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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: Shimano MW7 Gore-Tex Shoes
  • grievoustim
    Free Member

    so many films

    taxi driver
    godfather 1 and 2
    deer hunter
    one flew over the cukoos nest
    the last detail
    apocalypse now
    vanishing point
    electra glide in blue
    straw dogs
    harold and maude

    I miss Moviedrome with Alex Cox – used to love all the rare films he showed

    Free Member

    agreed – I have no doubt that large quantities of UK and US supplied/ manufactured arms have made their way into the wrong hands

    just seems like a cynical attempt to get public favour back after the whole compassionate release thing – "look we are tough on Libya, we are"

    Free Member

    oh and did anyone see the trailer for 2012? (made by the same guy who did Independence Day and the Day After Tommorrow)

    Is he ever going to get bored of making "end of the world" films that look good in the trailer, but are like watching paint dry over 2.5 hours?

    Free Member

    i saw it last night

    a bit dissapointed to be honest – it was good but the good reviews had led me to expect something evan better


    the fx, loctaions etc were all very good – just something in the tone that did not quite gel with me. And there were only 2 fleshed out alien characters, the rest were just mindless drones. Seemed too much of a gulf between the main alien and his son (intelligent, clear motivation etc) and the rest who were just mindlessly eating raw meat and catfood

    and please no sequels – i am having Matrix reloaded/ revolutions flashbacks and I don't like it one little bit

    Free Member
    Free Member

    its more the fact that he recognised the need to do it and took it upon himself to sort it out that sticks with me – I'd love to find out more detail on the background. Its not like Oscar Schindler who employeed the people he saved – they were right under his nose. But this guy was (presumably) in the UK – maybe he was out there already for some reason?

    great that he saved so many kids – doubt their parents were so lucky 🙁

    Free Member

    I am now very excited about the film having read the guardian review and seen the trailer online

    not sure on the release date though – the review is from the venice film festival so I'm not sure how long we have to wait. I'm going to re-read the book I think before I see the film

    and Northwind is missing the point – the end of the book is amazing (it certainly doesn't dribble out), I well up just thinking about it (and I'm not really a blubber)

    Free Member

    apparantly going to see "Mock the Week" live is quite a different experience – like all Panel shows they film a lot more material than they actually use – but the atmosphere between the comics is very competative to get the most screentime which can sometimes lead to a tense atmosphere. I think this is why some comics just get lost in the scrum

    I do laugh at the show though – in fact I seem to watch all the comedy panel shows, a bit of a guilty pleasure as they are v samey really

    Free Member

    <smoothes down hair>

    <buys a bunch of garage flowers> 😛

    Free Member

    yes, yes they can

    Free Member


    Free Member

    roasted beetroot with a horseraddish sauce is very nice

    but handling cooked, peeled beetroot turns your hands pink

    Free Member

    i think that woody allen film was basically the django story – might have used different names though, can't remember well as its a long time since I saw it

    Free Member

    I saw Gillian Welsh and David Rawlings do a live cover of "Racing in the Street" a few years ago (with David Rawlings singing the lead) – that was pretty special

    Free Member

    a scotsman, and irishman, a nun, a vicar and a priest walk into a bar…\

    the barman says

    "is this some kind of joke?"

    Free Member

    I find brits abroad (and at home) to be far more obnoxious than Americans.

    And our foreign policy is nothing to be proud of in comparison to the US

    I'm going to stick my neck out here

    I loooooove US Budweiser (from a bottle) :P. And I don't think I have bad taste in Beer – I like Real Ale and hate Fosters/ Stella/ pretty much all mass produced lagers.

    But a cold bottle of Bud is a lovely, simple, refreshing drink. I agree that it is on the bland side – but I would rather something , clear and refreshing then the rank, harsh aftertaste of Fosters or Stella

    Free Member

    I enjoyed it

    It may not be his best – but I did find it funny, and it certainly didn't bore me – which is more than can be said for many contemporary films

    Death Proof is a bit pants to be honest – I would quite like to see it as part of the original "Grindhouse" thing, I think that cut is shorter. I'm not sure if that version is available on DVD though?

    Pretty much the entire first half of Death Proof could be watched on fast forward and you would miss nothing – the only bits worth watching is the stuff when people are actually driving cars/ shooting guns

    Free Member

    odd – i have the same as you and all users can access office

    is it just that they can't see them in their dock? They might need to go into Finder, look at "Applications" and open the office apps/ drag them down into the dock

    Free Member


    by your max HR do you mean your actual Max, or your max value based on your age and gender?

