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  • grenosteve
    Free Member

    Not sure I’d be brave enough to do that! It was well deserved though.

    Free Member

    Open the STW forum.

    No work will be done today!

    Free Member

    Sorry for your loss Dants, cant imagine what that’s like. 🙁

    Happy for your weight loss though, that’s some good going!

    Free Member

    As a born and bred Sheffield lad, Chichester sounds posh, flat, and expensive!

    Sheffield is chuffff-in brilliant!*

    (* may have a slightly biased view! 😀 )

    Free Member

    Been off work this week, using up holidays really. Had a lot of “bad” days (still around 2600 kcal, so not a disaster), and a couple of good riding days.

    Monday did 2 hours solid (and fast) off road to see how I’m going to find H.T.N.

    Went for my first 100km in years yesterday, fell short at 85km but burnt a tonne of kcals. Next time I’ll have it! 🙂

    I’m barely half a kg down since Friday, but hopefully it’ll pick up again when I’m back at work and commuting every day.

    Free Member

    Me and my brother are in. 🙂

    Free Member

    Jamie, I wish it was lbs! (Maybe… think I’d be dead at 109 lbs!)


    Free Member

    Actually not had a great week this week.

    I was 109.9 last weekend, and then dropped to 109.1 by Tuesday. All good but I was exhausted! Too much riding and not enough food I think, so upped my kcals to 2600ish for last few days and laid off the bike a bit. Now back at 109.9 but feel much better, so thinking maybe the (almost) kg I was down by may have been dehydration.. who knows, but 109.9 is ok!

    4lbs lost in the last two weeks, 19lbs overall. 🙂

    Free Member

    sobriety, is that a BMW RS you are referring to?

    Free Member

    My Commuter/tourer/road bike.

    2008 (I think?) Cannondale Badboy with 26″ wheels, full mudguards, trekking gears and a rear rack. I probably shouldn’t use it for big road rides, but I do mainly because I can wear MTB clothes/helmet on it and not look silly! And it’s good training because it weighs a tonne!

    Free Member

    It was a good game, the whole series was, but if your after a story, I’d look elsewhere…

    They did 2 expansions that really opened up the story but leave you with more questions than answers, then, they just gave up.

    There a running joke about when HL3 will come out… (it wont!)

    Free Member

    Just slid under 110kg. 109.9 🙂

    Is it strange that I weigh myself every day? I’ve just told myself not to be disappointed if it goes up, as long as the trend is down. So far I’ve stayed the same for a few days, but not gone up.

    Free Member

    Provisional all clear! 🙂

    I just need a scan in a few weeks as general check, but doc was happy the lump is just cyst that’s probably been there all my life (I didn’t know because I don’t check em!).

    Morral is, check your junk for changes more often!

    Free Member

    Had my first fish and chips of the year tonight. The thought and smell of it was epic, the eating was, well, greasy. 🙁 I’m sure fish and chips used to be amazing!

    Free Member

    Cheers for the support and banter everyone, it has helped me calm down about it.

    Free Member

    January Strava climbing challenge done! 😀

    That’s one of my new year goals done, next is sub 100kg and riding to the coast (130km).

    Free Member

    The scan couldn’t be more embarrassing/weird than the doctors visit.

    It was the first time I’ve been to the local surgery and I saw a young female doctor. I’m not sure if it would be less awkward with a male doctor or not, I just know it was very awkward and I wished it over as quickly as possible!

    Free Member

    Bloody cats! That’s what I get for having 4!

    Free Member

    the most disconcerting bit was the initial GP examination. As he rolled my fun plums between his fingers he told me not to be embarassed and that it was quite common to get an erection during the procedure.

    When i said i didn’t have one, he replied ‘Not you; me.’


    Free Member

    Cheers guys.

    I know I cant do any more, just been really worried this morning and feeling a bit stressed.

    Will try and chill the **** out. 🙂

    Free Member

    Very hard lump on the testicle itself.

    Free Member

    Had a slightly bad (by choice) weekend, Friday, Sat and Sun I’ve done 2400ish kcals a day, but did ride for an hour on sat morning.

    Enjoyed a pub burger, half a big pizza, toasted teacakes for breakfasts, some fish and chips, a ‘few’ JD and (diet)cokes and a some sugary treats. 🙂

    Still 111.9 kg this morning, so not put anything on sine Friday, but enjoyed the well deserved treats after smashing it in January.

    Back on it for Feb now, and looking to get very close to 100kg by the end of March.

    Binners, that pie looks amazing! 😯

    Spekkie, I’d try and cut the sugar right down, have sugar free fizzy drinks and lean to enjoy tea/coffee without sugar.

    Free Member

    Down to 111.9kg now, that’s 246.6 lbs down from 261 at the start.

