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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • grantway
    Free Member

    Depends on the metal used in the rivet

    But Maxtorque has a good answer

    Free Member

    mogrim – Member
    Another idea – British beer can be hard to get hold of in Spain,

    No its not on the Urbanisations as I have a place in Spain

    Free Member

    One thing that worries me is that with Nature everything on this planet adapts and changes with the environment.
    Where as any thing that is man made doesn’t, and which is the worrying thing that this as your hopping
    for a scientist to come up with something to correct a folk up.
    And how long could it be or simply never .

    And the end of this is our Food chain !

    Free Member

    A England rugby shirt and a silver tankard with His name on it for starters
    and fill the Tankard with some Euros and take him out to dinner once there,

    Where in Spain is your Dad

    Happy Birthday to hin :wink:

    Free Member

    Tell you what ernie. Why don’t you come up with some convincing evidence that the majority of the people DO actually understand the process of GM and DON’t believe rubbish that is printed?

    Hold up Somewhat ernie lynch is asking for the information as obviously ernie lynch cannot find it.
    Lest keep this Thread to a correct level here as this can change our lives for the good or for the worst
    for ever !!.

    Free Member

    What happened to Down loading
    To be honest i’ll be the last to read that XXXX
    But a waste of paper and not very environment friendly is it !

    Is this save the SUN

    Free Member

    Really liking this thread. Good input, with very helpful feedback from Shackleton
    and the quality structural holding of ernie lynch in which I welcome back

    Free Member

    I think this could be the bigger picture to why David Cameron is pushing for the GM exercise as His
    Father in law is a Farm Land Owner and believe its more to do with the value of actual farm land.

    As the Farm Land is valued on the Soil Grade IE: 1-2-3-4-5-6 under todays Farming methods

    Farm Land Soil Grading

    So introduce GM and you could start to Farm on the lower Grade soil, as you have
    Modified the plant to grow in poor quality soil and then in return will increase the
    Price/Value of the lower grade of land Equals BIG BUCKS.

    Free Member

    As Funky Dunc says it goes in the cargo holding
    and you will be giving the harness that attaches to your seat belt.

    Brings back memories

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    grantway – Member
    At the end of the day you can still live with it, where as if your exposed to Man Made radioactive Material you cannot.

    Because it’s a low level, nothing to do with being “man made”. Cancer incidence in uranium miners used to be terrible, that’s as natural a radiation source as it gets.

    LOL Theres a huge difference with working directly with it as opposed to naturally
    being expelled from the soil. But yes that is very true regarding Uranium miners

    So Moving on !!

    Free Member

    At the end of the day you can still live with it, where as if your exposed to Man Made radioactive
    Material you cannot. Did I not say that ? And ventilation would help as its Airborne.

    But this may help you. Radon in the UK
    This is throughout the UK. Its Natural and Doesn’t claim near the claims in India/Brazil/Iran to which
    live of the contaminated land. and I made no reference too.
    So moving on !!

    Free Member

    Interesting Tom_W1987 thanks for the info but it seems that these people seem to have been drinking
    the water and eating off the Radiactive areas, which isn’t in your Link.

    This goes deeper to your info on Background Radioactive Land.[/url]

    Also i had referred to Cornwall, and doubt the people there live of the Radioactive land.
    but thanks for the information

    Free Member

    Ton W1987
    Think you need to do your home work.

    Please read and learn

    And a little more

    Free Member

    I think this is the could be thel reason why David Cameron is pushing for the GM exercise as His
    father in law is a Farm owner and believe its more to do with the value of actual farm land.

    As the farm land is valued on the Grade IE: 1-2-3-4-5-6 under todays Farming methods

    Sole Grading

    So introduce GM and you could start to Farm on the lower Grade soil, as you have
    Modified the plant to grow in poor quality of soil and then in return will increase the
    Price/Value of the lower grade of land Equals BIG BUCKS.

    Free Member

    Kimbers you had completely mist my point.
    But even your graph is not really giving the full story on Radiation levels.

    Such as flying as you have pointed in your graph.
    Has Cosmic Radioactive Exposure is more if you go closer towards the Sun or if you went on a longer.
    flight or dependent on the Solar activity.
    But as the Average person only flies twice or Fours times a year then you shouldn’t be concerned.

    But moving on.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    grantway , your radiation analogy is quite confused!

    what about going for an x-ray, having radiotherapy for cancer, taking a high altitude flight etc

    Kimbers both of your comments are Man Made !

    Free Member

    CHB – Member
    Good reasoned debate here bySTW standards!
    I pretty much agree with everything Shackleton said.
    As a food chemist and organic gardener, I think I have a fair grasp of the issues.
    Few bits of info to throw into the debate pot:
    If you eat chicken then you are already eating indirectly Food which has GM in the supply chain, most chicken you can buy is fed on GM feed, even small scale farmers of chicken find it virtually impossible to guarantee no gm feed in their chicken.
    To repeat again, its not GM per se. Its the application of it that is key. With climate change we need more crops that can fix nitrogen, resist fungi, rusts and other climate fueled diseases . The rise in climate volatility and increase in warmth and average humidity has meant that pests and plant diseases are getting worse every year.

