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  • Gowrie
    Free Member

    Cobian Backup is straightforward and reliable, I’ve found.

    Free Member

    Its now trying to move online, not very successfully as I understand.

    Not quite sure how you’ve reached that assumption.[/quote]

    We kept being offered it as an option on our yearly subs renewal. Our accountants warned us off for a couple of years on the trot – said online wasn’t up to scratch. Sounds like those issues are now resolved.

    ( it wasn’t an assumption )

    Free Member

    Used Quickbooks for many many years, liked its easy of use and features. Its now trying to move online, not very successfully as I understand. So Xero may now be the way to go – built as an online service from the ground up. My wife is a management accountant and loves it. I’d just watch as the starter version is very basic – perhaps too basic – YMMV.

    Free Member

    Do you get this angry if you go to buy a basic model car for taking the kids to school and someone tries to sell you the one with the sat nav and the heated seats as extras?
    And if something happened during the op all vets would do whatever was needed to keep the dog safe. What’s being offered are extra preventative options that in some cases may make a difference. From the wording on your handout it looks like its a standard thing they give to everyone who’s animal is having a GA.
    Appropriate in some cases.

    Free Member

    A young dog being castrated shouldn’t need pre GA bloods or intra op fluids IMO, and thinking back over the years I can’t think of any I’ve done where either of those would have prevented a problem. In fact the only problems I’ve had/seen with dog castrates involve swelling/bleeding/infection after the procedure – none of which would be mitigated in any way by the either of the suggested options.
    Some vets nowadays will always have intra op fluids for any op – there often is justification for this in many animals and they just have decided right we’ll do it for everything. Justifying pre GA bloods in young healthy dogs is more difficult IMO, but I have heard of cases where these bloods have picked up something in a young animal that may have compromised a GA.
    You’re being given customer/patient choice – and like so many cases the expert is now asking you the layman to make knowledge based decisions. The public has got what it asked for – but neither do they like it nor is it in their best interests.

    Colin – (snipping dogs for nearly 40 years, man and boy)

    Free Member

    I learnt in my 30s in less than 6 months. Get to an adult class, you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    It’ll be 4 or 5 years since I did payment receipts on a website but then Sagepay was a lot cheaper and more user friendly the WorldPay

    Free Member

    Do you not have a landline phone then?

    Free Member

    All we have is blind faith in the technology getting cheaper. It won’t get significantly cheaper or better until someone makes a quantum leap forward with a new type of battery.

    Well look here –
    Has done for cost and predictions are that it will continue to do so.

    Free Member

    After 30 years of seeing people and their dogs as a vet in practice, it seems to me that aggressive, noisey and agitated people have aggressive agitated and noisey dogs, whereas calm quiet people have calm quiet dogs.
    OP – however you decide to deal with it, I’d advise you do it in as calm and quiet a way as possible.
    And I think its a huge stretch to say two dogs arguing over food will lead them to being aggressive with children. (Unless the child get involved with fight over the food). Feeding them separately may be problem masked, but if its only a temporary stay ( or even if its longer) if that’s the only time they don’t get on them that’s all you need to do, IMO.

    Free Member

    I’d let them sort out who is top dog themselves BUT NOT over food. As above I’d feed them separately if there’s aggression then.
    At other times, appearing to side with the dog who looks most like being top dog can speed the process of establishing harmony. It can be a long an difficult road if you try to make the dog who isn’t naturally going to be top dog into such. You may be the “leader” yourself but don’t think that makes it easy for you to impose the order below you.

    Free Member

    I don’t really want to get too involved here but the marginal rate of tax on every extra pound earned over £80k could be 54.8p in the pound. So reluctantly I’d have to say I can see where Jambas coming from.

    Free Member

    So where are all the remainers votes going? Labour have more or less said Brexit is on if they get in power, yet the LibDem share of the vote is falling – into single digits in some polls now.
    Has it been accepted as a done deal with folks now deciding based on how we leave rather than whether we leave?

    Free Member

    So nothing to do with Gib being part of the Spanish mainland then?…..

    Surely then Andorra is “part of the Spanish Mainland” and so is Portugal. Is Spain asking for sovereignty over them as well?

    NB – not wishing to support the outcry by Howard et al in any way BTW.

    Free Member

    Why not grub the whole thing out? There’s a nice fence behind it after all, and it would give you a bit more garden.

    Free Member

    Not quite.
    VAT registered – cost of laptop £500 plus £100 vat. £100 vat reclaimed, net cost to business £500 so £500 set against income as an expense, tax saved 20% of £500 = £100
    Non VAT registered – cost of laptop £500 +£100 vat. No vat reclaimed so net cost to business £600. Then £600 set against income as an expense, tax saved £120. So you save the income tax on the vat amount at your highest marginal rate – in this instance £20 if you are at 20% income tax, £40 if you are at 40%.

    Free Member

    Yes, probably best not registering if you’ve no vatable inputs. You will be able to set the whole amount of the laptops etc including the vat on them as a cost to the business and thus reduce your profit and save a bit on income tax – as opposed to only claiming the net amount before vat if you were vat registered (and had already claimed it back). Assumes the tax man will allow the cost of these as wholly allowable as a business expense, and that you make some taxable income, of course.

