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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    I find this somewhat unsettling. On a more tangible example, would he be still be jailed for not telling the fuzz where his safe key is? Same situation really as could have pictures etc in a safe.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t think of anything worse. I went through this phase when I first joined facebook and suddenly had 130 friends.
    They started to arrange a reunion but I had Cull one morning whilst bored as work and de-friended about 129 of them.

    Was interesting to get a brief outline of where people had ended up but couldn’t spend a night in a room with them all.

    Free Member

    Surf mats approach does work but obviously not in every circumstance.

    My Brother rented a house in a quaint village. He paid under £250pm for a detached 4 bed with big gardens. He was given free rule of the house to do any improvements decoration etc with a slight nod of the landlord (an old local farmer who had about 15 properties in the village and the next one).

    He was extremly lucky to find himself in a situation where the landlord wasn’t fussed about making a tidy profit. He just wanted tenants that kept his houses warm without him having to do too much.

    When he 1st moved in he put central heating in to the building and didn’t pay rent for the 1st 18 months to offset what he was paying on improvements etc.

    Lived there for 15 years and has just bought his own place out right after banging a big ass extension on it as well

    Free Member

    Smells tend to be hightened in warmer tempretures. Check for a body under the floor boards. While your doing it you can replace your rotten boards.

    Free Member

    Why power? Safer over taking is a huge bonus. Coming from someone who know’s **** all about bikes 😉

    But realistically why do we need anything in life? You could say the same for nearly every car on the road.

    By the way what MTB do you ride? I’m guessing its a fully rigid single speed. After all thats all you need….

    Free Member

    CBT booked!! Think as most of you have suggested I’ll get straight on to the direct access and aim to get something more suitable for my size to get some experience on.
    Hopefully by the time I’m ready to actually buy a bike I should have a bit more of a clue.

    Like the look of the sv650 but not sure if it would feel a bit cramped with my size.
    How do you all rate the FZS 600 Fazer? Like the look of it but like Hel’s i’m basing ths on the fact that it looks smart. No idea how suitable it would be

    Free Member

    I have a fair few photo’s in different albums that I could never see the point in sorting or throwing.

    Just about all the pics I have are digital and on the computer. Never felt the need to hide or delete them. Every so often when the kids are watching random slideshows on media centre an ex will pop up on the screen. Really should move them to a different folder 😆

    Have my wedding ring in a box with a load of cuff links in at work. Every now and then I try it on to see if my fingers are getting fat…

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the info guys. Def up for this and the over whelming positive posts from everyone just seals it.

    Think the best route will be to do the CBT and then look at doing lessons straight away and getting the direct access sorted. It makes sense to do that and get a bigger bike more suited to my stacture.

    All the info above is great but looks like i'll be doing a lot of reading up to get a better perspective of everything.

    If anyone can recommend any tutors / schools in the Stockport / Manchester area that'd be grand. Also any advice on good books etc

    Keep the Pics coming, they're getting me all giddy 😀

    Free Member

    Lol @ stu. Quiet possibly but I'd maybe prefer that than spend the next 20 years thinking what if.

    Ok sounds like a plan. Excuse my ignorance but do I need to buy a bike to take lessons on or do they provide them? I was assuming I'd need to buy a 125cc to get through my test?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    46 arrrgggh there goes the afternoon

    Free Member

    I love my kids but I also need time for me. I also need time with the other half for us.

    It's healthy to have a break from the kids and its got to benefit them as well. It will make for a more confident child than if they've never spent a moment apart from you.

    Obviously its about balance. I wouldn't have a huge break from the kids when they were very young but I can't wait until they're a bit older and can explore more. All of my family are at a distance and my kids love spending time with them. It'll be great for my kids to spend time with them when their old enough to spend long weekends etc

    I haven't been snowboarding for 3 years now. I can't wait until the kids are old enough for them to come with me!! I also can't wait to get away with the lads on my own as well!

    No offense to Graham and his wife but everyone might want to remember they are both still fairly new to this markarkey being thier 1st child and all. Nobody became a a great parent overnight. Being a parent is a huge learning curve and all the people hammering Graham might want to remember what they were 1st like.