    Lastly its bacteria and viruses that scare me. GM modify them and we are in trouble. GM modify a sheep and if you get it wrong then you can point at it in the field and turn it into lamb kofta.

    Generally I believe that we need to research the science on this, but ensure big companies dont abuse positions.

    Interesting I was lead to believe that Chicken Farmers actually use Fish as a feed to beef them up faster than normal type of feed. And the Chicken Farmers have to be careful on how much Fish is given, as to much Fish will make the Eggs taste of Fish.

    The above is not the Organic Chicken Farmers.

    Free Member

    Wrote.= Why do you think GM is inherently more dangerous and risky?

    Well its basically like this. Man made Radioactive material we cannot be exposed to it.
    Where as natural Radioactive material we can, such as properties built on natural
    Radioactive material in places such as Cornwall, all the people have to do is keep there
    properties correctly vented and your OK.

    All GM to me is Business Profiteering and basically will be the push for over pricing of
    the lower Grade land below Grade 3-4-5 and possibly 6 in which would cause a further problem
    for Cattle Farmers for they will need grazing land, in which Grade 3-4-5-6 is.

    Have to say thanks for your input and answers to questions on this Top Man

    Free Member

    Probably be Nicked for a suspected Terrorist

    Free Member

    Is it `Hora in Fancy Dress

    Free Member

    No Shakleton
    First you get rid of the BOG OFFS and you farm correctly but on a Global scale.
    We eating on fruit that is on average of Three years old as it is, including most veg

    The first answer would to be freeze, has its proven that Frozen veg is better than fresh Vegetables
    that can lay on the shelves longer and that nearly all the nutrients would be gone whilst the food
    Then you would correctly farm globally rather that it is at the Moment.

    Obviously been dependent on the Farming in Zimbabwe in which has been a lose to us.
    We also need to farm under closed enclosures rather than crops getting ruined in open fields due to flooding.

    Free Member

    Nobeerinthefridge – Member
    At the current rate of global population growth, how long will it be before it’s impossible to feed the world without resorting to some sort of genetic modification?.

    Just a thought.

    Well maybe those whom have stopped growing crops for Rape seed are contributing to your Answer.

    Free Member

    LOL Yeah a spoon full of Sugar helps the GM foods go down

    Free Member

    Put up posters around where you are
    I hope you find Him soon

    Free Member

    There isn’t any for what I know
    Probably better getting the train to Surrey Hills

    Free Member

    Orange 5 AM Enough said.

    Free Member

    This is the review Panasonic Lumix GF6 [/url]

    If you do go for the Panasonic. I have read that some mobile phones have trouble connecting
    with the Panasonic, and that your advised to take your phone with you and try to connect with
    the Panasonic GF6.

    Free Member

    Amendment its the Sony RX100 11 that has the WIFI and more money.

    But this Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF6 £339 a little bit more but will give you greater flexibility and is WIFI

    Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF6

    Free Member

    twinw4ll – Member
    Got some plans in a drawer for 24 houses in my garden, drawn up in 2005, unfortunatly the flaming torches and pitchforks brigade got wind.
    Not being a money grabbing git i put it on the back burner.
    Might be time to have a rethink.

    Sell the land with the planning permission and let someone else take the burden

    Free Member

    geoffj – Member
    So which member of your extended family has been plain stupid?

    None thank you !

    Free Member

    I’ll go for the Canon G15 as I have the Canon G11 which as been a great camera
    But there is significant improvements on the Canon G15 and is faster to use
    and mostly by controlling the camera by one hand.
    My Mrs loves it where as she can simply turn to auto on the top plate to snap away
    rather than keep asking how to access the cameras menu system and miss the picture.

    Basically with the Canon G range anyone can pick the camera up and take a good quality
    picture without learning how to actually use it.

    If you want more of a compact camera but with very good results then the Sony RX100
    seems to get great reviews and has WIFI connectivity.

    Sony RX100

    Sony RX100 review

    Free Member

    Location would help Mols, as its Mighty fine in East London right now

    Free Member

    Unsure but have been considering the Easy Jet card
    EasyJet card has it gives you
    the VISA Benefits.

    other than that when you use your link card to take out money
    make sure when your asked if you want to be billed in Euros or GBP
    click Euros as you will be charged less. Where as last year you was advised to press GBP.

    Free Member

    Did it have a Gun LOLOLOL Meow

    Free Member


    I know he isn’t in it ! But it will Pee Off Flume :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Brilliant Good on Him :wink:

    Free Member

    When I first look at the picture I had thought someone had stolen the sculptures
    and eft the plinths.

    To think this is to remember the 50th year of those that had given there lives
    is a bit piss poor to be honest.

    Free Member

    You mean they are Brilliant Ye-Haa !

    Free Member

    Filet-O-Fish I assume?
    No Thats Sunday

    Free Member

    Wanna be Seventies gimmick

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