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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • Grimy
    Free Member

    I have a Rampage on the back and a Cinder on the front. Works well for me on just about anything.

    Free Member

    I have an iPad 2 that I got on a half price offer through work. If I’d have paid full price I’d be seriously gutted I didnt choose the galaxy tab. The iPads very nice and you can give it any child, grandparent or moron on the planet and they would struggle to cock it up. For them its perfect, but for that same reason, because it’s so locked down, it can on occasion really boil my piss. The inability to play flash is always played down by the fan boys, but it’s a regular annoyance. It won’t import my video because it’s not quite the right format, it wont sync with my car obd dongle like the android tab does, and that camera is truly shocking. There’s loads and loads of things that bug me, most of which is nothing to do with the build quality which is lovely, just apples obsession with restricting what I can do with it.

    Free Member

    I bought my Mum some fancy champagne flutes from John Lewis’s as shes never owned a set. Chucked in a card and a bottle of champagne too and she was very happy. Dad was pretty chuffed too I think.

    Went to see my Nan too. Took a card and flowers, but I needent bother, shes just happy to see the wife and I for the afternoon. Trying not to choke on our tea with laughter at all the slightly non PC things the older generation come out with, and the casual farting. 😆

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Grimy = Troll



    Free Member

    This is not an argument I’m ever going to win but I’d like to make a point about the potholes your so blasé about. You can’t always just reduce your speed for fear of a pot hole, if the carriageway is otherwise empty. Straight, and it’s safe to cruise at the national speed limit, the chaps behind your will usually be pushing you to do so. Hitting potholes is no minor issue, it can cause serious damage to wheels and tyres, and in some cases cause their failure. I know from experience that there is nothing more frightening or dangerous than a blow out. If having fog on helps people spot the bloody things, I’m all for it. Argue all you want, but that’s the way I see it. If youve got anything more constructive to say other than what some government jobs worth wrote Ian book, then I’m all for it

    Free Member

    I know it’s illegal, and I don’t use use mine, I ditched the ridicules 19″ alloys my car came with from factory in favor of some with a little more rubber. I’m telling you why people may use them, and that I disagree about them blinding you. It’s easy to sit behind what the book says and proclaim your viewpoint divine, so let’s just agree to disagree.

    Free Member

    High horse, lol, I’m not the one judging people for using their lights. Here get your self a pair of these Night driving glasses

    Free Member

    Fog lights don’t blind you any more than regular dipped beam lights would. The whole point about fog lights is that they are mounted lower down, and aim downwards at the road immediatly in front of the car to cut under the fog, and thus reduce the amount of light bounced back at the driver. Set correctly they should be no more blinding to oncoming traffic than your regular lights.

    Why do people use them? Because most new cars have large alloys prone to cracking when hitting the huge pot holes our roads are covered in. They are hard to spot at distance because of your low position in a car, and even in daylight your normally on top of them before you see them and take evasive action. Fog lights really help you to see the road right in front of you, critically in the area potholes tend to reveal themselves, which is an area that your higher mounted dipped beam seem to leave dark.

    Just what you jobsworths find so annoying is completely beyond me? Is it that you haven’t any yourself, or that your economy class wagon doesn’t have the aesthetic large wheels (as stupid as they are) to worry about. If anything you should be chuckling to yourselves when you see someone with their fogs on, as they have obviously gone for style over performance with their wheel choice, not having a little bitch about them blinding you which is horse shit.

    Free Member

    It’s a lot of money, and people need to realise that not everyone has the luxury of that amount of expendable. If you genuinely can’t do it cheaper, By perhaps roughing it a little, then I don’t think you or your wife are being unreasonable in turning their invite down. It’s a shame to miss it, but your not the ones making the decision to get married abroad.

    Are the kids on school holiday that week? Could you go for longer and call it your annual family holiday?

    Free Member

    We have a Project Engineer job going at Davyhulme. Do you like working with poo?

    In all seriousness, can you send me any details on that vacancy please? I have a very close freind whos worked in water treatment as a project engineer for years, and his contracts down in brighton has just expired. He lives 10 mins from Davyhulme too.

    Adam_Marsland at hotmail dot com

    Free Member

    The vets a prick, find a new one. Their profit margin is ridicious, The least hey could do is work with you on the cash front and wait a few days for the insurance.

    Free Member

    I don’t disagree with learning to feel the correct torque on a bolt. But I’d suggest that for the majority of cyclists whos profession revolves about a keyboard and mouse, with little or no pre exposure to a torque wrench on which to gain comparison of torque settings and how they feel, should be wise to buy one. Even a reasonably priced one will give better results than that of a manual guestimate. I wouldn’t get too hung up with the accuracy either, so long as you buy something of reasonable quality from even halfords, it will be near enough for any application on a push bike so long as youve chosen it’s range wisely.

