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  • gravitysucks
    Free Member

    I’ve got one of these.

    Wow they’ve gone up in price! Got mine for sub £300.
    Bought mine for the same reason as you, wanted something that I could just wear and forget and not worry about taking it off for biking, climbing etc.

    Does what it says on the tin really, very hardy and weighs a ton, but in a good way. I like mine and don;t think its overally expensive for a decent watch. The plating has also improved over the years so more scratch resistant

    I’d def go have a look at the show rooms if your nearby.

    Free Member

    I think at this age the work the child would miss is pretty irrelevant.

    In my mind this has two issues.

    1. Your wife has started down a rocky road of keeping your kids off schoool on a whim.

    2. Your children will take this onboard and will not respect or understand the importance of being in school.

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone, will take it all on board.

    Was actually using this as an escape from the stress / shite at the mo.
    Bloody typical its just added to it! lol

    Free Member

    hit the sauna with two very attractive south African twins. Get board of sauna

    You Sir, are a plum

    Free Member

    Had this last year when I witnessed the aftermath of a RTA.

    Basically had to watch the poor woman die in front of me whilst we tried in vain to give first aid.

    If you need to talk to someone there will be support available.
    Asking th epolice for witness / victim support is probably a good place to start if they are already in contact with you.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys.
    The pains died down today but i’ll give myself a few days to mend and maybe start again at the weekend.

    I’ll have a look at those plans and stick to one. The 40 mins running didn’t bother me at all, wasn’t hard work and no discomfort whilst running…. it when I stopped it became apparant.

    I’ll have a look for some new running shoes and wear them around the house as mentioned.

    Can anyone recommend any places I can get fitted up arouns Stockport / Manchester way?

    Free Member

    Mmmm I thought as much. I don’t really do “easy”. I thought I was taking it easy!!!

    Free Member

    I don’t think a lot could be classed as NEED to be fair.

    I don’t see any double standards. I wouldn’t have a problem with public sector workers being rewarded in a similar fashion. My partner is a nurse in the NHS, I think people like her deserve more rewards than most.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry, you seemed to put a question mark at the end of that statement

    Free Member

    TJ – we have a Xmas do out of work time.
    We also have tea & coffee a available to us, maybe that should also be stamped out.

    Do you not think that these simple things help to motivate workers and keep team morale up?; which will likely lead to increased productivity so actually making more of a profit that the company could be taxed on….

    Free Member

    I find myself doing a lot of the above, my main ones are probably…

    – I can’t look into a mirror, when alone, without pulliong a scarey face and growling.

    – My sister in law and I always great each other with chicken noises (She’s 10 years older than me)

    – If I find and “Smart” biscuits or treats in the cupboard at night I tend to whoop and holla whilst jumping up and down.

    – Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil at work I always tap dance (I can’t tap dance)

    – I ALWAYS shout my kids and when they answer say “Stinks”. I’ve done this since before they could speak and would would wait until they looked at me before replying.
    I have had to adapt this a little though as they were getting wise to it. Now I occasionaly respond with “Love You”. This makes them smile and means they always respond, even though I say “Stnks” 95% of the time.

    Free Member

    crafty small one to judge potential consequences

    Never has your fourm name been more appropriate

    Free Member

    Lol thanks for making me smile Flange

    Free Member

    I’d like to point out that this is an open forum that greets and welcomes people from all walks of life all over the world.

    Many, Many different types of people frequent this forum and I think the Mods do an amazing job of swimming against the tide. You can’t stop it all and I think the mods do a much better job than many other forums out there on the tinterweb.

    Lets not lose the big picture here. The MAJORITY of the people on here are good people. Even some of the “Big Hitters” that annoy me at times have been the same ones that have been more than obliging when I have asked for help on onething or other.

    I think we all need to be slightly tollerant on here and accept that nothing is perfect (EDIT: Except TJ of course)

    Free Member

    I see this place as a pub. When I see a table of 16 year olds I don’t sit down and join them I go sit somewhere else. Same goes for here, I keep away from the mindless threads and don’t read the ones that bore me.

    I agree and sympathise with Sue’s situation but to be honest I find the “Big Hitters” much more of a problem. Using the same pub analogy its like chatting with your mates only for a couple of no it alls to come join in then take over the coversation before turning it into an argument.

    Free Member

    Personally I’d knock on doors until I found out whose car it was then ask them to come over/show them the damage and ask them pointblank about it.