    Free Member

    Can’t reclaim VAT if you’re not VAT registered. Whether you should register or not depends on the amount of vatable goods you use to run your business, and whether your customers are VAT registered. If they are, and can reclaim vat you charge, you might well be better to be vat registered. If they are not, or you’re selling to the public, often best not to be vat registered. Also depends on the gross profit ratio of you business – ie are you buying lots of goods with vat on them to run your business.
    What are you doing?


    Free Member

    to all intensive purposes

    The phrase intended is “to all intents and purposes” surely. Overambitious autocorrect or just poor English and editing?

    Free Member

    They should visit Keighley, and realise that Bradford and Leeds are cosmopolitan melting pots by comparison

    That sounds unfair to Keighley to me. Having worked in Keighley for over 30 years, I realise there are some issues of integration, but to describe it as ghettoisation is going a bit far IMO. Ninfan, what aspects make you think its worse than Bradford? From where I’m sitting Bradford looks less integrated than Keighley.

    Free Member

    A lot of right wingers DO believe in free trade.

    Free Member

    Oh – and I voted Remain.

    Free Member

    I consider myself to be right wing, – I’ve only not voted Conservative once in 40 years. But I’m socially liberal if economically conservative. Free trade is very much part of what I believe in.
    The right is as broad a church as any. Pigeonholing all those of the right to a single set of criteria maybe makes it easier to rile against, but I doubt it leads to better understanding.

    Free Member

    Assumption, the mother of all f*** ups.

    What do you think I assumed?

    Free Member

    I think you’ll also find most folk labelled as ‘right wing’ don’t want free trade

    Completely the opposite, surely. The lines may be becoming blurred with the new distinctions in politics, it not being a right/left choice anymore, but free trade is Adam Smith to the core.

    Free Member

    It will be interesting to see where the Labour votes go though. I take it no one expects them to retain this seat?

    Free Member

    So, Epi, somebody else’s fault. The nationalist Scot is the picked upon Scot. Get that chip off your shoulder.

    Free Member

    Fin – I’m sure to be corrected but as I recall its more like – we currently have 100 cows in a field, the projection without Brexit is that we’ll have 130 cows in the field by 2030 but with Brexit we’ll only have 125 cows and a calf.

    Free Member

    Yes – I’m not with Plusnet, but I got a cheap TP Link modem/router (TD-W9980) when I was having problems with my ISP provided one, and I’m very impressed. Easy setup, good range of features. It even talks VPN to the Drayteks at work. (I do like a nice Draytek though)

    Free Member

    You might as well play chess with a pigeon

    It would certainly be more fun. (apart from the crapping on the board bit, of course)

    Free Member

    Northwind, Junkyard,

    If you can’t see that state regulation isn’t capitalism, the US government guaranteeing Fanny Mae and Fanny Mac isn’t capitalism and saving failing banks is the antithesis of capitalism, you’re in a poor place for ascribing failings in these to capitalism.
    And no, I’m not going to spend any time explaining the basics of capitalism to you either.

    Free Member

    Zen Internet. Still have to deal with Openreach, but good customer service and sorted out a problem on my line BT hadn’t for 18 months. (nowhere near Inverness, but that shouldn’t matter).

    Free Member

    Been on them for a couple of years. Not because of high cholesterol but type 2 diabetes and weight. No side effects that I can detect. They also stabilise the fatty plaques on the walls of the blood vessels so reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Best one has just come off patent, so side effects should be even rarer. No need to fear them.

    Free Member

    I’d avoid the M6. I’d go M5, M42 from below Birmingham straight up to A42 then M1. There are a few slow bits (roadworks) on the M1 but far better that than the traffic of the M6 and M60/62 around Manchester.

    Free Member

    Whois tells us they are both Orange/EE IPs – so transaction done on/via a mobile or two?

    Free Member

    The Economist Brexit Poll Tracker shows division of voting intent by age, sex, region, political allegiance.
    Interesting to note how the variation in the lead of “remain” mirrors inversely the size of “Don’t know”. If the don’t knows don’t vote, we could be out of there.

    Free Member

    I’m a Draytek fan as well, I’ve done this with 3g and a 2820, but I don’t think they’re 4g compatible, although some of the more up to date Drayteks are.

    Free Member

    Canon canon canon. There. It had to be said.

    Free Member

    As long as they can contain their population I ain’t bother about their concept of governance.

    There’s your trouble.
    As I said, I don’t share your view of the world. As for gunboats, you’ll be aware the Chinese are building islands off the coast of the Phillipines to help them in their territorial claims over most of the South China Sea.

    Free Member

    Other than trade, movement of people and sovereignty, there’s been little or no discussion of the reasons why we would want to leave. Now I’ve considered trade, movement of people and sovereignty.

    And you would have us believe you have considered all those matters, absolutely free of personal bias, politics and preference?[/quote]
    No I wouldn’t. I’m perfectly happy to admit that my personal biases and preferences have been part of that consideration. As they should be. But you implied that those who wish to stay had made that decision without consideration. Untrue.
    But from your response I can take it that you believe there are no other substantive issues to consider, can I?

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