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  • Exposure Six Pack MK12 Review
  • grievoustim
    Free Member

    Mad Men rocks

    Free Member

    Utterley stupid passtime, don't get it and don't care to, not interested in following aload of jumped up lovies with to much self importance being followed by a load of wannabie drongos.

    well don't then – its up to you who you follow – and a huge variety of people/ organisations to choose from

    I like it – more than facebook. Not sure why really. Facebook traffic seems to be slowing down for me, mainly dominated by my cousin (who is 18) now and all the bizarre and pointless online groups she keeps joining

    Free Member

    i want the most recent results – the google search tries for most relevant, but I don't think it works in this context

    Free Member

    don't accept renewal!

    cancel and re-enrol online – can potentially save hundreds

    Free Member

    night light

    does everyone make a big fuss when he mentions it? Play it down – not saying he is doing it consciously, but kids will repeat behaviour that gets a lot of adult attention

    i'm always seeing "figures" in my room when I wake in the night, used to when I was a kid as well – its always my imagination

    Free Member

    ok – I'm done

    only managed one go through the sequence though

    here it is with the backing
    and here just guitar

    Free Member

    I'm half way through – agree , wasn't really working if I just tried to wing it (i thing because the chords seems to demand that you be careful where your resolve a phrase)

    recorded a section over the "B" bit, will try "A" tonight I think

    Free Member

    yep new filter – has worked a couple of times for me

    don't understand how they wear out – do they fill up with "digital fluff"?

    Free Member

    I have a taylor dreadnought – a 3 something or other 305?

    Its very nice indeed – had it for a few years now.

    Can't comment on your model though

    I played martin's too – and they are very nice. What swung it for me was my LGS (GAK in Brighton) were able to knock £300 off the RRP on the Taylor, but not a martin. Not sure why – maybe they aren't aloud by Martin to discount them, or they have lower margins on them.

    Free Member

    he's still around – done a couple of series with Paul Whitehouse recently

    you obviously don't watch as much telly as you used to

    Free Member

    old soul or new soul?

    you do know the old ones are only rated up to 130mm travel?

    Free Member

    same question for sky + – if you are out of contract I know you can just get a "freeview" card for about 10 pounds. But does the Sky plus function still work if you stop paying a subscription to Sky?

    Free Member

    "LittlestHobo SMASH!"

    classic! 😆

    Free Member

    if you have a decent sized bedroom – make sure you have your own telly/ hifi etc in there. Maybe a sofa/ or sofabed?

    Better for you all if you arent forced to spend every evening together

    Free Member

    training diary – something that output your training sessions to iCal – but also gave pointers as to what you should be doing and when (ie something like the article in this months magazine, where you can input when your event(s) is/ are – and the app creates a traing schedule with hard days/ recovery days/ easy weeks/ hard weeks/ tapering etc. This would be the start – but you could then tweak the schedule around work etc to suit you.

    you could then mark off if you have completed a session or not, and if you miss one due to illness or whatever it could re-schedule the routine maybe to take this into account?

    or just lots of pictures of nice bikes would be good!

    Free Member

    just did a search – they aren't

    Free Member

    nice – I'm up for doing this again

    will be the weekend before I have the time though I think

    Free Member

    whilst attempting (and failing) to save my marriage I read a few relationship type books

    a common theme seems to be that people have a different ideas about what constitutes "love and attention" from their partner – so I guess romance

    some like sex, others gifts, others "service" or "acts of kindness", others talking and one to one attention.

    Where you get problems is where one person is always buying gifts and flowers for their other half , as this is their idea of how to show someone you love them. But the other half just wants to talk – and barely registers or appreciates the gifts as tokens of love.

    Free Member

    handbrake for ripping DVDs to iPhone firendly format
    (uses something else beginning with a "V" as well to do the unencrypting bit- but handbrake kind of directed me to download that too)

    can't help if you don't have the DVD though

    Free Member

    Misfits is ace – don't regard that as a guilty pleasure. we need to take a decent UK drama wherever we can find it, evan if its not "aimed" at us

    Big Bang Theory for me

    Oh and I'm enjoying Glee – embracing my queenie side obviously!

    Free Member

    Both a prophet and mesrines v good.

