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  • griffiths1000
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    mikewsmith – Member

    Technical or road?

    I have done a lot more off road/ technical climbs etc so know pretty well where i am with that. Been thinking about it for a while though. In relation to MTB- Fire road etc climbs, tried both approaches and the whole range in between as well as watching others but still undecided.

    Roadie is new to me so still trying to find the sweet spot. Strava too is new to me so and having fun doing the local segments and a bit of KOM busting. Question might be- best gearing for optimum speed of assent on relatively short sections of steep road? 😉

    Free Member

    Was reading this with interest this morning as i live rural and never rely had this issue, some cars will always pass too close but that will never change.

    Low and behold on my way back to work after lunch i got run off the road by a HGV. I met him head on on a twisty single track road. When i first came into his vision he was at a passing place but he horsed on until he forced me onto the grass blasting his horn as he went past.

    All happened so fast I didn’t relay have time to get any vehicle details although i have a fair idea who it was but I am not relay the confrontational type so will probably just let it go .

    Free Member

    njee20 – Member

    Do you not remember what happened last time you started a thread open to ambiguous discussion!? HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING!?

    😆 😆 😆

    Yes i was most entertained and am a bit bored at work today 🙄

    Free Member

    You can mail me. I have helped occasionally.
    However, inspite of the “Brant Blog” on the OnOne site, and references to me as their designer in product copy, I left their employment at end of June last year

    As i said was calling their bluff, had no intention of bothering you direct by email….maybe just coincidence but it got action! 😆

    Free Member

    Generally all Good. Only ever had one issue when they sent the wrong cranks, return no problem but massive performance to get return postage refunded. I know Brant is on here so called their bluff to end up with this email.

    Still not seen a refund for 6.55 postage despite repeated requests. I can email Brant direct or post a planetx returns topic on singletrack forum which i think will have have more affect than continuing to politely asking here………….

    I will leave it with you for a day or two.

    Immediate refund after weeks of faf. 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Heres my commuting bike 😉

    Free Member

    ..considerably faster than you

    ………..Ah but over what distance? 😆

    Free Member

    Though sun is shining, looks like a nice day for a fast ride

    Ah but how fast, that is the question? 😆

    Free Member

    We also need a factor for converting northern ‘hard as nails’ miles to southeren ‘softy shandy quaffer’ miles with a weighting coefficient for genital size/mass (the bellend factor)

    😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    On the shopping bike with a weekly shop in the basket towing a trailer with two kids and a dog in the back…?

    , i was wearing my work cloths-shirt, jumper, trousers & shoes

    I’d not be wanting the desk next to yours

    😆 😆

    Fellow cyclist in the desk next to me so quite amiable to a bit of sweat. 🙄

    Free Member

    Oh and forgot to mention, i was wearing my work cloths-shirt, jumper, trousers & shoes no Lycra or or cleats 😀

    Free Member

    OMG, is that your commute?

    I commuted to work through London today

    Yep that’s it, not a traffic light within 30 miles 😀

    Well, thank Churchill for that!

    😀 if it wasn’t for him it would be an iron man each day to work 😀

    Context is really important. Look at Eric in second place on that KOM and it’s clear he was out for a relatively steady 25 miler, not someone who was on a 4 mile blast. A KOM is pretty hollow really unless there’s a few hundred times on there and on a reasonable climb or part of a local TT course. I’d rather be top 10 on a very busy segment than KOM on a segment only half a dozen people have actually ridden.

    Totally agree, i was fresh after lunch and first bit of the blast, did the same 2 seconds slower in the morning on the way to work. To be fair though i did come in second on another one last thing after back and forth four times here

    You would be pushed to find many segments in Orkney that more than 10 people had ridden!!! 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers guys its just a bit of fun, not planning to enter any races, only time i will be beating is my own, if i set any records on segments then that is a bonus. 😀 They will likely get pushed off the top soon enough.

    Free Member

    Yep 4.4 miles, didn’t start it till the end of my drive or else might have rattled the bike to bits! 😯 Will do some longer runs soon but just got the Garmin so put up the info i had.

    Free Member

    Well thanks to all i took the advise and bought a second hand Garmin compliments of fellow STW member yorkshire89. So here is my commute today for those wanting to see it on Strava. here in km rather than mph but think it equates to 23mph average, infact time was 10.58 but new to the controls so took another 10 seconds to get stop pushed. I am sure there are plenty of faster roadies out there but for a 42 and balding MTB rider i am well chuffed. 😀

    Free Member

    Split the difference and went for 24c 😕 More because of price than size.

    folding bead
    220tpi nylon casing
    sub-200g weight
    max 145PSI
    For £11.99 at 70% discount can’t argue!!!!!! 😀

    Free Member

    Saccades – Member

    on-one are selling vittoria rubino pro’s for about £8 (folding).

    Good tyre, dirt cheap.

    Cheers Saccades planetx have some unbelievable deals for anyone looking for tires. Just ordered a couple sets of these 70% discount!!! 😀 5 star review here

    Free Member

    Machine screws are not a good solution, epoxy glue is fine but you need to do it properly with a small clearance for the glue layer and the surfaces must be prepared properly etc.

    If you are relying on friction alone i can’t see why machine screws combined with friction fit are a bad idea? A couple of small holes in the steerer won’t weaken it noticeably especially at the top, wouldn’t think of it down near the crown where maximum forces will be in action.