    I'm sure you'll make the right descison.

    PS I wonder what kind of tone the OP would have got on netmums 🙂

    Free Member

    All of the basic flaws I would highlight as lacking as a basic phone were completely obsolete after the first few updates when I first got my 3g many moons ago.

    I have no issue with it as a phone at all.

    What sort of battery life are you all getting? Its never been an issue for me. I have mine turned on 24 / 7 and it charges when I sleep (normally between 12/1am – 7am). I use the phone a lot and have never had the phone die on me once in 3 years.

    Oh, and for those with all the volume gripes why don't you just but it on silent by flicking that little switch on the side. Think of it as a mute button. Its all I ever do when playing games.

    Free Member

    Legally, probably after it is in the hands of the postal company (Including the letter box)
    Morally, as soon as you seal it.

    Free Member

    Your 11 up fella

    Free Member

    Yeh why not. I'd insist on making it naturally though.

    "Oh, sorry. Did I not tell you I've had the snip?"

    Free Member

    You like thst Drac, gotta keep ahead of them all

    ## slips away to put his tin foil hat on ##

    Free Member

    mmm just changed visable email to somehting a bit more secure. Had it as is before but never had a problem so far. I think!

    Free Member

    Do you? What's so wrong with keeping stuff like that a secret?

    Nothing wrong with keeping it a secret but the way he died is not something to be ashamed of and has been a huge part of my life so i'm sure it will come out at some point.

    If they ask and I feel they are old enough to take it in then I'll tell them. I'm not going to lie to my children and the fact that he was in his 40's when he died is bound to bring the whole "how did he die" question at some point. Apart from that its a matter of public record on his death certificate so something they could easily find out at any point when doing a family tree for instance. Something like this I would want them to hear from me and not find out they've been lied too.

    Free Member

    Yeh just saved £30 on a new Powermonkey Explorer though a handy code.

    Oh hang on a minute I wasn't going to buy one…. that means you've just cost me £35….. buggers

    Free Member

    Good skills MTG top savings!!

    Free Member

    Everyone has secrets….. everyone!
    I don't think this is generally a bad thing. When exactly is the right to broach events from a families past? In some ways there never is a good time?

    Midnighthour you mentioned this young girl was 12 years old when she accidentaly found about the truth. At what age would you have preferred her to find out about a family Murder/suicide? 12 years old is still young.
    Maybe the family were waiting untill she was older to tell her the news. I wouldn't really say it was decpicable for them to keep it from her at that age. Just out of interest how old was the brother who she had to keep it from? I'm assuming under 12yrs.

    At some stage I will have to tell my kids that their Grandad / my Dad took his own life. I've never really thought about it to be honest but after you mention this it does make me wonder when will the right time be. I certainly won't be making a big deal about it though and sitting them down for a chat. I imagine at some stage they'll start to ask questions. At that point I guess i'll decide for myself if I think they're old enough to take it all in. Who know's

    Free Member

    Wow I'm actually quite giddy!! Never really known what I wanted to do career wise but that is just so me. A quick google and looking at some of the rope access courses it looks preety straight forward to get into.
    If anyone has any experience about the industry and what its like in the current climate i'd love to know

    Free Member

    I wonder how you get in to this kind of work? Any ideas anyone? Teeto?

    Free Member

    Lmao at the commentary about the weather clouds.
    "If bad weather hits theres no quick way down"…. eh I think there is mate!!

    Would love to do a job like that, talk about freedom.

    Can you imagine what the winds like up there!!

    Free Member

    My mates told me about an old customer who use to tell his missues that everything bike related only cost 20% of the actual cost.
    He came in to the shop a few years after getting a bolloking for spending "£50" on a new pair of forks 😆

    Free Member

    Molgrips is spot on that they kids are people and will all react differently.

    We were skint growing up, I started working at 12 and have never been out of work since other than a two week period.
    It hasn't taught me to be good with money in the slightest. If I want something I get it. simples.
    Fair enough I work hard for it but I'm a spolit git, albeit a hard working one

    Free Member

    Stato – I tend to go for paperless billing with most things so it never bothered me, I just rang up periodically to get balaances.
    Basic maths only tends to work when you have the correct starting figure.

