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  • Hope WMN Enduro Photo Gallery
  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    RIP to a truly great man.

    For those that haven’t seen the series its going for a bargain on play at the mo


    Free Member

    Good film, Read the book and enjoyed it. Boyle did a good job of balancing the actual story with “Hollywoodness” there is a few scenes that are inserted for cinema effect that didn’t happen but the main proportion of the film and the important points are kept true.
    The main character is a bit annoying but he is in real life by his own admission, so only a reflection of this really.

    Its not gruesome at all, maybe slightly more than you might see in an episode of casualty but certainly not as much as you’d expect. If people are passing out theres some light weights out there.

    I’m just glad we haven’t had the usual comments of “He’s a c%%k, he didn’t leave a note or tell anyone”…. yet

    Free Member

    Jeez were definately over spending then. Need to log what we spend for the next month to see an accurate figure. At the mo I’m guessing it’s around the £1k per month including toiletries. It could easily be more though.
    That is a vegetarian house hold with the OH doing all the shopping and cooking. She tends to favour the organic produce but doesn’t waste hardly anything at all. All food bought gets used one way or the other. Not convenience food either 90% of food Is made from scratch.

    Free Member

    respond well to stroking and fondling

    Don’t we all

    Free Member

    If he now has one surely he can just say he through the old one out when it expired and was replaced with the current one.

    Not sure what right the EX-tennat has to ask to see paperwork anyways if he is no longer living there

    Free Member

    Check where it exits the house. Mine froze up as the drips and slowly built up in to a massive tube of ice. I went out with the extension lead, hair dryer and loads of other gubbins. I gave it a kick to get the worst of and whoosh….. problem solved 🙂

    I’ve had the same problem with the overflow for the combi boiler. I have to go out everyday and snap a tube of ice of and then hammer the plastic pipe to dislodge any ice built up inside. daily chore now!

    Free Member

    mmm don’t fancy the keylogger route to be honest. Once you open that can of worms were do you stop? Her phone contract is actually in my name after transferring her number to one of my accounts a few years ago so if I wanted to I could prob check her call / text history.
    I don’t really feel the need though. I still trust her and if I start to question that theres not going to be much left.

    Free Member

    Yep that’ll be that contempt I mentioned. I know what your saying and I do need to look forward but when you’ve been banging your head against a wall for so long it still smarts for a bit afterwards.

    I don’t doubt they’ll be things I need to change. My currant attitude is one borne out of frustration and hurt. I need to change this for my sake as much as ours.

    Free Member

    psling. yeh most of the above. Lots of contributing factors but because she won’t talk none of these factors ever gets resolved, they just build up.
    We don’t really have much of a support network around us as relatives live at a distance. Money is a bit tight but its not that bad to be honest. Certainly in a better position than a lot of others.
    The sessions are £80 a pop and if your looking at multiple sessions then costs will mount up. To be honest I see it as £800 to make or break the relationship. Whatever the result £800 will be a drop in the ocean.
    I’ll go in to it open minded with a positive attitude, if she goes it’ll be a start. If it doesn’t work out at least I’ll know I did everything I could to make things work for our family.

    Free Member

    I even resorted to texting at one point so she could take it in and repond when she way ready without the face to face if that made it easier. After pouring my heart out basically saying how things are going to end up unless we get help…….
    5 hours later I get a text back…….
    “Can you bring some Milk in on your way home”

    She actually managed to talk a bit last night when I broached things. She basically admitted to not being happy but says she does want to work things out despite not really being confident that we can make things work.
    She’s agreed relate is what we need but is already pessimistic about the situation because of the cost involved with the sessions.
    All said we’ve been here before though so well just have to see. I think at this point i need to take control of the situation and as said go on my own if needs be. Ah well time will tell

    Free Member

    To be honest I don’t think she’s playing games. More likely it’s an emotional thing. It’s not like it’s intense 24/7. Generally we plod along relatively happy. I always have in the back of mind how she reacts though so for the most I simply don’t broach things. But when I do try to talk the shutters come down.
    I know we have problems in other parts of the relationship but if we can’t actually talk we never get over any of these hurdles. They just stack up one after the other until it gets to the point were you can’t see the light anymore.

