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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    as far as I am concerned they have been rude and disrespe3ctful towards me by their actions – so have forfeited their right to respect and politeness back.


    Yeah, well maybe your face is offensive to others; how would you like it if you got punched in the face in the street, because someone’s offended by your looks? Eh?

    Singletrack logic at its best eh.

    I treat people who randomly ring up with respect. Some are polite, some are just plain rude. Thats at work.
    At home they just get hung up on straight away. I have a young family and theres always something on the go. Why these people think I should just stop what ever it is i’m doing and give them 20 minutes of my time is beyond me.

    I can see why people get irrate though, the sheer number of these calls is ridculous.

    Free Member

    google is your friend…

    Edit: beat to it by thepurist!

    Free Member

    Ohh and Kate Mara…..MMmmmmm

    Free Member

    Read the book many moons ago and really enjoyed it. Fantastic story and always wanted it to be made into a movie but honestly thought it never would. I didn’t think it would have translated well on to the big screen but from the clip it looks impressive. If anyone can hit the right tone its got to be Danny Boyle.
    Can’t wait for it now. Not out until 7th Jan in the UK so might have to dig the book out again before then!

    Free Member

    OK I’ll spell it out for you two yr olds. The car parking across her driveway is not preventing her from doing anything other than having a short walk to the car. It’s not preventing her going to any clubs or whatever.

    Ok so my Gran, struggling with her breathing difficulties, has to walk 60foot to my car when I pick her up. She does have her own drive put someones parked in front of it, blocking access. I park as near as I can but its a fair walk for her. She stops every 10 feet and clings to me for support whilst trying to regain her breath. It takes us about 10 minutes to get her to the car by whch point she’s exausted. She’s already worried about having to do it again when I drop her off and its making her anxious. Not quite the Sunday aftrenoon out we both had planned.
    To be fair its not the drivers fault. I’m sure he’s a thoroughly nice bloke. Its probably my Grans fault for wanting to retain some form of dignity and independance. She should just except she should be wheel chair bound and stop trying to walk

    Free Member

    Dear TSY,

    It is clear that this girls feelings for you are clearly clouded by the pent up lust and passion she feels inside. May I suggest I pay her a visit to relieve any frustraions she and her friend may have. This will leave her mind clear to accept your chivralous advances.

    Sexual Deviant Deidre

    Free Member

    Did anyone hear something?

    Free Member

    mmm why can I not get the image of that bird with 3 breasts from Total Recall out of my head.

    If Things got so bad for me here on Earth then I’d probably consider it. To be fair if I got to that point I’d probably be a danger to the other voluteers and thus get turned down.
    Catch 22 eh

    Free Member

    Goon on ya Hora. Sometimes this place gives me the impression that there are lot of muppets on here. Things like this remind you its all just banter at the end of the day and were all just on big happy family!

    On the collection front Does anyone know the famiies situation? A few people mentioned he had a young family. The charity route is a realy good option but to be honest if they are struggling financially a pot of money could take away some very unwanted pressure at this time. I mean the siuation is horrific but the prospect of not being able to pay a mortgage or realising Xmas is only 8 weeks away is a pressure they clearly don’t need at the moment. Supporting charities is someones name is a good thing but direct support for there family might be even more helpful.

    Free Member

    Rip fella. Top bloke who was clearly held in high regard.
    This all brings back sad memories.
    As previously mentioned if we can sort out a collection I’m sure nearly everyone on here would contribute. Things are going to be difficult for the family. I’m sure we can help in some way.

    Free Member

    I also count my nose several times a day.

    Have you ever been surprised by the outcome?

    Free Member

    Have any of you tried to just stop. Just walk away and leave it? What happens?

    Surely the world was expole?….. no wait your head!

    Free Member

    EDIT: Actually, the symmetry thing and the yoghurt / shelf thing are a bit mad

    But surely things need to be grouped together more for ease than anything. Nothing more anoying than having to move 2 – 3 yoghurts everytime you want something out of the fridge. Then she’s surprised when some of them have gone out of date because she’s not noticed.
    AArrrrgghhhh!!! they should go in date order don’t you know!!!!