    Thisisnotaspoon – When I got the loan it was all automated. Ie THEY start taking money when you earn over the threshold, THEY inform your company through the Revenue system and THEY inform payroll when to stop. I've just been told to provide them with wage slips and last years P60 so I can prove i've over paid. Only then will THEY send a stopping letter to my company that will finish the payments.

    It's not like STW to lynch the OP 😆

    Free Member

    Yeh they've got my address as its all tied in with your Tax.

    Your address & phone number is also part of the security procedure they go through before they speak to you

    Free Member

    how is this the government's fault?


    HM Revenue & Customs has taken payments from me since April 2009 without forwarding any of them on to the student loans company.

    Is HM Revenue & Customs no longer a department of the British Government?

    Free Member

    Yeh yeh. As said I am quiet pleased about the prospect of a rebate.

    Do you not think its kinda sad though that its accepted that they WILL screw up so its my its my responsibility for double checking other peoples competancy.

    Maybe if I received more than one annual statement in 12 years or was given the correct balance when I contated them last year i'd take more responsibility.

    Free Member

    They did with mine anyway.

    Oh, not the only one then.
    They couldn't manage to actually get the loans to the students last year for weeks & weeks so God knows why I expected them to be on the ball with repayments.

    Free Member

    Yeh exactly Vinny, any chance to screw you eh?

    You'd think that payments you made in April 2009 might have got to them by now though!

    Free Member

    Yeh yeh knew that was coming lol

    I'll hold my hands up to it but I have been paying it for about 12 years so its always just been one of those things that goes on and on. I have checked it periodically but when I checked last year there was still a fair amount to pay. Obviously that means the last balance I got didn't take into account the previous tax years payments I'd already made.

    You are right though. I should except full responsibilty for it. Afterall I really shouldn't expect the inland revenue or Student loan company to do there job correctly.

    Free Member

    lmao post hoc stance. Noticed you haven't managed to show where I knowingly intended to flaunt the ban yet.

    And the only reason I posted again is to defend someone who has already made his intentions clear but continues to be bullied.

    Nice to know how you treat new forum members

    Free Member

    seriously this place bores me sometimes.
    Why are you trying to stoke the fire Junkyard?
    You can misread other peoples words how ever you want. The poster of that quote has already confirmed that is not what he meant so why are you using a quote out of context to jump on your soapbox?

    By all means highlight the ban as it is important but why do some people feel the need to argue for no reason? Its like being in a room of hormonal women

    Free Member

    Or maybe a logical step would be to start a thread on a chat forum of a popular mountain bike website to gain advice from like minded individuals. The kind of useful advice that has been provided by people on this very thread.

    Are you honestly trying to defend your obnoxious behaviour on the basis that I am a **** and moron for not fully researched an area before ever bringing it to the forum?
    I now see that trying to have an intelligent argument is beyond you. I shall therefore resort to your level.
    You sir are the king of the ****.
    Thanks to everyone who provided useful information and an enthusiastic response. I won't be reading anymore of this thread though.

    Free Member

    Nice quotes to affirm your argument Zokes.
    Would you now like to provide a quote after it was established that the Pyg track was a footpath?

    No thats right there arn't any are there?

    And where exactly does futuresorange state he's going to ignore the ban?
    The only comment he makes was that it would be interesting. I took that to mean it was going to be an early or late ascent, but i'm not stood on my soapbox waiting to strike.

    Again can you highlight any points that justify your offensive comments?

    And if you hadn't noticed I started this thread highlighting the ban and being able to ride from October onwards so why exactly am I a **** & moron?

    Free Member

    Not trusting but I tend to make my own decision based on the facts available to me. Highlighting a fictional tv series primarily based around aliens doesn't really strengthen your argument. I don't for one minute totally believe any sort of official statement but I'm also not going to believe any other theories that don't have evidence to back them up

    Edit: lol you were joking about the files I see…

    Free Member

    I guess thanks to the internet, I still get to hear those ****…

    Still haven't heard any mention of disrespect for the ban or anyones plans to flaunt them. Which **** do you speak of?

    Please highlight where your offensive comments are justified

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