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  • Val Di Sole World Cup DH results, report and highlights video
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    Home safe and sound! Why does something that takes 5 or ten minutes in a car take 2 hours to walk home after you’ve had a few?

    Free Member

    Well I did have a coulple of red and a Sambuca with the meal but that’s neither here not there.
    Was in zombiefied looking at phone mode. Now back on track after an hour in what should have taking me 10 mins 🙁

    Free Member

    Sucking hate my life.
    Whilst reading this thread I’ve just taken a wrong turn and walked probably a mile in the wrong direction.
    I only noticed when I saw this jockeys pair of golden eagles on the end of the drive.
    Bell finish

    Free Member

    Well what once a medley of opportunities for “who done it” has turned out to be a mid life affair as every one now seems to have grown up and has wife in toe to calm things down.
    A pleasant evening but the 5 pints consumed before we met was about as exciting as it got. I’m now waking home reading these anicedotes thinking I like my job but would certainly swap it for a job in sales for just ine night!

    Free Member

    If it came with Victoria Pendleton sat astride it I’d probably scrape some coin together.

    Free Member

    And you`ll get an ice cold airblast constantly like in our 2 bathrooms vented this way
    New build, vented out of soffit facing prevailing wind direction, looks like there are no back draft shutters installed, so its freezing in both of them

    Or for £4 you can put a back draft shutter on!

    Free Member

    From the pictures I saw on BBC, I doubt he’d have known anything about the fire.

    I read a report that said his friends were there trying get him out but were fought back by the flames. One commented he was trying to get his seatbelt off as he was unconscious. The only real blessing here.

    Free Member

    Truly sad RIP.
    Why those of you need to have a dig without even knowing the facts is beyond me. Those cars arn’t exactly made like tanks are they?

    He was coming away from a fundraiser for a charity that HE founded to help others and was a passenger in an automobile accident. He died alongside the driver, who was also involved with the charity as well as previously founding his own charity.

    I think its safe to say they were one of the good guys.

    Free Member

    Glad to hear us oldies are still cracking in with it!
    Have fun tonight Francis, let us know if your still in ine piece later.

    Free Member

    Excellent news Project.

    So i’ve got until Jan 5th to get down to 15 stone 😐

    Slightly gutted they were booked up until then though. His birthday’s 17th Dec and with xmas less than a week later it would have been prime time for new bikey gifts!

    Free Member

    Its an excuse to get another bike as well!!

    Free Member

    I’m taking mine with me.
    Well assuming I die doing a gnarly quadruple back flip of a mountainous cliff some where in Mor Dor.

    Free Member

    I’ve tried so many things it’s untrue. Theres a lot of sense in what Molgrips says and at times I Know I may not be helping the situation BUT I am trying!

    I have tried so many avenues mainly about doing it her way. She wants me to back for a bit so I do, she wants more time, I give it to her, it eventually goes on for days and days without me pushing anything and I then realise she’s just swept it under the rug and forgotten about it. If I ever mention it again them I’m the bad one for bringing it up again.

    Nobody’s perfect but it’s the non existence of effort from her part that kills the most.
    I constantly make allowances for her, her behaviour and her preferences but this just isn’t reciprocated from her side at all.

    I have tried the writing down thing but she’s just not down with it…

    Once I sent a fairly long text putting my feeling and concerns across. I figured she’d have time to digest it, think it all over, plan a response, write and rewrite it…..
    Then after about 8 hours her name flashed up on my phone.
    My heart stopped.
    I composed myself and looked at the text…..

    “Get some milk on your way home” was the response!

    Free Member

    Congrats Rachel!!!!

    I passed my test two months ago after never being on a bike before. Wanted to do it forever and finally got round to it.
    Greatest feeling in the world and after illness has forced me off the bike recently it means I’m still getting my dose of the peaks in, albeit a little quicker 😀

    I’d say get a bike ASAP so your putting your training to use whilst its all still fresh. Instead of getting one next spring when you haven’t been on a bike for 6 months.

    Ducati Monster 1100

    I got the Ducati Monster 695 but already drooling at the 1100 evo!

    Free Member

    Hideous life isn’t it? I feel totally powerless to change anything and can see my life just floating away on a river of misery. I’ve tried so many things over the years and nothing has changed on the last 4 years, the same issues are there.

