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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • Grimy
    Free Member

    I had loads of trouble trying to set up a freinds ultegra the other day, and it was my unfamiliarity with roadie stuff that was my downfall. I didnt relise the front derailure, well actually the shifter, has four positions not three! At the risk of offending, youve not made the same mistake have you? 😳

    from the manual: –

    There are 2 derailleur positions for the intermediate chainring. When
    making the cable adjustment, make sure that the derailleur is in the
    inner side (toward small chainring) of the two positions. Locate the
    derailleur to this position by shifting from the largest to the
    intermediate chainring (recommended) or by shifting from the small to
    the intermediate chainring, then gently press lever (b) until a small
    click is felt (to position the derailleur to the inner side of the
    intermediate chainring).

    Free Member

    Horse, bolted, gate……lol

    I would highly recommend 661 Evo's for your elbows though! fairly good protection from the d3o pads, stay in place well, but most importantly dont restrict any movment in your arms at all, basically you really dont know your wearing them. Stay away from the vegie pads though, they are the polar oposite.

    Free Member

    Eh? Jesh, just what are you trying to achive?

    Free Member

    old ibm/hitachi inside per chance

    The old Deskstar Death Click! 😳 been a victim of that one myself.

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps! Most helpfull molgrips, Thank you!

    Free Member

    Blokes metrosexuals in tight jeans with scene pumps, the checked ones are perticually bad, but apparently all the fashion…

    Free Member

    Are you sure it only had four engines? Check this bugger out! Lmfao

    Yea I know its fake, but just imagine the fuel bill! 😆

    Free Member

    Better go wash the car and water the lawn now then! 😈

    In all seriousness, this is exactly what a load of people will probably do before friday now, hardly helping the situation.

    Free Member

    I cant argue with that theory molegrips, It certainly sounds convincing. I wouldnt like to put money on it either way?

    Free Member

    Grimy – EBKS

    Error Between Keyboard and Seat

    Hahahaha, I'm adopting that one too now!

    Free Member

    Sorry molgrips, I'm just having a little interllectual fun too!

    Although I said I wasnt going to argue over the similaritys of a helicopter blade and a birds glide, I will debate it with you! 😛

    The way I understand helicopter flight, is not as you describe. It does not fly as a result of forcing air down like a harrier jump jet, but as a result of foiled rotating wings cutting through the air, creating less density above the wing than bellow, and thus achiving Lift, not thrust. Much in the same way a plane or bird glides. So if the experiment showed no weight change for a helicopter flying in a truck, then, the prinipal of flight being the same for a bird, the same results would apply?

    Free Member

    As a maintenance engineer, I love repairing stuff that others would otherwise through away. Its massivly rewarding, stops otherwise perfectly good stuff going to landfill, saves my company, myself and my freinds a fortune on new equipment, repairs, or servicing costs, actually draws on the theoretical qualifications Ive spent over a decade collecting, and no day is ever quite the same. I'm always learning, discovering new things, and technology will always be one step ahead of me, which just excites me.

    Like TJ, I lothe the buzzword and acronym bollocks that middle managment make up in a desperate attempt to baffle and make their work sound far more complicated than it actually is.

    Although….I have to admit my department have our own acronyms for describing faults in front of the operators or managment, when we dont want to upset them. Such as "We found the fault, it was the OTS" or "All sorted, it was the TCITC that caused a process error"

    OTS = Operator Too Stupid!
    TCITC = The C**T In The Corner


    Free Member

    Molgrips, I know the show dosnt exactly conduct experiments to the scientific n'th degree, but the experiments are usually carried out with sufficent accuracy to dispell certain myths, and even then, people will change the argument and still stand by some theoretical minute point thats almost imposible to dispell just to suit their own argument. I think Adam and Jamie do a fairly good job of testing out stuff in a "real world" environment and with what is reasonably practical circumstances.

    I'd have thought that the blades of a helicopter cut through the air and create lift in pretty much the same way as a gliding bird anyway, dispelling that theory too. But i'm really not interested in arguing that one out….youll only change the argument again to suit your needs! 😉 😛

    Free Member

    Truck gets lighter = Myth! Busted… 😛

    Without trawling back through all the posts, has nobody pointed out that this theory was put to test on the discovery channel show "mythbusters". I remeber watching it and the test was pretty convincing. It was back in March 2007. They put each wheel of a truck on load cells and managed to get 11lbs of pigions to fly in the back all at once, with no change in weight, although the readings where a little noisey. So to go a step further, they flew a RC helicopter in the back of the truck….no weight change.

