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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast – Ed Masters
  • grievoustim
    Free Member

    3 mobile do not prevent tethering of iPhones – however they "advise" you to buy some kind of add on.

    However you get 1 gig a month of data – so if you are looking at light usage only you might get away with it on a standard tarif.

    I haven't tested it out yet – I'll give it a go next time I am travelling with my laptop (which is not very often!)

    Free Member

    "BigJohn – all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing ( to misquote)

    Of course you should intervene if you see a crime occurring and your intervention will make a difference "

    I am not saying you are wrong TJ – but a work colleague of my ex had his phone stolen a few years ago, he gave chase. He got stabbed. He died. He was 18 or 19 years old

    Free Member

    i got cross and turned over during the dream sequence

    Brown was just using the same technique as a stage hypnotist

    The guy is "highly suggestable"

    what this means in the real world is that the guy knows full well he is taking part in a TV show – but is willing to play along with the charade. He is fully aware of what is going on, the important part is that he can be relied upon to do what is expected of him and "play the game". At some point he will have signed a disclaimer saying he gave Derren Brown permission to mess with his life – so he will be ready for anything unusual that might happen to hime after this point, and realise that its all just a TV show.

    People who take part in stage hypnotist shows are the same – they are not hypnotised, they are just extroverts/ show offs who are happy to play the role of the idiot doing stupid things on stage because a hypnotist told them to

    Free Member

    capt john

    the middle leg is retractable

    Free Member

    imo – if its not using the GPS, its not really going to run down the battery.

    If the little arrow is showing in the top right of the screen – that means an app is running GPS stuff right now. Best close it down if you are not using it (this will be things like sat nav, or cyclemeter)

    Other apps are not really doing anything – so will not drain your battery

    BTW – you can also use the wibbly icons thing to rearrange the icons on your screen

    Free Member

    "its a shame about ray" (the album) will always remind me how i felt when I was 16/17/18

    It's now impossible for me to judge it in any objective fashion

    Free Member

    Something that gets me about accusations of "over acting"'is the fact that professional actors will perform as directed. They might have done 10 very subtle, toned down takes, only for the director to ask them to " go a bit bigger this time love". It's hardly their fault if that is the take that the director ends up using in the final film.

    Free Member

    just FYI – Machs 1, 2 and 3 are not trail centre type trails like Climax and the Marin. They are just signposted cross country routes, and IMO not particularly interesting ones (lots of fields edges and descending on country lanes). Fine if that is what you are after – but I think there are more interesting local routes in the area. You could ask at the bike shop on the high street.

    Free Member

    moses – that version is good, but I think George Jones did it first

    "your lipstick on a half-filled cup of coffee
    that you poured and didn't drink
    but at least you thought you wanted it
    that's so much more than I can say for me"

    See also – pretty much every song ever recorded by George Jones

    Free Member

    elvis costello – I want you

    Free Member

    I just tend to buy the cheap brushes and chuck em after I've finished a coat. Alternatively I just dunk the brush in a cup of White spirit rather than trying to actually clen the thing.

    Clippers for your hair

    Buy a new carpet – there's paint on yours

    Free Member

    my soul is fine, never had suck -evan during 2 laps of the big dog – but it is one of the slightly older ones with I think a narrower BB shell – I'm already running 2 spacers on the drive side (but this is the "correct" set-up for a shell of that size)

    Try another spacer – what have you got to loose?

    Free Member

    don't do it, stop now

    you are not thinking straight, you have not taken the time to get decent legal advice. Once your name is on the mortgage you will have 3 long term options

    – wife buys you out. It doesn't sound like she will ever be able to do this

    – wife sells the house, and you split the equity. You are unlikely to get half, and she is unlikely to agree to sell if she is comfy where she is. If you want to move out you won't be able to borrow enough to buy (because of your existing commitment).

    Pull out of the sale/ purchase. Stay put where you are. Talk to a couple of solicitors.

    Yes, you need to think about your kids. But you need to think about you too.

    You are about to get screwed, of that there is no doubt, brace yourself. You do have some control over how hard you are going to get screwed

    Free Member

    you sound like a much better hopper than me already …. but, I do have a medium cotic

    if I just throw my weight forward at the end I seem to land heavy on the front wheel

    if i concentrate on pushing the bars up and away from me, the rear wheel seems to lift better and I'm more likely to land both wheels together (or maybe smack myself in the ass with the saddle)

    Free Member

    ak – paid 20 quid for co-pilot 2 days ago

    Free Member

    Nice music -I love jellyfish

    Free Member

    I don't think my mum has ever cooked me a bacon and egg sandwich – I don't remember her bacon sandwiches being anything special

    and my roasts are about 1 million times better than hers.

    I love my mum – but she's a fairly rubbish cook

    Free Member

    Gotcha Luke.

    Free Member

    The difference is that you won't have to buy a garmin 305. Hadn't seen that other device – although I prefer just to keep the phone in my pocket and get updates on speed etc over headphones (jut started using cylemeter). The big draw for me is hrm and cadence monitoring, hopefully the thing which you plug into the phone will also have extra battery built in for use on proper long rides

    Free Member

    I had a builder forget to reconnect the pipe on the bath that connects to the plug hole.

    after I had mopped up the mess and told him about it he just put on his best poker face and denied all knowledge – like fairies had come round, taken the side off the bath (that he had been working with that day), disconnected the pipe, and then put the side back on.

    got the impression that this was his usual policy when faced with his own screw ups

    Free Member

    i got a 32gig iphone 4 on 3 last week

    1st iphone but I have an ipod touch already

    it is very nice – I can't seem to recreate the signal drop issue without a bumper. I am using the bumper though cos it feels a bit like holding a bar of soap without it.

