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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • Grimy
    Free Member

    For example; here is a 5kg weight saving, which would cost at least a million pounds, the advantage over a 2km climb?

    8.7 seconds….

    Err, hang on a minute, thats bassed on a gradient of 0.03 rise/run. I.e. less than a 1 meter climb every 30 meters….hardly a gradient at all.

    Enter something far more realistic like 1 in 10 meters, still not the steepest of climbs, and your suddenly 40 seconds or 125m ahead. reduce the riders power from 250w or increase his weight, and the figure increases further.

    Change the gradient to some of the steeper stuff like a 1 in 4, oh look, 125 seconds ahead. So understanding and using your own example actually proves that weight makes a resonable difference!

    Free Member

    Low stength thread lock works like a galvanic corosion inhibitor too.

    Free Member

    Are the bolts for the thru axle or the swingarm? Either way, Decent grade titanium bolts will be at least as strong as the regular steel bolts, unless they where fitted with perticularly high tensile steel bolts.

    Free Member

    Asthetically cool, but a fail in every other way. Weight, stength, need?

    Free Member

    I found the freeride 530 is the ONLY bike carrier that will hold my Mount Vission properly. The twin arms stop the un-nerving wobble better than the single arm more expensive models and the clamp actually grips the frame tight, unlike the C shaped clamps of the higher models that a) dont fit this frame, and b)dont clamp so much as just partially suround the frame, leaving a gap in the side, exactly in the direction these things wobble worst. I know there built cheaper, but they are designed better IMO although we have one of each on the roof!

    Clamped properly in the 530, Ive really yanked on the MV to try and break it out the arms, but it dosent budge, and we've done some fairly unsaviourly speed with it too.

    That said, I'll take other peoples experiance on board and use an extra strap just in case! thanks for the heds up!

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday! 8)

    what do you buy a fohorty year old anyway?
    A Diary
    A Bungalow
    Stenna lift


    Free Member

    Stuff wears out and technology moves on. There's nout wrong with replacing your tatty, worn old stuff for something newer and better.

    no point about getting sentemental about that old thing that works adequatly, when you fancy something newer, maybe more effecient, better working with built in GPS?

    Yea, you can go too far and become wastefull just because you want the new shiney thing, but there's a middle ground between being Armish, and being a super consumer.

    Without a little consumerism, there wouldnt be the same level of technological advances, you might still be listening to the wireless, maybe you wouldnt have a TV and you sure as hell wouldnt be on an internet forum to find out where's a great place to ride etc.

    So perhaps its not the root of all evil as some would make out. I love maintaining stuff, and I based my career around fixing stuff thats broke rather than needlessly replacing it and adding to landfill, but I'll not be feeling guilty when I get my consumer fix either! 8) its a balance.

    Free Member

    Its a close call but the gooey, chocolaty, biscuity goodness of a cadburys "Boost" just beats the penuty awsomeness of a Marathon, only because they decided to call it a snickers? 👿

    Free Member

    There is 43 pages of discussion on the Ebay ones over on bike radar. All you need to know is there.

    Free Member

    I took a punt on the £12 Ebay one. Its incredable the video quality for such a tiny lighweight thing. 720 x 480 @ 30fps on this one with a class 6 micro sd card. Daylight video is great with no wobble and i'm genuinley impressed but night time video is not that great. The only downside so far is the battery performace. Only getting about an hour when charged off the USB port. Might be better from the mains adapter? yet to try that.

    Free Member

    Live proof that the worlds full of ****, and weirdos.

    Free Member

    I know what your saying Dickie, and the mechanics of what your describing sounds right, but mine dont do it? I run about 15 to 20mm of sag which should put you beyond any small air void in the damper cyclinder.

    Free Member

    OMFG, That is Just wrong!! Me and Mrs Grimy just had a look for shits and giggles. Several weird looking blokes, somebody vibrating a live baby chick all over the place of a huge subwoofer, a bunch of giddy college girls in Pj's and on about the tenth click….a w@nker! We just laughed and told him he had a tiny cock. 😆

    Free Member

    Yea, once youve done it youll wonder what all the fuss was about! lol. Its very easy to do, and the extra travel I found very usefull 8)

    I think the hardest part is getting the lowers started back onto the stantions without getting the wiper seal lipped under. Just takes a little patience, or an extra set of hands to make it easy!

    Free Member

    Sorry dickie, Ive no idea then? dont know if more -ve air pressure will make any difference? Perhaps take a little pressure out just to see if it does?

    Free Member

    That will do it fine! Your not pulling the damper side apart, so the 15wt is just for lube, anything will do I recon! I'm sure theres stuff marketed as being superiour, red rum or something, but its just keeping the seals and bushes wet at the end of the day.

    Free Member

    Ive not noticed any issues with the lockout when I changed mine from 100 to 120mm. Perhaps your damper oil was a little low to start. Only way to tell is to get some oil and replace it with the recomended volume and see if it makes any difference? Same volume of oil for all travel options anyway.

    Free Member

    Ive sent you an email to your yahoo address on the south manchester massive forum Hora. Give me a bell if you want it, but if mr chrispys nearer then thats cool!

    Free Member

    Hi Hora
    It will start the car fine and I dont think you can damage an alternator that way. What you can do is cook the ECU. As long as you always conect the red jumper cable to the battery and the Black clamp to the chassis or engine lift point etc, and NOT the battery negative you wil be fine. Same goes for charging with any charger though, but I guess you probably know that. Welcome to borrow it as long as its looked after as its quite expensive. Ill email my number. Do you want it tonight? I'm in all day tomorrow till 6pm if your not in a rush.