    It feels like the only thing I can do is to walk away, I can;t make her do anything else and I can’t fix it on my own.
    I don’t want to loose my kids, my house, my livelihood and even my OH if I’m honest.

    Free Member

    Exactly that. In moments of clarity she will admit its like a defence mechanism and she just shuts down. She’s been like this all her life from speaking to her family but being in a relationship having kids, house etc I have to deal with it more and obviously we have more issues that needs addressing than she would with anyone else.


    I’d normally say walk as well. If it was a mate I was given advice to id say go. I honestly just feel to weak and to much a coward to do what I probably know is better for everyone involved and leave.
    The issues massively range from annoying (always doing things her way, living how she wants to live)
    Through to big issues like finances etc which can’t be ignored.
    Mostly though I just resent her for her efforts, despite knowing the problems we face she does nothing positive to try and get us on track. In fact she’s very negative. She can see me trying yet she gets angry, nasty and damn right mean whilst I’m tying my best and keeping calm despite wanting to fire her out of a cannon when she’s being horrible. I have to continuously make her allowances for her but it seems she can say, do and act however she likes no matter how negative and I’m just suppose to take it on the chin then come back be the bigger person again the next day.

    Free Member

    Yeh I’m guessing that it’s been someone paid to do it due to letters bent in there.
    That said the kind of people who would do this arnt exactly the most intellectual.

    Getting reported in the am.
    Might have a drive past the house tomoz and see if its vacant.

    Free Member

    cheers for the suggestions guys.

    He’s already on top of trying to get sponsorship but some good ideas about promo \ demo \ coaching days etc. I guess it also comes down to not spreading himself to thin were training could be affected.

    BMC arn’t the best when it comes to financing stuff unfortunately, he’s still got his fingers crossed but even if he is lucky it wouldn’t cover that much when you take everything into account.

    This is really just to figure out the best way to receive money. obviously the easier it is to donate the more chance he’s got of people dropping the odd quid here and there

    If your interested have a nosey at his website….

    and some info about his olympic dream…

    Free Member

    carbon bell? Don’t like the sound of that?

    Free Member

    stacks of pron and whisky in the coming weeks

    I love a happy ending! 🙂

    Seriously though fella, best of luck whatever you decide and hope things pan out, the next few days will most likely be a roller coaster of emotions.

    Free Member

    Seems he didn’t want to go that way after all!

    I think he went back home to change his shorts.

    Free Member

    Yep always knew.
    Turned out I was wrong… want mine? 🙂

    Free Member

    Anyone want to buy a copy? Bought it the other night, played for an hour and having wanted to pick it up since. I just don’t have the time to really get into it unfortunately.

    £32.50 posted as new, codes unused

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the info guys, looks like I’ll be looking at ferries and hotels tomorrow!!!

    Free Member

    Read this this thread this morning before going out on the bike and it made me think how I might feel after something scary. I’m still a newb after only being riding less than a month so everything’s a bit nervous at the mo and done nice and carefully.
    I’d second (third) the exhaust suggestion. With no baffles in the twin Leo Vince exhausts on my monster they certainly know I’m there. When filtering I must have had about 30 cars pull into the kerb to give me more space. Not sure if it’s to let me past so they can see what the hell’s making all the racket or just to let me go so there ears stop ringing. Either way I hadn’t thought about it from a safety point of view. Now that I have baffles are staying out.
    Cheers for helping the penny drop on that one folks!!

    Free Member


    Today anyway. Test passed like a boss!!!
    Going to see a bike on Sunday 😀

    Free Member

    I pay £75 TPFT with Bennets on a Honda Fireblade, Go Compare is £2-300 at least.

    £246 TPFT on gocompare compared to £856 on Bennetts. Guess you right and they cater more towards to experienced rider.
    Doesnt help when you’ve got 15 years driving experience that doesn’t count for squat.

    Free Member

    lolz just tried bennetts and carol nash and they were both over double of stuff coming up on gocompare. I’ll have a nosey at the others later

    Free Member

    Excellent chaps, some great advice here. i’ll print the info off and take it with me.

    Free Member

    Ok I reckon i;m on the right track.

    Any good insurance recommendations out there?

