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  • Gowrie
    Free Member

    There will be many opinions here but I’ve recently been using Krystal. About the same price for domain hosting, and all ssd website hosting. Good support and lightening fast hosting. Eg clearing all caches on a Drupal 7 site – 14 sec elsewhere, 0.8sec on Krystal. I doubt you’ll get the hosting for a £1 a month though.
    I’m a fan. YMMV of course.

    Free Member

    No – your dog will pose no greater threat to the pup than you do. Modern parvo virus vaccines are very sound. After the initial course parvo is covered for 3 years. Your dog doesn’t appear to have missed on that score – although his lepto (L4) did lapse once. Unless your dog is ill I’d have no qualms with him meeting even an unvaccinated pup.

    Free Member

    Just keep cutting it. Grass grows faster than anything else, so eventually it will replace everything else if you keep it down. But weed and feed it as well, just maybe not just now. (Autumn and /or Spring)

    Free Member

    Labour’s another referendum policy clearly isn’t what Dazh and TJ tell us it is. Its a confusion marketing policy, an “it’ll be fine” policy. Much like the brexiteer’s Irish backstop policy or no deal leave policy. Not enough wool and too many eyes, I fear.

    Free Member

    I never really understood why so many people got so upset over tuition fees and the Lib Dems.
    If we never voted for parties that gave up on an election pledge, no-one would ever be voting again, because all the parties that have been in power have failed to implement something in there manifesto, surely.

    Free Member

    Binners – No I don’t. But I don’t know it well enough to know who might be there. Socially illiberal Brexiteer seem to dominate, currently.

    Free Member

    The Tory’s are screwed at a General Election anyway, due to Farage stealing their vote. Hence the present leadership contenders continuing to promise absolute fantasy politics about unicorn-based renegotiations and no deal

    The Tories only hope is to deliver Brexit and hope the Brexit party collapses. But even then it currently doesn’t offer a broad enough appeal to attract centre rightists like myself and less liberal Little Englander Brexiteers etc. They will have to again choose who to appeal to. They’re unlikely to tend towards the centre, I fear.

    Free Member

    And Daz’s idea that people like me are going to bite the bullet, hold their noses and return to labour is an absolute fantasy, I’m afraid. There’s absolutely no way on earth I’m ever going to vote for a pro-Brexit party, just so I can have ‘80% of people voted for pro-Brexit party, so we must respect the will of the people’ bullshit thrown back in my face

    Binners – Exactly the same here but from the other end of the political spectrum. Voted Tory most of my adult life, but LibDem local and Euros this time. Can’t see that changing at the next general, and if Boris is Conservative leader definitely not – I’ll never vote for him after the damage he did in the referendum. And I’m someone who is a remainer and sees a Corbyn government as a bigger threat than Brexit ( or rather its a McDonnell chancellorship and the destruction that could bring I fear. Corbyn would be more of an embarrassment than anything else.)

    Free Member

    Instinctively left leaning voters (like me) who would have defaulted to Labour are being drawn by the policies of the remain supporting parties like the LDs simply because of this one issue…

    I won’t be voting Lab or Con for the EU elections, there’s plenty of others to choose from that better reflect my values…

    And come GE time I amd now very much a “floating voter”… I don’t think I am unique in this now.

    Indeed. As as instinctively right leaning voter I am coming to the same conclusion from the opposite direction. Very sad.

    Free Member

    OP – the North you describe is not the North I live in (edge of West/North Yorkshire). I think there could be more inequality within the SouthEast than there is between the SE and the rest of the counrty – at least if you take quality of life/affordability as part of the yardstick. And what is the LOL movement? It hasn’t taken hold around me.

    Free Member

    Driving through Bradford today – far fewer Labour posters up than there usually is for elections (still more than for anyone else, but they usually dominate by a far greater margin). Is this a sign that Labour isn’t succeeding in its attempts to be all things to all men, or just disinterest in local elections and politics in general, I wonder?

    Free Member

    Rule of thumb is ask the destination country what their regs are. Phone the German embassy. Second best is get in touch with APHA. Their pet export division is based in their Carlisle office AFAIK.
    Third approach is ask an animal consignment company – there are a few of these near most of the major airports – they may well have come across this issue before – but tend to charge handsomely for their services.
    From a brief search I see they need 4 months in quarantine if coming into the UK – so I’d think twice about taking them if you intend to bring them back.

    Free Member

    Ashley’s typical MO is to buy liquidated businesses at the lowest rate but the shoes now on the other foot – he’s pi$$ed with Debenhams because whilst he’s a lender, he’ll probably not get back what he’s put in – he wanted to refinance the business so he got first dibs on the debt, but the board and other shareholders have stopped him.

    MA was a shareholder, not a lender. His deal required that the lenders to the business wrote off a big pile of debt before he put his money in. It was the lenders who (unsurprisingly) said no, not the shareholders, as I understand it. I don’t think the shareholder or the Board were in a position to do much without the lender agreement. MA is crying because he didn’t get his own way. Boo Hoo.

    Free Member

    Most modern flea preparations kill ear mites, so if he’s regularly flead its unlikely to be that. Ear mites are far less common now than they were even 20 years ago. Like you say he’s probably in full itch/scratch cycle so you need to do two things 1 – calm/break the cycle – an emollient or anti-inflammatory cream, for example and 2 remove the initial cause of the itch, if its still there – and the most likely/common two of those would be ear infections and allergies/sensitivities. Sensitivities can be food or external contact driven. Did it happen at the same time of year in the past? In which case it could be some sort of seasonal plant related thing.

