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  • Singletrack Kitchen: Wild Garlic Soup
  • grievoustim
    Free Member

    my 5 rules

    don't wear it unless its actually raining hard (get a windproof)

    don't wash it unless its dirty

    if you do have to wash it – use nikewash or whatever

    dry in tumble dryer/ or iron to reaactivate DWR

    test jacket by splashing water on it – if the water doesn't bead up – re-proof

    all jackets wear out but they last longer if you do this

    Free Member

    iphone 4 will be on 3 – its official now

    I'm in the same position as you and thats what I'm going to get

    Free Member

    I use a Topeak frame fit one – doesn't seem particularly heavy, fits the frame nicely rather than having to use a nasty plastic mount thing. Pumps tyres up to full presure fairly quick (has a high pressure switch for the vinegar strokes)

    Free Member

    similar problems here – if you "clear" an area I find they go away for a few days then come back

    someone has suggested leaving a few dead ones around – idea being they see the bodies and think "blimey , there's an ant killer here I'm off"

    Free Member

    +1 park tools

    follow each step as they describe it and you can't go too far wrong

    Free Member

    I check every month or so and they've usually gone down about 10psi or so. Need a TF Tuning, I guess.

    you sure thats not just air going into the pump? The reading when you put the pump on is always lower than what they actually just were (if you know what i mean?)

    Free Member

    was it this?
    dream on

    not a psychiatrist – but most of it was in his head I think

    it was quite saucy, for the time anyway

    Free Member

    I just had a listen – I quite like it

    Free Member

    just found out that the iphone 4 will be on 3 – my current network

    I'm pleased – they seem to get a bad press, but in my experience I can get a signal pretty much anywhere, whilst other people on different networks are struggling.

    Free Member

    I suspect these people have done the same thing, but don't want to own up/ pay for a new phone

    Might be best to watch the report before you make any judgements.

    and where would be the fun in that? 🙂

    Free Member

    I once put my phone (not an iphone) through the washing machine.

    I took it to the shop and told them it was "broken". They sent it away – and it came back unfixed "water damaged". There is a special sticker which changes color when it gets wet.

    I suspect these people have done the same thing, but don't want to own up/ pay for a new phone

    Free Member

    have you actually looked on love film and seen how many films ara available to stream at no additional cost?

    Its not many – they expect you to pay 3.50 to view a film now on a stream, when you are already paying a monthly subscription.

    I have district 9 to watch on DVD tonight – this is "free" as part of my 15 quid a month subscription. If I want to watch it as a stream I have to pay extra, when they have been spared sending me the disc in the post.

    seems daft to me.

    Free Member

    the screen on the new iphone looks lovely

    the threads recently on here about the desire puts me off – discussions of app kilers etc make me think that the thing will be a pain in the backside when things start to go wrong (like all the PCs I've owned)

    I want the iphone – but not as much as I did when I though there was going to be a 64 gig modal.

    O2 have published their tarifs for the iPhone 4 – but no word on UK prices for the handset yet

    Free Member

    sky + has a pretty decent UI

    My current box is glitchier than the old one though (which was replaced whenits hrad drive died)

    I'm moving soon and think I will be giving virgin a try – more for the fibre optic broadband than the TV. Disapointed to hear their UI is bad though

    Free Member

    fender blues junior – smaller than the hotrod but see plenty being gigged

    my dream amp is the 62 Deluxe Reverb Reissue – about 700 quid. I'll find the money one day

    Free Member

    it was hardly wet last year – I rode for 12hrs with a racing ralph on the back an I'm ususally a wimp when it comes to tyre choice.

    that being said the "full" course from the year before was a bit better so I hope it stays dry this year

    doing 12hr solo again – hoping to "smash" into the top 10 after coming 11th last time (and 16th the time before that)

    Free Member

    bit disappointed – I really wanted a 64gig phone (my iPOD touch 32 gig is nearly full), but they aren't doing one.

    which means I need to decide if I want to wait another year, carrying 2 devices around with me before I get one (when inevitably the 64 gig version will arrive)

    I'll see what the UK pricing is going to be and see then – 3GS will be 8gig only in the future so that is not an option

    Free Member

    I have been using it for just over a year on all my geared bikes.

    I'm still using finish line wet on the single speeds – because these bikes have a tough life over the winter. I'm happy to use squirt on the geared road bike over the winter though – just have to take a moment after a wet ride to dry the chain with a cloth, then re-lube a dry chain, leaving enough time for the lube to dry before starting the next ride.

    it really is good stuff though – degreasing now only really happens before I fit a new chain.

