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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • greentricky
    Free Member

    Multiple people of LBC saying the way to get a test is put somewhere like Aberdeen in as where you need a test or accept whereever you are offered no matter how far it is, get sent issued a QR code and then go to your local test station and they will test you without question as long as you present a QR code they can scan

    Free Member

    Any one out of the three symptoms – cough, fever or loss of smell/taste – should trigger a removal from school and testing.

    The problem as well seems to be that children present differently and these are the adult symptoms that are used as the threshold for getting a test

    Free Member

    I am assuming this is Keir’s speach the way it is structured but Ed is delivering it brilliantly

    Free Member

    So the Japan trade deal holds us to a state aid position that we are telling the EU is outrageou to be asked to commit to:

    Free Member

    The piece in today’s Times is pretty damning about the testing system, how are they getting it this wrong with the amount of our money they are spending

    Free Member

    The Peripheral by William Gibson for something more recent

    Magician by Raymond E Feist is a a fantasy classic
    Assasins APprentice by Robin Hobb
    Gardens of the Moon Steven Erikson

    Free Member

    Another for Daniel Day Lewis, must watch

    Free Member

    Check out ExcelisFun and WiseOwl on youtube.

    Free Member

    In a past life I worked with a couple of drilling companies, the drillers were all insentivised with a target for drilling Xm in the day and got a bonus for every m after that, as suggested above it is expensive plant with expensive crew, so they will be going as fast as they can. If they are anything like the one’s I used to work with, if they have travelled far, they will do anything in their power to get the job complete before a Friday afternoon so they can move on to the next place the following week. Leave them to it and they will be gone before you know it.

    Free Member

    From listening to endless American podcast adverts that advertise a company that sells this stuff, apparently the only things that work are Propecia/Finasteride and Minoxidil/ Rogaine, I think one stimulates regrowth in some people and one helps you keep what you got

    I get the impression neither work miracles for most people, you have to taken them indefinately, one has common nasty side effects (depression, ED etc.)

    Free Member

    There are people pitching sensible ideas but we would rather watch other countries do it and wonder why we lose competitive advantage over time

    Free Member

    It’s been cancelled to save Pret

    Free Member

    If you are happy to look silly, you can get a great cardio workout using 1-2kg weights in each hand but you need to be moving them above heart hight as you walk, otherwise just walk and enjoy it

    Free Member

    All depends what University you are at. It is not 1981 anymore and the days of a £150k 4 bed house in the south are very, very long gone.

    Plenty of University towns where this is still possible and still goes on, student areas are generally not the nicest part of town and you can pick up terrace houses pretty cheap still

    Just £3k investment from his parents (£15k now?), a bit of business acumen from him, and his life has been very good.

    Some of my friends didn’t even need paretns money, just advice. When I went to Uni 15 years ago. My parents told me not to take a loan if I could afford not to, as all debt is bad, so worked all my holidays to pay for it. A couple of other mates, whose parents paid for everything, told them to still take the maximum loan and stick it in an ISA at 6%. I left uni with almost no debt but no bank balance either, they left with £20k in the bank that they used as a house deposit that it took me over a decade after them to get on the housing ladder and in that time had been paying rent, while they had been building equity.

    Free Member

    I’ve used a professional mentor/career coach

    Don’t want to thread hijack but interested in this, what did you get out of the experience? Never considered this as an option before

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Just taken delivery of some Edifier R1700BT, sound good to my ears for the money

    Free Member

    I found it really moving and the way they did the time shift really effective

    Free Member

    The notion that by and large the world is a better place than if was 20 or 30 years ago could be a thread in its own right.

    You won’t be surprised there is a JRE episode for that, that the world is a better place than it has ever been in histroy is the main crux of the work of Steven Pinker who has been on at least once, maybe twice

    Free Member

    Op, writing the above made me remember guests, episodes worth visiting include:
    Neil deGrasse Tyson & Sean Carroll – Physicists
    Darryl Davis – African american who has conviced many KKK and neo-nazi’s to change their beliefs
    David Goggins – Navy Seal, ultra athlete, motivational person
    ROss Edgerley- swam around the UK
    Megan Phelps Rhoper – grew up in the West Borough Baptsih church and managed to escape
    Jake the Snake Roberts – Wrestling, ill health and overcoming alcholism
    Tyson Fury and Mike Tyson
    Dr. Carl Hart – Addiction Professor
    Michael Wood – Inner city police officer who came to hate all that is wrong with US policing
    Paul Stamets – Mushroom expert
    Edward Snowdon, – not normal JRE, more a monologue by Snowden
    Randall Carlson – Geologist who thinks there was a mass extinction event that isn’t recognised
    Duncan Truseel and Chris Ryan – fun episodes called the Shrimp parade
    Steve Rhinella – all things american wilderness and hunting
    Dan Carlin – historian, has his own great podcast
    Antonhy Bordain
    Laance Armstrong if thats your thing

    Free Member

    I know of more than one person who started listening to Joe Rogan and has gone down a slippery slope of the kind of incel type videos mentioned above btw.

