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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • grahamh
    Free Member

    Last I heard, he’s in the nick, for threatning some mountain bikers.

    Free Member

    Perverting the course of revenue generation

    If you want to avoid paying the “Stupid **nker” tax, don’t drive like a “Stupid **nker”.

    Free Member

    3 person chess!!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Deep Blue.

    Free Member

    I can’t stand him, and most natural history programmes on the BBC annoy me.

    Well why not use that amaizing feature, fitted to all television sets known as the “OFF” switch.

    Free Member

    Much aclaimed by the critics as being on of Kubrics best films.
    Dull as dishwater, and that’s probably an insult to dishwater.

    Free Member

    Take an example from our CEO, come the school holidays his kids are in the office making us cups of tea/coffee as required…

    Free Member

    Cardiosport GT5[/url].

    Free Member

    Dead easy to do your own servicing.
    VED exempt.
    Body panels replaceable with the aid of a couple of spanners/socket set, none of this spot welding..

    Free Member

    Charles Ware’s Morris Minor Centre [/url]

    Free Member

    Wet and sweaty I’d imagine

    Used to use thin socks with 3mm neoprean socks during the winter,
    worked quite well.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    Free Member

    In Broadway try ‘Foxy Brown’s’

    Free Member

    Try Kings Wood, just the other side of Wye.

    Free Member

    Car with roof rack stacked with beer, the boot filled with beer, lid held down with bungie cords. All three pasengers crates of beer upto their chins. The suspension was a bit low..

    Free Member

    Were all dooomed..

    Free Member

    In a word “No”..
    People will continue to drive like selfish tools, it’s their god given right to do so.

    Free Member

    About 20 years ago there was a big pile up on the M4 in thick fog. The cause people driving too fast and to close together. So they interview some tit on the news and his excuse for not slowing down and driving to suit the prevailing conditions, “the police hadn’t turned on the matrix signs to say it was foggy”. Like the white fluffy stuff reducing visibility wasn’t a big f***ing clue..

    People who drive like c0cks will usually use any excuse to justify the way they drive.

    Free Member

    OK, so what do you recomend for a 74 year old mother who is tehcno phobic???

    Free Member


    Some of you will be aware that the recent change in ownership of some land within Cranham Woods has resulted in some of the long established MTB tracks coming under threat from closure. I have been on a bit of a fact finding mission to see what the state of play is and how we can minimise any loss of trails in this area.

    Which area of Cranham are we talking about?
    Coming from Birdlip, where the road splits, taking the right turn to Painwick (Buckholt Rd), the area starts here, on your left, and continues all the way down past the Sawmill, the Little Red House and to the post box on the left where there is a turning. I’ve linked the start and end below.

    For those familiar with the trails, this includes “The Shrine” and the twisty DH trail that comes off it and the short section from the Sawmill to the open area where there are signs for no fly tipping / dumping. There are also tracks that cut through here from when you come from the Campsite direction and cross the Slad road into it.

    Why has this situation recently arisen?
    This land has recently been purchased and the new land owner who is not in favour of Mountain bikes using it. This is combined with Natural England’s displeasure having a duty to look after it as it forms part of the Cotswold Commons and Beechwoods SSSI.

    Do cyclists have a right to access this land?
    Others may have their opinions and know more on this but there are no legal rights of way for cyclists, although walkers are allowed some form of access by right (I think). Put simply, this is private land and the owners do not want us using it, although they have expained the reason for this as environmental concern.

    What contact has been made with the owner / Natural England about this?
    I have spoken to Mrs Tyson who now owns this land (with her Husband). She was appreciative that someone from a cycling group has made contact with them as it gave her an opportunity to explain their reasons. It appears it is the large quantity of MTBers that are using the trails that is the issue. She is concerned that track construction is uncontrolled and damaging to the woodland. The digging of some jumps there is a big concern. I have suggested that we could assist their duty to help conserve the land by assisting with work parties to clear unwanted scrub and other work they need to do. Natural England’s rep Paul Hackman is also concerned about the damage to this SSSI.
    The response I got from Mrs Tyson was that they were not prepared to negotiate and if we wanted to, come back to them in a couple of years when things had calmed down.
    I have got the address of the Tysons for reference so we can make a formal appeal to them.

    So what now??
    Signs are apparenetly being put up by Natural England stating no cycling in this area.
    Policing this ban will be nearly impossible by the land owner although they could try and tear up the trails / block them.

    I think we have, as a responsible organisation, a duty to do our best to work as hard as possible towards an amicable solution. The Tysons will soon see over time that trying to alienate riders from tracks they have enjoyed for many many years will only cause themselves and riders hassle. The way I see it, if we can get agreement (and possibly financial backing from the club) to have a select number of tracks to ride there we make them as sustainable as possible and this might mean importing stone onto areas that traditionally “bog up” and then some signage indicating where riders are allowed to ride. We can have regular meetings with the Tysons to hear concerns thay may have and help out with some non-bike related conservation work there too.

    We can’t force riders to stay clear of this area until such time we have a mutually beneficial agreement in place (if we get one…) but I think we should at least make riders (club and non-club) aware of the current situation. If we as riders start getting ugly about it, it jeopardies our chances of settling this in our favour.

    I will be speaking to the Club Committee about making a formal representation to the Tysons and at least getting a meeting arranged so we can argue our case.

    I will be liaising with Bigfoot MTB who I know built many of the trails in this area and seeing what their opinions are on this. If anyone is aware of other “clubs” or “groups” that regularly ride this area, please let me have their contact details and I will inform them.

    This is not for me to decide, but I think it would be prudent to avoid the area for the time being on club (or non club) rides. I’ll leave that decision to individuals.

    Cheers, Roger.

    Free Member

    I would be more interested in the whole subject if they came up with a way of fast-forwarding November through to February

    They have.
    It’s called hibernating 😀

    Free Member

    Chouinard Super Zero.
    End of Thread 8)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My effort last year of movember

    Free Member

    It’s dead, it was linked to a “life” monitor attached to Steve Jobs.
    Now he is gone All Apple devices will start to die.. 8)
    OR as they say on the ‘IT Crowd’, have you tryed turning it off and back on again?

    Free Member

    A Gull??

    Free Member

    15 😕

    Free Member

    The Police song about the BBC presenter..
    ‘Sue lawley, Sue Lawley’ 🙂

    Free Member

    think what Mrmo is trying to say, is that Apple helped
    change the way people used computers (like frinstance
    developing the first commercially available computer to use
    a GUI),

    Somethng they stole from Xerox.

    Free Member


    usally comes stapled to the social booklet!!
    Woops that a roomer I started 😀

    Free Member

    What is this an episode of That’s Life???

    Free Member

    My commute by bike is just short of a 18mile round trip, average speed 14mph. if I do the same trip in the car the urban part of the trip I average 11mph. Riding to work I have sole use of the shower, and some big qudos from my work colleges.

    Free Member

    may be outside your budget but how about one of these bad boys?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If it’s being held here means at some point we have one the thing after 100 years of trying!! So when was that??

    Free Member

    Zulu, i thing you will find that most shorts these days are fitted with ‘synthetic’ chamois. Natural chamois tends to be the colour of leather (eg a tan colour).

    Free Member

    Build up a brand-x frame last year

    Rides/handles well enough, all round good frame.

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