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  • New UK MTB Trail Alliance Gives Trail Stewards A Voice
  • grievoustim
    Free Member

    No eyed deer

    I was going to suggest much the same – he definitely ticks all the boxes

    Free Member

    My 3d viewing experience is always a 3 stage process

    1)” this looks weird, the 3d effect looks fake and distracting”

    2)” oh, I’m getting used to it now, mmmm 3d. “

    3) forget the film is in 3d

    I don’t really like it – 3d films all look dark and out of focus to me, would much rather watch a well shot and projected 2d film

    Free Member

    well that turned into a late night

    thanks to Popstar for all the easy mission money

    I was hopeless at the jet death matches – but still enjoyed it

    I enjoyed shooting Molgrips over and over (he started it!)

    Then lots of “just one more race”ing until gone 2am – I was awful! think the late night was taking its toll, but the muscle car racing and the track with the big jump were hilarious fun

    Free Member

    It’s ok molgrips – everyone gets a supercar to use in a supercar race. You just get the option to use your own if you happen to have one

    Not me tonight though – should be on Saturday or Sunday night though.

    Free Member

    The basic car isn’t quicker when you buy it – but you can then spend money on it to upgrade engine/ brakes etc. although you need to level up or win races using that class of car to unlock a lot of the upgrades

    Plus you can pimp it to your liking

    Plus you can drive your new supercar around in freemode

    I went for the one that looks like a Lamborghini, I seem to get on best with the handling of that one of all the cars I’ve tried

    I also have a pimped out muscle car (the one that looks like a mustang) as a “daily driver”

    Free Member

    I blew my £500k on a supercar too, it’s nice to be able to drive your own car in a race

    Only got a 2 car garage – that’ll have to do me for now

    Finally managed to get on survivor missions last night – didn’t take the call from Ron when I levelled up and he never called back.

    Apologies to yeti_man for being so hopeless – found it a bit of a steep learning curve! Made more money last night than I ever have in a single session

    Free Member

    mine is an old original roadrat – the newer steel forks may be better than mine are

    Free Member

    MSP – Member
    I have a Timbuk2, it’s a bit crap really. While the construction appears bombproof, it doesn’t cover the gap properly at the corners and therefore can let water in, the quick buckle is too close to the actual bag, making it a bit of a faff to use, and there is nowhere to fasten the stabilising strap when not using it.
    For the money paid, it is pretty badly thought out.

    Agreed, my timbuk2 to is one of the tiny ones, so maybe not a fair comparison, but the gaps at the top, and flimsy buckles are just rubbish compared to a chrome

    Free Member

    My chrome is indestructible, completely waterproof and holds loads

    Crumpler and timbuk2 are like toy bags in comparison

    Don’t have experience of any other brands

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    It’s impossible to do that unless you meet first.
    How is it impossible to be yourself unless you meet
    be yourself when you chat/e-mail text

    I said it’s impossible to get into a relationship unless you meet. Not it’s impossible to be yourself when messaging. I’m just offering advice, you seem to want to get into a pointless, pedantic argument for some reason.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure the “be yourself” bit really applies when it comes to sending messages on dating sites.

    Presumably you are on there hoping to get into a relationship. It’s impossible to do that unless you meet first. Getting a date on a dating site can be surprisingly difficult. You need to be fairly assertive/ aggressive to make it happen

    Once you are actually meeting a real life person face to face then you should definitely be yourself and not attempt creepy pick up artist techniques you read about in “the game”

    Free Member

    The sound of that Daft Punk is a thing of beauty

    Recent vinyl convert here – I actually never had much vinyl of my own first time round – I was part of the cassette generation (Walkmen and ghetto blasters), then CDs in the 90s. But I loved playing my parents vinyl downstairs on the “good” hi fi as a kid.

    I now own what remains of that vinyl (they got rid of some unfortunately), and have taken to collecting old stuff and new as well. It’s just more satisfying somehow. I understand the people who prefer digital, I don’t think buying vinyl is a particularly rational choice. But how many of the things we decide to buy are truly rational choices anyway

    Free Member

    Thanks people. I’ll scrape off what I can , then hopefully it will be fine to skim over

    Free Member

    At my work the new men’s loos have no urinals. Stalls only

    It’s horrific. Piss on the floor, piss on the seats. Seriously, how hard is it to put the seat up, hit the target, and clean up after yourself

    Free Member

    Serious comment

    POF is weird and annoying and scary and frustrating

    I dabbled with it (and ok Cupid), but was constantly giving them up due to how hard it was for me to get a real life actual date with someone

    All the dates I did manage to get went very well, no nutters, a few short term things, no complaints. But I found the whole process of trawling profiles and sending messages soul destroying

    Then one day I got a message from someone. She got straight to the point and asked me out.

    2 years on, still together. She likes bikes, gigs, beer, she is perfect for me

    So it’s perhaps worthwhile keeping your profile open, and visiting the site fairly regularly just to keep the profile looking active – even if you don’t bother actually messaging anyone yourself

    You never know who might get in touch

    Free Member

    I got knocked off by an old chap once (pulled out of a junction straight across me and I rolled over his bonnet)

    Like you he was far more shaken up than me , and I ended up telling him it was ok etc

    It was only later , after I got home that the shock hit me and I realised how bad it could have been

    Free Member

    Servers are playing up tonight so hard to get on missions, managed one with some randoms to steal a plane. Nice cash reward and points for that one. Meant I unlocked stick bombs. So had fun driving in freemode sticking them players cars as I drove past then blowing them up.