    Said people could of just as easily listened to the episodes with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Sean Carroll, Darryl Davis, David Goggins, ROss Edgerley, Megan Phelps Rhoper or Jake the Snake and been insprired or motivated to explore new ideas, see how people can grow and change their mind sets or make themselves a better person.

    They would of been drawn to the negative ideas eventually if that is what they have chosen to pursue. Sure it is easier to get hours of out straight to your ears now but in the past it was a nutter down the pub or someone at work trying to pass you a David Icke book to open your eyes.

    Free Member

    The Good Law Project are doing work on this, you can support it here:

    From one conract, 6 million gowns are still outstanding:

    Matt Hancock telling a commitee what a great job we did on procurement:

    Appartently even a bad decision, is a good decision that shouldn’t be questioned, even when it involces £13bn of public funds….

    Free Member

    Joe’s flip flopping on issues dependent on guests position annoys me as much as the next person but to see people think he has some kind of responsibility as a broadcaster is laughable, it’s closer to overhearing a conversation between people at the pub than a regulated broadcast.

    I have listed since double digits, when it was only on ustream and hadn’t made it to youtube yet and it was far more conspiracy based back then, Joe used to love the moon landings were filmed by Kubrik, big foot is out there, UFO’s are abducting people and ancient aliens made us. He has moved position on conspiracies quite a lot.

    I’ve only dipped in and out since covid however, I find his position on covid and masks insufferable. While he is spending 1000’s a month on age extension treatments, vitamins and testing, he is advocating everyone else should just eat better and run hills and they would be fine. He doesn’t seem to get at all that while he thinks it is unfair he can’t do comedy and it curtails his freedoms, he advocates the vulnerable people should just stay shielded forever as somehow being fair.

    Free Member

    My friend is a teacher at a secondary school in Devon and offers this as a trip to some of the students and as above they stay over at the YHA at Okehampton. He says the biggest challenge of the trip is the range of BSO that the kids turn up on. Think there is normally a few tears but they manage to get them all through it.

    Free Member

    3rd or 4th vote for 2ndhnd, got a Steelcase Please v2 from them and it’s the most comfortable office chair I have ever sat on

    Free Member

    Have you looked at Eastpak? They come with a 30 year guarantee

    Free Member

    Former Chief Prosectutor is going after him:

    Free Member

    Hyperlocal rainfall is very good for a one hour forecast

    Free Member

    I’m seeing lots come on but at the same or higher prices than before where I am

    Free Member

    I see he his getting a monthly slot on LBC for a phone in now

    Free Member

    The absolute state of this reporting is a joke:

    Free Member

    If any of you live in Calder Valley, at least your MP tried even if he was ignored

    Free Member

    So upping the violence then, great leadership

    Free Member

    I’d imagine it’s much worse than that in the superstores.

    I have found it far better in the large stores than small stores, far more space, less customers per aisel, bigger aisles, more room at the tills etc.

    Free Member

    Does the mail on Sunday have a different editorial team (than the weekly paper)?

    Yes, seperate entities

    Free Member

    ^ That Newsnight feature was excellent as was Clive Myrie’s feature all week from Royal London

    In a big surprise to us all, new Sage member comes out saying Government not led by Science­/1266820479773532168

    Free Member

    Looks like The Sunday Times have more stories:

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Cases need to be adjusted by tests. Tests are increasing so more cases are found. That does not necessarily indicate more transmission. Deaths are a better but lagged metric. Interesting, the lag between cases and deaths is only about five days. And that’s global and local.

    Guess this isn’t helped by the Governments apparent inability to report number of people tested. only tests carried out

    Looking at the FT tracker, deaths have alse trended up the last three days, there might be a bank holiday effect in the reporting but there wasn’t to this extent in the prior bank holidays

    Free Member

    Don’t know if shared already but this 5 page dashboard has one page estimating R in your local authoirty area:

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