    Free Member

    Type 2 here and use them occasionally. Got one on now. They are fantastic. I don’t inject insulin, but using the Freestyle Libre I now know when my glucose is going to naturally high, what types of food send it spiking, when I can eat without so much of a glucose spike, whats happening through the night. Improved my situation considerably. I don’t get them on the NHS though, so self funding hence why I’m not using them all the time. Only downsides are cost and lack of supply.

    Free Member

    Edited cause I didn’t know there were 2 types of Tacx Vortex – sorry

    Free Member

    I agree don’t fill up at the WTC. But if on the A40 then no need to come off. Just fill up at Aire de Bonneville services. I know its still 40 odd km from Geneva Airport but I’ve filled there probably dozens of times and never been charged for any fuel at Geneva Airport. –,6.4140302,15.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x478c0902484006dd:0x6d79faf5f8c2c93c!8m2!3d46.0655284!4d6.4097366

    Free Member

    I’d be pointing the finger at WordPress rather than your web hosting TBH.

    Free Member

    “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” (and its all small stuff…)

    Free Member

    I consider Prime to be first and foremost a prepaid delivery service – ie no charge for delivery at point of sale. Next day is a bonus, (but often available).

    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t they? But we are de facto limited in our understanding of how other animals perceive the world because we can’t truly get inside their brains.

    Free Member

    No need for any heating. No heed for much insulation in the structure of your hutch.  Rabbits need to have somewhere dry to lie on, be out of the wind and plenty of bedding. So a bit of carpet or sacking over the entrance and plenty of hay is all you need. Most domesticated rabbits are of semi arctic extraction. They can handle the cold very well. The fact that they are dwarf doesn’t make any difference in that respect.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about the bit around London, but I’d avoid the mid/lower section of the M6 at all costs. I’d go M74- M6 to Penrith then A66 to A1 at Scotch Corner. A1 is a lot better than it used to be.


    Free Member

    Scotroutes – your perception is not one that is universally shared. Considering the amount of repetitive griping and narrow nitpicking that’s gone on in this and other threads – whilst accepting there are issues with the forum – I think the mods have behaved with remarkable restraint. I for one don’t think the tone of their replies has been unreasonable in the least.

    Free Member

    JY  – are you sure this specific action is “against public opinion?” I think these are specific circumstance stimulated by Assad’s abominable attack on civilians using illegal weapons.  I don’t think you can assume the public will be as anti this as they have been with some of the other actions.

    Free Member

    Has there been a pm that has had “the majority support of the population” these last 50 years?

    Free Member

    I think in general there should only be one piece of kit acting as a router on a network. The second should have its routing capabilities disabled so it acts as a switch, I think.

    Free Member

    FO – you could well be right with 1 above. I withdraw my accusation. 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeah, but it’s SBODMAS* – S for solution. If you start by dividing d/d there isn’t a solution for d.

    *I just made that up, but it’s a legit first principle which results in implied brackets

    Sloppy to give it to you in a form that can’t be solved, IMO

    Free Member

    But 4-d/d+3 is not the same as (4-d)/(d+3) is it?  d/d =1 does it not?

    Free Member

    And for all those worried about exercise on a low carb routine, here’s a link to a post about how a certain C Froome won a few bike races by going low carb.

    Free Member

    Teetosugars, look at the Low Carb program and forum at . Hordes of mainly type two diabetics trying and largely succeeding with a low carb approach – often not as extreme as here – they start by saying around 100gm of carbs a day I think. I’ve tried over the last few weeks seriously for the first time and my blood sugars are way better. Also, if you can afford it get a Frestlye Libre constant glucose monitor. Being able to have a constant view of your glucose ups and downs is highly insightful in your daily rhythms, what triggers a glucose spike and what doesn’t etc.

    Disclaimer – I’m a type 2 diabetic of 20+ years standing who went out of control a couple of years ago and only now starting to get back under control again.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    That’s concerning.  What device / browser?

    Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge with Chrome. So yes Android.

    Free Member

    Yes. Worked for me when I smashed a wing mirror but took around 4 months to get the money back – no hassle just took time  – and of course I’d had 400 Swiss francs off my credit card for that time. The one I have now doesn’t work for vans or hires in the UK, so take note.

    Free Member

    Are redirects just a mobile thing? I’ve never had one on the desktop, in fact I’ve had very few problems at all there, but tried it on my mobile and got a redirect within seconds. Disconcerting. But the old version was sooo difficult to view on mobile I’ve got into the habit of only using the desktop version. At least the mobile version now starts as if its going to be mobile friendly.

    Free Member

    Well considering the constituents of this diet in Italy I doubt this is iDave.

    Free Member

    Science is, in part explanation of observed phenomenon in the universe. That’s the part that’s missing from those who say it doesn’t work because some experiments have failed to demonstrate that it does. They have failed to explain (or even seem interested in) the observations of many that in certain people’s hands, for water in the ground at least, it does work.

    Free Member

    Having seen my great uncle find watercourses, drains and springs on my father’s and other peoples land over the years I’m convinced it works for some people.

    I can’t prove it works. I can’t postulate how it might work. I don’t know how to design an experiment to even start testing how it might. But those who insist there’s nothing to it just because it hasn’t yet been scientifically proven are woefully less inquisitive than the scientists they proclaim they are should be.

    Free Member

    Oil change every 50k is about it AFAIK. I bought all of mine from 25-50k and ran them to 90 to 110k and never touched them.

    Free Member

    I’ve had 3 over the years in 3 different cars. Silky smooth, responsive, no trouble over around 150k miles. One had a little clunk if it changed gear at around 15mph but otherwise you never knew it was there. Superb.

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