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  • Big Vid: Amaury Pierron’s Rise and Fall and Rise Again
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    CA – Not a tabloid reader just bored of people that can't be arsed to do a good job; Although i'm sure your very good at yours.

    Free Member

    So he needs to MTFU?
    So I'm guessing all the people that use the carpark engage in some form of dangerous sport and should live their lives always expecting danger.

    Can someone explain to me at what point does this situation become the land owners responsiility. I bored of this Compensation Nation but equally bored of people cutting corners at the detriment of everyone else.

    Good point though Grumm. Maybe with the money the uni's saving by not fixing the repairs they can give every paying car park user a torch thus negating themselves from all responsibility…… Maybe they can give people a stick as well so they can prod the ground before they step on it to make sure it doesn't give way

    Free Member

    Is it just me or is everyone jumping on the String the claimer up bandwagon?? I can't see how your all able to decide that this guys to blame from just a short decsription.

    The facts I pulled out of this is someone was injured because of others neglect to properly maintain a public car park that they are charging people to use. I can't say this isnt his fault not knowing all the facts but the Uni has clearly been negligant if they have been informed of issues and not resolved them. This comes down to Uni cutting costs at the expense of public safety.

    I ripped a ligament in my thumb a few years ago snowboarding. I still have use of it but because of its weak state I can no longer play basketball (i'd cry if you through a passed a ball to me hard) and I'll never climb is strongly as I once did. No one was to blame in this situation but If i'd have done this at work on the steps that get slippy in the wet (the ones that nearly every member of staff has complained about over the last 5 years) then i'd be stringing the f@@ckers up.
    Why should I never play ball again because some management are cutting corners??

    I don't agree with this compansation Nation we have but that is purely becasue so many people take the pi$$. I do think it helps to make people in postitions of responsibility accountable for their own inactions though.

    Free Member

    29 Funeral Director

    Free Member

    29 Funeral Director

    Free Member

    I'm a picker , I'm a grinner , I'm a lover , And I'm a sinner, I play my music in the sun.
    I'm a joker, I'm a smoker , I'm a midnight toker, I get my loving on the run Wooooo Wooooooo.

    Oh and I'm a boob man; Hello Munqe & Foxy chicks 😉

    Free Member

    I'd say right length when arms in out straight in front of you. That way your not restricted and those nice £30 cuff links you've bought don't disapper up your suit when you bend your arms

    Free Member

    Garylake that'll be the soggy one I have now.

    Fancy something a bit different so thinking of maybe….—Tattoo


    Cheers for the heads up Danny

    Free Member

    Ok cheers peeps some good ideas, keep em coming.

    Just to clarify I'm a bloke, I have pockets and I put my change there. I don't wear skirts or dresses without pockets so the need for a purse is beyond me. I want to be able to but the wallet in my back pocket without feeling I've sh1t myself or Ive just stolen the contents of a parking meter.

    Free Member

    Pretty much what people are saying but as Brown said smearing etc is for feet only in my eyes unless something obvious that the climbs been built around (a shelf above a small overhang for example).
    Just use it as a guide as things vary massivly from place to place and setter to setter. (I know some places with 7a's i'd walk were as other places will spank me down).

    Try to find the flow of a climb is the most important thing, lead with your feet and try to think a few moves ahead as you climb. A setter will have a sequence of moves in mind when they set a route and its generally finding that sequence that will let you know what you should be using or not. You'll know when you get something right as it'll just feel…. well right.

    PS Stonemonkey your overcomplicating things…..
    Surely it's just Can & Can't?

    Free Member

    Is alpin a contraction of Alpine French….. thought it was a box of cereal

    Free Member

    Unfortunately yes, My Dad took his own life when I was 17. I hadn't seen him for a about 4 years as he'd turned his back on me after a messy split with my Mum when I was 12. I can honestly say this was the single most devasting thing in me and my families life. It totally changed all of us and we all have continuing issues that are repurcussions fron this event. I know full well that My Mum, Two Brothers and me are very much the way we are today after going though this situation. We all had a different relationship with him from each other and its affected us all in different ways. For me I love him and hate. Some days I hate him from what he's done and wonder if he ever gave a shit and others I love him and feel guilty for not doing more (not that I could have done as a 12 year old). Ultimately I just don't know and the continuing unanswered questions will forever be my life sentance.

    As well as this my job as a Funeral Director has meant I've personally dealt with over 20 funerals were someone has took their own life. This has meant me collecting the body at the scene and then arranging the funeral with the families left behind. The utter devastion to these families unbelivable. These suicides have ranged from young to old, female and male and in all manner of ways. The utter selfishness of these acts never escapes me but I do not see these people as selfish; When someone get to this point they are not thinking rationally so I don't think you can put a rational label like selfish on them.

