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  • The Singletrack World Quiz of 2022
  • grievoustim
    Free Member

    apparantly they do make nice pets

    I heard 3rd most popular in US after cats and dogs (internet fact – may bear no relation to "truth")

    Free Member

    they've only stopped in the last few years – I certainly remember my kids gettting the occasional cereal packet toy and my eldest is 10

    I think it stopped when they stopped advertising kids cereals on TV – as mentioned above I'm not sure how happy meals are able to keep doing it

    Free Member

    is the e-mail lame "funny" stuff, or malicious?

    if its the former I would just ignore it/ spam filter it

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice guys

    Free Member

    thanks MF

    so are you saying that by taking my name off the mortgage I am effectively handing over the house to the other half?

    renting is an option – but more expensive than what my monthly mortgage payments would be

    Free Member

    how much bigger is a lossless file than a "normal" MP3.

    25%, 100%?

    Free Member

    Films that have stood out for me over the last year or two

    No Country For Old Men
    District 9
    Let The Right one in
    The Orphanage
    There Will Be Blood
    The Wrestler
    Mesrine Killer Instrinct
    I'm Not There
    4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days
    Gone Baby Gone
    In Bruges
    Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

    Free Member

    I did actually have that issue (wife lost all the data on her account and returned to default settings)

    good to have an explanation – she must have logged into the guest account by accident as its under hers

    everything was backed up via time machine though so not a big problem

    apple's suggested fix is to delete the guest account and open a new one – but the option to delete the guest account doesn't seem to be available , oh well

    Free Member

    I want to have a fiddle with Merlin's sleeve!

    Free Member

    a couple of my favourites

    If you see her, say hello, she might be in Tangier
    She left here last early spring, is livin' there, I hear
    Say for me that I'm all right though things get kind of slow
    She might think that I've forgotten her, don't tell her it isn't so.

    We had a falling-out, like lovers often will
    And to think of how she left that night, it still brings me a chill
    And though our separation, it pierced me to the heart
    She still lives inside of me, we've never been apart.

    If you get close to her, kiss her once for me
    I always have respected her for busting out and gettin' free
    Oh, whatever makes her happy, I won't stand in the way
    Though the bitter taste still lingers on from the night I tried to make her stay.

    I see a lot of people as I make the rounds
    And I hear her name here and there as I go from town to town
    And I've never gotten used to it, I've just learned to turn it off
    Either I'm too sensitive or else I'm gettin' soft.

    Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past
    I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast
    If she's passin' back this way, I'm not that hard to find
    Tell her she can look me up if she's got the time.

    They're selling postcards of the hanging
    They're painting the passports brown
    The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
    The circus is in town
    Here comes the blind commissioner
    They've got him in a trance
    One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
    The other is in his pants
    And the riot squad they're restless
    They need somewhere to go
    As Lady and I look out tonight
    From Desolation Row

    Cinderella, she seems so easy
    "It takes one to know one," she smiles
    And puts her hands in her back pockets
    Bette Davis style
    And in comes Romeo, he's moaning
    "You Belong to Me I Believe"
    And someone says," You're in the wrong place, my friend
    You better leave"
    And the only sound that's left
    After the ambulances go
    Is Cinderella sweeping up
    On Desolation Row

    Now the moon is almost hidden
    The stars are beginning to hide
    The fortunetelling lady
    Has even taken all her things inside
    All except for Cain and Abel
    And the hunchback of Notre Dame
    Everybody is making love
    Or else expecting rain
    And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing
    He's getting ready for the show
    He's going to the carnival tonight
    On Desolation Row

    Now Ophelia, she's 'neath the window
    For her I feel so afraid
    On her twenty-second birthday
    She already is an old maid

    To her, death is quite romantic
    She wears an iron vest
    Her profession's her religion
    Her sin is her lifelessness
    And though her eyes are fixed upon
    Noah's great rainbow
    She spends her time peeking
    Into Desolation Row

    Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood
    With his memories in a trunk
    Passed this way an hour ago
    With his friend, a jealous monk
    He looked so immaculately frightful
    As he bummed a cigarette
    Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
    And reciting the alphabet
    Now you would not think to look at him
    But he was famous long ago
    For playing the electric violin
    On Desolation Row

    Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
    Inside of a leather cup
    But all his sexless patients
    They're trying to blow it up
    Now his nurse, some local loser
    She's in charge of the cyanide hole
    And she also keeps the cards that read
    "Have Mercy on His Soul"
    They all play on penny whistles
    You can hear them blow
    If you lean your head out far enough
    From Desolation Row

    Across the street they've nailed the curtains
    They're getting ready for the feast
    The Phantom of the Opera
    A perfect image of a priest
    They're spoonfeeding Casanova
    To get him to feel more assured
    Then they'll kill him with self-confidence
    After poisoning him with words

    And the Phantom's shouting to skinny girls
    "Get Outa Here If You Don't Know
    Casanova is just being punished for going
    To Desolation Row"

    Now at midnight all the agents
    And the superhuman crew
    Come out and round up everyone
    That knows more than they do
    Then they bring them to the factory
    Where the heart-attack machine
    Is strapped across their shoulders
    And then the kerosene
    Is brought down from the castles
    By insurance men who go
    Check to see that nobody is escaping
    To Desolation Row

    Praise be to Nero's Neptune
    The Titanic sails at dawn
    And everybody's shouting
    "Which Side Are You On?"
    And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot
    Fighting in the captain's tower
    While calypso singers laugh at them
    And fishermen hold flowers
    Between the windows of the sea
    Where lovely mermaids flow
    And nobody has to think too much
    About Desolation Row

    Yes, I received your letter yesterday
    (About the time the door knob broke)
    When you asked how I was doing
    Was that some kind of joke?
    All these people that you mention
    Yes, I know them, they're quite lame
    I had to rearrange their faces
    And give them all another name
    Right now I can't read too good
    Don't send me no more letters no
    Not unless you mail them
    From Desolation Row

    Free Member

    I've never seen Bob Dylan live and as much as I like his 60s and early 70s music I don't think I could face it

    He does seem to love messing about with his material, melodies, arrangements etc – I suspect I would be dissapointed (see also Van Morrisson)

    Free Member

    already mentioned on the live albums thread – but the "Live at the Albert Hall" Bootleg (now available on an official CD, and actually recorded at the manchester free trade hall) is amazing. 1CD of Bob on his acoustic, and another electric CD with "The Band", complete with booing audience. Really, really good

    Blonde on Blonde, Highway 61, Freewheelin Bob Dylan and Blood on the tracks are my favourite studio albums

    Free Member

    my wife downloaded that temper trap album and is playing it over and over

    I can't stand it – sounds like someone trying to turn Bon Iver into stadium rock

    Free Member

    another vote for "Too late to stop now" can't get enough of it sometimes, incredible band

    always enjoyed AC/DC "if you want blood" as a yoof – with the "single entendre" version of "The JacK"

    The Bob Dylan "Live at the Albert Hall" (actually recorded in Manchester Free Trade Hall) bootleg thing is amazing

    CD 1 = solo acoustic and polite clapping

    CD2 = electric with "The Band" as his backing group , booing audience

    nob in audience -"Judas'"

    Bob "Your a Liar" (to the rest of the band) "Play it loud"

    Robbie Robertson and the rest of the band strike up "Like a Rolling Stone"

    amazing amazing amazing

    Free Member

    I saw it yesterday

    amazing – best Pixar yet and I am a big Pixar fan

    the montage of the main characters life up till now is just beautifully done – and some great jokes as well

    Free Member

    My pet hate is the Whitney Houston version of " I will always love you"

    Dolly Parton's original is so much better without all the showing off

    Free Member

    come on eileen is overplayed


    its the closing track on the really rather fantastic album "Too-Rye-Ay"

    IMO Dexys were a fantastic band, unfairly put in a box by that one track

    see also "Brown Eyed Girl"

    Van has made so many amazing albums – I would be surprised if he has played that one live in over 30 years

    Free Member

    isn't it like a kind of nudge in the right direction?

    Obama gets the prize and thinks to himself 'Yes, Peace is great and I am good at promoting it' and proceeds to do what he can to avoid conflict in the future.

