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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • greyspoke
    Free Member

    goldie lookin chav machine

    Free Member

    Fully awake, been to the gym, coffee smelt and drunk. None the wiser tbh.

    Free Member

    Presumably the BofE will want the debt re-paying on the due dates though?

    Or does it cancel it?

    Free Member

    Look at the political discourse on here, everybody needs to have a **** word with themselves.

    And what would those words be? (Other than “wake up and smell the coffee”.)

    Free Member

    Mrs g mekes mincemeat for the mince pies and they are fab! Really fruity and not too sweet the filling is quit unlike that sugary dark gloop you get in grocers’ mince pies. Also made in standard shortcrust pastry not that weird sugar coated stuff that can barely hold the filling in. But you need to start making the mincemeat at the beginning of Nov to allow it to mature.

    Not a big turkey fan, we have a goose. But **** me the prices this year – 100 quid!!!!!

    Free Member

    Yup you need a specialist in corporate or company law (two ways of saying much the same thing). I would call myself a commercial lawyer, but not that type of commercial lawyer.

    Free Member

    Musicbrainz Picard will re-tag and re-name files for you, available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Free Member

    For me, it’s either loose leaf or bags which clearly contain pieces of leaf.
    Anything else is tasteless, marketing bullshit and tending to misrepresentation.

    I am struggling with this. Is “bullshit” intended to be taken literally? If not, what marketing message comes from powdered vegetable matter inside a porous envelope?

    Free Member

    If being in wifi range of the hub is an issue, the Drayton Wiser system has repeater plugs. Not very intuitive to set up, but it works well.

    Free Member

    Intresting stuff here.

    I would add “Wings of Desire” and “Get Carter” (the original, obvs).

    Things that impressed me at the time but didn’t more recently include “Performance” and “Blow Up” (there may have been a re-make of the latter).

    Oh, and now I think of it, haven’t noticed any Greenaway, Jarman or Loach. Shurely some mistake. So try “Jubilee” featuring not only the wonderful Ian Charleson but also Toyah and Adam Ant, “The Draughtman’s Contract” and “I Daniel Blake”

    Free Member

    The Gore-Tex patents expired years ago*, but the company did a good job of building the brand while they had a monopoly and their expanded ptfe membrane was the best solution**. Now they licence the trade mark, which they have looked after quite well in terms of not lettig it be used on badly made stuff. But it appears other types of fabric perform a bit better these days

    * the main ones anyhow

    ** the classic way to build a lasting business out of a transitory technological advantage, see also Dolby Laboratories

    Free Member

    Seems to me he wasn’t bent, but posssibly a bit wobbly on occasions.

    Free Member

    Wikipedia has a more complete list of smoke points, including for different modes of processing. The temperatures for the unrefined cold pressed types are lower and easily achievable just by sticking a pan on the hob.

    PTFE coatings are supposed to be good up to around 250C, which is why you shouldn’t do things like dry frying your flatbreads or dry roasting spices on a coated pan.
    ETA above for some context.

    Free Member

    Cold pressed rapeseed or sunflower oil are not recommended for frying, it says so on the label. I have tried it and it is OK if you keep the temp down, but if you let it get too hot the flavour goes off as well as your smoke alarm. You need to use refined oils for frying.

    Free Member

    The ‘boks didn’t like the wet conditions, or they just suddenly acquired butterfingers. They may stand a better chance in the dry.

    Free Member

    The video of the tory candidate leaving shows that he saw a bunch of others leaving and decided to follow them. His minders pwrhaps? It doesn’t look like it was his initiative.

    Free Member

    What about fruit?

    You can sneak quite a lot of veg into a fruit smoothie without it tasting too vegy.

    Free Member

    Apples in and stored, sod all left in the vegetable patch apart from kale, dried fruit being soaked in brandy for the Christmas cake, mincemeat made and maturing. Leaves already need clearing from the path.

    Free Member

    Quite a few here with luxury opinions and no skin in the game.

    Best just to offer support and be quiet.

    I disagree. Firstly this is about our fellow human beings, and on a pragmatic level wars in other parts of the world affect us in a number of ways. Secondly “offer support” – to who, and why, or are you suggesting basic hand-wringing “oh dear, how terrible”. Thirdly, being quiet in the face of genocide hasn’t worked in the past and is unlikely to work in the future.

    Free Member

    My sportscar purchase was years before my crisis. Which had nothing to do with cars, and was shortly followed by changing career and location, getting married, settling down and having kids. Looking back on it, a very positive thing, stuff was getting a bit weird.

    Free Member

    Good to see you can get on the bike and are thinking positively about it Wookie. It is all a bit pants when health issues hit, but you just have to keep on however you can.

    Free Member

    I have passed the age for wondering how many years ago music was.

    The fact that my son is approaching his 30th however, that one kind of snuck up on me.

    Free Member

    more England discipline issues

    How true.