    Free Member

    Where in manchester Hora? I live in Davyhulme and have a bloody great big charger come starter. Trouble is I'm in work till 5pm and its a bit on the heavy side to carry on a bike so I'd have to pop over with it. OK if your close, but the Gf's probably cooking me a meal being valentines and all.

    Free Member

    Might have had something to do with the 203mm rotor?

    I thought the very same thing! but couldnt be sure how big the rotor was from the pic, it looks huge though!

    Free Member

    Just short of 200 miles this year so far. The weathers forced much of that to be on the flat mid week fitness rides. Other than that, only done rivi and winter hill once, and a couple of laps of lee quary. Going to innerleithan and glentress at the end of this month though, so hopefully get some better riding in…..crossing my fingers for fair weather and open trails…..please god!

    Free Member

    When I went into Halfords there were no cycle staff, then a guy from another dept accuses me of not bringing my old frame and back and wants to charge me for a new frame even though I have all receipts!
    Treated me like a shop lifter then tried to keep my receipts and would not give my evidence back!

    Flippin heck, I'd have been very annoyed and a little worried at that point! Glad you got it all sorted in the end. Funny how £50 worth of free stuff massarges the bother away, bit of a result in the end hey! 😀

    So whats the new frame like? is it totally mark free? Will you get to find out weather the mark on the returned frame was a crack or not?

    Oh and Pics when its built up please! 8)

    Free Member

    If you want any motorbike spares, have a ride up to the Cat and Fiddle in Macc, theres flippin loads of broken fairings, forks, mirrors, pedals, half a handlebar, probably enough to bodge an entire bike together over a few miles. Dosent take long to see why…

    Free Member

    My collegue got a ctw voucher from work, and we regreted it later as you dont really save anything. Most shops wont exchange it for anything in a sale as the voucher company take a 10% cut in the sale price, forcing you to pay top prices and thus saving very little at all, if not restricting your choice. This perticular scheme dosent allow you to make up a slight shortfall in the voucher value with cash should you find something you like but are just short, and once you have the voucher which had a short 2 month expiery date, you had to pay for it weather you used it or not. No sending it back. Was a bit of a scam looking back. Certianly dont think it would be such a shame to loose it.

    Free Member

    You dont need anything other than a solicitor to sort the land registry etc, and you dont need two solicitors, one acting on behalf of both partys will be fine, cheaper and a lot quicker. Just done something very similar with no problems.

    Free Member

    KT1973 – Have to agree on the laminate, but I'm glad its only down in the hall and kitchen. I dont really like laminate in living rooms and bedrooms, they make it feel cold and echo'ie. Cant beat the feel of a good pile carpet underfoot. Personal preferance and all that.

    Free Member

    😀 I Hired one for my brother when he got the keys to his first house. The carpets were beige and badly stained with all sorts. Hot chocholate, wine, kids crayons, you name it. We figured the cleaner wouldnt remove the stains but at least it would be a little more hygenic until he could replace them. Surprisingly however, with two or three passes over the perticually bad bits, it came up like new! 😯 8) All but one stain completely vanished and the one that didnt was now virtually indistinguishable and the pile on the carpet came right up! Well worth the £25 hire fee for 48 hours. We did my house and my parents house while we had it, so it worked out very cheap! Like the Op though, you should see the dirt that comes out of an otherwise clean looking carpet. its quite shocking and you feel a little ashamed.

    Free Member

    Dave V – Brilliant! I personally like number 2! But I may just buy one of these water sprayers!

    Free Member

    What about a garden sprinkler in the middle of the lawn, fed from a hose that has a washing machine fill valve spliced into it, which is triggered by a security light PIR sensor. Maybe even attach a bell so you get to watch the bugger being drowned….Hmmm, actually thats a good Idea, I might have a go at that when the weather perks up and the frost's gone 😀

    Free Member

    Someone once surgested Lion poop was a good deterant……but yep, thats not really ideal either?

    Free Member

    Do cats ever actually shit it their owners garden? Ive often wondered when scraping the turd off the blades of my mower 👿
    Its really starting to do my head in now, but I cant bring myself to shoot the buggers, seems a little harsh for a bit off poo. Anyway, I'd also be intrested in any non leathal deterants people can surgest. Not them ultrasonic things though, I can hear them.

    Free Member

    Fit and forget reliability, simplicity and ease of bleeding has to be the Shimano's! They just work, what more do you want? Formula are just a PITA!

    Free Member

    I trashed a couple of 717's fairly quickly and replaced them with 719's on xt hubs (both sets built by merlin). Ive given the XM719's a right good hammering and they've been great, stayed true and the 2mm width makes a big differance runing 2.35's perfectly fine. I do tend to keep my pressures around 40psi though as I weigh just over 14st. They are leauges stronger than the 717's and only a little heavyer. I wonder how much the maxtal alloy they make them out of contributes to their strenght? Either way, very happy with them, stong and light and great for going up or down typical xc or am dutys.

    Free Member

    I read this in somebodys profile once : –

    "Duct tape is like the Force, It has a light side and a Dark side and holds the universe together!"


    Free Member

    About 12 minutes at a lesiurly pace.
    Manitenance engineer
    50% of the time, I.e. when I dont need the car to take any "foreigners" into work.

    Free Member

    The old search was as good as usless anyway. Glad to see its being worked on 😀

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about your buisness Binners, like you say, why would you put yourself out of work? Does seem a little unfair of your farther, and I have no Idea what your relationship with him is like, but its a damn shame to let it get to the stage where you dont talk. Give it time perhaps?

    I found out my farther did something really crappy recently, it was in the past, I decided I love him anyway and were all entitled to make a mistake.

    Free Member

    92.1% of the population is so odds are! But I dont see where anybody made that assumption you troll

    Free Member

    What about that old classifieds paper. "Loot" I think they have a website now too.

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 664 total)