    He'll feel a bit silly if gets the award then starts a war with Iran for example

    Free Member

    Free Member

    i use disposable contacts – and then wear non-prescription glasses over the top (clar lenses at night)

    protected from muck in your eyes – and it means you avoid the cost of changing prescriptions. Mine changes every year or 2 and it adds up if you need to replace "normal" glasses and riding glasses. Plus scratched lenses will again cost more to replace if they are prescription

    Free Member

    i like both kinds of music

    country and western

    Free Member

    I have no idea what you are talking about now 😯

    Free Member

    have you investigated the freesat options?

    Free Member

    its important to them that they back the winning horse – they were a tory paper through the Thatcher/ major years, but saw the way the wind was blowing and switched to labour before the 97 election

    how much influence they will have on the result of the next election (or the last one) is debateable

    Free Member

    cheapest iPod touch? not sure if that would qualify as "cheap" for you – but with a mic, the correct app and the latest version of the operating system I understand you can use them for Skype calls in a wifi hotspot

    plus she then gets an ipod touch as well – openening up a world of browsing, music , games etc for her to enjoy from her sickbed 🙂

    Free Member

    you need the HD box – i suspect the price for the HD box is based on you paying that extra 9.75 under contract for at least a year

    Free Member

    i enjoyed that

    his stance has softened. In a previous article he claimed to love the remshakle nature of a PC – claiming it was shat Dr Who would use. And said how much he hated Mac users

    now he is at least admitting how useless windows is. He's passed through denial into anger

    Free Member

    I'm with you jonv

    10 year marriage seems to be over – 3 kids who seem to be blissfully ignorant at the moment (house is going on the market – we have told them we are trying to move closer to their school – this is true but the reality is I will be getting a flat on my own as close as possible to wherever they end up)

    I wanted to try and work things out -she doesn't. We are still under one roof at the moment and its hard, really hard. I'm really angry with her, she gets angry with me back etc etc. I can't afford to pay rent somewhere else though, and we are totally dependent on each other as far as taking kids to school etc. Its such a mess

    I'm not sure on the details of your break up – I wanted to do councelling etc, she doesn't. If you are going to stay together you have to both be really commited to trying to make it work. In my case she isn't which means its not worth trying

    Free Member

    i'm usually pretty "live and let live" about pop music, and figure if its in the charts and someone likes it there must be something good about it. evan if its not for me

    I can't bear Mika though – that one about "big girls" being beautiful makes me want to stuff a compass in my ears

    Free Member

    since the last operating system upgrade you can now use an iPOD touch to record voice memos and stuff

    however unless you are buying a "new" 32gig or 64 gig touch you won't have a mic

    a mic can be purchased on kits own though – you can also then use your touch to make Skype calls if you are in a wifi hotspot

    Free Member

    you are probably more likely to fall over in the shower and break something

    Free Member

    he sounds like a total psyco

    run … run away

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Funny. Woody Allen looks like he should be one and isnt.
    Polanski looks 'normal' and is

    isn't he? I'm not sure having a relationship with your adopted daughter is really cricket

    Free Member

    boardinbob is correct

    jonathan king – "annoying man off telly" -0 sympathy when he's banged up

    Bill Wyman – "that's fine Bill, you just sleep with a 13 year old, the stones are awesome"

    Free Member

    the new ones are SS only I think – so no mech hanger

    I keep meaning to cut mine off.

    I have been runnning ridgids on mine – but I am going to try some rebas this winter for a change

    Free Member

    when I was there recently all 3 of my cards (1x debit, 2 x credit cards) required me to call the provider in the UK and let them know that I was indeed travelling in the US before they would allow the cards to be used

    once this was done no issues though

    Free Member

    if you pay bills by DD its far more complicated

    I used to use a joint account to pay all the bills from – but she would just see money going spare and use it for something, so I had to constatntly check the balance to make sure there was enough there to cover the bills

    much easier to keep a single account for important bills, and have another account each for more "fun" stuff

    Free Member

    i regularly get to scoff party rings and iced gems at kids partys. Nothing wrong with them, but the chocolate finger is the king of the party biscuits IMO

    Free Member

    i had a "united" biscuit once that due to a manufacturing fault contained no biscuit – just chocolate and the sugary chunks

    it felt like a victory – these things matter when you are 8

    any biscuit containing coconut is the worst for me

    Nice have some in, as to "Rocky" bars


    Free Member

    isn't that the stuff containing glace cherries and marzipan


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