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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • Grimy
    Free Member

    There is a voltage regulator usually mounted in the back of the alternator or integral to it, that should maintain the voltage at 14.4 volts ish constantly regardless of load. A faulty battery wouldn’t pull the voltage down like that, so it may well be the alternator on its way out, or the diodes within which rectify the ac to dc might be giving up.

    Free Member

    It’s hard to see on the picture, but it looks like you’ve significantly worn down the face of the crank reducing the thickness of the hollow construction until its breached through or been weakened by the thin wall resulting in a stress crack. It’s more a wear issue than a manufacture failure. It’s hard to see properly of a photo, but I’d guess you’ve worn them down a good couple of mm looking at the profile of the other side.

    Free Member

    Yep, you can nip in during the week when its quiet, you dont have to pay to park, and theres little you cant find when you need something in a hurry. Perticually if youve forgoten a birthday or aniversary. 😛

    If you do consider the Urmston area, have a look around the chassen road railway station and church road, Davyhulme road for the really quiet places.

    Free Member

    Urmston area, perticually around Davyhulme and flixton is a quiet and safe area for a family. Pleanty of housing to suit most bugets.

    Urmston centers just completed phase 1 of a large regeneration project and the 2nd parts about to start.

    Theres train stations in both Urmston and Flixton to Oxford road near the university campus, and busses take about 25mins on the express service, 45mins on the regular route.

    You have the trafford center close which is very handy, but on the other side of the motorway which keeps local traffic to a minimum.

    Its flat, so riding is tame, but you can be out in the country side in minutes as its right on the edge of a green belt. Going out for a lazy afternoon ride through cheshire, down the transpennine, or along the mersey or the canal to lymm for a drink or two with the missus and freinds is a peach.

    Free Member

    Meh, the stantions have polished through the coating, but as long as there’s no deep scratches there’s no reason they should leak or perform badly.

    Free Member

    Well David, Whilst your dry warm and fed at home with a beer, the arse hat 6 abreast twunts will be getting quite wet this evening. There is a god. 😆

    Free Member

    Just NO

    Free Member

    Nope, dont care. Theres more to mountain biking than racing.

    Free Member

    Harsh! but the shallow woman deserved it. How much is it worth? ffs.

    Free Member

    Also have a look at camskill performance tyres. They have a huge range and are hard to beat on price. They have BMW 5 series specific Dunlop sport 01’s for £100 each. They lasted ages on my old astra, and they’re matched to your car. How wrong could you go?

    Free Member

    Your doing the right thing, see it through.

    We can’t go round being afraid of doing the right thing, on the basis that we don’t want to upset the dickheads of society. That way lies madness. So you definitely did well to report him.

    Completely agree. Personaly I found backing down and letting idiots like that get away with stuff through fear of reprisal will do more damage to your soul than they could ever do to me physically, as the anger at their actions and the lack of my courage eat away at you inside knowing they think they can do as they please and get away with it.

    Free Member

    I dont see whats not to like? Its based around the age old twin triangle design, nicely formed into a bit of a bow shape along the top. Its hardly a marin mount vision or some other goping wierd frame design. I can understand peoples indifference, but its hardly nasty looking.

    Have I got the wrong end of the stick, is it some kind of comedy sketch off little brittain where the racist spews up at the thought of forigners, only in this case its the On-One badge thats pulling the snobs larynx?

    Free Member

    Best game/s ive played for a long time was Mass Effect 1 and 2. Im looking forward to the final instalment early next year. It’s just a really good mix of role play, fps and strategy, with a reasonable story line. Kept me hooked and stopped me doing a lot of housework.

    My latest game is Dead Space, which can make you a little jumpy, but after just 4 levels, its getting a bit boring and I doubt ill finish it.

    COD was good but too short. I used to love the online multiplayer side of these games, but my circle of multiplaying friends have all grown up a little and play rarely. On the odd occasion I do get online I soon get fedup with all the children, preticually the prepubescent american kids. Meh, who knew kids played computer games? lol. But really, they should have adult only servers with vocal analysers to kick any of the little brats signing in on daddys account. Or I should grow up? 😆

    Free Member

    I REALLY like that……(runs off to on-one website)

    Free Member

    No racism isn’t truly a white man thing, but no race has dealt it out more severely with terrible consequences than the white man.

    Racist! 😛

    Free Member

    That is a ridculas amount of charges for such a small oversight. 👿 Once youve cleared your OD, perhaps its time to swap banks.