    I would do this. Even if they point blank deny it at least they’ll know that you know it was them. Card marked and all that.

    Also knocking on other neighbours doors brings it to their attention as well. Shame them into it or at least let your neighbours know what a plonker they are.

    My money’s on it being a young driver to scared or stupid to do something about it. You might find yourself knocking on his mum’s door who will do the right thing.

    Nothing ventured and all that…

    Free Member

    What are your greatest weaknesses?

    Sheer sexual magnatism coupled with the inability to keep away from the boss’ wife……

    Free Member

    What are your greatest weaknesses?

    “I react to quickly!!”

    “errmm nno maybe thats wrong”

    “Maybe it’s indecisiveness!!??”

    ……. “actualy its probably thinking aloud”



    Free Member

    “Wait. When you get stuff dry cleaned, does it get wet?”

    Yes they do get wet. They are immersed and cleaned in a liquid solvent solution. the term “Dry Cleaning” just means the absence of water.

    Free Member

    Justified concern or not?

    I don;t think they’d read that far into it. We use the step method, if they continue to shout and holla on the step then they get sent to there rooms to sit on the bed. Only been sent to there bed a handful of times though. Our little girl was fine, our little boy quite frankly needs a good shoeing sometimes, but you bite your lip. I’m hoping he’ll grow out of it!!

    Free Member

    As look as its not neon anything tastful will be fine, no one will pay any attention

    Free Member

    Niceone Rondo.

    On the same wavelength is a girl I came across

    Some really interesting idea’s. Especially post edit stuff

    EDIT: Damn those puns

    Free Member

    Coffeeking – can’t seem to find you. You got a link?

    Free Member

    Lol just found another way to lose loads of time at work!!

    Oh just realised your getting a sneek peek at the monster forthcoming thread that will be…….
    ….. MY SHED BUILD!!!

    Free Member

    Cheers everyone i’ll sit down tonight and have a good nosey 🙂

    be kind (remember i’m only just started!)…. but i’m here[/url]
    not much up there yet but i’m going to start sorting the pics out soon and getting organised!

    love this one [/url]Will!! my thoughts on day 2 yesterday!!

    Free Member

    Niceone cheers Grum, just what i’m after. Wanting to try a bit of everything but obviously have an interest in the outdoors / sport etc

    Free Member

    Niceone cheers fella. I watched the men who jump of buildings a while ago when it was on but well worth another watch

    Free Member

    Doh – you remember what the documentaries were called?

    Free Member

    Awesome. Wonder if the SAS / specials ops do this sort of thing? Gotta be a good way of sneaking behind enemy lines. Not sure I could picture Rambo doing it though. Gotta be in a future bond film though

    Free Member

    Go fot it, then follow it up with a picolax stylee thread

    Free Member

    your soul

    Free Member

    Paypal won’t do a thing. He sent you money. Nothing to do with a transaction from there point of view.

    Free Member

    headphones are tricky – normally break ‘cos someone’s pulled a wire out by mishandling

    This. As you’ve alreay said he was delighted when he received them. Things finish there i’m afraid.

    Free Member

    How long did he have them before they developed a fault?

    If he’s been using them for a couple of weeks and they’ve been fine then i’d say its tough luck. If he wanted a guarantee he should have bought them new.
    I’m afraid its the risk you run of buying 2nd hand goods.

    Free Member

    prob just over a tea spoon full and whenever the fancy takes me

    Free Member

    sorted out the problem I was having with the home button intermittently not working.

    *keeps fingers crossed*

    Free Member

    worying about nothin, it might not even come to nothing so you’d look a bt daft getting your friends blessing only to find she wanted to catch up on some gossip.

    Just crack on, if things pan out cross that bridge when you come to it.

    Free Member

    At that age I use the “gone up in the sky” approach. As they get older they’ll become more inquisitive and ask more questions by which time they’ll be able to grasp more. This also helps when they lose their balloon. Mine now smile and says “the gran can play with it”.

    Unless of course you think at 4 they should know the / your truth. In which case you’d better tell them the truth about Santa and the tooth fairy.

    Free Member

    A mate of mine got dumped after a a few predictive text malfunctions.
    Every time he wrote “Honey” in a text it was changed to “Goofy”. The first one raised a laugh, the second and eye brow and the 5 or 6 after that her tempreture.
    I think she might have had a a secret paranoia about her teeth….

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