    A big draw for me was the camera and video camera (as I never remember to take stand alone cameras and video cameras out with me, and I want just one device in my pocket) – I am very pleased with both

    3 have customer service issues – but IME the coverage is very good (and getting better as they are soon sharing network with vodaphone). Their prices for iPhone 4 seem like the best available to me. Only issue is I think they are only giving them to existing customers who are due an upgrade right now

    Free Member

    surely the cinema version of avatar is the director's cut – no one at the studio tells james cameron how to cut a film I'm guessing

    what it actually means is 'longer, duller cut"

    Free Member

    I tried both taylors and martins – they are both nice

    What swung it for me was my LGS (GAK in Brighton) were able to knock a fair whack of the ticket price on a Taylor, but not a Martin – guess they have lower margins on those.

    I agree that the Taylor is bright with a plectrum – but it really comes in to its own when played fingerstyle. Its incredible the variance in tone etc you can achieve just by varying your picking style compared to a cheaper guitar – I suppose the difference is 2d vs 3d. Of course I'm making sweeping statements – I;m sure there are plenty examples of budget guitars with great tone.

    things to consider – do S&Ps have laminate side and backs? You will get a decent cases thrown in with a Taylor or Martin, will you get the same with a S&P?

    FYI I got a £1300 Taylor for £1000

    Free Member

    i've only heard the XX, wild beasts, I am kloot and laura marling

    all good – the XX are the "new portishead" I think – which means I will find them unlistenable in 12 months time once they appear in the background of every TV show and advert going

    I can't predict who will win – but I am sure it won't be Mumford and Son

    Free Member

    climax only takes an hour or so – missing bits out seems a bit of a waste

    the earlier bits are fun too if you go as fast as you can – and the climb really isn;t that bad – only takes a few minutes really

    Free Member

    retro83 is right – the way that new music is mastered is the problem.

    Free Member

    guitars do feel like a better way to spend your money – unlike bikes a nice guitar could still be getting use in 20/ 30 years if you look after it. Not many bikes you can say that for

    Having said that I spent too much time thinking about the guitar gear I didn't have when I was a teen – and should have spent more time working on my playing skills with the guitar I did have.

    Now I can aford it though I am buying a few of those guitars I always wanted

    have a strat, a tele and a taylor acoustic – none of them silly expensive though. I have always wanted a les Paul standard though, and it has to be a gibson and it has to be sunburst or tiger stripe. That is a pretty expensive purchase, one day.

    Free Member

    not all the US is like this

    When I went last year there were towns which equalled or outstripped bike use here – New York, Santa Cruz and San Francisco. Santa Cruz in particular has a real bike culture (no surprise I guess, but everyone seemed to be riding around on beach cruisers)

    There were other places though where bikes were basically invisible. And I was shocked by the whole jaywalking thing – basically people on foot are 2nd class citizens waiting an age for the lights to change.

    Free Member

    I went from Vegas, to the Grand Canyon, to Palm Springs to Disneyland (kids in tow), to Santa Cruz to San Fran

    enjoyed them all – but lots more good stuff we missed

    Free Member

    just download firefox as a backup browser

    having said that I have yet to find a website which kills safari – so I have yet to download firefox

    Free Member

    i've always been fond of Batman Returns, the 2nd Keaton one. Its pretty demented but good fun

    I really like the Watchmen film

    Superman 2 is good

    also like Kick Ass and Mystery Men

    um ….

    and what about

    Free Member

    Southern Yeti – yes that is my favorite too.

    Also like the one with the line "the smell of your box on my moustache" – only BPB can get away with a line like that on a love song

    Free Member

    both The National and Midlake albums are 2010, I'm sure of that

    I'm off to see The National tonight in Brighton – last time I saw them was in a tiny venue with about 50 people in the audience – will be interesting to see them in a biggish venue

    Free Member

    do they honestly "need" discs – does anyone need discs at 4st?

    Free Member

    +1 for Bonnie Prince Billy and the Cairo gang, can't get enough of it

    The National "High Violet"
    She and Him – vol 2
    Field Music – Measure (might have been 2009)
    Midlake – Courage of Others
    Laura Marling – I Speak Because I Can

    Free Member

    oldgit – i think that's just when you have big muscles, but are still quite fat 🙂

    Free Member

    they have also said they will give a full refund to anyone who is still not happy after the software upgrade – can't really say fairer than that

    Free Member

    trail rat

    most card companies want you to call them and tell them that you are travelling – otherwise anti fraud stuff kicks in and starts blocking your transactions.

    i discovered this myself in the us last year with amex/ visa and mastercard
    phone calls to all 3 sorted it

    Free Member

    anyone know how it compares with an iphone?

    I tried reading a book using my ipod touch (with a screen protector sticker on) over the weekend in the bright sun and was impressed how easy it was.

    not sure if this is down to the screen protector or not though

    Free Member

    I reckon 32gig is a must if you want to make the most of the HD video

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