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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    I want to watch this guy react to videos of Maga rioters shouting anti-Semitic slogans

    Yeh, you’d think even a lawyer might be a bit uncomfortable with the neo-nazi symbols, 6MWE badges, and Auschwitz references.

    Does make me wonder if employing a defence attorney that happens to be an observant Jew is a cynical ploy to distance Trump from some of the deeply anti-Semitic MAGA/QAnon insurrectionists.

    The “but some of my best attorneys are Jewish” defence?

    Full Member

    Was this your work getaway @thols2 ?

    Full Member

    Does the article mention that she is suing Gorilla Glue?

    Or that her GoFundMe already hit $10k dollars.


    Full Member

    Apart from the virus software

    McAfee or some crap it came bundled with? Get shot!

    isn’t really great advice either I’m afraid.

    Journey of a thousand steps. Do the simplest thing first. Other clichés.

    Full Member

    Check what is being run at start up.

    i.e. press the Windows key, type “startup”, click the option that says “Startup Apps” and see what is listed.

    If there are apps there you don’t need then completely uninstall them. You can deactivate any others you don’t need to be running at startup.

    Full Member

    why anyone would want to measure their HR is beyond me

    Engineering philosophy: the first step to improving something is finding a way to measure it.

    Full Member

    Heard an interview with Wim Hof ‘The Ice Man’ recently and he advised putting hands/feet in icy water to treat Reynaud’s and poor circulation.

    Anecdotal but… friend of ours suffered most of her life with Reynaud’s.
    Very active person (fitness instructor, cyclist, paddle boarder etc).

    Last year she started doing weekly cold water swims, in the Tyne, in November. 🥶 Reynaud’s gone!

    Counter-intuitive but maybe worth a go.

    Full Member

    On might EVs emit more particulate…

    Yeah it’s a bit of an odd paragraph that: “light EVs emit less PM2.5 than ICE, but heavy EVs emit more., and in the future people might want heavier EVs.”

    Well yeah, okay, but they might want heavier ICE vehicles too. 🤷‍♂️

    Also that is non-exhaust particulates, which kind of ignores that the ICE vehicles have exhausts.

    Section 3 of the report is better for some actual detail.

    Full Member

    Had a quick flick through the OECD report on vehicle particulates. Not got time to read it all at the moment but this paragraph stuck out:

    Several estimates of the impact of RBS [Regenerative braking systems] on brake wear PM emissions exist in literature.
    The Platform for Electro-Mobility (2016[13]) claims that RBS reduce brake wear by 25-50%. Van Zeebroek and De Ceuster (2013[7]) assume that regenerative braking should reduce the PM emissions associated with brake wear by 50%. Timmers and Achten (2016[9]) assume a zero brake wear emissions from RBS-equipped vehicles, and Barlow (2014[14]) also suggests that regenerative braking produces virtually no brake wear.
    Hooftman et al. (2016[10]) state that EVs require about two-thirds (66%) less braking activity than ICEVs due to RBS. Their analysis is based on the service times of brake pads on Teslas, BMW i3s, and Nissan Leafs, which demonstrates that on average, the brake pads of these EVs last roughly two-thirds longer than those on diesel/petrol vehicles. They note that this outweighs the additional wear due to the vehicle’s mass.
    Ligterink et al. (2014[15]) assume regenerative braking reduces wear by up to 95%. Del Duce et al. (2016[16]) report that brake wear emissions fall by 80% for EVs, based on a report by Althaus and Gauch (2010[17]). Nopmongcol et al. (2017[18]) estimated a 25% reduction of brake wear.


    VERY mixed numbers and assumptions there, but they generally seem to agree that regenerative braking helps.

    Full Member

    And agreeing with the previous comments, the Leaf is driven as a single-pedal vehicle.
    There is a brake pedal, but I consider it a personal failure if I have to use it.

    Full Member

    What’s your car GrahamS out of interest?

    It’s a Nissan Leaf Tekna (on a ludicrously cheap salary-sacrifice tax-free lease scheme 😁).

    We like it a lot – but we’ll be going for the extended range e+ version next time.
    Standard range version is 40KwH (~160 miles), extended is 62KwH (~227 miles).
    Cold weather drops those ranges significantly due to battery efficiency and having the heaters on.

    It’s an every day commuting vehicle for us. We still have a big diesel C-Max Grand for longer journeys.