    Both mesrines are avAilable to stream for free for lovefilm subsribers

    Free Member

    i've seen ads for hand gels that you rub on yourself – supposed to protect you from picking up germs from doors etc. gof knows if they work but might be worth a try

    Free Member

    I have a 32gig touch

    Its really good but

    I have 5665 songs and 4111 photos on mine – and its nearly full (only 1.3 gigs available)

    I think an integrated camera and 3g would be good – hoping to upgrade to an iPhone in Septemeber when my phone contract expires. By then the Iphone should be available in 64gig, and one less thing to put in my pocket

    Free Member

    do what Derek does and make a 270 degree left hand turn

    Free Member

    great stuff everyone

    thanks for putting in all the effort to put this together guitarhero – was good fun


    Free Member

    where are these "cheap rents" people talk about

    I'm splitting from my wife and need to decide between buying a new home for myself or renting

    rents here in the brighton area just seem ridiculous – for what seem to be pretty poorly looked after places. Buying seems the better option for me right now

    Free Member

    the phoenix album is superb

    Free Member

    seems unreasonable to me (her not you)

    she will probably calm down and get over herself later

    Free Member

    interactive mags will be ace

    being able to get something like "word" magazine – with embededd video clips in the movie review section, and music embedded too would be great

    I assume apple will be driving people to "subscribe" to digital magazines via iTunes

    Free Member


    Come on Feel the Illinoise – Sufjan Stevens
    Songs for the Deaf – QOTSA
    Two Dancers – Wild Beasts
    White Lies – To Loose my life

    a spur of the moment "4 for 20 in HMV" 1st 2 great, 3rd seems OK, 4th not sure – seems a bit dull

    Also recently got

    Funeral by Arcade Fire (ace)
    Fall be Kind EP by Animal Collective (v good)

    Free Member

    Avatar looks good, good action – but the story and characterisation are rubbish

    James Cameron should have spent some time and money on a decent script – rather than just recycling Pochahontis. But what do I know its not like its the biggest film of all time or anything

    But yes if you are going to see it it should be on the big screen in 3d

    The Road is good – depressing, not for everyone, read the book first

    Up In The Air is pretty good – a nice change from your standard hollywood romcom

    Saw "A Prophet" at the weekend – really good French prison drama

    Oh and if you do go to Avatar make sure you book tickets – lots of people not getting in to screenings cos the whole world has decided they need to see it, including everyone who doesn't normally go to the cinema

    Free Member

    get sky+ or similar

    record all the shows you want to watch
    begin viewing at least 15 mins after actual start time

    never watch an ad again thanks to the ability fo FF through them all

    Free Member

    far too soon to tell imo

    I'm relatively new to MTBs – and all the pictures of "Classic" bikes look incredibly dated in what 10/15/ 20 years?

    Road bikes have been around far longer – and age much better

    My touchstone is with classic guitars – the Fender Stratocaster was designed in the 50s – but it was the late 70s/ early 80s before Fender realised they had got it right first time and gave up on the oversized headstocks.

    I think you need at least 30 years to be sure if something is a classic design or not

    Free Member

    vinnyeh -apparantly if you get "The Young Ones" on DVD all the musical interludes have been removed – for the reason you describe

    Free Member

    yes – they fall off the cultural/ critical map

    annoys me because on TV there are so many channels – yet they all seem to show the same films over and over again (including Film 4 and I thought the whole point of that channel was to show a broad range of interesting films)

    Bring back moviedrome with Alex Cox …. now

    Free Member

    simon – i used Garage band for mine. it is very easy

    you can just drag the backing track MP3 from itunes into Garage band as one of the tracks

    then use an additional track to record your guitar

    Free Member
    Free Member

    no women know how to check the history on a router

    not a one

    Free Member

    I watch it for the beautiful design, photography and the quality of the scripts


    Free Member


    a – levels

    arts 2:1 degree from an ex-poly type uni which on reflection is pretty much worthless

    most of my contempories seemed to get very enthused about where they wanted to go to Uni/ what course they wanted to do – and as a result ended up on good courses at good universities

    I just knew I wanted to leave home and that was it – had vague ideas about wanting to live in London and just drifted to where I ended up

    daft really as my a-level results, though not incredible were good enough to get me a place somewhere much better

    my life since then has continued on a steady path of self inflicted under performance 😥

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