    The biggest problem is communication. Without that I can’t see how anything else can be resolved. I’ve tried so many angles and she actually admitted that she doesn’t like to talk about the issue then and there. Ok I thought despite it being against my rational and without compromise I’ll do things her way. That’s where we are now. She blanks off, I leave her to come round when she’s ready to talk. That time never comes

    Free Member

    Ernie I think you have the wrong end of the stick. Were not talking for hours. Were not talking fullstop. As soon as a discussion goes a way she doesn’t agree with she shuts down. You can’t compromise on a matter if one person refuses to talk.
    Your right communcation is vital. At the moment it’s at nil. I’d accept anything more than that

    Free Member

    Ernie I don’t doubt that i’m trying to hard, but i’m trying for us both at the moment. I’ve tried to not force issues with her but then they just get ignored. Thats were the resentment has come from.

    Its hard to come across loving, cheerful, happy and fun when your feeling so low yourself.

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone. I’ll definately do the relate route, even if it is just me. To be honest though i’m deflated now and not sure how much fight I have left in me. It feels like i’ve been making excuses for her behaviour for that long that I don’t know where to draw the line now.

    I don’t doubt for a second that i’ve probably got a hand in whatever issues she has but without talking about it I don’t know what else to do. I’m certainly not perfect but there only seems to one of us trying.

    To be honest i’m quite surprised about the way you reacted to the “Milk” text. I think i’ve given her so much leeway, because of her inabilty to communicate, that i’ve lost perspective. At the time I was mad but didn’t even mention this to her because I felt I was partly wrong to text her in the first place. I guess when you try to talk someone who won’t respond you ultimately start to question your own actions

    Free Member

    Maybe she wants to end it but has no balls

    This is basically what has been on my mind. I actually set my self a time limit that if we weren’t on track within 6 months i’d walk. I think that was about 10 months ago now.

    I’m not liking the person I’m becoming because of all this. Resentment is buildinig confidence is “Plumpeting” and I know the kids will start to take in my behaviour at some point.

    Free Member

    Lol at Steve-G. Not quite what I meant but I think I like my version better

    Free Member

    Thisisnotaspoon… feeling for you fella. Torturous.

    2 young children. Nearly 4 & 2. The prospect of not waking up with them everyday is the only thing keeping me from throwing in the towel now.

    Free Member

    I even resorted to texting at one point so she could take it in and repond when she way ready without the face to face if that made it easier. After pouring my heart out basically saying how things are going to end up unless we get help…….

    5 hours later I get a text back…….

    “Can you bring some Milk in on your way home”

    Free Member

    To be honest I think it’ll do me good to do the relate thing even if she doesn’t go. I’m feeling like a shadow of my former self. I now find myself not wanting to broach simple things because of the reaction I know will come. I’ve tried every which way but nothing seems to work. I can undestand about you saying I might be intimidating to her, but I can’t see how to broach things differently. Originally if we fell out I would want to discuss then and there and clear the air. I now let her take time to come to me and discuss it in her own time, but as mentioned before she just blanks me for a few days and then pretends that nothing happened.

    Free Member

    Unless the person took her own life because of the a poltergeist that terrorized the house I wouldn’t be to worried

    Free Member

    Never thought of doing that before, a quick google and it turns out my last ex trekked up Machu Picchu for charity after I dumped her.

    Good for her, she always wanted to do that.

    Free Member

    I saw a Ryan Leach video at Bannf film festival a few years back. Think it was a spoiler for the Kranked dvd. He certainly has skills

    Free Member

    Bit late

    Yeh don’t know what rock i’ve been hiding..

