as thin as anything! and nothing shuffles about inside. Even comes with a little zip out extra waterproof hood for epically wet and muddy rides when you want to keep your bag and back dry.

    I know it wont suit everyone, and chances are youll discard it because its not specifically aimed at cycling, but if your ever in a decathelon shop, just try one on. Ive recently been looking at something smaller for quick local rides out, and ive tryed loads of camelbacks etc in the local Evens, and in comparison they feel awfull and cheap, with the weight far to high up for my liking. Still, each to their own. I decided on a small saddle pack to keep my repair kit in for the local evening blast, and whislt the bags really not a problem, it is nice to ride bareback! 😆

    Free Member

    I dont really have any advice on what new machine to buy….BUT I can surgest a few ways of recycling your old one! The stainless steel drum makes a brilliant woodburner! the holes around the circumferance are ideal, and being stainless they dont rot and look bad like the usual burners you buy from B&Q etc….

    Alternativly…This table lamp looks quite cool too! click here![/url]

    Charging dodgy lithium batteries!

    the posibilitys are endless! lmfao

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