    Careful, apparently blowing up the cars of other players is a bad sport offence

    Free Member

    What level do I need to be to unlock survivor then?

    Think I’m a 10 or 11 right now.

    Keen to have a go at this

    Free Member

    The game told me last night that other players had reported me and I was in danger of being booted off the session for bad behaviour
    Seem to be more with the missions if you grief in them or leave before it’s finished, freeplay you can do what you want.

    No, in this case it was definitely someone reacting to me killing them in free play. It was a guy you were trying to run over I think Drac. I got out my car and shot him. The message was that others had reported me. I haven’t bailed any missions.

    Think there is a facility to report people for being abusive on the headsets – and they misused that cos I shot him!

    Free Member

    Molgrips, I’m the same. I’ve tried to work solidly all day and I’m just not programmed to do it. Not desk type work anyway.

    Free Member

    Don’t get all the hating to be honest

    The performance sounded good to me. He’s written lots of incredible songs over the years, including many post Beatles ones.

    He was the equal of Lennon in the Beatles, and his 70s output was consistently better than Lennons very patchy solo output. His main sin in the eyes of many is that he didn’t get shot!

    Just don’t get the lazy blanket hating he seems to get.

    Incredible incredible bass player, check out this isolated bass track from “hey bulldog”

    Hey bulldog isolated bass

    He occasionally displays a lack of taste, but I’m more than willing to forgive him that for his many many talents, songs and achievements

    Free Member

    good call, thanks

    Free Member

    cola flavour!

    Actually there is a resonably interesting episode of “this American Life” which investigates the secret Coke recipe

    Free Member

    thanks people – I’ve e-mailed the school to find out if there are any plans to implement mandatroy tablets

    I’ve also noticed the school website has a “remote desktop” link – wonder if there is a way for pupils to log into the school network and access things like MS Office remotely. So I’ve asked about that too

    Tempted just to go for a chromebook. If it’s not right i can always get her a trad laptop at a later date, someone else in the family will be happy to make use of the chromebook I’m sure

    Free Member

    that list is awful

    Free Member

    IME, most google document formats work well in MS office but for anything critical it’s worth checking first. Also, if you have another computer in the house with office, you can just use powerpoint, etc using remote desktop from the chromebook. A little techy but for kids nowadays, not an issue.

    interesting – I have a macbook with a copy of office

    Would remote desktop allow her to access the macbook whilst someone else is using it? Also could she access it from her mum’s house?

    Free Member

    thanks for the comments so far people

    Luke – I would be very surprised if Longhill went with mandatory technology of any kind, the catchment area is I think a little more diverse than Hove Park or Blatchington Mill, but I’ll definitely check

    Free Member

    and Kola_Bear (sp) last night, mainly in free play driving around killing randoms and helping each other out when in trouble.

    The game told me last night that other players had reported me and I was in danger of being booted off the session for bad behaviour

    I though killing people was the whole point of GTA. I don’t have a headset so could abuse anyone even if I wanted to

    Free Member

    Horrible – I like salty choc, chilli choc etc. I like marmite. But that stuff just tastes of celery for some bizarre reason


    Free Member

    Agree with Shiboleth. People worth persevering with are the ones that agree to meet up within a few messages

    IME endless messages = the whole thing fixzling out before you meet or endless rescheduling and cancellations .

    Free Member

    I’ll be on 9ish too
    Name on there same as here

    Free Member

    I agree it’s a problem for me too – often need subtitles on

    With DVDs/ blu rays/ Netflix etc i often find the sound is set to 5.1 as default

    I don’t have a 5.1 system – switching to a regular stereo soundtrack (if there is one) often seems to result in clearer sounding dialogue for me

    Free Member

    So has anyone in the STW crew actually interacted/ done jobs together yet?

    Whenever I log on of an evening I always seem to be the only member online – although I did see molgrips on there at the same time as me once

    Free Member

    For me Django, Blue Jasmine and Place Beyond the Pines. Enjoyed Star Trek
    Side Effects was good

    Disappointed by the worlds end and only god forgives

    Been a bit slack this year though, a lot will have to wait till blu ray/ DVD/ streaming release

    Free Member

    Fair bit of craft stuff in brighton tk max got a super lightweight jacket thing. Packs down super small. No idea how effective it is but worth a punt for £20

    Free Member

    I suck at death match too

    Anyone got any tips?

    Free Member

    I think daytime, weekday 6 music plays a broader range of music than people give them credit for

    There is a Playlist, that gets repeated a bit much maybe, but they have far more “off playlist” stuff than other stations, even during the daytime

    Free Member

    Agreed, had one of those people trying to tell me I had rising damp in a first floor bathroom, waveing his meter around

    The firm in questions always have vans out all over town, so they get plenty of business

    Free Member

    Quite a few added around the North Laine area of brighton recently. Back streets mainly so work well IMO.

    Free Member

    Quite a few added around the North Laine area of brighton recently. Back streets mainly so work well IMO.

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