    Full Member

    I mean we do it anyway just on the battery, because who doesn’t like getting into a nice warm, defrosted car with heated seats and steering wheel, but it makes a lot more sense if it’s plugged in.

    Full Member

    I was planning to get a 7.5kW house charging point installed. Are you saying you wouldn’t bother?

    We haven’t bothered with a home charging point yet. We probably will at some point but it’s not a priority due to the convenience of having a local public charger.

    We’ve only had the car for a few months but we’ve only charged at home once (using the plug-in slow charger) and that was because the public charger was being repaired.

    One non-obvious advantage of a home-charger is that you can set the car to defrost and warm up at a set time in the morning (or on demand via the app) which is a really nice feature in winter, but obviously makes a lot more sense if it is plugged in instead of draining the battery to do this.

    Full Member

    Can you imagine many people finding a charging point a few streets away for a fast charge, and then bothering to go back an hour later

    Yes, because that’s literally what we do!

    There are two spaces at the car park charger. We check if it is occupied on ZapMap, if it is free we pop the car on, then the phone app tells us when it has finished charging then we pop down and get it.

    Full Member

    Some good stats at

    Currently 13,726 public charging points in the UK and growing pretty steadily.

    I’ve mentioned this before but we charge for FREE on a council-run charger at a public car park that is only a couple of hundred meters from our house. (We do have a drive, so we can charge at home, but why would we?)

    Full Member

    Left button for cannons, right for machine guns?

    Well.. if they’ve stuck to the original RoadBlasters design …

    Full Member

    the ISP always sends you a free WiFi router, you struggle on with it

    To be fair I’m with Zen and the router they supply is an AVM Fritz!box and it’s actually pretty good.

    Full Member

    Just realised you need French radio.

    In that case you’d have to say “Alexa, play ze Kerrang Radio” ideally with a funny hat and moustache

    Full Member

    the procedure checklist gave a value in newtons-meters but their torque wrench was in foot-pounds.


    Why are NASA still buggering about with imperial measurements on international space missions?

    Full Member

    It can’t be any type of Alexa thing etc, just a ‘normal’ internet radio which is easy to use for an older person and a reasonable price.

    Okay, but I’d counter that internet radio on Alexa is very easy: “Alexa, play Kerrang Radio” and Echo Dots are keenly priced, £50 but typically ~£25 if you get them in one of the regular sale events.

    Full Member

    Something I have noticed with phone wifi recently is that as I move around the house there are some rooms where pages won’t load even though the reception is still good.

    If I force it to reconnect (by turning Airplane mode on, wait a second or two, then off again) then it works fine.

    The router is dual frequency, as most are these days, with a standard 2.4GHz signal and the faster but less penetrating 5GHz signal.

    My unproven hypothesis is that the phone is not automatically hopping onto the 2.4GHz signal promptly when it struggles to get response on the 5GHz. Reconnecting forces it to do so.

    Full Member

    Would moving to an iPhone help?

    My first thought too.

    For all its faults, iOS is a lot more locked down than Android and it is deliberately difficult for the majority of users to install apps from anywhere other than the official AppStore where, in theory, the apps are all vetted and approved by Apple.

    Of course, that doesn’t stop her being taken in by a website saying “This is ur bank. Pleaze to entar your passwurd pleaze”

    Full Member

    Trump seems confused.

    Yeah I’m seeing reports that he has written to senators saying he is NOT planning to start a Patriot Party, is still very much Republican, and they better toe the line during the impeachment trial if they don’t want him turning against them in primaries.

    Still seems very “Nice political party you got there, be a shame if something happened to it” 😕

    Full Member

    In Newcastle there are 21 times as many kids in schools as during the first lockdown

    Yeah I’m just outside Newcastle so that fits with what my mate was saying.

    We’ve had letters from both first school and middle school saying they are at 50% attendance 😲 and struggling for bubbled-space so please review guidance and only send kids if you absolutely have to.

    Full Member

    Ooh nice! We served stovies at our wedding as the mid-evening snack.

    Between those, the ceilidh, kilts, the bracing St Andrews weather, and my selection of Scottish ales, the English and overseas side of the family got a fair education that day 😁

    Full Member

    My mate is governor of the local school.

    He confirms they are at their wits end and have a good number of parents taking the piss: he mentioned a family where the mum works part-time and the dad is furloughed at home but they still send their kids to school!

    On the flip side: he said some people are going too far the other way, citing a local family where both parents are frontline doctors but are frantically coordinating shifts and clinics so one of them can stay home with the kids.