    Checked gocompare and its not to eye watering but i’m sure they’ll be better out there

    Free Member

    Also, never believe a seller that says “never ridden in the wet”

    Lol yeh I took that with a pinch of salt. I take that as softie that doesn’t like going out in the rain rather than “lives in spain”

    Free Member

    Morning Peeps,

    Cheers for all the advice so far! Plenty to think about.
    I’ve seen a few to look at and know someone with a same model hornet so will go over theirs with them before I see the others.
    One in particular seems to tick all the above boxes. 15k on the clock and 5 years. Dry weather rode only and kept garaged, new tyres, chain and spockets in the last 100 miles so as long as the above seems true I should be on the right track.

    Good call on the HPI check, I could even go that before I go if I grab the reg from him. It does look a lovely bike so as long as he’s not been talking out his rear I think it could be a good one.

    Now what the crack with payment / taking the bike away etc?
    If it was local I could drive to see it and if I was going to get it could pay and take the V5 etc go home sort insurance and then come back to collect it.
    Now if it was further away what are my options?
    I could obviously sort insurance before I went but I’d be basically buying blind. I’ve seen a couple of really good examples 100+ miles away, now in principle i’m happy to jump on a train to go and collect it but whats the best way to go about things if its a trek away? I really don’t want to be making 200 mile round trip to see it then doing it again the next day to collect…

    Free Member

    But generally you only change a small amount in any one go. I sync 40Gb with Dropbox, but probably only change 20-50Mb / day.

    Pretty much what the situation is here. 45gb on the server but minimal changes per day, certainly less than a GB.

    Server is always on so could automate a backup when the office is closed so bandwith not really and issue.

    Another option I’ve just thought of is to install another QNAP at the satellite office. We have fixed IP’s at both of our offices and all files are shared from and stored at the primary office.
    If I installed a QNAP at the 2nd office then that could receive the backup every evening automatically using remote replication which is inbuilt to the server. That way we would have two secure copies of the files in two locations on our private properties.

    The data we have is sensitive because the nature of the job (Funeral Directors) but not overly sensitive in the fact we don’t store customer financial information, just personal and contact info.

    Our main concern is hardware failure or theft / fire damage which we’d be covered in this scenario. We’d have to be pretty unlucky to have both offices firebombed in one night!

    Does this sound like a goer? no extra ongoing costs other than a new QNAP nas.

    Free Member

    Yeh the sensitivity was a concern. Ultimately this is a small office and at the mo we are taking physical back ups and taking them off site but I want to take the pilot error out of this.

    Free Member

    New job out of the blast radius???
    Surely that means you can light the blue touch paper and step back to watch the fireworks 😈

    Free Member

    This is a bike forum – so if you were riding a bike you didnt get on with why would you try to see if someone could talk you into liking it ?

    Especially as there are loads of different bikes out there, some of which will be brilliant to ride.

    Go and find one that works for you.

    Speak to someone with a fresh pair of eyes who might be able to see your issue, suggest you change a stem and put a layback post on and all of a sudden its the best ride of your life.
    Or you can do as he suggests and spend your entire life riding knowing somethings not right but not really understanding why.

    We went and it helped at the time. That said BOTH of you have to want to go and be willing to try other wise its just a pointless exercise.

    Free Member

    Sit in an empty office and put a bin at the end of the room. Throw the cards magician stylie to see how many you can get in.

    After all the fun walk out and leave the cleaners to clear the mess up…… no one will ever know it was you.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My team (with the exception of 1) work flexibly and I appreciate that. When they need a bit of “flexi” time (even though we dont do it as a company) as the head of a department I give it to them.

    But his company DO have flexitime in place. So if its official why is he being treated differently than anyone else?

    I can see where he’s coming from, I have moments like this. Like putting in 15 hours unpaid overtime over a fortnight and then being told the following Monday you “Owe” them 15 minutes because you were late this morning after dropping the kids off!

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the help guys. The job itself is kind of dead mans shoes so I expect the role becoming available is more likely to be due to retirement of the current employee.
    With this in mind I expect the salary offered will a good amount less than the person who is currently in the role which is why I wondered about negotiating up.

    I’ve wanted to change my job for a while now and after doing this for 13 years I do not want to be here in 30 years time! I know i’m going to be taking a pay cut if and when I do change but the role on offer certainly seems in the boundaries of what I can manage but obviously the starting and expected pay over the next few years will determine that.

    Thanks for all your help guys. I think I’ll put the application in anyway as I really have nothing to lose. I’ll no doubt be back on here asking for interview techniques!! Haven’t had one for a loooong time now!!!

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