    Free Member

    Stuff you do in your spare time is your’s (unless you are a director or senior employee). Subject to express contract terms about it. Proving this either way could be problematical of course.

    Free Member

    That is in addition to taking care that your product does not infringe copyright or make use of trade secrets of your employer. Plus, obviously you should not make use of your employer’s non-technical informatoon such as customer lists etc. Information you can take away in your head is OK, but keeping paper or electronic copies for the purposes of your new venture could amount to a breach of your duty as an employee or a mis-use of confidential information.

    Free Member

    If it competes you will have to leave your current job before you start making preparations to trade. So no lining up potential customers etc. until you leave. This is basic employment principles, your contract would have to exclude them.

    That is if you are an employee, if you are a contractor the contract terms would be more imporyant.

    Free Member

    Feb 29th

    Free Member

    I find myself using “by here” (meaning is obvious) and “to” meaning “at”, having lived in South Wales for 30 years.

    As in “Where’s that to then”
    “By here”
    “Tidy butt”.

    “To” just seems to help with the rhythm of the sentence.

    Free Member

    Spent somt time in Vanuatu in July as my son is working there. Great place for snorkelling/diving, unspoilt empty beaches if that is your thing. But it got hit by two cyclones earlier in the year so many tourist businesses, struggling anyway because of Covid, were not operating. The younger generation went canyoning on Santo which they said was great. And you can get closer to an active volcano on Tanna than anywhere else. Plus it has the best and strongest kava. And finally the people are great.

    Downsides are the cuisine is a bit samey though the local free range jungle fed beef is good, but we may not have seen that at its best (see cyclones above). Also there is little biodiversity as it is volcanic and was never connected to a larger land mass. That and the lack of variety of lical produce surprised me.

    So there may be better islands – son recently visited the Solomon Islands for a week’s break and really liked it.

    Free Member

    I saw him on the stage a couple of times, he had the same presence as he does on film. He did a great line in cockney villains (considering he was Irish). The Cook, the Thief, His wife and her Lover was the first time I saw this.

    Free Member

    Drippy appearance, Nazi behaviour. Simples.

    Free Member

    This thread started off with my full support. I now think it is sucking the joy out of language. C’mon fellas, reach outside your linguistic boxes and embrace those unicorns that prance in the sunlit uplands benath a blue sky!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    When I were a lad (1960’s) there was a coffee and tea shop in Beckenham (posh S. London suburb*) High Street that had a roasting drum whirring away in the front window. I don’t know if it was only for show, but the smell was rather nice. When you bought ground coffee they ground it there and then for you. Maybe back in those days if you wanted to sell decent coffee you had to do it all yourself, you don’t hear of retailers roasting on the premises much now.

    *We didn’t live there.

    Free Member

    Funny how 20mph has appeared in some Scottish local authorities without the same level of fuss. What could it be about the devolved Welsh Government that has attracted the ire of Tufton Street?

    It appeared in many Welsh towns and cities also without much fuss, though there was some. It was putting it in national legislation as a default that meant it could be deliberately misrepresented so as to raise peoples’ ire that gave the opportunity for it to be treated as a “wedge” issue (is that the word).

    Free Member

    If you are in Wales and want to vote to keep the law you can do so with this petition:

    Reply To: New (?) Warburton’s advert!!!!

    Free Member

    I use sir or madam sometimes when addressing strangers. If they are fellow bikers probably not. Thing is, I am not sure about addressing females as mate. My dad used ducks, but that was very much of its time and place (’60s and ’70s South London).

    Free Member

    Concensual or non-concensual that is the question

    But not the only one these days. Taking advantage of a powerful position to prey on those with no power is also considered bad. Although that wasn’t always the case.

    We do not have to await the outcome of criminal proceedings that may never happen to form a view of Brand’s character based on the information available to us.

    Free Member

    Big spoonful of nut butter in the porridge will add protein and fat. Also rather yummy. You could also make the porridge from half oats half oat bran. And add some chia seeds or linseeds as sprinkles, and natural yoghourt to cool it down. Then a couple of fried eggs on toast. Pretty much one way I breakfast (a fruit and veg smoothie often also) and my weight is relatively stable. But I generally eat frugally at lunch (yesterday was smoked mackerel and salad, no bread) and a bit more for supper (cold duck with fried potatoes and some pak choi with soy and teriyaki sauce), snacks were one slice (not too big) of cake with tea, a handful of nuts or so, a small orange and half an apple (we are using up windfalls from the garden, so that was a whole apple if you see what I mean).

    Which leads me to the main point, I think, which is portion size (alluded to above). One person’s slice of cake, portion of chips whatever can be very different from another’s. You could just try doing a bit more of what you do.

    Free Member

    You’d be surprised how many top civil servants aren’t from that background, but don’t let facts get in the way…

    True, but the culture is very pervasive. My daughter is a civil servant and she showed me a report she had written (publicly available). I commended her on how well she had picked up civil service language. She replied “Oh they grind it into you”.

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