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  • Mental Mondays #14 – Let there be love
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    Is this a case of 1 combination lock on the door that everyone uses and your bike in the area not locked independantly?

    Sounds a bit of a minefield if it is as your trusting everyone who uses it to correctly lock it. From an insurance point of view I don't think they would pay out if your bike wasn't independantly locked as access is to open.

    Free Member

    Double entry

    Free Member

    Examples have to be made of these critters.

    If not other children will find it acceptable to behave in such a way.

    Examples do have to be made, examples of the parents. Appropriate punishment should be handed out to them. If the Children are morally unaware of there actions are they any different to an animal that attacks after an horendous upbringing.

    Punishment for the parents and an inquiry into how the system let things get this far should be the first things on our minds. The situation is horrific but one that we hope not to see again if it can be avoided

    Free Member

    gotta be worth a punt

    Free Member

    To be fair this is the LBS fault. It may be a design fault but any decent shop should have known about it and given him a heads up. Yes cables rub you've got to expect that but as he's said he's new to MTB and has gone into a shop to buy a 4k bike. They should have at least given him some advice.

    How hard is it? "Hell you've spent 4k i'll throw some patches in, you know what i'll even fit them for you, i'd be gutted if I gouged the hell out of brand new carbon frame"

    Free Member

    Oddjob how do you find the moto? The dirty gold version they have out at the mo looks gorgeous!

    Free Member

    Nice rides guys, starting to tempt me away from a HT!

    Free Member

    Needs more Charisma to be a star.

    Quality stuff though and very entertaining whether it be impressive or just damn funny! The pi55pot helmet on the skate trick makes me titter!

    Free Member

    A busy day when I have loads of accounts to do usually consists of

    9:00 open up
    9:05 Check STW
    10:30 is it that time already, best get some breakfast, better still head to local bike shop via Sausage & Egg shop. Diverts phones to mobile
    12:00 better get back to work
    12:01 actually the kettles just brewed…
    1:00 def back to work now….. hang on its lunch time.
    3:00 ok really back to work now
    3:05 Check STW
    4:30 ok lets get some work done…. to late to start anything now better just make a brew

    Free Member

    Yeah I got the feeling it was kind of a "don't do that again…. but how fast did you get?"

    Free Member

    Might have more luck in the classified's forum fella

    Free Member

    Hazel Grove DIY had a load in stock last time I passed. 0161 456 9993

    Free Member

    Never test ridden a Frame / Bike in my life. I've bought and sold frames consistently over the last couple of years and have prob been through 15 different incarnations within this time. I'm now at a point where I can pretty much judge which frames I like and the suttle differences that make a huge difference. Now at a point where I love the 3 bikes I have and not bothered about swapping….. for now

    Just bite the bullet and if it doesn't work sell on here for what you'll lose you would have paid for in one or two test weekends anyways

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that fella. I've been a funeral director for the last 10 years and I'll tell you what I tell everyone. You know your kids and you know your family. A funeral is a celebration of someones life and your kids are a part of that family. If you want them to be there then take them. Do not worry about what the done thing is.

    The only time I would advise against taking children is if they are at an age where the funeral would might be stressful for them, but again you know your kids and how they are dealing with things at the moment. I personally think it helps kids to get an understanding of whats going on. Tell them your going to have a service to celebrate your Gran's life and that she would have wanted them there. Again its a judgement call thats yours. Personally I wouldn't miss an oppurtunity to let them spend time with your family.

    Both of my Kids went to 2 of my Grand parents funerals over the last couple of years when their age's ranged from 3 months to 2 years. They Promptly put smiles on everyones faces during the service (Even the Minister burst out laughing during one of the hymns when our Daughter started dancing to the music).

    This behaviour might not suit everyone especially the higher faiths among us but again… you know your family.

    I'm not religeous in the sligtest but it always brings a smile to my face when my daughter gets a ballon and then promtly lets it go before proclaming she's given it to the Gran to play with in the sky!!

    Hope all goes well for you dude

    Free Member

    In my experience a threat is something delivered when said person doesn't have the bottle to actually follow through.
    A promise is when they have even less bottle…..
    unless the promise is from your SO about naughtiness, in which case its just a lie

    Free Member

    Get a flask full of mulled wine and head back out at a slower pace. Anytime you feel hemmed in get of the back take a deep breath and then get the mulled wine out. Keep doing this as instead of gunning it to get out as quick as you can. This way your facing your phobbia instead of running from it.
    Failing that go home and watch a film to chill out. Dogsoldiers or Wrongturn whould do it 🙂

    Good effort going back by the way, it looks awesome in there!!!

    Free Member

    To be honest this style of riding has got to be one of the most entertaining types of riding. Gotta love it, reminded me of The Ryan Leech stuff I saw at Bannf film festival a couple of years ago

    Free Member

    Is it just me or did his front wheel seem to be all over the place in the second part of that clip? How the hell he didn;t bite it i'll never know

    Free Member

    Is it me are any of you now feeling left out? What I thought was probably a minority sport seems to have gone mainstream!