    It's just so sad seeing what these families have seen and knowing, as I do, the affects this will have on there lives. Especially when some of these incidents have included children younger than 8 finding their Father who's just taken his head off with a shot gun or a family having to watch the result of the Mother/Wife walking into the garden and setting her self on fire…..

    To all whose are feeling low and contemplating anything then get help and speak to someone. It doesn't have to be anyone professional just someone. and to be honest this as good a place to start as anywhere. I think its always easier to unleash your mind on to a complete stranger with the preconceptions or you or your life. But just remember as much as you think theres no one there or know one cares then remember there always someone…. its just sometimes the people are to wrapped up in their own lives sometimes. It doesn't always mean they don't care.

    Peace & love to all

    Free Member

    What the hell does crash investigating have to do with a paramedics view on a cyclist involed collision are they commenting on who's to blame or the injury?

    The paramedics view comes from seeing the aftermath of many many accidents and dealing with and seeing the end results. There opinion is based on life experience of seeing the outcome of those that wear helmets and those that don't. I'd trust that

    Free Member

    just get her to give you a nosh, everyones a winner

    Free Member

    Done, Marg won't know what hit her!

    Free Member

    Also go out for a decent ride on your hardtail, pick a gear and don't change it… sounds daft but basically the same thing and this will help you to figure out what ratio you can work with without getting loads of cogs… 2:1 is a good starting point

    Free Member

    Personally I would just convert your HT to single speed. cheap and easy to do with taking some stuff off your bike and lobbing a surly cog and spacers on. If your current bike doesn;t have sliddy drop outs then you can use a tension devise. Both this and the cog you should be able to pick off here cheap enough 2nd hand.
    The best way to find if its for you is to try it on a bike that you know and that the geometry works for you.

    I've SS my way through the last few winters and just normally strip the gubbins and bang a surly cog on. I've been riding my stiffee without a tension device and managed to keep tension by using a half link chain to get a better fit

    Free Member

    Neutral or negative. Realistically speaking you paid for an advertised service which he did not follow through. Alls well and good if he hasn't made much money but thats his gamble if he's auctioning his stuff. I've lossed out or broke even many times by stuff going mega cheap but I don't fret it or expect the buyer to make up the shortfall.

    Personally I wouldn't leave him postive feedback. Send him an email explaining your concern and that you will leave him neutral feedback unless he can justify it and tell him if he doesn't respond within 7 days you'll leave him negative feedback. That way your being completly fair even though he's taken advantage and if he doesn't want negative feedback then the balls in his court.

    Scu98rkr… is it really to be expected? If I bought an item I knew I was expecting to receive in 3 days (48hr post) and it turned up in a lot later I wouldn't be happy. Maybe I wanted it for a weekend ride for example.

    Free Member

    Is it just me or did we all go to watch Blair witch on something?
    didn't scare me but didn't make me throw up after making me motion sick with their shite camera hand

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I agree Ewan, Thats assuming they will undertake the repair / replacement themselves and they're not commuters.

    PS Don't mention this rarity thing to my other half…. this constant stream of bike parts and different things is absouluty essential 😉

    Free Member

    Your right, the LBS truly is hopeless!

    Maybe you need to look for a new LBS, the point I was trying to make is good service. I wouldn't support my LBS if they were crap

    CRC: bung in jiffy bag, into post box, wait 5-6 days for new parts to arrive.

    LBS: Go in and moan over a brew, they sort out the replacement or repair and give me something to use in the meantime whether its a pair of forks or a full bike. Guess I'll be riding on those 5-6 days then…

    Free Member

    Fair enough Ewan but are you representative of every cycle rider in the UK? There will be a lot of people that are competant enough to repair things themselves and shop online, fair enough. But there are thousands that need the assistance of a shop.

    As far as Halfords & Evans go my nearest Evans is about 15 mile away in the centre of Manchester which is a long and costly journey.

    End of the day each to their own which ever end of the spectrum you choose to do things is fine but I don't think that a lBS shop could compete or even be compared to a massive online distribution centre.

    Maybe i'm just fortunate to have a good LBS near to my home and work that provides good service that I appreciate and account for when deciding where to shop.

    Free Member

    I think the big picture here is service. Anyone can buy online and get bits cheaper but can you get those bits in an emergancy? do you have the tools to fit them? Are you competent to fit them? if they fail are you happy to sort out the warrantry and messing about getting them replaced?

    I for one will always support my local bike shop as I don't want them to disappear one day leaving me up sh*t creek when it comes to something simple like facing a BB which currently consists of drinking tea while someone does it for me with an expensive tool and then doesn't charge me for the pleasure.