    Free Member

    I have a big glass of nesquick after a long ride

    warm it up a bit ifs cold outside

    yummy – can't tell you if it makes any difference or not but its lots cheaper than the "proper" stuff

    Free Member

    I'd be waiting for the new iphone first – it may not be as expensive as you think, and will have a better camera etc

    3gs prices may also come down at the same time

    Free Member

    I hate hate hate marzipan

    I love curry and indian/ asian food in general

    but I can't bare to evan try an indian sweet. we have lots of indian contractors at work and they bring them in sometimes. Without trying them i know they will be unbearably sweet and "wrong" somehow.

    Free Member

    re growing your own basil

    don't put it in the garden – instead go for a nice sunny/ warm windowsill. A supermarket plant moved into a small pot and watered regularly will give you far more basil then you can ever use when grown like this

    Free Member

    this thread is now over

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I quite like this – not sure its relevant to you, but someone making the most of the space in a very small flat
    space saving and modern I guess

    Free Member

    do you still post on twitter Mr Nutt – I recall you had a lot of followers?

    maybe you are too big for apple to make an enemy of?

    Free Member

    I am now using squirt on 3 bikes

    on each one I took the chain off the bike (powerlinks help here) and cleaned the chain in a jam jar of white spirit. Left it to dry, then wiped it down with a cloth before putting the chain on the bike and applying a first coat of squirt.

    i then put another coat on after the 1st coat has dried.

    you need to clean the chain if its brand new too – to get the lube most chains have on them when they are sold

    Free Member

    the simpsons at its peak could go from being very funnny/ postmodern/ slapstick/ clever/ sad and genuinely touching (without being sappy) seamlessly in the space of a single 20 minute episode. it could be enjoyed equally by kids and adults

    the new episodes just feel jarring and charmless as it crunches through the gears

    having said that I do think the movie was pretty good

    Free Member

    it lost it about a decade ago

    I can't really bare to watch the new ones – the early years are some of the best tv ever made though

    I do wish they would put it out of its misery

    Free Member

    it wont

    it will be fine – the excess just kind of falls off

    Free Member

    if you have a PS3 already I think there is software that enables itunes and other stuff to stream to that from your mac

    Free Member

    +1 lactic

    thats what I use – with fresh ground, quality beans (from hasbean)

    makes a lovely mug of coffee with no fuss, and no need to buy an expensive machine

    Free Member

    the guy who does these stings for the NOW is a genius though. He has caught out so many people using the same disguise/ methods its not true. It seems incredible that they don't read the papers themselves and are not aware of how he operates already.

    His skill seems to be exploiting the victims vanity – get them boasting and making wild claims about how powerful they are. He got the radio 2 DJ JOhnny Walker boasting that he could get himgirls and coke. I very much doubt he could get half a shandy after closing time in reality.

    Free Member

    grum – songkick is a great idea and does seem well put together

    There just seem to be gaps in the gigs it knows about (certainly in the Brighton area, but I also have it send me details of London gigs too). I'm sure they are working on it so I won't give up on it yet

    Thanks for the suggestions

    Free Member


    I get this when I'm racing or just trying to chase down faster riders than me. Find I'm hunching up as I ride.

    As mentioned above just relaxing my back and concentrating on spinning smooth circles helps

    Free Member

    thanks for the heads up re Bonnie Prince Billy Tour Richpenny – I've got a couple of tickets for the London show now

    I saw him a couple of years ago in Brighton. His band for that tour were amazing – they did "Full band" versions of alot of his quieter stuff – sounded like he was backed by "The Band". Really good night

    Free Member

    People (including me) will often leave their all day"saver" type bus tickets slotted into the timetable thing on the bus stop when they are done with it for others to use.

    Free Member

    I'm not sure I have the skills to do the jam organising – but I'm up for it if someone wants to put in the effort of doing the backing track/ pulling it all together. We could do a country/ americana one

    whilst we are doing recommendations the new album by Bonnie Prince Billy and the Cairo Gang is awesome – best of his since "Master and Everyone" I think

    also Eilen Jewell and Richmond Fontaine are well worth investigating

    Free Member

    my favourite van the mans

    too late to stop now
    saint dominic's preview
    veedon fleece
    astral weeks
    his band and the street choir

    all awesome – he is undoubtably a grumpy ass. but when he's "on it" nobody comes close

    Free Member

    "after the gold rush" is ace

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