    Free Member

    and when he got to A&E it was too late and he ended up dead etc. be careful peeps

    A word of warning for all you bum putter upperers on STW!

    Free Member

    Fine work there Rob

    Free Member

    So would your prefer he takes 2 couple of minutes per email to check on order and send email = 1000 minutes, at least a couple of days. or use the time to package and send out goods?

    I'm assuming andy isn't the only person there and deals with all emails and packing / distributuion.

    Or alternativly, antipating a busy xmas as one of the biggest online retailers, they take on xmas casual staff to help with the extra work load that is in turn generating extra revenue.

    Being busy shouldn't be an excuse for poor customer service, afterall you want to keep your customers happy to secure them as future customers.

    Seriously though how long does it take to set up an automated email replying to all emails? A simple message that informs customers that they are very busy and during this period replies may take longer than usual. At least this way people know where they stand and don't think that their repeated emails and calls from malaysia are just being ignored.

    Free Member

    Def Black Hawk Down

    Free Member

    Look no further than Bose. Amazing sound quality but you'll pay for it. The portable version is well tidy and you can unplug and get up to 10 hours juice out of the internal lithium.
    I bought one just before Xmas with £100 of an iPod with it happy days

    Free Member

    I rode them on mine for a season before it was pointed out to me 🙁
    I always thought they looked kinda gay on risers though, after a few weeks buffing it without you'll be fine, just get wide bars

    Free Member

    Yeah Yeah I know its all on my doorstep but only got a day to get together so it would be helpful if we could both do some of the travelling….. that said maybe I should have a layin and make the fecker get up early! 🙂
    Keep the suggestions coming…

    Free Member

    Yepa, here till 5 and then on call until Mon am 🙁

    Free Member

    Diane!! we hate people like you!!! The worst are the ones oblivious and stay there for 4 miles.
    I was on one funeral when a car cut inbetween so when he eventually overtook I made the Oblitagory hand gesture to let him know how much he likes masterbating. Didn't think anything more of it until we got the the Crem and the Priest following in his own car from Church came and aploogised for getting in the way… 😳

    Edit: this is def not the worst thing i've done!!!

    Free Member

    Got to be done. I came across and RTC last year when an old woman pulled out onto an A road and misjudged an oncoming car. I was about 60 seconds behind the accident and helped with the carnage after, which included trying to resusitate another elderley woman thrown out the rear window (no seat belt). After seeing this woman die in front of me on the road is enough to make you shop anyone.
    You've just got to think of the lives you might save rather than the inconvenience you might cause.

    Free Member

    Never worn them on flats but have worn nothing but them as general shoes for about the last 10 years, firstly as approach shoes for what they're intended but they're so bloody comfy I ended up wearing them all the time. a few different syles as well. Are pricey but I find they last way longer than anything else i've worn

    Free Member

    Never worn them on flats but have worn nothing but them as general shoes for about the last 10 years, firstly as approach shoes for what they're intended but they're so bloody comfy I ended up wearing them all the time. a few different syles as well. Are pricey but I find they last way longer than anything else i've worn

    Free Member

    I take it all your Porn's wrapped in Red paper under the tree then… close one that 😉

    Free Member

    I sold all my dvd's and CD's on ebay. Did a few bulk auctions though. I had mine in the loft for a few years and realsied I'd never use them again.
    Depends how many you have but I split my CD's into 100's and DVD's into 50's; spent a night typing a list of each bulk and then posted on ebay with a pic of them all laid out. You'll make more selling seperately but it'll be a mare and you won;t sell everything so will prob make the same money but just be left with a load of cd's no one wants.
    It took me one nights work. 6 listings over a couple of weeks and I made over £700. Job done

    Free Member

    How the hell can you remember me??

    I can think of a reason 😉 helllloo foxy!

    Free Member

    Ok update:
    He now wants to wait until he receives the frame and then pay the money in to my account. Alarm bells ringing, I've given him a tracking number…

    Free Member

    Panicked residents shout, "He's got a gun," but others continue to lob snowballs his way.


    Free Member

    Peterpoddy – thats a tough one… so I have to leave him positive feedback so that I can call him a complete tool!

    Free Member

    Better, really….
    At least before both parties could put there point across

    So in theory I could have a nosey on the bay look for some goods that don't offer some kind of tracked post and then buy and claim my money back. Wicked loads of free stuff on there then…

    Free Member

    Fubar – so you can't leave any neg or Neu? now that is FUBAR!!!

    So buyers can be complete coks and sellers get no way of knowing which ones they are.

    Ok its official I hate Egay

    Free Member

    For some unknown reason I find myself wanting to own a pair of Lange ski boots…

    Resi Stiegler

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