    Free Member

    We had our own server too, but it was hard to prevent the fog of war hacks and aim bots being used even with the anto cheat software, people found ways round it. Its not so easy to kick people you suspect during a registered clan match either. Capturing the flag with a plane, yea, throttle back, bank hard, circle tightly, get shot down lol.

    Worst glitch was the ability to sit inside the gas tanks positioned next to flags. Stand on the tank as an engineer, throw a morter launcher down infront of you. Use the launcher and then exit it steping backwards into the tank. Crouch down and your invincible and hidden and next to the flag, stoping the axis from taking it or shooting you even if they figured out you were there. 😯 Not that I ever did this 😉 but its good to know what other are up to.

    They should bring out the desert combat mod for the xbox, now that that would be awsome.

    Free Member

    I lost years of my life plating BF1942 and Desert combat. I knew every trick in the book and could fly the blackhawk like a god 8) Made loads of freinds and often met up with them for weekends away paintballing and stuff. Alas, the level of cheating on the pc, with all the hacks available made clan warfare one big b!tch fight. It got anoying in the end as the playing field was always mared by cheats. I gave it up, bought a house, did a lot of riding and now I have an xbox which stops all the game hacking cheats. Its not as good as the pc for fps, but if you get a good bunch of mates on, its got its charms.

    Free Member

    Youd have got permanently magnetised fillings 😆

    Free Member

    I think cinnamon girl is into something here. Surely vacume cleaners are for carpet. Which brush and mop are perhaps the better question.

    Free Member

    Some good surgestions thanks everyone. Sounds pretty unanimous that the M25 is a no go area which I was affraid off. I think Ill take your advice bigyinn and go the M40, A34, M3, M27, A27. Even if these roads are busy, surely they cant be as bad as the M25. 🙂

    Help most apreciated chaps and Ladys. Cheers!

    Free Member

    As above,

    Front – ramped edge pointed toward the front.

    Rear – ramped edge pointing toward the rear

    If you take a second to examine the tyre, you will see that its actually written on the side wall, all be it in black. (well it is on mine)

    Free Member

    HTC customer service is AWSOME if you have a problem.

    + they released android 2.3 for my desire hd last week. 😀

    Free Member

    Christ, that must cost a few quid in tax! lol. I’d love a motorbike, but I dont trust myself enough to get one. 😳

    Free Member

    When my fiancee and I moved in together we sold my car and changed hers for a more practical estate. I choose to ride to work as its less than 10 miles away, I enjoy cycling, and I have shower facilitys there. Sarah could get the bus, but we werent ready to make the leap from two cars to nothing straight away. Glad we didnt. We use public transport or ride when and where is reasonably practicle, but the car is just too usefull to live without whislt we have a choice.

    The Long term plan is to get her mother to move closer so we can care for her easyer, at which point the car will be less important. But even then, I cant say for sure that Id go without. Last week alone I made four trips to the local refuge center with my trailer full of garden waste and rubble from the new Patio im laying. It would have taken a couple off skips, at much less convieniance and greater cost had I not got the car and trailer. As would have been shifting all the conifers at her mums house the month before. I know theres ways around it, but I dont belive they would be any more financially viable, and certainly more of a headache.

    We do our bit to be a little more green, but were not going the whole way yet.

    My fiancee car shares with a collegue too BTW 🙂

    Free Member

    I usualy stock the beer fridge with a selection of badger ales, my favorite being the golden champion.

    However, If I lived near my sister in ross-on-wye, Id mostly stock up on the local micro brewerys selection. Kingston Brewery in tinton, just up from the abby has a fine selection and I perticually like this one!

    If you live anywhere near, I recomend a trip for a tasting session, followed by a ploughmans in the little beer garden behind the brewing shed overlooking the valley. Awsome!

    Free Member

    Depends how much pressure is in your tyres! If you want to get the most accurate measurment, chalk up a spot on your tyre and then ride the bike forward a few turns at your normal tyre pressures and riding weight. Measure the distance between the chalk dots on the road or kitchen floor if its big enough. The deflection of the tyre changes the radius of the wheel significantly enough to make quite an impact to the circumfrence measurment.

    Free Member

    I want to live in a quiet street that’s blighted but the occasional tosser racing motorist legitimatly drives through using it as an short cut alternative route to beat avoid traffic lights, thining out the congestion on the busiest roads and generally helping with the flow of traffic. However I’m a selfish sod and dont want strangers driving on “MY” street, I should therefore like to force upon all motorist yet more speed bumps 😛

    Free Member

    My parents argued and fought so much when I was a child, I actually wanted them to split up. They didnt for the kids, I respect them for it, but doubt anyone, my brother and sister included was happier for them staying together. Home would have been a much nicer place had they split and we would probably have got more love and attention from each of them seperatly. People should stop looking at family units with rose tinted glasses.