    Video here!

    Free Member

    Dont start down that slippy slope, just because the rest of the team are mugs.

    Free Member

    Mine have gone sticky too, but I suspect its the use of bike cleaner such as "muck off" that has effected the rubber, rather than the weather.

    Free Member

    Kit, He makes the stickers up as a bit of a sideline / Hobby in his back room. Cost him a few quid for the vinal plotter, but he used to do it for a job when he was younger and figured he'd recoupe the cost after selling a few stickers on Ebay. Makes some good pocket money out of it, and will do custom stuff as long as its for a fair few off. He's got a full time job aswell, and can find it swallowing all his time if he's not carefull.
    What did you have in mind? Ill have a word and pass on his contact details if it sounds like something he'd do.

    Yes she is tall 8)

    Free Member

    I did duck when I explained the meaning of wizzard's sleve, but simply explained it was fitting for a well ridden frame and she saw the funny side. I actually built it up a couple of months ago, but only just got round to posting the photos. In that time, Sarah has been out twice a week on avarage and really enjoys herself, or at least one of the pubs I try and include on the route. So I guess I'm going to be one of the lucky or unlucky 9% depending on your point of view.

    I recon more SO's would enjoy riding if they were give a half decent bike to start with and not a Tesco FS special 😆

    Free Member

    there was a study in the states that concluded that chain lube doesn't make much difference to wear or efficiency. They said the most helpful thing it does is fill the gaps in the chain and stops them filling with abrasive particles. It all sounded logical at the time. Still seems to make sense and throws an interesting light on the whole chain lube arguments.

    I was just about to ask weather anybody had conducted any tests on wear rate comparing the wet against dry. I guess that answered it. I must admit ive been a little sceptical about the dry stuff, it never sounds quite as slick. 😕

    Free Member

    Its irony, I didnt think "Mouses Ear" had the same ring to it on a Frame made by Merlin! 😉

    Free Member

    We're with the RAC, never had a problem with them. On the couple of times theyve been called I can honestly say they were very good.

    Why did we go with them in the first place? Simples, Many others, the AA included will NOT recover your vehical after an accident. Slide off the road onto a muddy embankment and get stuck in the mud? They wont help even if the cars undamaged.

    My SO had a little bump in her car a couple of years ago and was too shook up and scarred to carry on driving even though the car was perfectly drivable. The RAC came straight away, and offered to bring her and the car back home, which she was very thankfull for. The AA would not have come out.

    Freind smashed car up on motorway, I was a passenger, His AA membership wouldnt cover accident recovery, used my RAC membership to come and collect us and saved him a fortune! within half an hour too!

    Free Member

    Dry yea, fast Noooooo. The ground in Delamere on most of the decent singletrack away from the fireroad is spongey all year round and just saps your speed. Still bloody ace though!

    Free Member

    150 Rev u-turns on my 120 Mount vision. Absolutly love it! I'm just short of 15st and 6ft, so the extra inch of travel is very welcomed, allowing me to run slightly more sag and less pressure without my lardy arse bottoming the forks out, improving both the tracking and the handeling.

    perhaps climbing ability of a longer fork effects short light riders more than tall heavy ones? It sure as hell makes little difference on my bike for me 8)

    Free Member

    Couple of plasters
    Length of bandage
    steri wipe
    Card of Matches
    Space Blanket

    All weighs absolutly bugger all and may come in usefull.

    Free Member

    Some kind of bike powered air pump/bellows that has been modified to now run on an electric single phase motor (as given away by the start capacitor).

    Free Member

    I cant get a bottle cage on it for when I want to ride light without a bag.

    Free Member

    11 years here. There was a couple of blokes I worked with, jimmy and coggy, that retired only last year, who had worked together their whole lives having started off on the same apprentice intake, transfered when the company relocated and retired on the same day 😯 You'd think they'd be pretty fed up with each other after 45+ years, but you can still find them in the mens club every thursday night having a beer.