    The former is much more useful, as the latter is usually very conservative

    Free Member

    if its on Jeremy Vine I would avoid if I were you

    it would just make us cross

    Free Member

    i would love to see some of the ageing rock baldies outed

    you have the hat wearers like The Edge (who are you fooling)

    but there must be legions with wigs on – there are far too many bands well into their 40s/50s evan 60s with shiney manes of hair

    I heard Ritchey Blackmoore of deep purple has been in a wig for years

    At least one of the rolling stones must be packing wig or a weave

    Free Member

    series 4 is the best

    5 is good too though

    Free Member

    90mm seems about right on my 100mm forked soul, and rigid forked love hate

    – a shorter stem would I think speed up the steering, and the steering is plenty fast enough at the mo

    i've got a 70mm on my heckler – but that has pikes and big wide bars

    Free Member

    he knows where all the bodies are buried, simple as that

    I imagine going to meet him at his villa would be like the wedding scene at the start of "the Godfather", stepping into a darkened room for an audience with "Don Mandy" and kissing the ring

    he grants you your favour – but you'd better come through when he asks you for one in return. David Geffen needs to watch out or he'll wake up with a horse's head or a dead prostitute

    Free Member

    garlic – I got stung on the first lap, but the course was re-routed after that. Bad luck, I didn't realise the wasps were getting to the diversion too!

    Free Member

    happy about my bike

    unfortunatley a bike alone can never bring true happiness 😥

    Free Member

    just enter the park via the main entrance (not one of the smaller car parks up in the woods) and drive/ walk/ ride along the main road through the park. You won't miss it

    Free Member

    I run NN and RR 2.25 happily on 717s – NNs are quite narrow in 2.1, and the 2.25s aren't that big eigher

    I much prefer them in that size – like you I found the 2.1s too skinny

    Free Member

    DaRC_L – Member
    Nope only heard about it this week! Might pop down to have a look as I live 10 mins down the road.

    Is there a mailing list – as (like last year) I didn't hear about it until this week – so I can add it into my calendar?

    there is an option to do a single "hot lap" on the day – just turn up with your bike

    check out the Brighton Big Dog website there are facebook and twitter feed type things you can sign up for which no doubt will flag up the details for next years race

    I'll be there riding solo – rode the course on Tuesday night and its going to be fantastic. Bit of rain last night – but hopefully that should be it now

    Free Member

    I haven't clicked on the link as I suspect my work browser won't like it

    however i think I get the idea – if you like this sort of thing try doing a you tube search on "Spider Bite"

    my oh my

    Free Member

    if it was rebranded as "foxy boxing" it would enjoy beach volleyball style popularity

    Free Member

    nobtwidler – Member
    The climax downhill is OK but the rest of the trail is a real let down!

    i don't understand what's a letdown about the rest of the trail – ride it fast and its all good fun

    its a free to ride trail mainly built by local volunteers, in a lovely part of the world with loads of natural riding in the same area and two more trail centers a short drive away, and as has been mentioned above you can re-ride the last descent until your legs fall off

    what's not to like

    Free Member

    lardman – the climax is short but very good. I ride it every year and each year the long final descent gets more cut up. you could always ride it twice

    Free Member

    awesome performance from Rob Dean there in the middle of the Podium picture

    1st place on his first solo 24!

    Free Member

    heres hoping the various TV channels will dig out some JOhn Hughes films over the weekend as a tribute – everything I had was on VHS and went to the charity shop when I got rid of the player

    Free Member

    letters to a fanthis is a nice story for hughes fans

    Free Member

    although the yoofs are no doubt irritating – i object to the way that drivers seem to think the road is their's and their's only, and that any ped daring to cross the road should scurry accross it like a frightened mouse

    many's the time I step out to cross the road – a car is in the distance but far enough away that they shouldn't need to brake if travelling at 30, and the reaction of the driver seems to be to speed up to try and hurry you over the road

    I've been crossing a road with one of my kids when they have been small, and a car has come round the corner when we are half way accross and started beeping like we have no right to cross

    I spent some time in the US this year and was shocked to see this in the extreme there – jaywalking is a crime and in california cars can turn right on a red light.

    what this results in is 4x4s passing you within inches whilst you use a crossing –

    people on foot should have priority – its gone too far the other way

    Free Member

    oops 😳

    Free Member

    on a piece of dual carriageway near chichester there is a sign that says

    "No racing by horse drawn vehicles"

    I've never seen a horse and cart on this busy stretch of road – I' d love to know why it is such an issue here – and does this mean its OK to have a ben hurr style chariot race on any other dual carriageway?

    Free Member

    how about a "28 days later" or "omega man" type book – where the non-zombie surviviors take to the hills and are forced to utilise mountain bikes and bivvying skills to survive

    the zombies could slowly stagger around the paths and countryside in large shambling groups moaning "where'ssss yoouuuur beeelllll?"

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