    Free Member

    Her arms were bitten off

    Jeez sounds pretty horrific!

    Free Member

    Wow that picasa is cool. Just downloaded and had a lil play.

    Quick question on that front. Does it id tag the picture with face details etc or just within the programme?

    For instance if I had a folder of pics that I organized at work and then copy and pasted them to a portable to take home would I have to re-tag every one etc?

    Free Member

    The knives are probably rubbish though!

    Free Member

    Gary your on the money about my level. I need to get my head around the 3 points of exposure.

    To let me explore a bit my bro’s leant me a few lenses so i’ve got the following to play with.

    Canon 70 – 200 1:4 USM
    Sigma 28 – 70 1:2.8
    Tamron 70 – 300 1:4-5.6 tele macro

    and of course the 19-55 IS kit lens the camera came with

    Free Member

    I’ll be celebrating it as usual. Kids still very little so should be fun.
    I’m on call though so if my days naff then somebosy else is having a lot naffer.

    Free Member

    mmm I’ve got a fair bit of wood kicking about sounds like a project for the weekend.
    Any tips on how big / small they should be and how high off the ground etc..

    Free Member

    The two pictures I have that my Dad took, had mounted and framed. Includes the negatives in the mount and carries his signature. Truly the only thins I have of my Dad other than a handful of pictures of him.
    If everything else I possessed burnt down with the house I couldn’t say i’d be to arsed….. unless the insurance didn’t pay out!!

    Free Member

    Oh oooh nearly forgot Weekend at Bernie’s

    Free Member

    Aaah come on guys…

    Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    yeh start to finish. So for instance a 4o min workout will be 40 mins long and will show the timer ticking away on the screen and then words will come to give instryuctions at the appropriate points of the workout.

    I’m just thinking it would be cool to make a few of these and the be able to just play them on the laptop or iphone or whatever without having to watch a timer and remember what i’m doing and when

    Free Member

    Pacemakers are miraculously transformed into a bomb if not removed from the body prior to cremation.

    Free Member

    Ok to answer my own question try Adrian Flux. Got a quote for £320.18 through Legal & General.

    Happy Days. 2 hours of annoying work and nearly £700 saved 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve ran a media centre for the last 7 years. Never had a TV or video, sky etc in all that time. I would never change it.

    I’m going to sort an upgrade soon and have a server in the attic so I can run a laptop in the bedroom etc but for the last 7 years I’ve had the main PC under the Monitor.

    Silverstone do some lovely cases. My currant one, although quite old now, holds 3 x sata Hdds, dual graphics cards and up to 5 pci cards. As much expandability as any normal desktop pc but in a lovely case the same size as a regular amp

    Free Member

    DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!!!

    I feel pretty much the same, I like and enjoy my job but have now lost the motivation and need a knew challenge. In your shoe’s id sack the job today. No sabbatical, just do one. If you have a friend who’s willing to pay you money then what more do you actually need?

    You may never get the chance to do this again.

    I’m currently plodding along waiting for both the kids to be old enough to be at school. Then when the childminding fee’s have gone and the OH can work more I’ll be able to look at a career change.

    It won’t be on a boat the otherside of the world though 🙁

    Free Member

    Can I chat on here during the 2 minute silence?

    Depends if you want to spend the 2 minutes remembering those who helped to give the life you now have or occupy your mind with who has the worst neighbours….

    Free Member

    Ok ok to clarify the question.

    Sex life was good. Kids came. Sex life not so good.
    Man still wants and needs. Woman is disintersted and unmotivated.

    Both see it as a problem in relationship but woman not wanting to make the effort of counselling etc as she actually getting what she wants at the moment. The Man has given more and more leeway, stepped back, taken pressure away etc etc but to no avail.

    So does the man wait for eternity in the vain hope that one day she may make an effort or jump ship on an otherwise good relationship?

    (Yes, I know the irony of calling this a good relationship)

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