    If your unhappy, and your wifes unreasonable, move on.

    Alternativly, if shes no interest in sex, then shes nothing to be jelous of eh! (yes I know, I know, its the intimatesy betrayal)

    Free Member

    The neighbors in my little cul-de-sac are all great. The few, generally well behaved kids, accidently bouncing a football off my car is about the only annoying thing I can think off. Mostly all very sociable and considerate. Lots of shift workers, so the neighborhood is looked after day and night and we know roughly what shifts people are on and when to be quiet. Between us all I don’t think there’s a profession or skill not covered, so we always help each other out with diy etc. Well apart from Steve at number 19, nobody likes to require his services, but then he is an undertaker. 😀 In fact Ive just finished replacing a broken spoke on next doors bike, and fixed his lawn mower in work. He washed my car last week when he had all his valeting gear out and saw I hadnt got round to doing mine in a while. I consider myself very bleeding lucky.

    Free Member

    My sister lives near ross-on-wye in the small parish of peterstow. I love it round there. Relaxed pace of life, loads of countryside to amble through to various little villages and pubs. Weathers not too “northern”. Not far from forest of dean, Brecons, Wales etc. Suspect youd get a bit of a culture shock though.

    Free Member

    Chatted for a while with some Chinese tourists

    Liar. Everyone knows that if you say good morning to a stranger in london, perticually on the tube, youll be looked at like a frickin nut job. Chatting with a tourist, Ha, Perish the thought. 😆

    Free Member

    Elfin, I share a lot of your sentiment, but I have to question weather london conscientiously evolved and adapted or weather it stumbled along with the title of Britains capital proping it up?

    We have Britains desision makers looking after there own district when making important choices about things such as the olympics, which could have injected huge revitalisation into some of the more needy citys. Places with far more space to locate it, and I dare say where it would have been cheeper to build. London is looked after in a big way, what we do have in manchester or anywhere else is through bloody hard work with a lot of odds stacked against us.

    I know what you wrote above is meant in the very best way, but it does sound from here like giving us the bbc is like the master throwing the dog a bone that we should be greatfull for. I fear that may be my own malignent interpretation, but damn right we should see some of britains public owned buisness spread out. We all pay for it!

    Why in this day and age with the comunications technology we have, every buisness feels it needs to be centered in one, over priced, over congested place is beyond me.

    And if Orla Guerin can report from Libya, the BBC can report from salfod bloody keys! lol.

    On a lighter note…If the BBC news is to the houses of parliment, then match of the day should be to old trafford! right across the keys from media city. 😛

    Free Member

    No problem but there’s lots of really good riding around Ross too. If you send me contact I could take you on local trails – we normally ride very early on weekends (6-7am)

    I might be down in a fortnight or so! Id really appreciate a tour. I cant see your email address but mines Adam_Marsland at hotmail dot com 8)

    Free Member

    Who said my trips are for work? I’m not moaning either, simply trying to point out that there really is more to britain than London and that whilst you hold your home town in great esteem which is admirable, its not the only place in our great country worthy of note. The tone in which is spoken about anywhere outside your pressious london is insulting and ignorent at best.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to come here you know. You can always stay out

    You think that if I had a choice I’d still go? 😆 Not bloody likely. A sentiment shared by most of us northeners who dont live in the southern bouble and know how much more there is to Britain or England for ever having gone there. 😛

    Free Member

    pleanty of very nice places to live around manchester. Certainly better than the **** holes I pass through to get into london centre.

    Free Member

    meh, we dont want the likes of them here anyway 😆

    Persoanlly I think moving some of the programs away from London will help with giving a more balanced view of what is happening across the country and not just what is happening in media central London.

    Couldnt agree more. There’s more to england than London.

    Free Member

    What else would you called a merlin thats been ridden hard and dirty 😆

    Free Member

    Ive been dabbling in a little Dubstep the last few weeks. Most of you will f’in hate it and I’m sat laughing to myself at the Deborah Meaden-esc faces I envisage you pulling listening to this. Still, I quite like it. However, I fear the point will be quite lost on a set of pc speakers. I had to laugh at one of the comments posted to the video, “my sub just swallowed the cat”, which sums up everything.

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