    I understand that times are hard and people are looking to save money where they can but buying an X0 rear mech online because it £20 cheaper doesn't make sense to me. If your that hard up for £20 then buy and X9 and relish in the money you've really saved.

    Ultimately, I think that by buying everything from my LBS I don't feel ripped off. I think If I add up the price of all the freebies and small jobs along the way it would easily offset what money I could have saved by buying online;

    So I'm not financially worse off, I get lots of free tea, good conversations and banter from people I think of as mates which give me good advice about my bike and where to ride and then take me out into the hills to show me how it done…. Biking is a community that LBS's have an important place in.

    And for all the people that expect something for nothing…..
    "Can I get you a stick for that moon sir?"

    Free Member

    Just registered Bargain! and for all you gutted about the pricetag t's actually £51 with the booking fee lol

    Free Member

    Look under local info for all details on campsites etc

    Free Member

    Sounds like the management are trying it on. If you correctly informed them that you will not be starting work until later then its your right to not be pressured into anything. I would go in as previously arranged and have a word with the manager and highlight the H & S aspect of things. If your doing a lot of driving, just tell him your not comfortable driving when not properly rested. We've all seen in the news about what has happended when people fall asleep at the wheel.
    Personaly I'd get your point across now and in future just ignore all incoming calls that could be work related

    Free Member

    Did mine online, piece of cake. They send you certified copies and then you just right a basic letter confirming details and send copies out to all banks utilities etc. No more of a headache than moving house and changing address details.
    Name change is same price how ever many names you give yourself.
    It took all of my will power to not change my middles names "the Champ"

    Free Member

    I think any outcome of a crash can be speculation other than saying that 2 bolts arn;t as solid as 4 bolts…

    The only thing you can gurantee is that the insurance company would not pay out in the case of an accident. They are slimy feckers and any excuse not to pay a claim they will jump on.
    If you hit a £20k and the insurance doesn;t cover you are liable for all monies owed to the other driver, including compo, so on that basis alone I wouldn't feel comfortable driving it

    Free Member

    Yeah I know what you mean the C%%T does need reporting. I let it wash over me most of the time, does make you laugh at what people can get away with though.
    The one on child benefits does my head in though, she cleary trying to get the 4th one in the oven to get more benefits coming in. I use to be able to be nice to the women. Now I just want to hoof in the flaps everytime I see her now!

    Free Member

    "My job for today is to park my X6 diagonally across both a P&C and HC space and watch all the do-gooders piss boil and foam at the mouth while LMFAO!

    Get a life ffs."

    One word, Cok

    Free Member

    I think anyone who actually thinks your discriminated against because they don't have kids is having a laugh. Its only discrimation if you were personally not allowed these rights if you did decide to have kids. Your choice if you have kids or not but they are there for you if you do. Your choice….
    Oh and TJ your damn right all people that have kids are self centered and selfish. Rearing another human, feeding, clothing, educating and housing them for 20 years+ is about the most self centered thing anyone could ever do.

    Free Member

    "People who put photos of their kid(s) as their profile photo on Facebook.
    ………..and i've promptly changed my profile pic of my 10 month old boy in his cycling jersey

    Free Member

    "People who can't be bothered to think up their own ideas and simply invert or respond to comments other people have made."
    What he said…..

    The scum that live of our taxes and can't be bothered to get off their backsides and make a living for themselves… ok not so petty.

    People that eat celery… it green cardboard for f&5cks sake!

    Free Member

    "after work, in the car park, behind the bins, own him" lol

    If your Boss is a women this explains alot…(waiting from barage of female insults).

    If you decide to walk ring her boss and tell them she felt you up

    Free Member

    Lucky Lucky Baby….
    Dumb Dumb Woman!

    Free Member

    You can get someone from the local council to come and destroy the nest for about £35. They spray a load of stuff into the hole which will kill them.
    Alternativly you can get a can of the stuff they use from B&Q for about £7 (Wasp nest destrotey). I had a massive nest in the shed and it took two cans to sort. If your happy going up the ladder then do it yourself. wait till about 10pm and they should all be in the nest having a kip pi$$ed on all the fruit they eat at this time of the year. You'll kill most of them in one go butits wirth going up for the next couple of nights and giving it a fresh blast for any that might have been out partying when you went st.elmo on their ass

    Free Member

    Lol there are hills, you've just got to look closely, very closely, very closely though a pair of good binoculars……

    Free Member

    Did Ruthin last year and its way Hilly but enjoyable. Just concentrate on getting some good hills in on your weekend rides, long uns!

    Tyre wise I ran cinders when I did it but if I did it again i'd put my conti verts on

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