    At least if you ever wanted to remove it you could screw out the machine screws and push it out. Not so easy if it is epoxied in.

    Free Member

    I have successfully pressed out an old steerer tube and fitted a longer one. Cooled the whole top assembly in a freezer then heated the aluminum crown casting with a heat gun keeping the steerer tube as cool as poss then pressed out in a vice. Use a cutting of suitable size pipe to allow the steerer to push through the crown. Same in reverse to fit the new steerer tube. Heat expands the one where the cold contracts the other to give minimal resistance. You could likley do the same with the above mentioned bung to give maximum friction fit.

    I Used the forks for years with no issues.

    Free Member

    Was thinking to do the same myself but fit a couple of counter-sunk threaded machine screws through the steerer rather than rely on the friction alone.

    Free Member

    edhornby – Member

    if it’s still ok, put the front on the back and try a new 23 on the front, this works for me on my fixed gear (as long as you can stand the thought of mismatched tyres)

    I think a mismatch would bring out the OCD in me! 😕

    Free Member

    Got 700 x 25 Schwable Blizzards on just now, the front is ok buy back is shredded from the turbo. Can’t seem to find them any more so hence replacing the pair……….unless anyone had a single one knocking about spare? 🙄

    I have a long hardcore drive before i get to the tarmac so i think i will stick to the 25’s from what you have said.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, sorted now, gone for yorksire89’s garmin, all the advice much appreciated.

    Free Member

    yorkshire89 – Member

    I’ve got a garmin 200 for sale if interested, £45 posted

    Sent you email.

    Free Member

    You would be much better off using a device that you can specify or has by default a fine sampling rate.

    What devices? Thanks

    Free Member

    Yes preferably bike specific so Garmin sounds good. Again excuse my ignorance could i get Strava on a Garmin device? Reason i ask as i have mates on Strava so nice to try and compete against their best times etc.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    When you put the tire lever through the new tube just fitting to your road bike. 😥

    Free Member

    Empty plastic milk bottle on top of the kindling, works a treat and better for the environment than all that diesel used to cart it to a recycling center. 😀

    Seriously though i have a superfire button ignition gas torch next to mine, never any bother to light it with that, instant and no faffing about burning your fingers with a match or lighter.

    Free Member

    Well i do have a chain tool at home however we dont have a split link.

    I have split a chain and pushed the same pin back in with the chain splitter on completion, maybe just lucky but it never came out again.

    Free Member

    Pretty good up here in Orkney.

    Free Member

    You could post him a couple of empty boxes 🙄 Or Just an ordinary cardboard box with bubble wrap or cardboard spacers fabricated between the wheels works fine.

    Free Member

    Maybe he just couldn’t see the Porpoise of life.

    Free Member

    I think I can condense DazH’s bullet points a bit, good as they are:

    1. She’s 4. It really doesn’t matter.

    But I think the thread wasn’t actually supposed to be an opportunity to put Graham in the stocks (correct me if I’m wrong, got a pile of mouldy veg here I need rid of), more the general principal of the current legislation, which is utter bobbins. I can’t see how it helps anyone. The ones who are going to kept out from school by their parents will be anyway, and fining them won’t help.

    Whole thread nicely condensed!

    Free Member

    In my experience it is the teachers that don’t give a toss about them.

    Funnily enough, I’m writing this now because it’s the Monday after half term and Mrs Pondo has spent the last couple of evenings in tears after working all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday (we were away before then, had to chose the holiday we could afford because teachers can’t take leave to take holidays when they’re cheaper – hey, it’s just how life is, right?), and faces another term of monster workloads trying to get kids grades they (and their parents) don’t seem interested in working for, because if the kids don’t get the grades, that affects her career. So, you know, I wouldn’t say teachers don’t give a toss – some don’t, I’ve no doubt, there are lazy and feckless people in all walks of life. But not all, not by a long chalk.

    As i said, i would likely get shot down in flames. To clarify in my experience there are two categories of teachers: the majority who don’t give a toss, but there is that rare breed such as Mrs Pondo who put their heart & soul into it, and unfortunately end up in tears, my hats off to them.

    I don’t even think the majority of the “majority” started off that way but have been worn down by the bureaucracy & red tape of the schooling system and disruptive element of the classes. Therefore it is easier to not give a toss than to spend their unpaid time stressed out and in tears…..well that’s my bitter & twisted perspective anyway! 🙄

    Free Member

    griffiths1000 »

    All of which is available during the school holidays.

    not for a 3rd of the price though.

    Should’ve stuck in at school, got better results and a better paid job [/quote]

    For the record i started school at 9yrs old and went straight into work at 15yrs old. I now only have to work 3 days per week to support 3 kids and a wife on my wage…and no i am not on benefits.

    Of course i could have done the usual 12 years at school and 4yrs at uni and be working in Tesco 5 days a week but i preferred the university of life approach, not recommending it for everyone but it worked for me.

    Free Member

    Stop codding about you bloaters or is that just me being a bit crabby about having a small winkle?

    Small winkle? Get a few pints in him and he will be saying it was Mobie Dick.

    Free Member

    All of which is available during the school holidays.

    not for a 3rd of the price though. 😉

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