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  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    Personally I wouldn’t want my 4 year old Son being taken half way round the world to somewhere like Vegas so he can go to a cousin’s wedding.

    I wouldn’t want my SIL’s husband taking my son to see the grand canyon either.

    Tell her your concerned about a 4 year old in vegas and keep the nipper home and do Father / Son stuff for a week. Your son will get more out of that than seeing a big canyon and drunk americans.

    Free Member

    I can see te OP’s point. I have two sis-in-law’s. I treat them as the rest of family and would never see them left out of something. I certainly wouldn’t put them in a position were the family had to be split (assuming they know your financial position).

    It is a nice gesture for them to offer to pay but if it was me making the offer I would offer to pay for the whole family or wouldn’t offer at all.

    I wouldn’t want to miss out being involved with my childs 1st holiday aborad / flying etc

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Very! 40 mile road ride was interesting tonight. Blown on to the other side of the road twice on the cat & fiddle, thankfully was hardly any cars about

    Free Member

    Despite how a few want to take this thread the OP was done with good intention.

    If it makes a few think twice when passing a car with a child left inside then its a good thing.

    Besides, the OP has made all the prerequisites of a STW post. Thus allowing the usual suspects to come and have a rant. All is right in the world.

    Free Member

    Unconfirmed information from unknown source. No new information here……..

    Free Member

    Was in a local park once when I saw someone do this. Was about to go and have a word when some randomer walks past me picks the said poo out of the tree, wrips the top of the bag and then proceeds to smear it over the dog walkers back and then gives him a mouthful.

    I was still tittering when the bloke walked past me and had a brief chat. Apparantly the culprit was a regular renowned for doing it and this bloke (another dog walker) had enough one day when he saw about 12 bags hanging from the same tree.
    “It was the last straw, I vowed the next time I saw him he was taking it home with him one way or other”!
    Quality stuff, I did enjoy the entertainment.

    Free Member

    Some cats do have a death wish. One walked out in front of me cool as a cucumber the other day when I was doing about 30. Emergancy stop screeched to a halt 6 foot in front of it and he just sat down and licked its nads. Beeping the horn only made him momentarily look up before continuing the job at hand (Tounge).
    In the end I had to get out and nearly boot it just to get it to move out of the road.

    Free Member

    Funeral Directing is an awesome career and I have and do love it but the challenge has gone and I don’t find it motivating any more so time to freshen things up. Runni g my own business wouldn’t really give me any new challenges as the business I manage now I pretty much run the lot anyway. Starting up on my own would just mean being on call 24 / 7 instead of the 1 week in 3 which is painful enough now!

    Good call on the specials. Hadn’t really thought about that.

    1111 – What sort of hours do you have to put in? It could be difficult juggling the full time job / being in call / family etc….

    Free Member

    Molgrips thats awesome!!! Maybe I should build one of those. It might look a bit big though with a 42″ plasma incorporated into it

    Free Member

    No fear its got loads of ventilation. the components are on a floating board with fresh air being drawn from underneath and then thrown at the comp with a 22cm fan. Three 8cm fans built into the top at the rear to blow out the hot stuff. Its a media centre PC so this box that the TV sits on replaces the need for Bluray player / sky box / stereo etc. Just going for the minimilist look. One surge protector feeds into the rear and all cables and leads etc are sectioned off in the chest. The only cables that comes out is the HDMI for the plasma and the audio cables for speakers.

    The comp will be fully hidden as it’ll just look a bit like this with a plasma sat on top…×235.jpg

    Free Member

    I know Mols. I had a bit of pine board lying around so have made the chest at a toal cost of about £4. I’ll use this as a test run and make it out of some nice oak when I have the chance. Doesn’t look half bad now its been waxed and the dollars saved justified my adding a new graphics card into the build 😛

    Free Member

    niceone guys, sorted with a slimline. Not fussed about a bezel kit as it’ll be going into a custom box (A pine chest)

    Free Member

    ahh slot loading! The words were on the tip of my tounge. I’ll have a nosey now cheers peeps

    Free Member

    So when did this chance encounter with Keith Chegwin happen?

    Free Member

    Are you still paying the mortgage on the house she lives in? If so this is likely to be above and beyond the amount of maitenance.

    Could you not inform her you will stop paying the mortgage and only give her what she is legally entitled to unless she agrees to mediation?
    It may sound like blackmail but realistically if she refuses to dicuss things like adults then you’ll need every penny you can to go down the court route.

    It might give her the kick in the ass she needs.

    Free Member

    depends on the back log of work to be honest. How long did they say it would take when you dropped it off?
    If they’re taking the mick collect it and take your custom else where…

    Free Member

    thinking about why does the media remotes even use IR and receivers? modern keyboards & mice use freq with a good range and don’t need line of sight. You think with the the abudance of media centre stuff these days they’d be a appropriate remote……
    #waits for someone to send me a link to just the thing#

    Free Member

    For full access and ease of use a hdmi cable will work fine. Drop a remote receiver with the hdmi and stick it to the rear of the tv. USB extender if the cables not long enough on the receiver

    Free Member

    I take it your wanting to play media on a 2nd tv not the usual one you use. How far away is the 2nd tv?

    Free Member

    What’s the crack with the FBI’s top ten? There’s a bloke on there wanted for murdering an armoured car guard in 2004. Knowing how messed up the states is I can’t believe no one’s gone one better in the last seven years to get him out the charts.