    Free Member

    I wouldnt be happy drilling out and tapping the narrow post mount to fit a hellicoil. The thickness of the perant metal, i'm assuming magnesium, is starting to get a little on the thin side and will not be as strong. It might be fine, but as its your main brake……I wouldnt risk it.

    Free Member

    I was doing the same thing, but I couldnt atribute the cause to the tyre tread pattern. Instead I run slightly lower pressure and shift my weight more over the front wheel. Certainly works for me, although a little uncomfortable at first until I got used to it.

    Free Member

    It depends on how you set them up. The free stroke adjuster makes a big differance to the way they work.

    Look at the pair of 775's you have, and get your head around the way the cam works at the begining of the stroke, effectivly moving the piston away from the lever fulcrum in order to shift larger volumes of oil per increment of lever travel, and how that changes to low volume/high pressure when the cam shifts towards the pivot at the bite point. The free stroke adjuster normally comes screwed all the way in, almost nulling the above action and making the levers feel very similar to other non servo wave brakes. Adjust the free stroke screw a couple of turns anti clockwise, and have another look at whats happening with the pivot. You will quite clearly feel the cam lock over and a huge increase in braking force.

    Regardless of what caliper you use, the effect will be very noticable.

    Free Member

    How does £2.99 for a pair sound? 😀

    Thats what they cost at the Local Decathelon store. Ive had them in a pair of 2.35 tyres for perhaps 12 months, only one flat due to a thorn. At that price, cant go wrong.,

    Free Member

    Barronspudulike, Ive just measure my legs, and where the kyle straights sit above and bellow the knee, my legs measure up the same as yours! So I'd say with confidence that the Mediums are the right size for you!

    Unlike the 661 size guide that would point to a pair of XL's which is a joke 😯

    Free Member

    I'll measure my legs in a minute when I can find a tape, but for the time being I recomend going smaller than you would at first think! I've pretty big legs, read the size guide, thought Large would be snug, went down to evens and tryed a few sizes on and found the Mediums to be the better fit. They are certainly bigger than the size guide would make out!

    Free Member

    I'm with BezB, Tuck and roll every time! I'd go as far as saying I'm awsome at falling off! 😆 Not something to be proud of 😆

    Free Member

    There are several sports tracking apps for the HD2 aswell. I put a couple on my girlfreinds the other day, but unfortunatly not had chance to try them out yet. Look pretty good though.

    Free Member

    Looks brilliant! I'm off work this week, and Now I'm thinking I need to go up and have play round Gisburn! Anybody else going to be there on wednesday?

    Free Member

    Thanks for al your input! I think we've established that 1380 is way way out. There is no input for MaxHR, the device must estimate that from age, the only input that will correct the high reading is a calorie correction factor, the default is obviously 1, and by substituting it with 0.6, id be somewhere around 828 kcal's, which sounds nearer. But thats a huge correction to have to make. How much does your resting rate effect the callorie calc?

    Free Member

    Thanks Chaps, I guessed it was pretty high. I wonder what a more realistic figure would be? Ive found an option to apply a corection factor to the callorie count to get a little more accurate.

    SOOBalias, Its about 30% road to be fair, and the rest is fairly hardpack gravely bridelway, so pretty fast rolling stuff. I double checked and its deffinatly Kcals. I know 15St is heavy, but at 6ft, I dont look particually chunky. 8)

    Free Member

    turn off the cojoined/tandem setting

    😆 Trust me I've looked for one!

    Free Member

    Ive just swapped from soom 2009 120mm Rebas to a new set of 2010 Revelation Maxle U-turns for similar sort of reasons. Regardless of what air pressure I ran, I just couldnt quite get what I wanted from the rebas with my weight. The right pressure for a smooth, well tracking fork would easily bottom on rock gardens, and vice versa. The extra travel of the revs have changed all that, they work brilliantly for me and the u-turn gives me lots of setup options depending what sort of riding im doing.

    That coupled with the improved stiffness of the Maxle, and I think i'm right in saying they're very slightly lighter than last years rebas regardless of the extra travel?, they made very good sence. I'm very happy with them indeed.

    My point is that adjustable travel forks might be more what your looking for to getthe best of both worlds, rather than just a different brand of the same thing?

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