    Full Member

    When I lived in Edinburgh the local pizza shop did a haggis pizza which tasted much better than it sounds.

    Full Member

    People said that about Ukip / Brexit party / etc… Hasn’t done the Conservatives any harm.

    Actually I’d say that’s a pretty good example of the threat working: the Tories were forced into a position of entertaining and ultimately supporting the UKIP/Brexit Party main policy for fear that the alternative was a split vote.

    Full Member

    As a Stewart

    *waves in Stewart of Appin*

    Despite living in Northumberland there is usually a Burns Night in our village where we get together in the village hall, have a ceilidh and some haggis.

    Not happening this year for obvious reasons.

    May have some haggis. The kids are big fans of both meat and veggie varieties, though we usually do a sweet potato mash wit it rather than neeps.

    And the family secret-recipe whisky sauce of course (packet of Schwartz Creamy Pepper sauce with couple of shots of cooking whisky in it) 😂

    Full Member

    Trump has split the Republican Party into “Trumpsters” and ‘”everyone else”

    One theory I heard, which makes a lot of sense, is that Trump is threatening to start a new “Patriot Party” fully aware that it would would destroy the GOP by splitting the vote.

    That threat gives him leverage over the GOP Senators that might go against him in the impeachment.

    (of course that may be over-estimating his cunning: he may just be such a narcissist that he has convinced himself a “Cult45 Party” would win).

    Full Member

    Haven’t you heard? It’s not over yet. Trust the plan.

    Here, let this nice, not at all nuts, QAnon lady explain how Trump will become “19th President” of the free United States in March 4th: the proper inauguration date.

    Full Member

    Donald needed rightly scripted pieces as he wasn’t actually a great business mind..

    I suspect much the same thing happens with Alan Sugar – the only person I have ever seen with an Amstrad Emailer. 🤣

    Full Member

    Just another attack on the poor.

    Several people have mentioned that universal free banking should be a requirement of a cash-free society. That seems more forward looking than trying to insist everywhere takes cash.

    Full Member

    Good Devil’s Advocaat @mattsccm but..

    internet banking is not wanted. What a complete ball ache that is. Switching on computer, looking for passwords,

    In the 90’s maybe. These days I just log into the app on my phone using my fingerprint. Done. Damn sight easier than searching for my deposit book and/or making a trip into a branch.

    Less traumatic to lose than a card as you don’t have to wait for a bank to send you a new one.

    Online banking app allows me to withdraw cash from an ATM without a card. And Apple Pay allows me to pay by card.. without a card.

    More reliable when dealing with strangers.

    Paying by card gives you certain guarantees and a proof of purchase Cash doesn’t.

    Don’t even mention phones. I have a mobile but god knows where it is. Haven’t tried to use it since going to France in May 2019.

    You are my dad and I claim my £5.

    Also.. please come home.

    Full Member

    – online banking, yeah all great till your laptop picks up a virus

    Can’t remember the last time I had any virus and it would be very unlikely to compromise bank security. If it was an issue I’d just use my phone, tablet or one of the other laptops.

    Plus, as mentioned, most bank use some kind of two-factor authentication such as a physical card reader.

    – kids pocket money, via an app that you pay for… wow.

    Your paying for the bank account, card services and app.

    Cash is dying for kids too: pretty hard to spend cash in online games, amazon etc. My daughter isn’t allowed to carry more than £10 cash at school, but a card is fine.

    Full Member

    Have we done this?

    Full Member

    Pub landlord here….

    In my local (when such things were allowed) my drinking group just has a pot behind the bar with our name on it. We all stick in £20 when we arrive. There will usually be a second round of £10 or £20 put in if it is a decent session. Anything left over is just left in the pot for next week.

    So that’s cash.. but in a pretty minimalist, no change kind of way. :D

    Full Member

    As a Yorkshireman I avoid most of that simply by receiving money from others and then not spending it.

    As a Scotsman I thoroughly approve of this approach. 😁

    Full Member

    No online banking for me yet.. I like not having to worry much about phone or laptop security

    I’d say that most online banking is considerably more secure than cheques, cash, and/or a deposit book. Most banking apps will require fingerprint or the like. Many require two-factor authentication. e.g. NatWest send you a physical card reader to verify certain actions such as adding new payees.

    Full Member

    GoHenry is £2.99 / month charged to the parent.

    Is that with a card? Rooster is £1.99/month without a card or £24.99 a year with card.

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