    Free Member

    I think people are being a bit harsh here and TJ you are right… you are very black and white, some situations are not.

    I’ve been here myself of late and know exactly where the OP is coming from. His self proclamimed sudonym of “Desperategit” is quite approipraite as he is desperate. Acting in desperation will make you do some strange things.
    Its not just sex. Its closeness, intimacy, to feel wanted and loved. If you haven’t got that then it not a healty relationship that will last.

    TO the OP I was in the same boat. I had the same thoughts, I could have it on the side and the family will stay together. Everyone will be happy. But you are kidding yourself. I never went down this path but I had thought about it many times. I eventually realised that we either work it out or split. We went to a counsellor (We still are) and things are looking better. Its early days but its things are looking positive and its the best its been for 2 years. You both have to realise its an issue and both have to want to work at it or it’ll be a lost case.

    Good luck, just be honest with yourself and those around you and things will work themselves out. One way or the other.

    The wife changed the dynamics of the relationships when she decided she wanted no sex life (I’m assuming this wasn’t always the case). If you are now incompatible and want different things then maybe a split is for the best but you ned to talk and find out what you both want and need from the relationship.

    To all the haters… If you met your SO when you both had a passion for cycling would you you never cycle again if she suddenly decided she didn’t want to ride anymore? No riding with anyone else ever again or riding together…. Oh she will let you ride on the turbo trainer in the backroom behind closed doors if you clear your own mess up afterwards and pretend it never happened….

    Free Member

    For some reason I thought it was on Monday so I seem to be doing a fairly good job of avoiding it already…

    Free Member

    poop example gonefishin…. there are millions of combinations on the lottery to simplfy it to win or lose isn’t really the same

    Crispo your basing it on the fact of just looking at the two doors.
    Think of it this way, the host has to show you 998 goats. Before he show’s you them either he has the car in the 999 doors he has or you do in your 1 door. What is more likely?

    Free Member

    all the pies, same principal but even more important to switch

    Your 1st choice had a 0.1% chance of being correct

    swapping gives you a 99.9% of winning.

    As Cougar said your swapping your 1 door for 999 doors but knowing which of those 999 doors are goats.

    Free Member

    Cougar. well put, good explanation

    Free Member

    This principil only works if the host knows where the car is and takes away one of the goat options.
    Basiclly you have a 66% chance of picking a goat in the first place. The host has to show you a goat so the remaining door has to be a car.
    This only doesn’t work if you picked the car in the first instance, but as you only had a 33% chance of doing that then the numbers are in your favour.

    Rustler, it makes a difference as the host knows and is showing you a goat. That is not random it is calulated.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You will die one day, that is inevitable. If it’s something that’s in your mind then turn it on it’s head and use it as a focus and motivation. Live your life, don’t hold back and enjoy every moment with your kids.
    No illnesses in my family but any one of us could get hit by a bus tomorrow!

    Free Member

    nope all Cat5e cables, can’t manually set the NICs to 100mps full as it just crashes the connection. The Neatgear switch is a GS608 which is full automatic and can’t be changed

    Free Member

    a 3.3gb folder was just stating an estimated 55mins…
    The network is annoying the hell out of me. The switch, printer, NAS and NICS should all be gb capable. The switch is reading gb for the Printer and NAS but not the NICs. On the computers the NIC connections are showing 10mps

    Free Member

    ok i’ve tried the above without success. The Switch is a netgear GS608 and is set to auto neg as standard and you can’t change that. It is a GB switch though so should cope with all speeds. Its seems to be working fine for the printer and NAS at full GB just not on the NIC’s (all the same motherboard).

    Any other suggestions??? setting the NIC to full 100 just crashes the connection.

    Free Member

    ok I’ve actually managed to get the motherboard to boot, reset the bios and where back in business.
    Now the REAL question….

    It needs upgrading, no doubt about that.
    The Missus thinks its kaput.

    Do we come clean or get that upgrade thats duly needed… ???

    Free Member

    Whats the crack with the software for students thing cougar?

    Just had a quick look and it let me register as a parent of my 4 year old daughter who’s at primary school!

    Free Member

    Cheers mboy. Haven’t reseached stuff for a while, i’ve always favoured amd and asus stuff just from experience really but happy to go with whatever.

    Free Member

    Wow it has been a while since I upgraded!! DDR3 is well cheap now and you can get a Radeon 6850 1gb for just over a ton….

    Free Member

    cheers guys i’ll have a play. I did try setting the nic to full dup 100 but it lcoked out. I’ll try half dup or play with the switch

    Free Member

    Not a cheap switch so thats not the issue, config on NIC has limited options. Thats on windows 7 / Vista drivers though. Drivers direct from Asus don’t want to load.

    Free Member

    Were seeing a counsellor now. Our problem is communication which led to a magnitude of problems. After 4 sessions things are looking positive. It’s a long road to recovery but this was a last ditch effort and for the moment seems to be paying off.

    Free Member

    I like the follow him option, found out where he lives start knocking on his door.

    Realisticly he might be unhinged so just try and be there when he comes around next. Open door camera in hand and take a picture as you open the door. Warn him off, tell him if he ever bothers your OH again then the picture will be going straight to the police / big burly friends (depending how your feeling)

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