    Free Member

    Buy a galaxy tab…….sent from my ipad2 (if it actually let’s me, it’ll be a frickin first)

    Free Member

    😆 Bloody spelling Nazis. You’ll be disappointed to hear that I’m an engineer and not a tweed jacket wearing journo. Whilst its arguably just as important, I concern myself more with science and math, than I do English. 😛

    Free Member

    I work for the Guardian and it’s the first I’ve heard. I suspect the OP’s been slightly confused by the scheduled expiry of the ipad app free trial period. The app was launched in October with an initial 3 months free trial, ending in January when it will be charged at £9.99 a month.

    I’ve been in several of the guardians “digital first” strategy briefings and it’s been made pretty clear that they don’t believe a paywall on the website will work. Its major revenue source is still the printed copy, which is predicted to remain the most profitable form of media for at least the next 5 years before digital revenue catches up.

    However, as already pointed out, were loosing large sums of money every year, and whilst we’re a not-for-profit organisation, we do have to be sustainable. The Guardian is making some very big cuts right across the group, including half the staff at our plant alone. The printed product will be quite different from January/February going forward, with the website taking more of a leading role. The paper will try and engage and capture the readership in the morning with more in depth stories about recent events, whilst the faster digital side, such as the website will deliver more breaking news which is what its good at, and where the paper cant compete.

    The guardian is also investing heavily in America. We are already established there as one of the top sources for international news and receive massive unique user hits on the website from that region. Unfortunately the American sales market won’t take us seriously until we have a .com web address. This has led to the recent acquisition of and a permanently based team there to try and tap the market. Hopefully some of these strategies will bring in the advertising revenue that is needed for the survival of the guardian and the Scott trust values of journalism.

    Free Member

    When your “experts” checked the expansion vessel pressure with a pump, did they first drain the system down, or at least bleed off all the pressure before and during the pumping of air into the expansion vessel. The syptoms are dead typical of a lack of air volume in the vessel, but if they tryed pumping it up to the manufacturers recomended pressure, without draining the water out of it first, there just pissing in the wind. You could achive the same air pressure and still be 90% full of water unless they drain down properly.

    Free Member

    Could be your thermostatic cartridge?

    This sounds the most likely cause. If you can isolate the mixer tap feeds, do so and strip the tap down, check everythings greased and moving correctly. If there’s nothing obvious then its likely the cartridge has failed. Do a quick Google on how they work and you’ll get the idea.

    Free Member

    My Fianceé bought me a Tassimo machine last year for xmas. Its Brilliant! They’re so easy to use and maintain and the coffee is pretty damn good. All major supermarkets carry the Tassimo pods, and if your picky, the online range is huge.

    When I asked her why she chose the Tassimo over the rest of the pod machines, she said it was simply because she knows I highly rate Bosch stuff, and they manufacture the machine. Good Girl! 🙂

    Free Member

    Anyone know why a simple valve being blocked would result in a £1100 repair bill?

    Daft money I know but thats what it can cost. On a 1.9tdi vauxhall for example, if the swirl flaps break, you need a new manifold, £££, usually a new egr too, £££. To do the job, you need to remove the timing belt and fuel pump and all the ancillerys around them. Then there’s the gaskets and labour, £££.. soon adds up at a dealer.

    Free Member

    10 minutes a day at a guess? 81 minutes is crazy

    Free Member

    A lot of modern diesels suffer from intake manifold failure, or more specifically, the swirl flaps get bunged up and fail.

    All this euro 4 shizzle has resulted in the inert exhaust gas, which is rich in carbon, being recirculated through the EGR and intake manifold to reduce the combustion temerature and thus the amount of nitrogen oxide. This is all good, but not when the manifolds also full of oil vapour from the heavy breathing they do. Flour and eggs / oil and carbon, same effect.

    Regardless of driving technique, they can, and more often will eventually bung up. If its not the EGR that fails, its the manifold swirl flaps that just cant open any more for the wall of crud behind them. Depending on the car, its then a new intake manifold as they snap the plastic link arms that connect the flaps. Either way, it can be a very costly repair, and its very very common.

    Im sticking with petrol for now. You can pick them up a lot cheaper than diesels and they’re just less risky if your on the second hand market.

    If I was buying new, and with a waranty, then shifting it on after 3 years, then a diesel may make more sense.

    Free Member

    As above, if its a 4 digit lock with 0-9 as each option, then surely its 10,000 if you count 0000 through to 9999? or is that too much like common sence and the real answer is some stupid math rule that just dosent play out in real terms?

    Free Member

    My GF works the same hours as me, possibly harder, and yet only earns half of what I bring home. We split the bills so she pays about a third, and I pay the rest. That way we seem to spend about the same percentage of our wages on bills each. As im still left with slightly more, I pay for the car and the large weekly shopping trip, leaving us with about the same level of expendable cash each. If either one of us is finding cash tight, the other picks up the slack without a second thought.

    If I was worried about being rinsed over the house, or that she dosent technically pay as much as me, then It just wouldnt be a relationship worth having, or at least its certainly too early to be moving in or buying a house together.

    p.s. if I had to choose….

    she’s a bitch

    This^, a greedy one at that.

    Free Member

    This has got to be a wind up. Nobody could be that stupid.