    Only 4 and a bit lbs off my 3 month goal now – I can’t believe how well it’s going, but then again thinking back over the last 3 weeks there have been some very hungry days and some very hard commutes!

    SaxonRider, Keep at it, I’m sure you will have lost fat and gained muscle, but maybe try less cals a day? I’m on 1600 and commute giving me an extra 900ish to play with a day. Some days (Fridays mostly) I’ll eat half or all of the earned 900 as a treat, but most days I just stick as close to 1600 as possible.

    Free Member

    Walked a mile ( and onother one back again) to Tesco to buy sushi today instead of taking the car to the chip shop.

    Commitment right there!

    Free Member

    Everyone ready for the weigh in?

    Was lusting after some bakewell flapjack earlier, but have resisted! Today is also my 10th day of riding out of 11 (had a rest on sat), so doing good. 🙂

    Free Member

    18lbs! Chuffffffin-ell! Well done!

    Been thinking to myself this morning after I was going for a PB up a climb while commuting to work (I was really tonking along but didn’t even get the PB!), how much faster will I be once I’m 20/30/40 lbs lighter?* 🙂 Will be flying by then hopefully! And hopefully just in time for summer.

    (* I’m sure there’s some kind of equation to work this out…)

    Free Member

    Good work!

    I’ve done my 1 month target already, but will be a bit shy of the 3 month target on Friday.

    Free Member

    alwillis – Member

    For anyone hi has 5 minutes and wants a write up of the weekend this is my teammates blog…

    Awesome! 🙂 Well done guys.

    Free Member

    Usual dinner coming up –

    1 wholemeal wrap.
    50g of spicy chicken.
    some lettuice.
    a spoon of light coleslaw.
    a small spoon of mint raita.

    304 kcal.

    Friday night treats are becoming the main focus point of the week now!

    Free Member

    The rooms etc… that you take up for a week and a half (£3800) could be sold to two families going for just one week each (£2200 + £2200)…

    hard to find another family who want a week and a half to even it out over the 3 weeks I guess.

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with being nicknamed Dick or similar in my opinion.


    Free Member

    I’m down to 251 lbs from 261 lbs. Cant complain at that. 🙂

    Has been harder this week though, both to stick to the diet and loosing weight – It’s definitely slowing down now.

    Just home from a 50km loop in the Peak (843m of climbing) and I’ve rode to work and back every day – just shy of 200km distance and 2,500m of climbing in total this week.

    I’m tired! 😥 Feeling better than I have in a while though. 🙂

    Free Member

    ooh – like the CRF250L – a true adventure bike. If I was going to go for a trip around the World (and, let’s face it, I am) then that’s what I would take; definitely not a BMW 1200GS!

    All I can say is, Long Way Round….

    … Claudio proves you absolutely right! when he gets to ride that little 250 for a few days and has a far easier time than the other two! 🙂

    I love the GS, never owned one but had few as courtesy bikes, and they are great all round bikes, but I wouldn’t want to try and handle that weight off road.

    Free Member

    Hope it clears up quick for you Superjohn. Have you got a turbo? maybe some very low intensity work in the warm and dry would be ok?

    I’m now bang on 114kg down from 118.6kg. 🙂 I think trying to hit the strava climbing challenge is helping a lot, I’m having to add hill repeats into my commutes to get anywhere near. 🙁 I’m at 49% but only have 13 days to go!

    I’m just waiting for the weight loss to slow down and start getting really difficult!

    Free Member

    Around 40/45 for weekend rides, I don’t use motorway much though.

    Going to work and back across Sheffield, mostly filtering then having fun on the country roads near home, it gets under 30. 😯

    I cycle most of the time though, so doesn’t bother me.

    Free Member

    on the back roads and still does over 80 MPG

    I wish I could get anywhere near that out of the Ducati. 😥

    Free Member

    I do have to admit, my current bike is a bit of a handful – It’s the last gen Multistrada 1200, and as far as I can tell it’s designed to turn anyone riding it into a hooligan!

    (Note: The road is about 20m behind the bike in this photo, Just wanted a photo on some mud 🙂 no way am I taking it proper offroading!)

    It hasn’t got the new fangled DVT engine, so it’s lumpy low down and over eager slightly less low down! Midrange is for silliness…

    Great fun in the summer or dry open roads, but in the winter on busy roads it’s a bit of a ball ache to keep nice and smooth.

    Good news is apart from a bit of rust on the front disc bolts it’s doing remarkably well at handling the salt. I thought it would fall to bits in record time, as I assumed no one who owns a Ducati has ever taken it out in winter before! 😛

    Still, my 1980 R100 is the one I love most! 🙂

    Free Member

    Fuerteventura for me. Full of Germans, who seem very well behaved and friendly – there’s no British drunkards shouting and having fights etc..

    Also, it’s always nice and breezy, which suits me because I don’t like it too hot.

    Free Member

    😯 That is all.

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