    Free Member

    Mmm yeh lots! Im always doing the aligning thing, it doesn’t really upset me but I do have to straighten it up. Things also have to be centralised and symmetrical.
    On the bike it really bothers me if things dont match. Cables have to be fairly short and all have to stick forward by the same amount. Bolts cant be different colours etc. I’ve made specific trips to engineering suppliers before to buy bolts to replace bolts that are fine…. Just the wrong colour.
    As above notes in a wallet have to be the right way round.
    I even went through a phase of arranging the wardrobe by colour, rainbow stylee.
    Don’t get me started on the fridge. I could strangle the missus after she’s put the shopping away. I mean what kind of freak puts yohguts on every shelf!!
    I abandoned the alarm clock in favour of my phone. If there’s a clock in front of me it’s just wrong to get up on a weird number

    Free Member

    And paralysing the country is more important than providing an explanation (that still isn’t going to bring the loved one back) to the bereaved.

    No but the investigation might take a dangerous driver off the road that could otherwise go on to kill again… maybe someone in your family

    Free Member

    Jeremy- there’s a difference between fast driving and unsafe driving…

    Theres also a difference between driving legally and illegally.

    Not sure how zero tolerance could be easily enforced in all situations due to man power. zero tolerance in an enviroment that can be easily controlled (out side a school as children are coming and going) I definately support. You probably won’t stop a numpty using his mobile phone whilst driving but if it at least stops them doing it in high risk areas its got to be a good thing

    Free Member

    If I was presenting an award for Best White Mountainbiker, who would be being treated unfairly?

    If they actually had an award that excluded certain skin colours this might be relevant. They don’t, so it isn’t

    Free Member

    Probably in the same place as me zippy.

    Free Member

    Headphones on. Pedal. Hard.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Do we know when Yonni Barrios is coming out?

    It will be interesting to see the reaction he gets from the Wife!

    Free Member

    So what would you do first when you got home from being trapped down a mine for 10 weeks ? Showering perhaps ??

    If I was that bloke I’d be going double up on Wife & Girlfriend…. although as his sister seems to be spokesperson it may be a delicate 1st assignment for her.

    Free Member

    The most painful part was when the firemen cut one of the handlebars off the bike. It was still stuck in my leg at the time, so really hurt

    Am I the only one thinking the Firefighters got the angle grinder out instead of the allen key?

    Free Member

    Give Lee (07973933215) a buzz. He’e based just down the road from you in Hazel Grove. Decent guy and when you pay him cash he’ll spend it on bike bits so the cycle continues….

    Free Member

    no sign of a chute

    Do you mean that thing strapped to his back?

    Free Member

    Having changed frames nearly every 3-4 months for the last 3 years I’m now on a Kinesis XCPro3 pretty racey but descends brilliantly.
    Been riding it for prob 6 months now and the only temptation to change is it to get the KM810 (Full Carbon version but exactly the same bike)

    Free Member

    Is this what it would have been like if the fella started talking to the audience in that film “The Truman Show”?

    Free Member

    People have the right to spend there money where they want. Times are tight and people will generally go for the best financially viable option. This option takes into account time, price, fitting and convenience.

    Online suppliers are a good thing and offer another option to people. I can’t see a GOOD LBS going out of business unless it through bad service and poor reputation.

    Free Member

    Lmao @ Jimmy – genius

    Free Member

    Yep £340 a month here for two days a week.

    I did try and float the idea of having a young swedish Au Pair come and live with us as I reckoned having the extra help around the house and baby sitting would be awesome.
    Can’t see it costing a shed load more than we were paying before the eldest started pre-school…. unless she charged for extra’s of course.
    Alas the missus was having none of it. Spoil sport.

    Free Member

    By posting my pic I was encouraging people to laugh at themselves!

    Bugger did I miss that one!

    Free Member

    Who tf takes pictures of themselves doing press-ups?!

    Awesome people? 😉

    Free Member

    Oh go on then girls….

    …. and thats all your getting!

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    No need for it really, is there?
    *Thread reported to mods

    *Post reported to fun police

    Free Member

    Hels what sort of freaky ass company do you work for that has its own taxidermy department?!

    Free Member

    I take it you’ve already used the words Pussy Galore

    Free Member

    So am I right in assuming that when you ladies have had you fill you’ll be rewarding us with a suitably appropriate thread in return?

    Free Member

    Don’t worry Callous it was on the last page. Posted nicely between a Bible and a cleaveland Steamer…. Standards upheld 😉

    Free Member

    If you don’t know what she’s into then a night out on you is a safe bet.
    Your treating her for her B Day and getting a night out for yourself as well.

    Everyones a winner

    Free Member

    LMAO someone sent me the link, apparantly going to be aroung £16 – £18 a pair.

    How’s much does a pair of rolled up socks cost ffs.

    Oh yeh and confidence enhancing? Tell that to lil nob when he’s being served by some attractive student paying for them!

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