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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • greentricky
    Free Member

    Apparently 50:50 if Dom goes now, we can only hope

    Free Member

    Byline Times for bigger stories

    Free Member

    Amazon were price matching argos a couple of days on firesticks, might be worth checking argos if they still have them on sale and your local one hasn’t been shut down

    Free Member

    Preprint of a study on a new mutation in Scotland:

    Free Member

    Honor band 5

    Free Member

    ANyone listening to Whitty and Valence in the Select Committee? Where are they going with this questioning?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    After other briefings there has been a bunch of chat by data viz people I follow on twitter and the conclusion has always been the charts are from Tableau but maybe they were so short on time this time around they did dump it in Excel

    Free Member

    Economist’s take on how Eat Out to Help Out has driven the rise in cases:

    Free Member

    I think that’s a general recommendation in place before Covid. It’s also a fairly low dose. I’ve been taking 50ug for the last few months.

    No they used to advise at risk groups take it in the winter, they changed it a few months to everyone take it all year as part of a covid update

    Free Member

    On the subject of vitamin D, I don’t know why the govt aren’t recommending people take this

    PHE advise is everyone takes 10 micrograms?

    Free Member

    Interesting graphic

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Damning commentary from Richard Horton on what a sick nation we are and how this has made the situation worse for the UK, especially the areas in Tier 3:

    Free Member

    Vallance saying tier 3 won’t be enough, so why is there no tier 4?

    Free Member

    Oh for the want of a semi-log plot in that presentation. You may have noticed that 85+ admissions to ITU/HDU declined as admissions increased. That’s due to changes in triage as stress is put on the system by increased numbers of cases.

    My assumption was that as it was getting fuller they weren’t putting 85+ in ICU anymore, as the change of the graph was striking, thanks for confirming

    Free Member

    So if you go in to Tier 3 willinging, Boris will throw you some extra tests? How generous

    Free Member

    The article I was linking to:

    If ever you wanted to know what could go wrong with paying people to dig holes in the ground and then fill them in, look no further than England’s coronavirus test and trace system.

    The idea behind a crude Keynesian fiscal stimulus such as we’re seeing is that it does not matter much what government spends the public’s money on. That cash will end up as people’s income, which they will spend. It then becomes someone else’s income and multiplies the original public expenditure significantly to ease a nation itself out of a metaphorical economic hole.

    The test, trace and isolate programme was introduced in England in May. It was expected to bring huge returns to the economy, with the Treasury allocating £12bn to it this year, comparable to what the government spends on nursery and university education. The promise made by Matt Hancock, health secretary, was that it “will help us keep this virus under control while carefully and safely lifting the lockdown nationally”.

    This was not one of the speculative moonshots the prime minister’s team are so hopeful will transform the economy. Instead, it was a supposedly a careful investment of 0.6 per cent of UK national income with huge returns all but guaranteed. The service would allow the economy to reopen safely, emerge from a Covid-19-induced more than 20 per cent drop in output, and limit pernicious long-term economic scarring.

    Not only would the government spending form the income of employees in the test and tracing system, it would also enable many more people to resume their past livelihoods, generating returns far in excess of the cost. If it contributed to a recovery worth 6 percentage points of national income, a tenfold return would have been achieved in a matter of months.

    The problem has been that the money was not spent well. Test and trace has been mired in crises since birth. This autumn, it has failed to deliver sufficient tests, been slow in informing people they have tested positive and allowed a spreadsheet error to miss almost 16,000 positive cases. Trust has evaporated to the extent that the UK’s scientific advisory group has assessed it was having at best a “marginal impact” on transmission of the virus.

    There is a strong case to go further and say the £12bn has so far had a negative rate of return. By allowing people to believe the nation had built a world-class system, social distancing slipped, the virus spread and the country is again thinking about local or national lockdowns, with inevitable severe economic costs.

    How governments spend money matters. As Andrew Bailey, governor of the Bank of England, said this week, “there is scope for sustained public investment, but it does have to be on projects that earn a rate of return and [our] history is quite mixed on that front”.