    Free Member

    You should save yourself the hastle of looking after an expensive gadget on your commute and buy a newspaper, preferably the guardian. That should keep me in a job for a couple more years 😉

    Meh, sod it, you can’t slow progress, but you can’t blame me for trying. I’ve just taken advantage of an employee half price iPad offer, so we can understand the new “digital first” concept the papers adopted, and to be fair, the guardian app is pretty slick, and award winning. It is the future. Time for me to start looking for a new job lol.

    Free Member

    Weils disease 😯

    Had that, nearly bleeding killed me. Caught it kayaking on a canal. Didnt clean my hands well enough when we stoped for a sandwich. Its not so much the water thats the problem, you tend to get it from the bank where the rats piss.

    Free Member

    Therefore I re-tag everything with MP3Tag before adding to iTunes library.
    Compilations I tag Artist as Various – [album name] , then the track names as [Artist]-[Title].
    Simple to do with mp3tag.

    Not only is re-taging years worth of music a royal PITA that no other mp3 player needs, it dosent always work! I thought Id made that clear, despite very very carefully checking the album and artist tags, and checking the stupid compilation box, it still chooses to split up the albums. It just dosent work.

    Its not intuative, and everything is a work around. Its rubbish.

    Free Member

    When you can get decent tubes for £3 a piece, unless im out of tubes and I’m at home, I’ll sling a new one in and avoid the chance of that mistery leak all together. If I’m in the field, and only have one spare tube in my bag, I’ll use a patch and save the tube for a more pressing emergency.

    Free Member

    Itunes is bloody awefull. Importing music from an old collection is just soul destroying.

    wtf is the problem with compilation albums? Why cant it just leave them together as an album and not split every track into seperate, unrelated singles. It completely relies on ID tagging and regardless of following several different guides on tagging to resolve this, it still doesnt work. Ive even had the biggest apple fanboy in the world known at work as IBob, fail miserably at resolving the issue. I even went to the itunes store and their solution was to create a playlist for each album? your having a laugh arnt you!

    Every other mp3 player Ive used just works. Leaves my file system in order and just plays the bloody music as it apears in the folders. But Iwank, Noooo.

    And dont even get me started on what the software does to my pc.

    Free Member

    Half the blame is with the archcitects who design the buildings. Often the lifts are made the central focus of a multi story buildings lobby, all decorated and carpeted to invite you in to the lift, whilst should you choose to take the stairs, your forced to search for a side door into the cold bleak hard concreate stairwell where you feel somewhat second class.

    Free Member

    Shifting gear on your chainset under load could shear a tooth.

    Free Member

    Morning chaps, just woke up to find all your kind words. I don’t know exactly what to say, other than Thank you for convincing me I did the right thing. I’ll hold that thought when the police pop over at lunch time for a proper statement.

    Sobalias your right, knowing the place was empty, it would have been much easier to let them go in and then call the police, but at the time I didn’t think of that till I’d shouted at them. Dough!

    If I find out anything from the police about his fate, ill keep you informed.

    Loving the judge dread picture lol. You’ve cheered me right up.

    Just to add, I was very well behaved holding him, I didn’t want to give him too much of a reason to come back looking for me, and I’m not a violent man.

    Free Member

    Cheers fellas, but to be fair, I was shit scared the other one would come back whilst I was waiting with his mate pinned. The lady at the 999 center was golden, she really helped, and the police were fantasticly fast really. Sorry the poor neigbours have a large glass window to replace, but at least they didn’t get in. It’s not like I live in a rough area either so I figured theyd be misguided youthes rather than hardened knife holding thugs. Thankfully I was right and I kinda felt sorry for the bugger when the police turned up. Short Sharp shock might put him right for the future though hey.

    Free Member

    EH? are you sure that resized dosent simply mean replaced with a thicker bushing to remove the play? You can’t simply resize a bush.

    Free Member

    It’s a road, not a playground. Let them destroy your own garden instead of all the neighbors cars with their bikes and footballs. You could even turn killroy off and take them to the local park if your grass is worth more than their saftey. The problem isn’t road traffic, its lazy parenting.

    Free Member

    S J I clamp my 09 large mount vision on the down tube, a couple of inches up the tube from the big ring. The frame here has a wider profile on the underside of the tube than it does on the top where it narrows for the quad link pivots. Here the freeride clamp which pinches in at the top is a great fit and makes it very very unlikely to pull though even if your a little limp wristed with the clamp. Hell I’ve tried very hard to make it move inviting freinds to do the same and its solid.

    Free Member

    Thule freeride works a treat. Never moved a bit, but put a little heli tape where it clamps to protect the frame. When we go 100s of miles on holiday with it on, ill chuck a toe strap around the clamp too just to be extra safe, but its not been necessary.

    Free Member

    Launch them into orbit with a trebuchet 🙂 you can get some great blueprints on the net!

    Free Member

    Same here. Just didnt get on with MF pillows, the feel and the heat were all wrong. Dunlopillo latex pillows however are fantastic! Last decades, dont sag, stay cool, easily washed and perfect for asthma suferers.

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