    Latest coronavirus news

    Follow FT’s live coverage and analysis of the global pandemic and the rapidly evolving economic crisis here.

    In the wider field of economics, an increasingly fashionable view is that governments should use fiscal policy and heavy borrowing to run the economy hot so as to use all available resources and minimise unemployment. The only downside, according to schools of thought such as modern monetary theory, is a bit of possible inflation, which can easily be tamed.

    The lesson from British public-sector investment disasters, including the Humber Bridge, advanced gas-cooled nuclear reactors and the NHS electronic patient record system, is that the growth-enhancing promises of investment projects are often overstated and multipliers might be very small.

    What test and trace has added to the picture is that if government gets it wrong, returns and multipliers can be negative. In other words, if you’re going to turn on the public spending taps, make sure you get it right or you will end up with a horrible mess.

    Free Member

    We’ve been promoted to Tier 2 here in Erewash. Go us!

    I am in Derby, so seems inevitable now we will join you in a week, around 150/100k appears to be the tipping point and we are at 124 currently

    Free Member

    Wrap it in workday()

    An example:

    Modify their example to +1 instead of -1

    Free Member

    I got a Steelcase v2 Please and it is wonderful, really ergonomic and well built

    Free Member

    Have you considered a less applied MSc, like stats or CS? DS MSc’s don’t seem to get great feedback online but not sure how fair that is.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    China to test 9 million in a week:

    Free Member

    – KEXP (live music, good bands (IMO), sublime sound-engineering etc)

    The sound engineering is sublime! My favourite set:

    Free Member

    You can go up inside it, the view is nice enough

    Free Member

    Free Member

    How could you listen to that episode and come away with that conclusion!

    Free Member

    This gives me some hope, that even in his own party they are wanting to strip him of his Emperor powers, I am sure it won’t be without a fight:

    Free Member

    My wife saw a thing (from a doctor involved in the symptom tracking app) saying that if you have a blocked nose/sneezing you don’t have Covid, even if you have a bit of a cough. If that’s the case it would probably stop most schoolchildren with coughs needing to get tested/ isolate. Then again I guess if you relax guidance it will just push up transmission.

    I expect it was this from Tim Spector:

    Free Member

    hancock just started his special announcement in the Commons – 5live now.

    He is just a propoganda machine at this point, the tests work, the labs work, the booking system works, its world beating, we have record capacity, claims to the contrary wrong and unhelpful. The only problem is people getting tests who don’t need them.

    Free Member

    I was ready to throw things at the TV last night, as the Newsnight went full “balance” and let someone (one of the usual ‘herd immunity’ mob people kept quoting way back in this thread, I forget her name right now, the one who is a ‘Theoretical Epidemiologist’) eat up airtime while someone there to point out the very real price of that approach had to sit quietly and listen to that nonsense (along with the viewers, many of whom will be moving towards supporting the “do nothing” and leave the vulnerable to magically protect themselves or just quietly die off nonsense).

    Sunetra Gupta, she has been on a few shows in the last week, it isn’t an unreasonable viewpoint to offer if you can offer if you can clearly outline the full impact of the consquences and how that balances with the other costs we might land up paying but she seems to just make it sound like it will be abit inconvienent but life goes on

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Genuine question – when was the last time Boris and Carrie were seen in public together? I can’t recall the last time I saw her (I think it was May) and a quick google search didn’t answer it.

    There was a photo of them in most of the papers in the last month on holiday in Scotland together and there weren’t any photos but they hosted the christening last weekend apparently

    Free Member

    And now he has lost Lord Keen who was hardly a rowdy rebel in the party, wheels really are falling off, can’t wait to see what boot licker will step forwards to take his place

    Free Member

    Briefer argument of what is going on:

    Free Member

    Give it a week, two weeks ago it was only the hoptspot areas dark red, last week it was some of Wales, big chuck on NE and around Leciester. i expect all the midlands and in to the South to be next week.

    I follow my local area on there and has gone from 60 infections to 142 in 9 days

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